
I'm gonna light up this place

Spring, Year 18 [Solo Seasonal]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-16-2022, 05:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2022, 05:20 AM by Beauregard. Edited 1 time in total.)

The young male moved away from the safety of Menagerie’s borders for the time being. The youth had Blind at his paws, the small fox sticking close to him as he went further beyond the boundaries of the pack than he had in a while. Ever since he’d been tasked with keeping an eye on Tanelan he’d stuck close to the pack, not wanting to be far in case of an emergency… but after the last time that Mika had surfaced he felt like maybe things would be okay. Relatively speaking of course. There was definitely more going on, and he wasn’t entirely sure if Mika fully believed him about what was going on yet. But he wanted so badly to help the other wolf… and all parts of him too. No matter what, Beau thought as Wren’s words echoed in his brain, he wouldn’t falter. He wouldn’t let his doubts or fears about things hold him back. He was doing fine, and he would do everything he could for the pack and its members, no matter what!

“You’re getting tense again, Beau.” The fox noticed. “Are you good?” She asked him. The small femme had been picking up on his mannerisms more and more, Beauregard had noticed. His blue gaze swept towards her and his ears lowered a little as a confession fell from his mouth. “Just… thinking is all. Steeling my resolve, you know? I’m not going to let anyone down. I’ve got to be strong for them, no matter what!” Beauregard let his gaze flick forward and nearly jumped out of his skin. There was a stranger suddenly there, one that he hadn’t seen prior.

“Wha–!?” He blinked, surprised, as Blind bristled at his paws. She was not fond of the fact someone had snuck up on them in this terrain. Not hard, really, when there was a little wall dividing the area, but the stranger had made no sound when they approached. A small, lithe woman who wore a cocky smirk.

“You,” The she-wolf was referring to Beauregard. “Shall honor me with a spar. If your resolve is as strong as you hope for your pack, you will do this!”

Beau frowned. That had to have been one of the weirdest ways someone had asked him for a spar he’d ever heard. He glanced down at Blind… it would be his first spar with her… and with a wolf that was so small and slender. He didn’t doubt that she’d be fast, like lightning, but who was he to deny her? His gaze slid back to the woman and he gave a firm nod. “We accept your challenge.” No sooner had the words left his lips than Beauregard was slipping into a battle-ready position.

The woman shot forward immediately, fast, as Beau suspected. She came drew in close, her cocky grin widening as she parted her jaws. This might have been a spar but the energy of it was certainly different. “Keep her busy!” He barked to Blind as the arctic fox set her own defenses at his heels.

First blood went to the woman as she pivoted last moment, her fangs used much like a blade to slash and tear rather than grip. They tore into Beauregard’s shoulder and he grunted, sweeping out that same foreleg in a hope of catching her limbs and tangling them up together so she lost her balance and fell. Blind on the other paw kept to the woman’s front, snapping and biting at her forepaws to try and keep her from advancing, in an attempt to get her to double back or dodge.

The woman did the latter as Beauregard turned, doing what he could to keep up with her movements. His ears remained pinned as he parted his own jaws and made the attempt to clamp down upon the lithe woman’s tail. He was successful, teeth digging in as she tried to keep going, and he held his ground with the tail in his jaws. Good, there was progress!

Beauregard didn’t hesitate. He didn’t want to seriously injure the woman so he worked on doing the same sort of move Mercury had performed upon him. He shook his head back and forth, shaking her out, while Blind kept barking and nipping toward the woman’s front paws. They were moving in sync already, a theory the two of them had been working on together but had yet to put into practice. It was their first real attempt at working as a team and it felt so… natural!

The woman would succumb to the shakes, losing her balance before collapsing to the ground. Blind back off then and Beauregard walked toward the woman’s front, his blue eyes fixed on her as he spoke. “Does that please you?” He asked, not unkindly.

The woman was panting. She looked up at the ashen cream yearling and chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that’ll do.” She got back to her paws, shaking out her coat. “You and Blind move pretty well together for the first time working together.”

Wait… she…

“You know Blind?” Beauregard asked, surprised.

“Yeah! This is River. I asked her to give you a little test run, kiddo. I didn’t want to be following around some lame-ass kid. But I guess you’ve got potential!”

Beauregard couldn’t help but smile at that. Sure Blind had been a bit sneaky in getting help to test him from this other loner, but no real harm done he supposed. Even better he had managed to impress the arctic fox too! Though there didn’t seem to be much of a chance of her not calling him a kid anymore. Baby steps he supposed!


946 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'