
Ready to die for each other, but will fight to the death over the last slice of pizza

fighting spring 18 seasonal



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-22-2022, 11:55 PM
Everything Kunai had before he washed up on the shores of Auster had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. It certainly hadn't washed up with him or within a day or so later, so the man was left without the few things he actually liked having when he fought. He wasn't much for big weapons, heavy or cumbersome armor, or anything that that generally slowed him down. Despite Kunai's height, he was quite fast and preferred to keep speed on his side.

He'd been fitted for new bracers for his forelegs and they felt firm and comfortable, familiar and somewhat grounding. Nestled against the inside of a forelimb was a weapon he'd never used before, the weapon he'd chosen as his new name since his exile. It seemed fitting to use and since it was a tool first and second a weapon. Today he intended on learning how to use it as a weapon, as that morning he'd practice it's usefulness as a tool.

Usagi was willing to help, although Kunai wasn't so sure about fighting the man. He didn't want to hurt him but knew that in order to become comfortable with his new weapon he couldn't hold back. There was no doubt in his mind that Usagi was an amazing fighter, their training in their youth proved that much and at the rate he was moving then there was no doubt the man was far stronger than he anticipated. He'd had much more time to hone his skills properly anyway, Kunai on the other paw hadn't returned to the way of life until recently training on his own wasn't exactly easy without knowing what to study next.

Kunai told Usagi to meet him at the Bay that afternoon. The man had spent time with his brother that morning fishing while Kunai practiced with his new tool, understanding and more than supportive of their time together. Kunai still felt like the third wheel in their relationship and despite everything he'd been told by not just Usagi, but also Kuroo, he still felt like he needed to give them space. He'd prefer to spend time with them separately and let them spend time together separate from him. Being around all the time probably wasn't good for any of their relationships with each other; the brothers needed their time alone together.

Waiting at the bay, Kunai was doing his best to not become impatient. They had discussed training here this afternoon so he didn't expect the man to be late, but he was still a bit nervous. He couldn't explain why, it wasn't like Usagi had done anything to warrant his worry, but regardless the man worried anyway. Maybe their fishing trip that morning had gone too well and they were late returning? Kunai shook his head, certain their plans weren't forgotten. He was probably just earlier than Usagi expected, or perhaps the time he'd spent waiting was actually much shorter than the century it felt like it had been already. Yeah, he was probably just early.



please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-23-2022, 07:24 PM
Usagi had not forgotten the arrangements he’d made with Kunai, nor his past with his own fighting. Kunai, after all, had trained to be a fighter. A warrior of speed and agility. Though his combat moves and equipment were much different than his, they both conveyed a similar approach to combat - prioritizing being fast and quick with their punches rather than being able to use bulk for their movements. Hattori’s style much suited his build in that he could crush the Hohei with a mere well-placed cuff of his paw; however, the lithe and light-boned figures of Kunai and Usagi made them formidable not so much in size, but in their speed. They were fast, really fast. And that influenced their combat moves heavily. As the flop-eared wolf approached the bay, where he’d promised to meet his partner, his own weapon sat in its ;eather sheath - slung over his shoulder across his back diagonally. His fur was still a bit wet from the fishing trip with Kuroo - though it would dry quickly in the heat of the afternoon sun.

Upon seeing the chimera, Usagi felt the flush in his cheeks return, that slight bit of fluster he chastised himself internally for. They knew they loved each other, so why did he keep blushing like Kunai was still a crush or something? Well, technically, Usagi was crushing on the man - head over heels for him, practically. But he padded towards Kunai with a nod. He was still a bit awkward on their meetings - did they need to give each other a kiss or something? A hug? A nuzzle? He still felt so out of touch with such social interactions, mostly of the romantic type. But it was clear, even if he wasn’t smiling, that his eyes were beight and his nub tail betrayed his happiness to seeing Kunai by wagging gently. "Hi, Kunai," He said. Though it was still monotonous in tone, he was clearly happy to see the guy and even more excited to help him regain confidence in his fight skills.

He glanced down at Kunai’s foreleg bracers, with the familiar knife tucked in that he had named himself after. The kunai - a small thing, but nothing to laugh at. When thrown, the kunai became a deadly spear, easily able to bruise at the least, if not cause a nasty wound or fracture at high speeds. ’How does it feel to be wearing your armor again?" Granted, Kunai had to have most of his equipment remade and refitted considering he had washed up on shore - but he wondered if the chimera felt their familiarity nonetheless. Usagi brandished his own hind leg wraps, but they weren’t for anything besides stabilizing his ankles. He wondered if Kunai recalled his bunny kick method of fighting. This would be interesting, and fun hopefully, for both of them.

"If you need some time to get ready, I can wait. Otherwise, I will get my sword out and let you begin." He didn’t want to put Kunai in the spotlight, rather, he wanted to be polite. He was also a tad worried - his own kicks could pack a serious punch. Maybe not so much for someone as tough-pelted as Hattori, but for someone lighter built like Kunai, he had to restrain himself. He knew how to do so well, fortunately, from his own slarring experience. He unsheathed his sword, blade glinting in the sun’s rays and reflecting the water not far away. He was careful with his sword, too; though he purposefully kept it dull nowadays so it couldn’t cause serious harm in spars. Plus he wasn’t going to use it for attacks, but moreso deflects if Kunai used his, well, kunai.

With that, sword’s handle in his jaws, the smaller wolf stepped back, bracing his limbs into the sand and slightly tucking his chin into his chest. Kunai could take all the time he needed to start his offense; he was patient, and he was also looking forward to it. Let the friendly battle begin.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-30-2022, 02:49 PM
The last thing Kunai wanted to do was hurt the man. He more so wanted to get used to using the tool he'd chosen as his nickname once his family stripped him of his birth name. He'd used them before, but hardly offensively, but figured why not be a bit cliche and use the versatile tool in combat as well. Although he much preferred natural methods, the tool would be more than useful in tricky situations and so he was thankful. He was after that kind of training today, turning towards Usagi and his sword to learn offensive styles with his much smaller weapon.

When given the go ahead, Kunai braced himself and gripped the tool between his teeth with the sharp end reaching out towards his left. Although he didn't want to hurt him, he knew that he couldn't hold back too much either otherwise he wouldn't learn anything. Charging towards the man, he sought to tilt his head towards the right so that he pointed end of his tool was now turned upwards as his shoulders crouched. Seeking to go underneath the blade of the mans sword, he was hoping his new weapon would allow him to block the larger blade and protect him from the otherwise lethal sword.



please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-30-2022, 03:53 PM
Kunai wordlessly approached, but Usagi didn't mind. He, too wasn't one for speaking more than was absolutely necessary - but for Kunai, he'd even say a bit more. Something about the larger chimera made him feel slightly more social, in ways he couldn't quite place. They had their own language through physical motions as well, able to pinpoint emotions just from the way they each moved. It was a good and healthy relationship, no doubt.

So Kunai wanted to get right to business, readying his kunai blade. Good. Usagi liked that, in his partner and in a spar partner overall. No beating around the bush, no frills. It was like a side to the normally shy man he'd been lucky to catch a glimpse of, that determined and stoic warrior bound to the way of a samurai. The split-pelted man lurched towards Usagi with his blade facing upwards, leaning his head to the right and then aiming to dip beneath Usagi's clenched sword to unbalance him. He was quick, like Usagi, and light on his feet. But Usagi wouldn't go that easy on him and let him win by default - even his beloved had to break a sweat with him. The bunny-tailed warrior immediately reacted, careful of his sword's placement away from Kunai as he narrowly avoided the swoop of the smaller knife by lifting up his head and the sword. Kunai had the advantage of more swifter, pointed attacks thanks to the tinier blade, but Usagi had the benefit of being light on his feet with a greater sword to create wide sweeps, more difficult to dodge. With that, Usagi began his counterattack. With a grunt, he spun on his heels to pivot his body towards Kunai's right side, his feet quick and steppy like a rabbit's hops. He lowered his head to be level with Kunai's back, aiming in a quick movement to gently but firmly thwack the chimera on the middle of his back with the dulled sword. Would likely leave a harmless papercut, at best. But would he still feel guilt if the attack landed? He sure would.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-30-2022, 08:10 PM
Kunai didn't know what to expect from the sword-wielding man now. They were both older, Kunai was out of practice, and he had a new weapon. Usagi had everything on his side today, even in this little friendly training match. It was no surprise to him that he quickly jumped out of the way, pivoted around him, and sought to bring the sword down. It was generally what he had intended, at least.

Unfortunately, he had the wrong timing. The spear of his Kunai hadn't reached the sword to block it in time, effectively bringing the dull blade down across his shoulders. The dull metal snagged at his skin through his coat, causing the man to hiss around the hilt of his weapon as he moved against the blade and Usagi drug it through. He stopped immediately, sheathed his weapon, and twisted his head around to investigate his shoulders though it was awkward. It stung, so he knew it had cut the skin, but knew better than to think it was anything worth worrying about.


please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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