
from white sand to muddy mess



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09-12-2022, 06:11 AM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2022, 08:11 AM by Venom. Edited 1 time in total.)
The last island the two of them explored had been a beautiful retreat, but as she swam with Maverick to the next there was a nagging feeling the atmosphere here was far different. Being more northern Venom could feel the cold chill of the water more keenly, it wrapped around her body and soaked into her fur. It wasn’t uncomfortable with the summer heat but she was thankful they were visiting during the warmest of seasons.

The most stark contrast was the first impression. This island was nearly abandoned, there was next to no vegetation here. As her white gloved paws brought her to shore instead of soft sands greeting her she was given mud and dirt. Already a far less pleasant experience. This was not a place where they were going to desire to linger for long.

Venom looked back over her shoulder at Maverick, searching for his own reaction to this less than stellar place they had found. "This is far from the romantic getaway Silver Island was.” She chuckled softly, worried about the mud that was staining her white fur.

"Venom & Maverick"

Scaled Island
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
09-12-2022, 12:28 PM
After the moonlit paradise that Silver Island had been, Maverick was very much looking forward to enjoying some alone time with Venom on another island. This time the pair had chosen another island just off the western coast of Boreas, just slightly north to the tropical paradise they had enjoyed not too long ago. However, as the wolves began the swim across the water toward the distant island, Mav could already tell there was something different about this place. Different... and wrong. The landmass was much more uneven and craggy, and when they hit the shore, they were not greeted by soft sands like before. This time, thick paw pads squished down through gritty mud and silt, the dire wolf's displeasure apparent on his grimacing features. There was no vegetation, no life anywhere to speak of. The island was desolate and barren, without any shelter from the whipping winds of the salty spray. This was definitely not anything like Silver Island had been.

Grumbling to himself while he trudged up the quagmire of mud and rock to join Venom on the shores, he lifted one white paw to look at the dark mud dripping from his digits. Maverick wasn't one to care particularly about getting dirty, having gotten used to it from his previous lifestyle, but that didn't mean he enjoyed the thick, sticky mud clinging and clumping on his fur. Venom chuckled and made a comment about the state of the island, being tactful in her phrasing, as the Empress was prone to doing. Mav, however, did nothing to filter his thoughts.

"This place sucks," he muttered, flinging some mud from his toes, only to gather it back when he set his foot down on the shore again. "I guess this isn't your first pick for a romantic honeymoon spot in the future then, hmm? Don't wanna spend all your time rolling around in the mud with your vagabond?" He shot his partner a teasing grin and playful wink, moving further up the rocky island with a playful smack of his muddy tail against her hip to leave a mark of dirt on her.

"Venom & Maverick"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

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09-16-2022, 03:22 PM
This brown and dead island was unlike anything Venom had experienced before. It could be compared to the black island, but even it had life upon it. No matter how dangerous it was to be on and get to. As much as she wasn’t enjoying the experience Maverick showed he felt much the same. The way his features contorted was the perfect representation of how she felt within. The wind was stronger here as there were no trees to block the air flow. There were however, tall jutting rocks that were just as jarring to behold as they were physically. Venom could usually find appreciation wherever she went, but this was not a nice place.

Maverick offered quite bluntly his displeasure with this place. Venom side eyed him and caught as he flung a bit of mud away from him distastefully. She led the both of them as they spoke up towards the tall outcropping of rock. She could see a relatively clear trail to the top so they might get a better vantage point of the rest of the lands. Venom was quite aware of the man’s words though.

"Honeymoon, hm?” She replied as he smeared mud on her hip. "I think that we could enjoy ourselves in the mud… not for a night like that though.” The strange thrill in her heart was similar to that of when they first met, but even more so now as Maverick hinted at their future together.

"Venom & Maverick"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
09-19-2022, 04:50 PM
Venom seemed quite taken by the proposition of their future outcome to her, and he shot her his roguish lopsided grin while they walked together up the muddy and rocky terrain towards a higher point to get a better vantage of the island's layout. "Well, when two wolves get into a relationship, it only ever goes one of two ways: getting hitched or breaking up." A husky chuckle rumbled in the dire brute's throat, and he cast a sly glance to his lover. "And I dunno about you, Your Grace, but I don't really plan on breaking up with you now, so that just leaves one other outcome."

The monochrome Empress made a teasing remark about them being able to enjoy the mud with one another, although not quite for a romantic night like he suggested. Now it was Maverick's turn to raise a brow and turn an interested look her way. "Is that so? Or maybe it's the perfect time to enjoy ourselves like that, since we'd already be getting filthy together." Oh yeah, Mav was a shameless flirt, and he wasn't afraid to put on the charm for his lady. Even if they spent the next ten years in one another's company, the scruffy vagabond never wanted to stop trying to win over the heart of his Empress.

Large paws carried him quickly up through the dredge to the top of the rocky terrain, and wouldn't you know it, all he could see from the top was more sloping terraces of hard craggy rocky and goopy mud surrounded by ocean on all sides. Yeah, this place looked like it would only be useful for getting dirty, a prospect which he was now very interested in with his Venom. "So, are you gonna show me what kind of enjoyment we can find in the mud together, gorgeous?" he asked with a debonair grin, teal eyes shining with mirth and mischief. By now their legs were thoroughly coated in mud, their white fur marred with the brown substance. What harm would a little more do to them if they rolled each other around in it some more? There was always the swim back to clean them off, after all.

"Venom & Maverick"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
09-23-2022, 08:11 AM
The lands before them held little contrast, mud and rock covered the island in scale like protrusions from the sea. Completely uninhabitable. Or at least it was inhospitable as it was. Perhaps if one were focused and determined, with the correct supplies, life could be fostered here. The earth had a great desire to be covered, to hide its bare dirt skin. Why this place remained desolate Venom could not know. Only observe the wind swept rocks and moist muddy mess that were her banks. The stark contrast and diversity of Boreas’ islands was astounding really, from lush forests to a dead and cold land such as this.

The cold was easily brushed aside by Maverick’s steamy words and smile as he reminded her there were but two outcomes to the relationship they were fostering. The Empress returned his grin, the corners of her pale lips pulling back to reveal her pearly teeth. He was quite intrigued by her comment as well, and her sunset gaze glanced over her shoulder as he mentioned getting filthy. That was exactly what she was alluding to. She said little as once white gloved paws carried her up the incline ahead of him, giving a suggestive smirk as they walked.

As they reached the top of the warm colored cliff Maverick spoke again, endlessly curious about what she had in mind when she spoke about getting dirty together. Venom chuckled again, "Absolutely, handsome.” She teased him back as her mischievous gaze returned to his features. With every intention to show and not tell Venom aimed to tackle her renegade. With every intention of rolling down the hill with him in her delicate arms.

"Venom & Maverick"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
09-29-2022, 03:58 PM
Maverick was a simple man. He enjoyed getting lost in the wilds and exploring the world, grilled meats, and strong wine. But more than all of that, he enjoyed Venom. Everything she was, everything she did, it made him feel alive, like he was finally waking up from a dream he hadn't known he'd been stuck in all these years. The suggestive smirk she threw his way with a sultry glance from over her shoulder sent a delightful shiver down his spine, his tail lashing about excitedly behind him while mud-splattered paws made their way with eager steps up the slopes of the rocky ground after her. His own amused grin spread across his lips while he followed behind her like an eager pup, the pair soon reaching the zenith of the incline to stand atop the island in entirety. There really wasn't much to see, save for the expansive ocean roiling around them on all sides and the barren, mucky landscape of the small island they were currently the only inhabitants of. Venom fixed him with her mischievous glance and teased him with the suggestion of showing him what she had in mind for them.

With a curious raise to his brow, Maverick glanced back to Venom just in time to watch as the lean muscles of her lithe form tensed, bunched around her shoulders and hips, and then like a bolt of black and white lightning she was pouncing at him. Mav didn't even have the chance to shout in surprise before he was being tackled by his queen, the Empress taking the renegade right off his paws thanks to the slippery, muddy ground. With no way to get his footing, the sky and cloud brute went sliding backwards, large paws lifting to instinctively wrap around Venom and pull her down with him—partially to protect her as they tumbled, partially because if he was going down then she was absolutely going down with him! With wet squelches of mud and clay, the couple rolled down the incline they had just climbed, Maverick laughing all the while. He could feel his coat getting covered in muck, clumping together in bunches and knowing she would likely wind up the same way. Round and round they tumbled until their roll came to a sliding stop at the base of the incline.

Maverick gave a breathless laugh and tried to reorient himself, his world still spinning somewhat as he got his bearings back. He had wound up on his back in the mud, Venom resting atop of him like he were the Empress' own messy mattress. Sure enough, they were both coated all over in thick mud and sticky red clay, but the rogue consort didn't care. He was having the time of his life with the wolf he loved with all his heart, smiling up at her with that crooked grin on his mud-speckled face as large paws lifted to rest on the equally filthy Empress' thighs, looking at the state they were in with a snicker. Besides, having Venom on top of him was one of his favorite positions to be in, just as having her beneath him was also one he enjoyed greatly. "Oh, we're fighting dirty, eh? C'mere, you!" Maverick remarked with a devilish grin, dropping his paws from Venom's thighs to get them slathered in mud before bringing them back up aimed for the Klein fae's exposed fluffy underside with the intent to deliver muddy tickles to her vulnerably belly while he had the chance to return the surprise attack to his lover.

"Venom & Maverick"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

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10-03-2022, 06:28 AM
Sometimes it felt like she hadn’t truly been alive until she met Maverick. Remembering how uptight she had always been before the man entered her life. Venom wouldn’t have ever let this thought cross her mind if she hadn’t been here with Mav. He changed her in ways she hadn’t known possible, but now she was sure she didn’t want to return to the life that she lived before her vagabond found her. She teased him, and for a moment would have given anything to know what Maverick was thinking at that moment. What was going on behind his mischievous eyes?

He raised his brow as she suddenly acted, aiming to grab hold of her man and bring him tumbling back down the hill with her. His own strong arms wrapped around her shoulders in return as they wore all smiles as they tumbled. Squishing mud covered them as they rolled like little puppies down the wet muddy bank. Over and over by the time they reached the base of the hill the both of them were absolutely covered in muck. That was the fun part though.

Venom was laughing uncontrollably by the time they came to a stop, somehow she had landed on top of his massive frame. She was sprawled over his body, as his paws rested on her hips and his stunning gaze looked up at her with mirth in his eyes. He teased her suggestively before suddenly slinging mud all over her thin form. A surprised giggle left her lips as she did the same, rubbing her dirty paws from the back of his neck to the clean fur of his chest, making certain they were both absolutely covered in muck. "No better time to be dirty..” She chuckled as her movements slowed and her sunset gaze searched his own. Her laughing quieted and left a soft grin on her features, full of love she had never believed she could have.

"Venom & Maverick"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
10-06-2022, 04:43 AM
Maverick could have enjoyed this sight for the rest of his days. Venom, perched atop of him, smiling from ear to ear and laughing like she had no control over herself. The perfect picture of joy and carefree love. This was what the Ashen Empress had deserved to feel for all her days. This was what Mav would strive to keep her feeling forever. As he played with her and muddied up her beautiful coat more, the giggle he coaxed from her made his own grin widen with delight. Venom responded by bringing her own muddy paws from his neck around over his chest, leaving trails of muck in their wake while she not-so surreptitiously felt him up. Venom declared there was no better time to be dirty or play dirty than when they already were dirty. "Hmm, well, I can't argue with that," came the purring response of the mud-covered dire wolf beneath the lithe Empress. Well, if Venom wanted to play dirty, then Maverick would be all too eager to play dirty as well.

As the two lovers' laughter quieted down into peaceful stares and loving grins, the rogue slowly slid his massive muddy paws up the length of the Empress' belly, toes splayed to cut through her coat and rub against the taut, smooth muscles of her lean physique. He took his time in appreciating Venom's body, worshipping every inch of her clean or dirty from shapely hips and supple thighs up slender sides to her shoulders. Then bringing one large paw around to the front of her, Mav cut a path from Venom's collarbone up the side of her neck, coming to rest behind her head as he urged her down with gentle pressure and insistence. If she gave him no resistance, Maverick would lean his neck up, the consort meeting his Empress halfway until their lips locked in a slow, deep kiss. Whether she was done to the nines with a fresh bath, grooming, and body oils or covered head to toe in mud and muck, Maverick had never been so smitten and hopelessly head over paws in love with another wolf before.

"Venom & Maverick"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.