



10-09-2013, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 10:01 PM by Isardis.)

Everybody that could fight, would fight. There were no ifs or buts, the only members exempt from war would be the incapable and the whelping. Any who failed to yield to his call would be punished; weaklings had no place within his pack. The King would rise above his tapered stand, paws balancing upon the wooden limb of a fallen tree. Beneath him the snow was stained red, barely illuminated by the incandescent midnight lantern; sprawling from the deceased bodies of an old elk and her weakened calf, stragglers after the autumn migrations. Extended tail would flip about his hocks as powerful jaws would stretch; a harmonious drawl calling to all strong enough to fight for him, to risk their lives for his leadership and to bleed for his pride. They would depart at the first light of morning, and triumph would soon be theirs.

Who we want to reply:
- Isar & Argent
- Sendoa
- Satis
- Lova
- Cepheus

- Impra
- Vixe
- Jet
- Oddity
- Deception
- Renesme

- Antionette (??)
- Eris
+ Canttina and Amenti

Those exempt/to stay guard pups etc.
- Irin (unless oce wants to fight?)
- Levada (unless kat is happy to have her as backup in war)
- Euphrosyne (heavy pregnancy)
- Narsha (pregnancy)
- Macaria (inactivity)
- Talon & Seth (to stay and guard pups/prisoners)
- Keita (distrusted to fight)
- Azalea (prisoner)


10-09-2013, 08:09 PM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

New as she was the ashen fiend was quick to answer the call of her Ivory King. Eyes twinkled as the dame knew this was no ordinary call for a meeting; it was a summons for those who could and would fight for their King. Carrying her quickly across the place she now called home it did not take long for the Ivory King to come into sight. A smirk plastered across her maw as she picked a suitable spot to sit while a simple nod was given eager to see who els would heed the call of their leader. Strange, this was how she would meet some of the others there that called these pines their home. The King had been the first she had met and no others, alas she would have to remedy that later on.


10-09-2013, 08:40 PM

The call echoed within her chambers of her dark hole. She had resided within her den since she had been maimed by Satis. The wounding had not bothered her so much as the fact she was a prisoner. She would leave here one day, she will be free. She had laid there plotting while treating the wounds on her face. It hurt to have any kind of emotion on her face, to stretch and pull the scabbed wounds.

Paws pushed against the earth and drag her pale form out of her den. One-eyed gaze turned in the direction Isardis had called from. Was a prisoner allowed to go to this calling? Only one way to find out. Plus if there was information she could gain and use, she would. She swiftly trotted till she found Isardis standing among a tree with dead elk and her babe at his paws. Green eye turned to look at the other wolf. Another poor wolf fallen under Isar's spell. She grumbled to herself before looking back at Isardis so he could take a good long look at her wounds that would surely scar. Ears back she laid down and waited for others to come.



10-09-2013, 08:41 PM

She would come like a whisper in the night, the drums of war already sounding deep in the fabric of her mind. The faintest of smiles creased her features as it was her king himself calling them together. Quickly she would slither to his side, the guard hairs along her right flank easily gliding across his pallid ones. she would seat herself only a yard or two away, a respectable enough distance from where he and the duchess would settle themselves. With anticipation, green lanterns would seek coral - intent upon gathering the deeper meaning she expected from this meeting. Were they marching to war this eve? Blood stained the ground, evidence that this gathering wasn't meant to be a pretty one - this was no simple informative meeting. The tension was palpable as she waited, silent and prepared for almost anything.




10-09-2013, 09:03 PM

She had spent several days with her children, recuperating, observing them, watching their quirks and loving them. Argent loved Glaciem; she loved its members, she loved her children, and she loved its leader. There was no denying the devotion of a knight to her kingdom, the firmness of a blade that would never yield, alas there was also no denying the ties she felt towards a certain Tortugan. Alas, she did not let this show, instead displaying herself as a regal queen dressed in silver. She pulled herself alongside Isardis, to his right, where she ought to belong. She desired for their pelts to mingle, for her to receive a reminder of why she was so devoted to this place.

Crimson gaze settled upon those gathering, and she prepared herself for the meeting. Oh, she could guess as to what the subject matter was, and her face contorted in worry as she thought over it. What of her children? What of the pregnant women within the pack? Alas, the silver knight did not question. She was a sword; she was to strike, not advise.


10-09-2013, 10:50 PM

She had gotten done what she could, within the time frame that she had been given. The newly appointed dame had been gathering information, on all members, that she could get her paws on. The mistress pulled her body to the call like she was a small piece of metal attracted to a magnet. Her blood was running at a fast rate, Lova was itching for a fight, that was for sure. Her king was standing above everyone, his brilliant white fur glaring down within the night sky. Her lips couldn't help but to pull back, to see such a sight set her anger on edge. This was war, this was survival, and she would enjoy every bit of it at that.
The well trained and finely colored white and gray lady stood only a few feet away. Her cyan eyes giving off a strange glow, as she let her tongue hang only slightly out of her mouth. The taste of the enemies blood, she wondered how it would feel, she wasn't fond of the idea's of scars. But if it was to please the king she would try with her life on the line. Black tail raised to her spine, it was clear the lady was ready. The one who was nearly mysterious to everyone around her. She hadn't had much interaction, but she was still here, and she was still the dame.



10-09-2013, 11:06 PM

Oddity was hurt and sore all over from his challenge. He had failed, but it didn't entirely plague his mind since he had challenged something far beyond his control. It had seemed like the blind pleasure of being in love had tripped him, in the hopes that the other end would love him back. That was never possible, and he would never convey his feelings. With war approaching, he was foolishly entering the scene with wounds scattered over the front of his body. A nose that was currently not working in scent wise, and a chest that was scabbed over in blood. His scar on his left shoulder reopened, and making a small cross marking that might as well be re-scarring over. He looked to carry it with a sense of pride, but his head was lowered, and just behind his head was his ears slightly lifted. Defeat was not something to be proud of, and in his eyes he was lucky to be alive, what he regretted, was nothing due to his sense of self worth in the back of his head. He was simply worried of being no use to Isar any longer.
He stood on the outside of all the wolves, his two different colored eyes glittering with no emotion. He was utterly broken down to the core from emotion, and stripped of his well being. What he saw in Isar was the same as he saw in his father, but this time his desire to kill him was non existent. It was better not to think for himself, it was better to just assume he was here for his benefit. It would protect him the longest from the great blackness, that or it would pull him into it quicker. Either way, the look in his eyes was glazed over, and it looked like he had been dead from the beginning. Something fairly deafening inside him had snapped, that was for sure.



10-10-2013, 01:42 AM

The shadow walked the frozen lands of the ice kingdom, colors swirling and heaving over the land as he made his way to his new kings call. Since he came to the lands of Glaciem and met with the king, he found that the man was indeed worth serving. Only until the devil himself was able to begin his own pack, and when that happened then he would propose an alliance with the ghostly beast and they would rule Alacritis and strike fear into the hearts of all who dared make an enemy of them. Jet was an ambitious one, but not enough to think about overthrowing the king to steal his pack. Even though he was a liar and a cheater, Jet still had some type of honor in his own way. He was a foul creature, a killer, a murderer, and he was in no way sorry for anything he ever did. He did all those things and more without remorse and without a second thought. Ruthless was he, and a dirty fighter.

Silver toned paws would stop in the blood stained snow, aqua blue gaze staring up at his new king. He had no fear, he was never afraid of anything. If a war was to ensue, he would fight with everything he had and strike his opponent down. He stared up at the pallid beast, black mask hiding his eyes as they appeared to be nothing more then glittering blue slits in the darkness, the silver of his pelt glowing as he stood there with a purpose. He would prove his place here, rise up the ranks, attain followers, and begin his own kingdom and ally with the great king before him. Until that happened, he would follow obediently.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
10-10-2013, 02:50 AM

The marked peculiarity would guide chiselled chassis to the containment of her father?s presence, dipping her head kindly to her superiors as she come to stand near the side of an unfamiliar ashen banshee. Wary of her presence, though perhaps simultaneously admiring. The woman seemed to be a portrayal of war, a healthy looking specimen whose presence coiled quite fittingly with Sendoa and Argent?s powerful regality. Oddity was nearby, as was Keita; who still bore the unsullied wounds of her betrayal, a punishment that would never be forgotten as the dreaded scars healed across her marred cheeks. She had deserved the violence that had come to her, as much as the Valhallan?s, and her ?brother? would deserve what was coming to them. She felt ashamed to know Taurig had retreated from his father?s rule, she had so greatly looked up to the striking man, until it so seemed he had made an incurable mistake. Satis would ensure she was never on the firing end of her father?s jaws; rumour had it Taurig?s face would never be quite the same. She stood patiently, skull lowered into a respectful bow as she awaited orders, ready.


10-10-2013, 07:30 AM

The vile king that had whisked him into this dictatorship would call for the assembly of his warriors, and of course, Cepheus would waste no time. He was asked to act as a warrior, and he would do exactly as such. The boy would make no move to dissuade them from what was so clearly lain out before them, and though he showed no excitement, nor did he have any, there was interest brewing in his chest. Isardis would recruit him to fight in war? How wise of the young king. the great beast moved in among the crowd that had gathered and his eyes traveled around seeking to find those that he could have. After all, Isardis promised him a woman and the children she could bare him...he had to find excitement in such an advantageous happening, no? He was going to leave with at least a sizable litter. The woman herself would hold no liquid to him and he would not try to get her to come. He would never need them, only the empire in which they assisted him with. Who would it be? Who would become his diamond? surely a whisper was surfacing? Eyes took in the form of their 'leader' and he watched and he waited.


10-10-2013, 09:28 AM

She had felt it, the tension rising in the pack, the expectation of war. War, the word alone sent a slight chill down her spine. She hated seeing the aftermath of battle, the torn fur, the blood, the death, and the gore. Letting out a sigh, she cast a glance at her swelling sides. She was pregnant, but she was still determined to defend her home. Her home required the defense, other-wise her pups may not have anywhere to grow up at. She had to do all that she could for her home.

She moved slowly towards the source of the call, discomfort obvious in the way she moved. Arriving at the crowd that had gathered around Isardis, she looked around, noting familiar faces, wolves she had met previously and wolves she had never seen before. Moving into the crowd, she place herself towards the front of the crowd, yet off to the side so that she could see and hear, before lowering herself to her haunches and watching, as the others would arrive.



10-10-2013, 10:12 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 10:19 AM by Impra.)

.ooc. Yumps, since i'm thinking about making Levada inactive for a while I'm going to say she's adjusting to the cold weather rather horribly and has holed herself up in a den whilst she fights the sick.

The warrior goddess would stride elegantly over the snow of her home land, its cold grip lost to her as thick creamy fur draped her toned bodice. The moon's vibrant rays tickling the perfect pelt as she sashayed underneath its bounty. Her persona would enjoy the darkness that the night brought her the relief from the sun's dreadful rays would entice her to be wakeful during dark hours. Her mind was a mix of thoughts of future, past, and least of all present. Vask would dance through her meditating mind as thoughts of the future war would coincide. She had nary talked to her father, and she would lose her chance if she did not hasten herself. It might have already been too late.
Cr?me audits would be activated as the bellowing sound of her Kingly father took hold of the quiet night. Her thoughts were destroyed as she realized the weight of his commanding call. They were going to war. With determined strides her lovely limbs would glide over the pale landscape, her destination Isardis's call. She could feel the bloodlust fall over her as eager paws found her in the presence of the pack. Bloody eyes would dissect those who had arrived before herself, her sister, other of her family, and many she did not know. It had been a flaw of hers, others had not looked to seek her out and she would not seek to meet them. She would give a respectful nod to Lova, for the ranked she wolf had made an effort to introduce herself.
She realized as she strode to pay her respects to the king another giant in her midst. She would stare almost longer than would be polite as the realization over took her, she was not the only wolf to posses an impressive height. Who might this odd stranger be, and why would her father let someone as menacing as he touch his kingdom?She would brush the thoughts of mutiny aside, Isardis would know what he was doing. She would set her colorless gaze once again on her ghostly father as she would present herself to him, quietly relaying a message of desperation as her body went past his. Father, we must talk, it is of dire importance. Her whisper would be sent for his ear as her impressive paws took her to sit by the much smaller, Satis.



10-10-2013, 12:24 PM

Blood would spill, lives would most likely be lost. Renesme did not car, about the losses- the strong survive, theres no room for the weak. If the oracle falls on the battle then so be it. war was war and if those chose not to fight, they would live there lives as a coward and suffer the consequences. Raising from the hard earth the siren would meander onto the scene, awaiting for the news of what is to happen. The ears would twist upon her crown as her orbs drink in the area. Standing alone she would listen, waiting, plotting.

As the observation was made the sight of a heavily pregnant woman laid heavily on the mind, how many more would there be to defend? if they die it would make the kingdom weaker, after all they are the next generation. Renesme has only just come into season, so the need to worry for her children was little to none. a few Familiar faces would be caught, yet many where all just strangers, ready to fight for there home.



10-10-2013, 05:28 PM


The bitch was ready for battle when the Ice King called upon her. She rose from her cold den and shrugged off the snow that dappled her earthy fur. The daemon grinned and let forth a howl in response, telling her members to join her. The demoness slithered from her metal cavern and giggled with chaos. Her body was carried by healing paws to the area in which Isardis held his Kingdom. She had no doubt the others were not long behind her. She hoped Artemis, Karmen, Morgana, Gretel, Raven, and Avalon would join her. The others as well, if they wished. The daemon approached the lands with haste, time for war. She appeared within the clearing with her masked head held high and her eyes wide. The woman saw all the women with a glorious thirst, but her eyes were trained on the King himself. She dipped her masked head into a gentle bow. "Isardissss." Her voice was a powerful hiss. She sent him a wink before she looked over her shoulder to look at her women.



10-10-2013, 05:33 PM

The class hadn't gone unnoticed nor the fact that the empress had left her den within the ship curios and wanting to know what was going on the assassin drew her self from the depths and followed the demoness. Perhaps her skills would be put to the test here and actually used properly for once. The french women was hot on Cattina's heels before they had reached this odd meeting with another pack by the smell of it; a time of war perhaps? But that only made Morgana smirk the time to spill blood had came finally something her inner demon had been waiting on, to come out and play

Occ; Quick postie xD.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-10-2013, 06:25 PM

Weary paws and dull and skinny frame lifted itself off the ground. Avalon heard the call of her captor, and she had no choice but to comply. With steps as quick as she could manage, she followed the scents of the wolves that had already left. The more she trudged on she realized that they were heading towards her old home. Her ears would perk slightly as she limped along, her back leg still healing from the thrashing that she recieved upon capture. But luckily, Canttina had left her alone for some time and she was healing up on past injuries. Though her body still felt bruised, her spirit would never be broken or touched. As quick as she could she quietly arrived on scene, the trail leading to her old home...Avalon's eyes widened at the scenery. She was disgusted with how this place turned out, blood on the ground and the scent of despair. Ears flattened to her skull, she knew there were prisoners here too. One day, Avalon would come back for this place and take it back in the name of the Snow Rogues. She had to...for now, she stood idly behind the Amentians, glaring up at the wolves before her.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


10-10-2013, 06:40 PM

Not having strayed too far from the masked hellion?s chosen domain, it did not take long for the sovereign?s demanding howl to reach eager ears, beckoning forth all women associated with her. A smirk pulled at the corners of the pallid viper?s velveteen lips and her robust limbs began pumping her developed body swiftly in the direction of where she proposed Canttina lay in wait, skull falling in alignment with her spinal cord as she breached the boundaries of unfamiliar turf, curiosity piqued as she pondered the reason behind the summon and her desired presence, amusement enveloping her interior as she imagined the endangerment of her queen ? a damsel in distress. Alas, as she approached the gathering of unfamiliar canines, mismatched gaze sweeping the premises of the area in search for her imperial, her pupils were greeted with a tense setting rather than hostile, intriguing the babe immediately. Paws directed the adolescent towards the outskirts of the silent group and her attention wavered from the Amenti queen to the unknown ringleader of the masses, judgment passing quickly as her eyes lingered upon his pristine and impressive form, curious as to why the titan urged for Amenti?s presence, but respectfully quiet nonetheless.



5 Years
10-10-2013, 08:34 PM

Gretel had learnt early on how to stay on her mistress?s tail, while she never closed the gap to much she was never too far from the earthen woman, unless she had been ordered to perform some task. Now however, was a time to follow the demoness. She kept her eyes down, limping behind her mistress loyally. She could hear the others, the woman of the pack, some went before her, others behind and still others were off too her sides. They did not make an effort to talk to her, and she would not reach out to them. She belonged to Canttina and no one else, she feared the consequences of speaking with the others.
The scent of another pack assaulted her senses, after so long with no other scent than Amenti it seemed off, she had not even dared to believe a world existed outside her prison, it made it easier that way. Hope could not be created in a place like that, and so hope could not be dashed. She drew up with the other woman of Amenti, keeping her gaze lowered, trying not to look quite as pitiful as she felt. She quickly darted her gaze around, letting it land upon the other slave here, the child. She knew very little of the girl, but her heart broke every time she saw her. It was one thing for an adult to be subjected to the tortures Gretel had endured, another for a child to struggle through them.
She quickly lowered her gaze again, moving to stand off behind Canttina?s right shoulder, just far enough away to not really be intruding but close enough that she?d be able to hear Canttina?s command, should the demon have a task for her.



10-10-2013, 08:41 PM

Although she was here to stand beside her pack-mates, she couldn't hide the disappointment that resonated through her body. Ozz had slithered away from Karmen's clutch and was reasonably unharmed, and the ignorant pair of testicles? Tidus? He had managed to escape as well. Karmen worked her jaw, her eyes narrowed in an unsatisfied glare, but she kept her stare at the ground, to spiteful to meet the eyes of her Amenti sisters. And she wouldn't even spare a glance to Canttina, but instead her web of attention wrapped around the pallid King named Isardis, and his kingdom of minions. Karmen could only pray that Amenti would grow so large, so wealthy and full of worthy women. But for now, she kept her mouth shut, letting her posterior kiss the ground, wrapping her golden plumage around her hips before elevating her chin in silent arrogance. She was here: another body for the use of war. Although Karmen didn't see herself particularly fit for the act of bloodshed, she would commit the crime as fit - she would gut her maw in the flesh of foes and lavish the rewards such loyalty would come with.

talking to you



10-12-2013, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2013, 09:35 PM by Isardis.)
ooc; Not defaulting in the war is the utmost of our importance! If you can't be posting at least every two days, then let us know now so we can take you out of our list. Please do your best to post on time guys, it will be fun! :D

So proudly his chest would inflate as they would file, yielding to his call in a mannerism no less than to be expected from beings of such class. In their choice to serve him they would not be disappointed, it was a confident promise as limbs would shift steadily atop his throne of wood; just as the day he had set claim to the land, gold fingers of wealth would crawl up the base of the fallen tree, slithering so effortlessly, coiling about his feet until The King were laced by the invisible gold of his prosperity. Pale lips would tweak into a flurry of pleasure as he allowed each arrival his brief moment of eye-contact, a fleeting reward to each of them for obeying his wishes. Sendoa would steal by, her dark pelt skimming against his own as an affectionate bump of his nose would be sent to her nape as she passed. Soon then, his queen would come to stand by his side, so proud he would be, pressing his weight to her shoulder as quite fittingly, both leaders would gaze out among the array of war-bound individuals.

Extended tail would flick about his haunches as he identified all faces; about to speak when Canttina would arrive, her overly confident presence sending a clench of dissatisfaction to his jaws, but he would contain himself, for she were his ally, and she gathered to present her assistance. Her would offer her only the return of her name as she presented herself, a brief mutter of acknowledgement as his attentiosn would again shift to his people, and to the women of Amenti. ?Come, eat,? his gaze would fall to the elk duo that lay by his feet, the steam of their fading body warmth dancing from the wounds amidst their flesh, ?Lightly! Do not gorge yourselves; for at the first break of sun we will unite, our strength and our relentlessness will guide us to a triumph. Prepare body and mind for battle with the feeble Valhallan?s- their numbers far outweigh us, but their power and drive fizzles inadequately at their meagre paws. Barely the children of wretched flies, they are no more than writhing maggots atop sun-dried soil- your vigour and your might will crush their grotesque bodies with the weight of your determination.? Assertively he would feed their prides; perhaps it would not be as easy as it so sounded. Alas, he would force them to believe, to push their brains to fuel their bodies, for the mind could not drive them to victory if it did not trust, ?Glaciem and Amenti will slaughter Valhalla and all who stand to arms against us, you will not doubt us, for defeat is not an option.?