




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-03-2022, 09:45 AM
He hadn't really planned on wandering away from the pack lands so soon, but he had seen the rolling hills that seemed to be home to numerous buffalo on the way to Elysium's lands and the thought of those was just too tempting to completely pass up. He knew that if he did manage a kill on the tip it was likely going to be too large to carry back, but maybe he could drop it off on the door step of a near by pack or maybe he'd just leave it for the scavengers. Who said he couldn't hunt for sport? Every brute needed something to keep the blood pumping from time to time. He might be settling down and becoming a "family man" for all intents and purposes, but nothing was going to keep him from a bit of fun.

He stalked up one of the hills and hunkered down in the thick grass, peering down into the valley below. There was a fairly small herd, maybe a few that had broken off from their larger herd while they stuck around to graze for a bit. There was one calf that was bordering on adolescence and that was what he would make his target. He knew he was a massive wolf so he didn't think it was impossible to at least get a deep enough wound into the young buffalo to bring it down, but getting around its larger guardians on his own was going to be a bit difficult. He hummed quietly to himself as he considered it. It wouldn't be the first time he made a reckless move like that and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but he was sure that his sister would have an issue with him getting gravely wounded right after moving into her pack and taking a mate. He considered it for a moment longer while he watched them, continuing to weigh his chances.

"Deimos Mendacium"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
09-03-2022, 09:19 PM
The earthen girl walks slowly through the hills that she and Lotus have taken temporary residence in. Before they make their trip up north, the pair had decided to gather some hides and food. Lotus has given her a reason to go on and Terra does not want to be a burden to him. The fact that he is not next to her has fear and doubt swirling through her mind but the girl is determined to bring back something great for them.

Black nose tilts up and gently scents the air, finding a herd of the large buffalo close by… along with a pack wolf. Terra pauses, uncertainty and distrust tugging at her mind, the constant worry dropping a rock of dread in her gut. However, the need to prove her worth has her pushing past any lingering doubt as she moves to join the other wolf.

Long legs pull her to the top of the hill where a huge brute lay in the grass and the lithe girl moves up next to him. Softly settling into the grass, the earthen wolf spies the small herd with their young charge. Emerald eyes move over to the purple male, fear swelling at just how huge he is but Terra tempers down her worry to whisper, “I am a good runner. How about I chase the young one toward you and you take it down?”

An eyebrow arches in question as she tries to keep the anxiety and doubt from showing on her features. She isn’t sure how successful she is as her green gaze looks with his. To keep herself from running away, Terra repeats a mantra in her head, ‘Not all wolves are bad’. Hopefully, today is not the day to prove her mantra wrong.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-21-2022, 04:33 PM

Deimos' ear flicked back at the sound of grass rustling behind him and when he turned his head toward the sound his aqua gaze landed on a fairly unassuming woman of browns with a masked face that framed mildly more interesting green eyes. At least from first glance she didn't exactly catch his attention in any particular way, but as she came up beside him and looked down at the buffalo below, she offered to be the runner he needed to separate the young calf from its herd and that at least made her useful. He assessed her for a moment, wondering if the skill she promised was indeed good enough for the task at hand, but in the end if it wasn't it was going to be her hide on the line so what did he have to loose? "Sure, why not?" he replied after a moment with a slight smirk on his lips. He nodded down the hill a ways where the valley dipped and added, "I'll head that direction. Count to thirty and I'll be ready for you." He didn't need much discussion or planning for his hunts. All he needed was for her to separate the calf from the herd and usher it in his direction. He could handle the rest.

The massive male began to swiftly, but quietly make his way down the hill then, keeping low and out of sight of the buffalo as to not startle them or cause them to start moving away. They were big enough that he doubted that the sighting of one lone wolf would be enough to really scare them off, but he didn't need them getting on high alert either. In the lower part of the valley he found a spot where he could still clearly see the herd and the calf they were after from behind a rock that was sticking up beyond the tall grasses and then he waited, interested to see this nameless woman in action.

"Deimos Medacium"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
09-25-2022, 04:53 PM
As Terra approaches the tall, purple male, she feels her ears slick back in worry. He is tall, heavy, horned… and scary. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. However, her mouth is already open and offering to run. A nervous smile is added and she feels his eyes searching her, assessing, and weighing his options. Unconsciously, she puffs out her chest slightly even as uncertainty tugs at her features. Finally, he speaks and she releases the breath that she had unknowingly been holding.

Emerald gaze trails down the hill to where the valley dipped and listens to his instructions. With a nod of her head, the earthen girl acknowledges the plan and the huge male is off without another word. Laying in the tall grass, Terra begins to count while steadying her nerves for the race ahead. Time seems to tick by painfully slow, each second charged with worry and excitement. When she reaches twenty-five, the girl slowly lifts her body, staying crouched and coiling her muscles in preparation.

Twenty-nine, the world seems to still as her focus zeros in on the calf. Thirty. Long legs push Terra forward in an explosive burst of speed, sending her earthen form rocket toward the herd. An alert is sounded and the buffalo turn to flee but she is already there, already separating the calf from its herd. In the chaos, she is able to avoid being trampled, struck, or killed all while getting the calf away from the dangerous herd. They race toward where the purple male hides, the girl’s long legs helping her easily keep pace with the calf.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-25-2022, 10:23 PM

After a few more silent seconds ticked by, he heard the bellowing and panic of the buffalo that clearly indicated that his nameless hunting partner was off on her duty to chase the calf away from its herd and he readied himself to do his part. Deimos kept an eye through the tall grass on the calf as it darted from side to side hopelessly for a moment, clearly more at a loss of what to do than its older, more experienced counter parts. Then the earthen hued woman came charging around the hill and the calf stumbled over itself to get away, playing right into their plan as it darted off as fast as it's clumsy, hoofed feet could cary it. He grinned and his muscles coiled as he waited till the last second, right as the calf drew close to him, and then he leapt up with more agility and dexterity than would probably be expected out of a brute his size.

With a snarl he hooked his bear-like paws around the adolescent buffalo's neck, his large, curved claws gripping deep into its skin to latch onto it while using his own weight to drag the animal to the ground. His jaws caught it around the throat, biting down with crushing force right as he wrestled it to the ground with a hard thud, shifting to keep himself on top of it to pin it down while he bit hard and deep into its throat. Crushing its windpipe, it was only a matter of moments before its movements started to slow until it finally fell still, continuing to hold on to his kill until he felt its breathing and heart beat fully stop. Releasing the hold he had on its throat and unhooking his claws from its hide, Deimos pulled himself back up to his paws with a deep chuckle, glancing back to the smaller woman that had helped him with a wide, bloodied grin. "Thanks for the assist. That was plenty of fun." Stepping over the carcass of their kill, he called back dismissively as he began to walk off, "Enjoy it! Share it with whoever it is you travel with!" He got what he wanted out of the deal and now he needed to get back home so he could enjoy this good mood it put him in with his new mate.

"Deimos Medacium"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
09-25-2022, 11:10 PM
Long legs churn, eating up the distance as Terra charges down the hill, racing to separate the calf from the older buffalo. Its inexperience shows and the earthen girl is able to cut off its route to follow the rest of its herd. The pair race down the hill to where the huge purple wolf waits and, as they near, she pulls back, knowing he will jump out to attack.

However, the series of events that follows leaves the girl shocked and mystified. The stranger leaps out, startling both the young buffalo and the young wolf behind it. In that moment, Terra thinks that he is a killer, born to hurt and maim. He latches onto the calf, pulling it down while crushing its windpipe.

The shear brute force that is required to kill the animal in that way rattles the young earthen girl who immediately pulls to a stop. Terra is too shocked to do anything but watch the life leave the calf, jaw hanging open in shock. Then, he stands up, talks about how fun it was and promptly begins to leave.

Emerald eyes dart between the purple brute and the dead animal, mind not quite understanding what he is doing. He calls back over his shoulder, telling her to enjoy it and Terra finally catches on; he only wanted to help kill it. Jaw snaps shut with a clack as she calls out to his retreating form, “Th-thank you!” Really, what else could she say? Wait until Lotus hears about this.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag