
Bellaroche Pups

[Final Litter]


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
09-01-2022, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2022, 12:38 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 3 times in total.)
Who now?

Bellamy and Gavroche! Two very, very dear characters of mine. They have finally done the do and now Bellamy is pregnant. This is a very exciting litter for me, due September 29th which is also my birthday!

Yay Puppies! How many are you adopting out?

I will be, at most, adopting out two pups for this litter. We don’t want Menagerie to get overly full, now do we? Gotta leave some room for Wren and Mercury puppers after all! That said I will be very choosy on who gets a Bellaroche pup. Activity will be looked at, as well as your track record for inactivating or dropping characters. I want these kids to be active and don’t want to have to reclaim them later on down the road! There was also only one free pup pass for this litter so, unfortunately for my adopties, I am taking it. This means you must be willing to buy your own pup pass if you apply for the litter and get a pup!

What kind of pups are you looking for?

Good aligned, learning towards lawful or neutral pups! Gavroche is Neutral Good and while Bellamy is Chaotic Neutral, they are going to attempt to raise these pups to be mindful of authority and not stray too much from a pack mentality. These applications should NOT feature darker themes for characters who are maim-happy, okay with slaves, okay with incest, or okay with rape or any type of abuse. These topics especially will keep you out of the running for a Bellaroche pup immediately and, as a note, any pup who takes on these traits later will be dealt with by Bellamy personally. This can include up to a DM - Sorry, but she has very strong feelings against these things!

I plan for Bellamy and Gavroche to both be part of their children’s lives and be very loving, as well as teach them acceptance for those who are “different”. This includes mutations, mindsets, and sexual orientations. These are not meant to be hate-y pups at all. They are honestly meant to be more run-of-the-mill, “good” aligned kids.

The children will very likely see signs of Bellamy’s depression, anxiety, or PTSD as they grow. You are welcome to adjust their personalities to this according but please have it make sense for what they feel or how they react. The children may also have a chance of inheriting one of these mental conditions from Bellamy’s side as well. Anxiety is most likely and depression is less likely.

The children may inherit Bellamy’s love of freedom and therefore be a little more rebellious toward the idea of authority. I expect this to be done within reason and be appropriate for their age range. If they become late yearlings {a year and two seasons} and choose that they might want to set out of Menagerie on their own for IC plot reasons we are welcome to thread it out. I’d prefer this NOT be done simply to join another pack since there would be no reason to leave one pack just to quickly join another. If it happens over a couple of seasons though this is acceptable. Regardless of what your plans are for their later life Bellamy and Gavroche would raise their children to respect the alpha of Menagerie which is currently Wren. Bellamy will not tolerate outward signs of disrespect and will discipline unruly children.

Ideally, I’d prefer family-oriented kids as well. They are not likely to randomly sever bonds.

As far as skills go you are free to go where your heart takes you. Bellamy is a fighter with intellect and Gavroche is a healer with intellect, with a daughter and older sibling who has navigation and healing.

Application Process!

For applications, I’d like to see the following filled out::

[b]Name:[/b] ---- Kedieo {No naming theme, though Gavrohce is partial to French names. They are not required, however!}
[b]Gender:[/b] All genders welcome!
[b]Alignment:[/b] Good-ish alignments. Preferably Lawful or Neutral.
[b]Apperance:[/b] Site minimum. Please include your height, build, and coat description. You may select from one of the designs provided or bring your own. Color guide is posted below. If you are uncertain if a design would be allowed feel free to reach out to me for approval!
[b]Personality:[/b] Site minimum.
[b]Purchases Needed:[/b] Please list purchases for height, mutations, etc. Please note a pup pass will be required.
[b]Plots and Plans:[/b]
[b]Will you follow Foi?:[/b] The religion Bellamy and Gavroche believe in. See their profile's misc for info. Please keep in mind that it's still likely to be taught, even if the pups don't believe in it.
[b]Additional Information:[/b]

A Fair Warning!

If pups are set inactive, or inactive for a month and a half of no activity, I will reclaim these pups without warning. There may be circumstances where I do not, but I do fully expect you to communicate with me if you plan to be gone for longer than that. I want to see these children active, and a couple of posts just to show me you're alive is not asking all that much in the course of 45 days. If you are struggling with muse for multiple characters, on leave, etc, just let me know and I can work something out with you. I just don't want to see these pups fall by the wayside when you're posting every other character and not them. If you reach 150 posts with this pup it is officially forever yours at that point. I can not, and will not, reclaim it. At that point, you have more than earned your puppy and I hope that you continue to play them to your heart's content!

Applications Will Close When?

I will leave applications open until September 25th! This will give you 4 days to get the pups up before they are born, or until October 12th right before they are playable. If you wait until the 13th you will have lost the chance at your puppy and the pup will be considered stillborn. I don't want to have that happen in the litter, but I feel I am giving ample time for the pups to be put up for acceptance when they are being chosen before the birthing date. That's over two weeks for y'all~.

Design Choices!

Below are some design options for the Bellaroche pups. You are also welcome to bring your own.

Manes are a very common mutation in both lines if you would like your pup to have one. Other mutations sporadically pop up in either line including:: Tusks, Saber Fangs, Small Horns, and Wings {Major Mutation only}.

Common colorations for the children are white, black, tan, and brown fur. Red fur can also be inherited from Gavroche's side while silver and gray can be inherited from Bellamy's side. The most common eye colors are green, blue, and fiery colors in that order. Other colors may be welcome!

Bellaroche 1

Bellaroche 2

Bellaroche 3

Bellaroche 4

Bellaroche 5 and 6

Bellaroche 7

Bellaroche 8

Bellaroche 9 {Design I’m using. Open to a twin though!}

Bellaroche 10

Bellaroche 11

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
09-07-2022, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2022, 12:03 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 3 times in total.)

Name: Lyonesse Kedieo
Nicknames: Nessie, Ly
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral

17"||Light Build||Coat is smooth & fluffy, sticks up at odd angles here and there||Bushy tail||Almond shaped eyes

She is small, but she is mighty. Lyonesse is a big dog packed in a small dog's body. Likely the smallest of the litter and standing no taller than her father, she doesn't let her size stop her from accomplishing big feats. Her coat is pleasing to the eye. Reminiscent of a beautifully put-together cappuccino, her base coat is a creamy tan from head to tail with darker stripes strewn across her body. Sandy beige tones mark her legs & tail, broken up by the striping and the white of her underside. The white markings also throw three jagged stripes on the side of her ribs, smaller than the majority of the brown striping but noticeable against the rest of her cappuccino-like form. A pair of almond-shaped emerald green eyes completes her look! (Unless you count the fur that refuses to lie flat around the base of her tail, shoulders, chest, and other random areas!)


Brave||Bold||Hot-headed||Loyal||Religious||Temperamental||Hates to lose||Struggles with patience||More TBA

Lyonesse is likely geared more toward her mother's personality as opposed to her father's, however, that's not to say she won't pick up on Gavroche's traits as she grows and learns. During her pup hood, the characteristics she is likely to have and retain as an adult begin to show early on. She is brave and bold, though she isn't reckless. She's likely to try and chase off intruders and protect her own regardless of how big or small the threat is. She shows a fearless attitude, even in the wake of danger and disaster, she tries to be the rock that others can hold onto when it feels like their world is crumbling apart. Inquisitive and likely to stick her nose into things, sure, but not annoyingly so. She doesn't like being talked down to and made to seem like she doesn't understand what's going on. She likes to be aware of things and eventually learns to pick up on things that might be bothering others, for instance, if her mother or father are bothered by something or if one of her siblings is having a bad day, she's likely to pick up on it and may try to cheer them up. Should they refuse her efforts, however, she is likely to sulk as she learns that sometimes, people just want to deal with things their own way and that she can't fix everything.

Loyal to those she comes to trust, once you have her as a friend, you can count on her being a friend for life! That is unless you stab her in the back. She's the type that gives chance after chance, but even Nessie has her limits. Should she find herself in a position where it's her well-being over you, she will eventually choose her sanity and will choose to cut off whoever it is that has chosen to abuse her kindness and loyalty. Will it hurt? Sure. But she has ways of dealing with it and moving on, holding onto the good memories until one day, they fade. When it comes to pack loyalty, she will fight tooth and nail to protect her home and packmates, provided the pack she belongs to is one that she respects enough to help defend it. She isn't one for supporting those that think themselves holier than thou or who just like to throw their weight around. Act like you're hot shit and she's likely to look the other way and let you fall.

The Religion of Foi does help her to heal. Praying to them for guidance and turning to them in her darkest hours. She isn't openly religious, however. And she won't shun or ignore her religion in front of others, either. She prefers to pray and show her appreciation for her religion in a more private way, be it whispering a quick prayer before and after a hunt, before a fight, or offering a prayer to someone else who might be struggling. Whatever the case, she finds comfort in them and will often offer silent prayers and perhaps even tributes when she feels the need to.

What some might consider a flaw, Lyonesse sees it as a challenge set forth by the gods and goddesses of Foi. She is a temperamental little beast and sometimes struggles with her emotions depending on the situation. One moment she could be fine and dandy, and the next she's liable to fly off the handle. It's not at random, either. It's more when she sees or hears something she feels is unjust. Talking down to someone else. Picking on others. Talking down, degrading, or insulting her or those she cares about. She doesn't like those that think of themselves above everyone else. Act like a pompous jerk and act like you're above and better than everyone else? You bet she'll have something to say! Also, don't mention her size. She knows she's small. To tell her that over and over well, let's just say them's be fightin' words!

Purchases Needed: Reduced height x6, possible feline claws and/or fangs
Plots and Plans: She is small, but she is mighty! Aims to be the best tiny warrior that she can be, her name means Land of the Lioness >:D
Will you follow Foi?: Personally I will try because it would fit her for sure!
Additional Information:



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
09-07-2022, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2022, 02:06 AM by Shelby. Edited 4 times in total.)

Name: Dorian Kedieo
Nicknames: Dori, but only from his parents or siblings and never in front of anyone else.
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Apperance: Shades of deep, caramel brown and sandy tans make up the color pallet of his plush coat. The darkest hues are concentrated along the top line of his body and cap each of his shoulders and from there they made a soft gradient in to lighter, more golden shades of blonde before finally reaching the pale, slightly tanned ivory on his paws and all along his throat, belly, and underside of his tail. This same light coloring follows the curves of his cheeks to connect with markings that wrap around his eyes, reaching a point at the lower corner and stopping above his eye at the point of his brow. Throughout his coat are flecks and ticking of white that concentrate mostly on the sides of his neck, over his ribs, on each outer thigh, and along his tail. His eyes are a bright, gem-like emerald green that if you look closely have flecks of darker and lighter greens intermingled in the iris. He's fairly tall, though far from the largest or strongest around. He matches his mother's height at forty one inches, but leans more toward his father with his lighter build.
Religious - Guided by the lessons and teachings from his parents, Dorian finds a comfort and enjoyment in the structure and mythos surrounding the religion he is brought up in. Whether or not he deeply resonates or believes something in it, he still finds a comfort in having something to guide his actions or just simply having something to believe in.
Communal - He doesn't consider anything he has to be strictly his. He enjoys sharing and giving what he has to others that might need it more than himself and providing for those he cares about. He is someone who hates to be alone and would rather have his family and friends around him when at all possible. He doesn't necessarily like being in large crowds, especially of strangers, but nothing brings him peace like being with his family.
Protective - Dorian is not a naturally violent, nor does he ever really attempt to provoke someone into a fight, but if his family or friends are in danger he will not hesitate to come to their aid. He doesn't shy away from blood shed when he feels like it is necessary and if he ever sees someone attacking someone he loves he will be ruthless in defending them.
Purchases Needed: x5 additional height to match mom, maybe a mane, I haven't decided yet.
Plots and Plans: I plan for him to stick close to his parents and family at least until he's an adult, but I doubt he'd go far even after that. If Bellamy does end up getting her pack then I imagine he'd be just as dedicated to that as he will be their religion so it'll be interesting to see where their paths take him!
Will you follow Foi?: I would like for him to follow it and how closely/deeply he believes in it all depends on how much he's taught IC!
Additional Information: I don't think I have anything else to add at the moment!


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
09-07-2022, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2022, 04:08 PM by Hermes. Edited 2 times in total.)

Name: Haydée Kedieo (The French version of Haidee, which means “modest” or “reverent” in Greek)
Nicknames: Hay, Dee
Gender: Female

Alignment: Lawful Good

Apperance: Haydée’s features are as soft and gentle as her countenance. From the gentle lines of an almost always present smile, to her small stature, this sweet wolf will be easy to overlook.

However, once someone sees her, they will be hard pressed to look away. Haydée’s base coat is the deep russet of the first cold snap of autumn, when vibrant green leaves give way to browns and reds. Around her muzzle, along her chest and belly, ticking her sides and tail, and coating the underside of said tail, the sold, deep red is broken up with a lighter shade. This hue almost appears pinkish but it is actually created because there white fur mixed in among the deep red.

From Haydée’s nose, encompassing her eyes and ears, trailing down her neck, covering the lower half of her front legs, along the top of her back, the topside of her tail and ticking her sides and tail is a dark, bottomless black. However, set into her mask, and further softening her features, sit two bright, emerald green eyes that peer out at the world with love and curiosity.

Height 19”
Size Extra-Small
Build Medium

Analytical ~ Eager ~ Optimistic ~ Supportive ~ Trustworthy

Haydée loves to understand how things work. From interpersonal relationships to the life cycle of plants, she wants to know everything. This eager drive for knowledge will also spill over into her desire to be supportive of her family. Need something from her? Ask and she will gladly give.

Happiness will always be easy for Haydée to find because every dark cloud has a silver lining. Even when it seems like there is no hope to be found, Dee will never lose faith. Some might say this is unrealistic, that she is dreamer but it is she knows the truth; In the darkness, light shines all the brighter.

Whoever crosses her path will be met with kindness, love, and generosity. When someone needs help, Haydée will gladly extend her paw in charity and never expect anything in return. Some may look at with suspicion but Dee will try to prove that they can trust her. Never one to go behind someone’s back, she will always be honest… even if the truth hurts.

Purchases Needed: Height reduction x 3 – 450 (600 – 150 from 25%), Extra pup pass -150, Character slot – 400 = 1000 gems (I will make a donation to get the gems)

Plots and Plans: Family threads! Lots of them. I would like Haydée to shadow her parents, learn everything she can from them and about Foi! Skill threads too, I am trying to get my pups mastered in one skill by a year old, so I may ask for some grinds sorry in advance.

Will you follow Foi?: I think Haydée would follow! I would love some threads with her learning the teachings and feel it out ICly. With that said, she will also want to make her parents happy and will be willing to at least try following Foi.

Additional Information: I think that is everything! <3


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
09-08-2022, 07:11 AM
Shelby and Hermes - Those designs look good to go and are so pretty! I absolutely love them!

In general - I know it is a bit early to post anything new but I am super happy to see any interest at all in these kids, thank you! I will be sticking to a three pup litter at most due to a pack shift pending for these guys so I do not fill up where they are going. They will be shifting over to the Armada as a pack and if you would like to know reasons why you are welcome to DM me. These guys will mainly be a Northern family thanks to their adopted polar bear cub member!

I am so, so stoked to share this family with others and so I have decided that I may not be using one of the pup slots despite this being their final litter. I love Bellamy and Gavroche but I do have Lucette, the older full-blooded sibling to these guys. I really just want to see these kids adopted out and loved! I can assure you all that family threads are only ever at most a question away (if I don't drown you in them by default). Super happy to see folks interested in the religion too! I will be, at some point, uploading sketches of all these Divinities I have made to stash so you get somewhat of a visual for them. I have the sketches just gotta upload and link.

That said for IC content on their religion I am going to aim for a lesson a month for the basic sections of the Divinities to avoid too much clutter. So the first lesson about the Allmother and Allfather may be smaller unless I develop further lore nuggets about them before then. I'm again just SUPER stoked to see folks with interest and am very excited to share things with these kids. I am going to struggle if I get a good number of apps for sure - I don't like saying no to anyone but there is sadly a predetermined number in my head for the litter. That said, if there ARE more apps and you are still heavily interested in a relative / a follower of Foi I will be happy to put up other family adopts. Alternatively you can also wait until Lucy or one of these kiddos have babs of their own.

Again guys, thank you for the interest and best of luck! The 25th is going to be anxiously awaited. Heck, y'all already got me so excited I can't go back to sleep. You guys rock!
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
09-13-2022, 12:39 AM
Added two more designs! Bellaroche 10 and 11. Brought to you by our very own Lightz!



Easter 2022Toys for Tots
09-19-2022, 01:11 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2022, 12:30 AM by Shard. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Corbin
Nicknames: Cor / Ben
Gender: male
Alignment: lawful good
[Image: LHwtyU7.png]
The boy's coat is a variety of dark hues.  Along the neck and sides of his face, it's clearly black, as well as the front legs.  A lot of the body is more of a near-black like the night sky or a ravens wing.  Vivid yellowish-orange, like the shine of the morning sun, splashes of color are marked along points of the body.  The vibrant color frames his cheeks, under the eyes, hinted on the back of his rear legs, chest, and the end of his tail.  His gait is generally with some bounce to his step, the skip of one who is not weighed down by troubled pasts and sees bright futures ahead.

Like a feather floating on the wind or the specks of filtered light through shadows is the mind of the young pup.  Is that a hill nearby or a giant mountain that is sure to have an amazing treasure at the top?  He will likely go on grand adventures before he even leaves the land they are born on.

Don’t be surprised if he has some wild adventures to share later.  Sure, they may be embellished a bit but these aren’t lies to try and trick or cause anyone harm.  He wants to make his audience smile or laugh or dream the dreams as he does.  

He isn’t the sort to plan to sneak away to have fun for instance.  He’d most definitely say no if someone tried to lure him into not following the rules!  However, if he spotted something amazing a short way off he might forget to pay attention to a boundary line.  His mind would already be busy coming up with the ‘what is’ and ‘what if’ questions.  

He's also perfectly honest.  Corner him on a wrongdoing and he’ll fess up to it.  He might even report what he did wrong before being quizzed.  The young man has a conscience and desires to do right but that’s a whole lot harder as a child.  With parents and siblings, he might try snuggling his way to forgiveness.

Purchases Needed: odd-colored markings for his yellow/orange
Plots and Plans: I imagine him trying to cheer mom up when she's depressed with some pretty big stories.  The sort that are clearly made up tales.  
Will you follow Foi?:I'm gonna go with a definite maybe?  I'd like to follow his train of thought on it ic'ly.  Decent odds with his imagination it'd be natural to believe in a religion
Additional Information:
Sweet kid.  big heart.  has been known to act before thinking.  dreamer


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
09-25-2022, 12:57 AM
It’s time, I can wait no longer!

Congrats to Dragon with Lyonesse, Shelby with Dorian, Hermes with Haydée, and Shard with Corbin!

Congrats to everyone! With Bells going for a pack I have decided that I’m not holding anything back with this litter! I look forward to interacting with each of your kiddos and am very excited for this family. Pups are not born til my birthday, the 29th, so we have some time before they have to be up. Just keep an eye on the time, if you could! I’ll be getting Alexander up here soon and before we know it it’ll be time for all the kids to be played!