
paint the skies with the hues of your eyes

ike <3



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
08-31-2022, 03:39 PM

There were a lot of reasons Celeste had asked Shuriken to tag along with her that day. Spring was finally gearing up for the warmer days of Summer as she took off with the dire girl east from Ashen boundaries. The early morning sun was still cool against the horizon as dew coated tall blades of grass. Unwilling to let the dampness of their surroundings and the stir of morning birds lessen her good mood, she traveled in silence for a while. Each paw made an almost silent thud against the path she wove toward the plains. Clouds shifted above them and for some reason, it reminded her that no friendship was ever built on quietness.

Taking a second to glance at Ike, Celeste smiled softly. "I know we haven't spent a lot of time together, but I'm hoping that might change," her voice is a gentle hum over the thrum of their movement. "We don't have to do much of anything today if you don't wish. I know the Empress was wanting you to hone your skills and probably get a feel of how I'm handling my new role, but I don't want to push you either," Celeste is thoughtful, for once. There is a slight itch in her brain to be a tad more gossip forward, but that could wait. She would befriend the girl first before showing her whole personality. Gaining new friends would be helpful anyway! Cyanide had taken to hiding out lately and Seere was still a pup so that was an odd dynamic all on its own.

Coming up to a large boulder that lay at the edge of the plain, Celeste hopped up with ease so that she was more on Shuriken's eye level. "What would you like to do first?" She glances from Ike out toward the tall grass that would surely envelop her if they were to go out. Sometimes, being smaller had its advantages. Eying the gentle movement of the breeze tilting the tips of grass blades, Celeste stayed on the lookout for animal movement. It would be good to get a sense of where the prey was snoozing as a topic started if Ike chose to have a lesson.



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-02-2022, 12:28 PM
This wouldn’t be the first time in recent memory that Ike was led out of pack lands, This time with the pack’s Renja, their master huntress. The princess knew she could potentially learn a lot from the young woman so she kept her mind open as mismatched paws carried her with the smaller she wolf. They were mostly quiet as they walked in the still of the morning. Birds sang their arrival as the dewy grasses parted to allow them through. Ike was comfortable in the silence, she was never really one to talk all that much anyway. Celeste’s company was pleasant, but it felt good to talk to her. Ike didn’t know her or the newer members very well. If they were going to be a cohesive unit she needed to do better. She was the Crown Princess, and her people needed more from her.

Celeste then spoke gently to her as they began to traverse the lands that the Armada once called home. She mentioned taking things easy despite the responsibilities hanging over their heads. Ike appreciated how easy going this little outing had the potential to be, but she’d had the thought on her mind for a while now. Then again she had her little Remus devil on her shoulder reminding her that she had to relax as much as she worked hard. "I appreciate that,” she started with an uncertain smile. No matter how much she tried to hide her insecurities they always poked through her defenses. "I do need to start pushing myself.” She said as if she weren’t already hyper critical of her own abilities. "If something easy shows up we should certainly take a chance.”

More than the potential for training though Ike was eager about what Celeste said about just hanging out. The only one who really did that for her was Remus. Having Celeste here to start forging a real friendship was more than the young princess could hope for, she certainly didn’t feel like she deserved that kindness. "Well, I like the idea of just getting to know you. Um…” She really knew so little of the woman. "You seem really close to my brother.” An observation to hopefully get Celeste started.




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
09-06-2022, 12:08 PM

It was pleasant to be in Shuriken's presence. Seating herself upon the boulder toward one side, she let her lengthened tail wrap around her haunches. While she appeared relaxed, each of her muscles was ready to pounce into action. Spending more time than she cared to admit to honing her hunting skills, Celeste knew she needed to work on her personable skills. Hunting was easier. Stalk, chase, attack, kill, and bring home the goodies. Simple, straightforward, and no one to tell her she was doing it wrong. Maybe she could learn a few things from Ike about how to speak to others.

She listens to Ike's sweet voice and she can't help but smile. Since arriving on Boreas, Celeste hadn't missed being home once. The pageantry, the rules, the strictness, all of it had been too stuffy for her. Celeste admired and also did not envy Ike's placement within Ashen. Being Renja was important enough for her, she couldn't imagine having everyone look up to her for advice. Her gaze flickered back to Shuriken when she mentioned getting to know her and how she was close to Kuroki. A small laugh leaves her as she gives her head a gentle shake.

"Kuroki and I are close, but our uh, friendship? Relationship? Not sure what to call it. It's getting there, I suppose. I've been focusing more on my work in Ashen so I'm not so attached. I'm used to being a lot more social, actually, but things have been different since I left home," Celeste's smile falters before she plasters it back on her lips. "I'm open to any questions you have. They don't have to be all about your brother!" She turns her gaze back to Ike as she feels a little nervous. It had been awhile since she had made a new friend.



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2022, 06:27 PM
Shuriken was naturally a wolf that watched and observed instead of ever being talkative or forthright herself. She didn’t have the confidence to offer her opinion in a crowded setting and couldn’t dream of knowing better than anything her mother would say. She still believed she was the wrong choice, but still she tried her hardest and did her best. Which was better even than she realized now. While she didn’t like to over-speak he wasn’t uncomfortable in another’s presence and Celeste was nice to be around and gentle in her teaching.

Her question was met with a good natured chuckle as Celeste took little time to explain, confusingly, her relationship with Kuroki. Friendship? Even she didn’t really know. The feeling was far too familiar as she was reminded unintentionally of Remus. There was no consensus to their relationship/friendship but Ike knew how much she cared about the man. Something told her whatever was between her brother and Celeste was considerably different.

"Sorry..” Maybe it was a little rude of her to start off like that. Her ears lowered to her skull as she glanced away bashfully. "I just worry about him sometimes.” Ike shook herself slightly to recover from her foolishness. "What was your home like?” She asked curiously, Ashen was the only home she had ever known, how different was the place Celeste was from? "Was it anything like Ashen?”




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
09-14-2022, 06:43 AM

Ike's response made Celeste feel ashamed. A frown lined her lips as she watched Ike's ears fall back. "No, don't be sorry," her voice is quiet as she reached out a paw in an attempt to touch Ike lightly on the shoulder. "You should always worry about your family. I apologize. I just... don't want everyone to think I wait on him paw and foot," Celeste's aquamarine gaze falls to the boulder she sits on as she places her paw back upon the smooth stone.

Glad that Ike was quick to help them both recover from their awkward start, Celeste brightened slightly at the question of home. "Oh, yes, quite similar. We had a grand villa hidden deep in a forest with lots of old wolves that placed wards to help protect us from evil spirits," the petite girl sits back on her haunches so she can lift her paws and wave them in the air. Letting out a spooky woooo as if imitating a ghost, Celeste laughs gently before righting herself back into a sitting position. "While Ashen does not particularly feel like home, it is close," she smiles again as she looks at Ike. "Do you enjoy living within Ashen? How far have you traveled before?" It was genuine curiosity as she hoped Ike would open up some more.



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-20-2022, 07:13 AM
Celeste was swift to correct Ike’s apology, stating she had nothing ot be sorry for, and worrying over family was always valid. The princess still felt a little strange about it, putting her focus on Oki when she should have been getting to know Celeste better. "You don’t have to apologize either, I’ve never thought you were Oki’s servant. He doesn’t deserve one anyway.” She joked softly as her mismatched ears stood on her skull once more. She leaned into Cel’s comforting touch, offering her own shy smile as the woman went on to speak on her question.

Ike hadn’t really been to many places beyond the Armada, and the explorations she enjoyed with Remus. The other packs were practically a mystery to the young princess beyond what she heard. There was no real excuse but with her clumsiness she didn’t want to display her shortcomings to the world. Celeste’s previous home was similar to Ashen, but the two were very much different.

She wasn’t so sure she believed in ghosts or evil spirits haunting the land but she played along and flinched as Celeste encouraged the atmosphere with a spooky sound. "I do like Ashen,” she admitted when Cel returned the questions back to her. "I’ve never lived anywhere else. I explore, but the only other pack I've seen is the Armada.” She spent a lot of time with Sirius when she was younger. Just like her own mother. Sometimes it was weird to think that at this age her mother was preparing for her and her siblings to arrive. Ike couldn’t imagine being a mom herself. "I think the Crown Princess should have more experience but…” She looked away, ashamed. She had only just started getting a grip on her own paws. How could she be the experienced young woman she was supposed ot be when she couldn’t even walk properly?

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"