
Report to my Island




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-27-2022, 12:41 AM

The night she spent with Kavik was a surprising one and one she hadn't really expected she needed. It wasn't as if she wasn't kept satisfied between Alastor and Irilyth, but the wild night she shared with the snow-hued brute had made her rethink and reconsider the current state of affairs. If Alastor was being freely allowed to keep another fae to himself without sharing with her as they had originally agreed, why couldn't she keep another brute? Kavik was a handsome man and had certainly shown her a good time and even beyond that she was constantly in search of able bodied wolves to keep Elysium's ranks filled. Why not bring him home when he seemed all too eager to join her?

They set off from the willows in the late morning and by the time they made it to the land bridge that connected them to Elysium's primary territory it had settled into early evening. Perhaps if they had been more dedicated in their travels they would have made it back sooner, but there had been a bit of a detour as Kavik continued to remind her how much he seemed to enjoy and crave her. It was nice to be reminded of how much she was wanted and it was never a bad thing to be lusted after. Even as they crossed over the land bridge back to the island, she tossed Kavik a grin and brushed her tail against his thigh, saying, "Welcome to Elysium."

She brought her new paramour up the mountain trails to the series of caves that they used as their dens and homes in the mountainous region, bringing him to one that was close by to the one she shared with her family. It was moderately sized and already outfitted with a bed of plush furs for the cool nights of the mountains and a fire pit just waiting to be lit. "I typically keep this reserved for guests, but it can be your new home for the time being." She directed him up the path a bit, pointing out her own den. "My family and I live just up that way so I won't be far."

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
09-27-2022, 01:03 AM
When Kavik had bedded Manea the night prior, he never would have expected to be invited so willingly to join the violet queen as part of her pack. He was sure this would have been a one night stand and he'd need to work to get into her good graces, but it seemed like by virtue of charm and his skills in bed, Kavik had earned himself a place within Manea's ranks. So when his evening lover had asked him to come back with her and join her pack, the snowy brute couldn't agree faster or more emphatically. And just like that, he was in Elysium and already working his way into Manea's favor. The pair of wolves had spent the night thoroughly enjoying one another, and in the morning they had shared breakfast and headed back to Manea's home. Of course, they would take a break every territory they passed through just to get to enjoy the pleasures of one another's bodies along the way, showing just how insatiable and ravenous the both of them were together. That had been Kavik's favorite part of their journey.

Passing through Elysium's borders made Kavik realize just how real this moment was becoming. It was an easy thing to fantasize about while cuddling with the violet fae post-coitus, but it was another thing entirely to be living it. He followed beside Manea as she led the way past a sizable lake and across the land bridge toward her island home, welcoming him to her pack with alluring words and a teasing brush of her silky tail against his thigh. A shiver ran down Kavik's spine, a sly grin pulling at his features as he exchanged a lustful glance with his lover. "I'm sure I'll find it heaven on earth," he replied, brushing his muscular side against Manea's while letting his own bushy tail trail up the back of her thigh in turn. Manea led the way through the pine woods of the island and up the paths into the craggy mountains. Eventually the pair reached a cave that was spacious and furnished, ready to receive its new occupant. He took a few steps inside to peer about his new living space, taking it all in with a pleased smile. Oh yeah, this would do nicely for now.

"It's perfect. Thank you for your generosity, Manea," he replied, shooting a charming and half flirtatious grin her way. Icy blue eyes glanced farther up the path while she explained that she and her family lived in the next cave up. Ever the rogue, Kavik's grin twisted into an intrigued, devilish smirk and his eyes lit up with a lecherous mirth. "So you're saying you're right next door if I'm ever feeling the need to call on the ravishing Matriarch? How very convenient. Maybe I'll get you to give me a personal tour of your home soon." He spoke in rumbling husky lyrics, chuckling beneath his breath while he stepped past Manea and into his new den, casually brushing his side against hers in the process so she could feel his rippling muscles move past her. "Or would you prefer I don't call on you at your home, just in case your husband doesn't want to see you getting picked up by another brute?" he teased her, roguish grin on full display.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-30-2022, 08:01 PM

She smirked as he shot her a charming grin, amused at his near constant flirtation with her. She wondered to herself if he was always this charismatic or if he was really turning on the charm since they just recently met and he was trying to make a good impression. She supposed only time would tell, but at least it seemed like there would be plenty of time to get to know him more personally. Although, if he turned out to simply be a flirtatious, sexually driven brute that was only here to sleep with her she couldn't really say she'd be all that disappointed. She was quite enjoying his attention and he wasn't half bad in bed either. When he made a comment about her being right next door and how he might get her to give him a personal tour later, Manea couldn't help but give him a sly grin, chuckling as well as he began to step past her and brush his muscular form against her own. Just as she was about to respond to say that she might just do that he quested whether she would want him to do that or not considering her husband and the possibility of him seeing her getting picked up by another brute.

She grinned back at him and nearly conceded and was going to tell him how it would probably wise to avoid the wrath of the Commander for at least a while as he got settled into the pack, but then she reconsidered. It was likely asking for trouble to flaunt her new found lover in front of Alastor, but just the idea of it made her grin widen. With as much time as Alastor spent with Relm when she very much knew exactly where he was, why not have him know where she was and who she was spending her time with as well? Perhaps she wouldn't go risking her paramour's wellbeing on the first day in the pack, but it was something she'd consider at least. "Well, I suppose I could show you up to our den at least so you'll know which room to find me in," she teased, giving him a sultry glance before nodding her head and turning to lead him a bit further up the path to a plateau that made up a small courtyard of sorts outside of the larger cave.

"I'm sure you could figure it out just following my scent, but wouldn't want you wandering into one of my kids rooms," she mentioned with a chuckle as she led him into the large central chamber with several branching alcoves and paths leading off of it. The most visible one was Avacyn's workshop to the left since it was more of a nook off of the main chamber than a separate room while the one he brought him to was a path a the back of the cave that curved a bit into a secluded chamber away from the rest of the dens. "Where we are, home sweet home," she told him as she turned around to face him, giving him a slight grin. She stepped closer to him, giving him a sly grin as she lingered with her muzzle near his. "Now if you want to test your luck and come calling in my home you'll know where to go."

"Manea Mendacium"