
Making Arrangements




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-14-2022, 05:28 PM

The trip down to visit Chimera had been a long one and certainly far more lonely than she was used to after spending nearly all of her time among her family or at the very least with Alastor at her side over the last couple of years, but she eventually made it to the Auster-dwelling pack without much incident. She noticed as she followed the border a bit that it extended out beyond where she had remembered it did the last time she was here and quickly picked up on the fact that Fenmyre had also expanded their lands and and taken in more of the Auster wilds into their claimed territories. That seemed to be a common occurrence these days, at least among the packs she was familiar with, and was glad to see that her friends were flourishing.

After announcing her arrival at the border and making her way to the ferry to cross onto the island, she met Chimera on the shore, giving the white, black, and slate brute a grin and nod of her head. "Chimera," she greeted fondly. "It's been far too long." Once they had gotten through their brief pleasantries she walked with him for a bit through the shaded trees of the island. She knew Chimera was the sort that would appreciate getting right down to business so she didn't beat around the bush as to why she had come to speak with him. "Our children are certainly growing up fast," she commented, glancing over to him as she kept a easy, casual pace beside him. "My oldest will be two before I know it and I suppose its high time to start considering the future for them."

They reached a small, covered structure and she stepped inside with him, sitting to one side and enjoying the shade and reprieve from the Auster heat with the dramatic change from her north-eastern home. She looked at her fellow alpha for a moment, considering how to proceed, before finally deciding to simply be honest. She trusted Chimera and his discretion on important matters and if she was going to present this kind of arrangement to him then it was better to be open than to keep things hidden. "I need to find suitable partners for Avacyn and Saracyn," she said bluntly, sighing softly as she reclined back a bit into her seat. "Normally it's tradition and a bit of a right of passage for Mendacium family to travel and search out their mates, but given the fact that we have settled into a more permanent location and that some... things have come to light that might make my twins unwilling to take the journeys on their own... I am looking to make arrangements for them."

She paused for a moment, wondering how much she would have to reveal to get her point across or at least satisfy Chimera's interest in the situation. She left it at that for now and just added, "Scylla seems to be doing well in Elysium. She and Saracyn get along fine. She has a brother, doesn't she? I believe I remember seeing him with Avacyn at the festival we held a little while back... he's a handsome young man." She didn't outright ask for his son's possible engagement just yet, just bringing up the topic and waiting to see how Chimera reacted to it all.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-15-2022, 05:26 AM

The sudden call from Manea was a little surprising but not at all unwelcome. Chimera was a man of very few friends as he could count only Artorias in that category, but he saw the potential to add the violet woman to the group in time. Some of their views were similar and they had more in common than most others that met the Fenmyrian brute. In fact, he had hoped to forge some kind of bond between their packs. He was loathe to use the word 'alliance' though that was what it would be. The term just left a funny taste in his mouth. So many packs held alliances and they seemed to mean nothing other than "hey, we're buddies." Chimera needed something more solid than a handshake and holiday wishes.

After leading Manea into the cooler depths of the jungle, they arrived at the huge wooden gazebo where a crisp breeze drifted in off of the ocean. It was enough to keep the lingering heat at bay. Chimera motioned for the woman to take a seat on the cushions and furs and he did the same, seating himself before sliding down to rest his ribcage upon one plush cushion. One foreleg curled against his chest in a rather feline manner and he gave the fae his full attention.

Manea got to the point, though she left a hefty chunk out as he considered her words. Things had come to light, had they? The brute merely raised one brow and exhaled through his speckled pink nose with mild amusement. "I find it surprising that anyone gets along with Scylla." His wild daughter was an odd one and nothing had ever been able to change her. Manea asked after Albion and it was clear what the woman was hoping for.

"I don't know what events brought you to such a conclusion, but I do know that Scylla won't be content playing second fiddle." His daughter was headstrong and he had no doubt that she would be vocal about her displeasure if she felt slighted in any way. "As for Albion, the boy is still finding himself." He'd made the decision to send Scylla away and Albion had voiced his displeasure at not having been consulted. Chimera could and did respect that and had promised to involve the boy in hefty decisions. "Tell me what you're thinking," he invited Manea to share her plan.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-28-2022, 11:07 PM

Manea smirked a little when Chimera made a comment about how it was surprising that Scylla got along with anyone. She was tempted to say the same thing about her strong willed son which made her wonder if that was why they managed to find common ground—or at least as much as she expected Saracyn to have with anyone that wasn't his immediate family. He took far more after Alastor than he did her in many regards and while she did love him unconditionally, he did certainly worry her the same way Alastor did at times with his recklessness. She nodded with understanding when he added that Scylla wouldn't be satisfied with playing second fiddle. She certainly wouldn't either and she knew she would be asking a lot of the independent, talented young woman to go along with this hope of hers, but she quietly hoped that if she got her father on board that might help her chances a bit. She was interested in what Chimera meant by Albion finding himself, but she didn't question it for now.

Chimera turned the conversation back to her as he requested more information about her plan and it was obvious that he had picked up on the fact that she was trying to say as little as she could about the situation. She trusted Chimera quite a bit, but this was uncharted territory for her and a situation she wasn't sure how to handle so she wasn't sure how much she could comfortably say. She hesitated for a moment before sighing softly and finally deciding to just be upfront with the man and hope he could understand where she was coming from on the matter. "Avacyn and Saracyn have always been extremely close. It's rare to have more than one pup from a litter in my family so having the twins... They bonded right away," she explained, her ears flicking with a bit of uncertainty as she went on. "As they've gotten older they only seem to be getting closer and I have a... suspicion that if they're just left to their own devices they won't want to find their own mates since they'll have each other." She knew Chimera was far from a prudish man and he would certainly be able to read between the lines here without her having to spell out every detail.

"If it was something as simple as them experimenting or fooling around I wouldn't have an issue. My siblings and I certainly did our fair share of that when we were growing up. I really don't even have an issue with the fact that they seem to love one another so deeply. I'm happy if they're happy. But... Avacyn is to be our family's next Matriarch. There are hard and unwavering laws that she will have to be the face of and will need to be able to enforce and having pups is an important part of that... specifically not Saracyn's pups." She sighed as a frown crossed her lips and she glanced away, her brows pulling together. "I don't think that I could come to anyone else with this... My hope is that maybe the four of them can all come to some kind of understanding and relationship together the way you have with your Queens. The concept at least won't be foreign to Scylla and Albion the way it would be for most other wolves their age from other packs or families. I understand that Saracyn can be disagreeable on a good day, but somehow he and Scylla seem to at least be able to not murder one another. Avacyn is far more willing to play nice, but I do know that she has a bit of a soft spot for Albion already, so..." She gave a small shake of her head and brought her gaze back to Chimera's, quietly hoping to herself that she hadn't managed to talk herself into a hole with the Fenmyre King.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-04-2022, 12:52 PM

Manea began to speak and continued to do so at length, explaining the relationship between her children and how it would be detrimental to the pack and its future ruler if they came to only care for one another. Chimera merely nodded, allowing the woman to go on and continue speaking her mind. In time, she came again to the mention of tying their lines together with siblings from either pack. It wasn't a bad idea. Her children were too close and his children were too close. He doubted that Scylla and Albion had done anything reminiscent of what Manea's children had done, but they relied too much on one another.

The big man thought for a time, his striped obsidian tail giving a swish every now and again. There were very few downsides to linking their packs by blood. "By partnering our children, we would be forging an alliance by blood, you are aware." A wry smile pulled at the brutes maw. "Fenmyre is not looked upon favorably so make sure you take that into account." Allying with him may very well keep her from allying with others.

Turning his head, Chimera spoke a few words to one of his mastiffs that was sitting in the treeline. The dog rose and moved off without a word. Looking back to Manea, Chimera nodded. "I am inclined to accept your proposal. I will, however, consult the children's mother as well as the boy himself." He would have the final say, of course, but there was no harm in letting the pair feel as though they had a choice.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-12-2022, 01:07 PM
Siren was napping after worrying far too much about everything going on. Not seeing Scylla had been hard on her, but maybe even more difficult was knowing that Albion was avoiding her as well. Like he was blaming her in part for the fact that Scylla was gone. Siren clung to Dalila in those days, and spent as much time with Ruse as she could but the girl was growing onto her own and independence. She wasn’t her mother after all. She tried hard to make amends with her son, her heart wanted so badly to have the young boy he’d once been by her side. So sweet and innocent and eager to please. He was no longer that innocent boy, but an angry young man as he tried to understand the world around him. Siren understood, she had been there once, but the hurt in her heart still remained.

She woke swiftly as the mastiff disturbed her as Chimera sought her presence. She cleaned herself up lightly and followed the massive canine to where Chimera was sat with Elysium’s Alphess Manea. Siren tilted her head but said nothing as she carefully sat beside Chimera’s massive frame, her tail curling around her hips and brushing against his thigh as Albion appeared behind her.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2022, 01:22 PM
Albion glared at the dog that rounded him up at the request of his father, he debated for a long moment if he would obey or not. Maybe out of habit or perhaps a little defeat, Albi willed himself to move. His huge frame lumbered behind the mastiff, and was a little surprised when he found himself following Siren’s trail. There wasn’t much that went beyond Chimera’s notice so he wouldn’t have been surprised to know this was some kind of ridiculous intervention for him to make up with his mother. Siren was right when she thought he held her just as culpable as his father when it came to Scylla’s missing presence in the pack.

He started going over the conversations he’d have to rebuke even as he walked slowly behind the errand dog. Certain of what was to come, he was taken completely aback when his white blue eyes found Manea’s unforgettable form. A scowl overcame the surprise as he seated himself decidedly away from Chimera and Siren, he was maturing but not enough to hide his discontent in the presence of the royal woman. He did have enough sense to stay quiet as his glance shifted from Manea to his parents.

"The Murder Bunch"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-25-2022, 12:28 PM

Manea waited patiently while Chimera considered her words and her proposal. She knew there had been a lot to say to bring him up to speed with the situation and to present her offer to him so she wouldn't rush him on a decision or even an opinion. She knew it was an unusual request, though the idea of an arranged marriage wasn't as foreign to her now after the union of Ikigai and Deimos. She saw the benefit of it beyond just ensuring the Mendacium lineage and Avacyn's honor to the rest of their family. Chimera spoke as much when he did finally speak, mentioning the alliance that would be formed by blood if this were to happen. A small smirk tugged at her lips to match Chimera's smile when he added how Fenmyre wasn't looked upon favorably by others. "I don't believe that Elysium is all that praised in the eyes of others either, but I know who I want my friends to be and as long as I am viewed positively by them then that is all that matters to me. From what I've heard you're quite popular with my other allies at the very least so I see no issues here." She was aware of the bonds already built between Fenmyre, Ashen, and Hallows so there would be no conflicts of interest if the alliance between them was formed. She already had far stronger allies than she had ever expected for herself so if a few other packs had issue with them then she couldn't be bothered to care.

She glanced toward one of his canine companions as Chimera spoke to the mastiff before bringing her gaze back to the Fenmyre King as he explained how he would need approval from the mother of his children and Albion himself before anything was officially arranged. Manea nodded in agreement, saying, "Of course. I would expect nothing less." There was a brief wait before Siren and Albion both appeared, being led by the dogs that had been sent after them. Neither of them spoke, but both wore a recognition when they saw her so at least introductions wouldn't need to be made. She knew Albion had come to Elysium's festival so he was a more familiar face than Siren's. She noticed Albion's attitude, the young man looking distinctly bothered by being here, though she got the sense that his anger wasn't directed toward her. It made her curious, but she wasn't here to meddle in their family's issues. She had an angry young man of her own back at home and she knew very well the difficulties of raising a head strong wolf. The thought made her smile a bit as she dipped her head in greeting to Siren and Albion both.

"Thank you both for allowing me to intrude on your day for a moment," she told them with a soft chuckle. She gave Chimera a small glance before deciding to go ahead and explain herself. "I'm here to make an offer to you, Albion, and to Scylla." Her attention was mostly on the massive young brute, but she gave plenty of attention to Siren as well. She understood how difficult it was to willingly give up one of their children and since she didn't know Siren or Chimera nearly as well as she knew Venom it would be a more difficult request than it had been when they were arranging Ikigai's marriage. "I intend to arrange marriages for my twins—Avacyn and Saracyn. Because of Avacyn's position as the heir to Elysium and to be the Matriarch of our family I think that it would benefit her to have a mate that comes from another strong, well established family and pack. Normally it is tradition in my family to travel and search out the most suitable mate, but with our family no longer being as nomadic as it once was, the responsibilities keeping them tied to the pack, and how close knit the two of them are I fear that they won't be able to or won't be willing to do that. That has prompted me to be more... hands on and creative when it comes to making sure that they are in strong relationships."

Manea focused a bit more directly on Albion now, giving him a soft smile. "I know Avacyn thinks very kindly of you after the time you spent together at the festival. She was very eager to tell me about how you helped her with that drunkard after the rest of us had retired for the evening. I know one evening doesn't make enough of a connection to base an entire relationship on, but you certainly left a good impression." Turning her gaze back to Chimera and Siren, she added, "I will not lie to you. My son is very... strong willed. I am not entirely certain he will go into this arrangement with Scylla without a bit of convincing. If we come to a tentative agreement here, I am willing to go back to Elysium to discuss this with him and Scylla both to make sure this is agreeable to them before we make any final plans. I'm not here to force any of our children into something that is going to make them miserable—I am just trying to find a middle ground that will benefit both of our families and our packs while letting our children live closely together as they seem to want to do."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny