
Morning Is Breaking, And So Are The Rules

Riven <3

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-19-2022, 03:41 AM

Dawn is breaking across the sky and a lone patchwork pup strikes out toward the beach. Calico Jack always seems to be the first of his family to get up and out into the world and he can only blame Nico for this. The coyote pup is the main reason he arises so early since Nico comes to visit this early. But today is different, Nico will not be visiting… but Cal still raises with the sun. It doesn’t seem that many wolves like to get up this early and so Calico Jack appears to have the beach to himself.

Breaking into a trot, Cal moves further down the beach while letting out a soft whistle for Jolly Roger to join him. Right now, his mother does not know he has a macaw and it is kind of fun to keep the bird a secret. Not that it will last long since the pup plays with the blue and yellow bird every chance he gets. Jolly Roger appears, swooping low and letting out a caw of greeting. Jack gives a soft bark back before pulling into an easy run, angling the pair toward the waterline. Since there never seems to be anyone up this early, Jack is confident that he and Jolly Roger can break some rules without anyone noticing… or so he hopes.

"Calico Jack"



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-19-2022, 07:02 PM

It was early, incredibly early, and yet Rivin was up. Her mother and brother had disappeared, first Baelfire, and then Eden. The girl didn’t know why they had gone, nor why they hadn’t come back, but she had accepted that they weren’t coming home. Something had happened, and while Rivin probably should have been afraid of what had happened to them she wasn’t. Not that she didn’t miss them, because she did, and it bothered her that she couldn’t do anything to bring them home, but what else could she do when she was a puppy? The shell her mother had given her had never felt colder… it was hard to look at it now, or find any new shells pretty. Rivin couldn’t explain what she was feeling in depth but it was bad and she didn’t like it.

Leaving the den, her remaining brothers, and father behind the remaining femme of the family emerges onto the beach. Her green eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she padded onto the sand and wondered, for a moment, if maybe the waves had swallowed up her brother… if her mother was still out there, somewhere, searching for Baelfire when he couldn’t be found. Rivin wrinkled her nose at the thought. They had been specifically instructed to stay away from the water though… surely Bael hadn’t been so foolish? She sighed, ears flicking back as she walked in the direction of the waves. She knew she shouldn’t get close, but she still liked to watch them and see how they sparkled under the light of the sun.

But this time, as she neared the water, she saw something different. Another pup and… a bird? Rivin’s ears perked forward at this. She didn’t know there were other pups here! Her mommy and daddy never told her. Why were they going so close to the water though? She raced forward, barking at them.

“You know the water is dangerous for puppies, right? Don’t get swallowed up!”

"Talk," 'Think.'

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-22-2022, 05:37 PM
Calico Jack races toward the waves, Jolly Roger swooping low and squawking in joy as they approach the rolling water. A bark of alarm pulls the eager pup from his run, paws slowing and ears falling flat against his skull as he slows to a stop and looks toward the wolf that had caught him. He tries to put on his best, innocent, apologetic face he can muster, ready to face the adult and smoothly talk his way out of this.

However, to his great surprise, a pup, not from his family, is running at him while yelling. Eyes blink slowly as Jack looks to the fire streaked pup, trying to understand why she is so worried. Ears perk up as Calico cracks a charming grin, allowing the pup to get a little closer, before easily saying, “Ah, I won’t get swallowed up. I wasn’t going to go too far out, just wanted to get my paws wet!” It is a bold-faced lie but she doesn’t need to know that, if she is worried about him, then he won’t do anything too dangerous while she is here.

Jolly Roger caws loudly as he circles the pair, gracefully landing near them on the black sand and walks toward the pair until he is stand next to Jack. He clicks his beak as Cal looks over to the bird, a thoughtful expression tugging at his features. Looking back to fire-kissed pup, he gives a small flourish of a bow and says, “Calico Jack, at your service. And that,” a paw jerks in the direction of the blue and yellow juvenile macaw while saying, “is Jolly Roger. We thought nobody came out this early! Whatca doin’ out of bed?”

The question is posed but there is no condescension in his voice. Far from it, Jack is genuinely curious as to why someone else is up and keeping the strange hours he does. He is use to these hours only because his friend Nico usually visits in the early morning. But her? Who would willingly leave the warmth of their den so early if they didn’t have someone to play with? A gentle, easy smile is on his lips as he looks to her with great curiosity.

"Calico Jack"



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-08-2022, 02:52 AM

At least he stopped. Riven slowed as she got closer, frowning deeply as the calico-marked pup explained his thinking. Just getting his paws wet then? Riven tilted her head to the side, almost seeming confused by the suggestion. “Just getting your paws wet? My mama said the water was salty. Doesn’t that make it… I dunno, feel weird? Like there is sand in it or something?” It was pretty obvious Rivin had yet to let herself get wet by the ocean, following the rules of a parent who, well, wasn’t even here. Was there even really a point to listening to what she said then?

Her green gaze shifts to the bird and she watches it for a moment. It seems a little weird a bird would follow around after a pup… but she knew other animals did that sometimes. Her dad had companions after all. Her gaze slides back to the other pup as he introduces himself. Calico Jack… and his companion is Jolly Roger. It wasn’t long until the focus shifted to her. Rivin didn’t really like that… but what could she do? Ignore him? That’d be pretty rude… he hadn’t exactly done anything to deserve her ire yet.

“Well err… first things first. The name’s Rivin… since you guys gave yours and all.” She shifted on the sands and looked out to the ocean. “I don’t like being in the den if I wake up… not anymore.” She shook her head. “Mama and Baelfire went missing. Dad can’t find them, and not sure if anyone else knows or cares or not.” She shrugged, glancing back at Jack.

“If dad can’t find them no one will be able to, anyway. It feels weird without them… so I like coming to the beach instead.” She’s quiet for a moment and then bluntly asks him.

“You’ve been in the water before today already, haven’t you?” She lifts her gaze to meet his. “I won’t tell on you, but if you have, I want to know what it’s like.””

"Talk," 'Think.'

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-30-2022, 08:55 PM
Calico Jack beams a charming grin at the fire-streaked pup, talking about getting his paws wet. Her question has his head tilting as his face scrunches up in thought before he says, “No? I mean, I guess not? I haven’t played in water that isn’t like this so I can’t say for certain. But, uh, it just smells a little funny. Ya don’t open your eyes underneath ‘cus it hurts. And its… well… ya know… wet…” voice trails off as he tries to find the right words to describe the water.

Her green gaze shifts to Jolly Roger and Jack allows his perplexed expression to melt away. With that, he introduces him and the bird before turning the questions back on her and he watches the sudden uncertainty that shifts across her form. She gives her name and he cracks another huge grin, dipping his head in greeting before watching her shift her paws and look out at the ocean. Something seems to be bothering Rivin and he stays quiet so she can speak.

Rivin’s words pull Jack’s lips down into a frown and he mentally kicks himself for not realizing this is one for Eden’s kids. He nods in understanding, staying quiet while she speaks of her dad and him not being able to find her missing mother and brother. As she talks about coming out to the beach, he offers a soft grin and dip of his head in understanding. The ocean has been his lullaby since he came into this world. Every night the rolling waves would sing him to sleep.

Suddenly, Rivin bluntly asks if he has been in the water, her gaze finding his and she asks what it is like. Jack blinks in surprise, eyes slightly rounding before his face softens, a small smile appearing. With a gentle chuckle, the boy says, “Aye. I have been in the water. It isn’t scary and mom encourages us to explore. I could tell you all about it but don’t want to experience it for yourself?” With that he prances a few steps forward where the water reaches out toward them.

Turning back to the girl, Jack says, “Come on. It won’t bite. I promise.” With that he lifts one paw and places in the water, allowing the waves to push the saltwater up around his ankle before retreating out. Looking to Rivin, he flicks his head in invitation to join him.

"Calico Jack"



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-06-2022, 09:20 PM

He hadn’t experienced going into not salty water then. Rivin frowned at his explanation. It definitely seemed like it would hurt, considering this water was full of salt and smelly… opening your eyes underneath the water just seemed like a bad idea altogether. She didn’t comment on that though. If he had gone into the water then he definitely understood the dangers behind it. The girl liked the water that she found in the gulley nearby though, a place with a lot of flowers and herbs where she could get lost for ages if her dad’s companions would let her.

Calico Jack speaks again and Rivin let her gaze follow him with uncertainty. It wasn’t scary? Then why did her dad say otherwise? The red-streaked girl hesitantly takes a step after him but then pauses again. “You’re sure it's safe?” Rivin came closer. “My dad said not to underestimate water… that even a strong swimmer can get pulled under and drown…” But Jack hadn’t drowned. He was still here, and so was Jolly Roger.

She moves closer, but her uncertainty is clear to see as she inches closer and closer to the salt water. It is clear she is making an effort to try, however. Once she is close enough the water pulls up to her ankles and around them, the feeling making her feel a little uncomfy and unclean but other than that it’s not too bad. The pup waits for the water to do it again and then starts to relax a little, exhaling a breath as she looks over at Calico Jack. “I guess it’s not too bad…” She doesn’t smile, however, turning her gaze back to the water and the sun sparkling on the waves.

“Would… you teach me how to swim?” She asks the other pup suddenly. She doesn’t glance back at Jack yet, but there seems to be something going on within her mind. After a moment she turns to him, her green gaze meeting his own. “Please?”

"Talk," 'Think.'

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-22-2022, 01:00 PM
Calico offers Rivin an easy grin as he encourages her to come and test the water. Yet, still she hesitates, asking if he is sure it is safe and the boy curiously tilts his head, wondering why she is cautious. She goes on to explain what her father says and the patchwork pup offers a warm smile and small nod, understanding why she is wary. Still, life is for the living and his pale blue eyes try to catch her emerald green gaze as he says, “Truthfully, nothing is ever one hundred percent safe but if we live our lives afraid of everything then, that isn’t really living. But, I can promise that I will be here, with you, and I will do my best to keep you safe.”

He means every word and Rivin moves closer, inching closer and closer to the salt water while Jack stands by, encouraging her forward with each step. When she is close enough, the girl puts her ankles in the water and she informs him that it isn’t too bad which has Cal grinning. He has been in the water practically since he could go outside and explore. So, when she looks at him and asks to be taught how to swim, a huge, genuine smile splits his maw and he easily meets her gaze with a happy wag of his tail.

Joyfully, Calico Jack quickly says, “Of course! We will take it slowly and, if you ever feel uncomfortable, tell me and we can stop.” Pale blue eyes catch the girl’s green gaze and he offers another warm smile to her as he steps forward, standing by her side in the ankle-deep water. Looking out at the gently rolling waves, he slowly begins the lesson, “First thing first; feel the rhythm of the water, the push and pull of the waves.” Eyelids drift closed as he allows the water to tug at his toes, enjoying the familiar sensation of the water rushing over them and depositing sand as it rolls back out.

After a long pause, with his eyes still closed, Jack goes on to explain, “The most important thing is to be in tune with it. Be aware of the way tugs at your body, the way it gently pushes you back and covers your toes with sand.” A smile worms its way onto his pale lips and a small, content sigh rolls out onto the air. Opening his eyes, he looks over to Rivin, he checks to see how she is doing as he asks, “You okay? When you’re ready, we will take a few steps forward.” Pale eyes search her face, not wanting to frighten his new friend into doing things she is uncomfortable with.

"Calico Jack"



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
01-08-2023, 11:17 PM

The girl listens to the calico marked pup, her frown remaining, but she considers his words. Nothing was ever completely safe, and Rivin had to admit that sounded like the truth. She frowns, wondering if it is a good idea to go against what her father has told her. But… curiosity makes her consider trying anyway. She wanted to live her life and enjoy the thrills and dangers that it held. If she didn’t, then Jack was right, it wasn’t really living, now was it? The red-streaked girl appreciated his promise that he would be there, to try and keep her safe and monitor what happened. Rivin had never really considered being the sort to need protection. She wasn’t some frightened princess, after all. But Jack’s words offer her comfort all the same.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the water sparkling under the light of the sun. She can feel its pull, and though there is uncertainty, she is not necessarily afraid. In fact, it is not fear that has kept her from the water thus far but rather that warning her father has given her. Despite her age, Rivin is not afraid to die. She is more afraid of disappointing her father, and her family. But if Jack had been in the water, and had swum before, then surely the water could be conquered by her as well. The calico-marked boy agreed to teach her how to swim happily, further offering reassurances. Rivin offers him a small smile, and a single word. “Thanks.” Though it is indeed only one word she means it with her whole heart.

Her ears swivel as he starts the lesson, and her emerald gaze fixes on him as he explains. Feel the rhythm of the water? She glances down at it, feeling how it pushed and pulled at her legs. It feels powerful, but not overwhelmingly so. She says nothing as he continues the lesson. She can feel how, as the water is pushed up toward the beach, the sand shifts within it. She wiggles her toes under the water but thus far doesn’t move. “It feels weird.” Rivin tells him. “Not necessarily a bad weird, either, just… weird.” He asks if she is okay and she nods. The sensation is different, but she is not worried.

Rivin takes the first steps forward, moving into the waves until the water coming in brushes up against her chest. It is chillier than expected, but she notices how that chill starts to fade away relatively quickly as her body gets used to it. The pull doesn’t seem to be worse here, and Rivin’s ears perk up curiously. “It doesn’t seem too much worse here, and I can still reach the bottom.” Rivin turns her attention back to Calico Jack. “It’s cold, but not really bad either? It’s… different.” Rivin smiles a little. “I think I like it.”

"Talk," 'Think.'