
New & Improved Bunni Plots!


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
09-12-2022, 06:08 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2023, 06:33 AM by Bunni. Edited 4 times in total.)

Please DM me on Discord if you're interested in anything!

Age: 6mo / Will turn 1 in the Summer of 20
Location: Tojo-Kai - will remain there unless given damn good reason to leave
Personality: quiet, stoic, stern, driven, serious, broody, respectful
Future Plots: Nothing as of right now, he will most likely be only into females
Open To: Just about anything - friends, enemies, slow-burn romance, etc.

Age: Basically 6mo / Won't be turning 1 until Autumn of Year 20
Location: Armada - not leaving unless kidnapped
Personality: soft, delicate, gullible, happy, fun, loves to make others smile, natural healer, always hungry
Future Plots: I believe I have her shipped already but she plans on chilling in Armada until someone can convince her otherwise
Open To: childhood crushes, friends, enemies, drama

Age: 1 year / Will turn 2 in the Summer of 20
Location: The Hallows - will remain until AT LEAST 2, but has no desire to leave
Personality: boisterous, adventurous, unintentionally trouble-seeking, a bit of a mess, brave, headstrong, bold, the best girl
Future Plots: As of right now, there is a plan that her current crush will shatter her heart - we do not know when that will happen
Looking For: Her future husband that will be a friends-to-lovers plot where she basically friend zones him for a while until her heart is shattered and then she realizes that the perfect guy for her has been there all along - He does NOT need to be from the Hallows, but must be liked by her father and mother!

Age: Under 6 mo / Won't turn 1 until Autumn of 20
Location: Raider's Hollow - not leaving until older
Personality: A bitch. Mean, cruel, the exact opposite of her colorful appearance. While she secretly has a soft spot for her family, she will still push them around and bully them. Loves to use her words to get under other's skin.
Future Plots: None currently! Just trying not to die an early death!
Open To: Everything! She's still young, but if someone is open to friends/enemies to lovers slow-burn type of plots I'm open to it!

Age: Just under 1 year / Will turn 1 in the Spring of 20
Location: Heidinn - this open to change if she doesn't clean up her act
Personality: CHAOS, trouble finds her around every corner, full of angst, messy, snappy, a true wild card
Future Plots: She is currently shipped with Astraois and their messy-toxic-slow-burn sort of relationship is quite strong. Delphi won't want to leave Strai so if there's any sort of plot where she is shipped off to live with other family or is kidnapped, always open to it (Sea, don't kill me :d)
Open To: Skill building, friends, enemies, absolute mayhem

Age: 2 years
Location: Raider's Hollow - soon to leave for his sister's band
Personality: angsty teenager who isn't ready to be an adult and a huge simp for the ladies
Future Plots: Join Deluge and her band to travel around and have fun, there is an eventual plan for him to get a gf but in the meantime, he has commitment issues so he's available
Open To: one night stands, seasonal flings, heart breaking, dumb himbo shit, friends, enemies

Age: 1 year / Will turn 2 in the Spring of 20
Location: Loner/Armada
Personality: Dee has amnesia and is as of right now, a permanent mute. So her personality is skittish, uncertain, cautious, nervous, and distrusting, but also seeking to be accepted and loved so will be slightly gullible and emotional
Future Plots: Currently, she is threading with Tethys to see how they mesh and where their relationship will blossom (:
Open To: Skill building, friends, etc.

Age: 2 years
Location: Loner - planning to join Birna in cat band
Personality: typical cat. hard and bristly on the outside until you get to know him then he can be nice and friendly.
Future Plots: Other than joining the cat band, none currently.
Open To: Love interests, friends, enemies, etc

Age: 3 years
Location: Insomnia - not leaving, sorry
Personality: Uh, Ghoul? Idk he's self-centered, curious, snide, a bit hot-headed, mama's boy, sore loser, soft spot for those that aren't strong
Future Plots: Become Medusa's right paw guy, fall kind of in love with Cricket and have babies, maybe have a few girlfriends and random litters
Open To: Loosey-goosey love interests (Cricket is #1 so don't ask him to leave her for you), friends, enemies, etc.

Age: 6 years
Location: Raider's Hollow - he's the king so not leaving lol
Personality: Gil is a man of few words that is calculating, but a tad reckless, a doting but also shitty father, heartless but a huge simp for his wife, he's that kind of guy that thinks he can pick and choose how he feels and acts around others depending on who they are. So all around, he's two-faced?
Future Plots: Not get himself killed by someone
Open To: Loose allies (he doesn't want to be tied to anyone), Enemies - always because he loves chaos, and maybe some friendship

Age: 5 years
Location: The Hallows - WILL NOT BE LEAVING
Personality: sweet, helpful, shy, has a stutter, can be brave, willing to sacrifice her life for those she loves
Future Plots: Grow old with Gloom and her friends until they die nice peaceful deaths
Open To: Friends! Any Hallows member who would like lessons in navigation or healing!

Age: 4 years
Location: Heidinn - will not be leaving Oki & Cyanide so unless they wanna move, she stays
Personality: a bit lost right now. she's nice, but can be a bitch. kind of like that mean girl type.
Future Plots: Grow old with Oki & Cy, being happy and all that fun jazz
Open To: Hunting and making new friends!

Age: 4 years
Location: Tojo-Kai - never leaving, he is a permanent fixture among the pack
Personality: an optimistic goofball that everyone can't help but love, he's always chipper, very loyal, and hard working.
Future Plots: Chill in Tojo with Arne for the rest of eternity until they die watching the sunset
Open To: Friends mostly, would love to teach others how to fish, and maybe a good enemy plot

Age: 2 years
Location: Soon to be Avalon
Personality: I'm still trying to rework Rheum a little bit but she's a scholar who is sweet and very smart.
Future Plots: Fall more in love with Rexx, reside in Avalon, learn how to farm, live a nice life
Open To: Drama, always, she could use some excitement, friends, enemies, the usual

Age: 6 years
Location: Heidinn - not leaving
Personality: a motherly figure that is strong, stern, and has a sense of humor. secretly doubts herself and worth so she thrives on attention
Future Plots: Have all the Viking babies!!
Open To: friends, enemies, etc