
All that matters

Avacyn ♥


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 12:35 AM

Night had settled over Boreas. The warm summer evening rested like a blanket over the land, the sky still darkening as the last remnants of sunlight disappeared beyond the western horizon. The sky above was an inky swirl of navies and indigos, speckled with glistening stars and a silvery waxing moon. The salty air was filled with the lapping of ocean waves against the shore below as Saracyn meandered his way carefully along the craggy cliff ledges of the Moontouched Cliffs down into the hidden alcove he'd found, the coastal breeze rippling through his fur as it blew inland. The young wolf hadn't exactly headed here in particular after storming off from Elysium, he had just sort of ended up down in the southern lands during his aimless wandering. He'd needed to get away from his home, to escape the oppression he felt living trapped in a life he didn't want. All of that pent up frustration and anger had reached a boiling point and now it was finally venting out.

Saracyn had carved a bloody swathe south through Boreas, killing any animal he came across, whether they were predator or prey. He welcomed the fight and relished in snuffing the lives from the creatures in his way. It helped him release that inner rage, and every life he took, he imagined he was lashing out against everything and everyone that had wronged him. Many had worn his mother's face this day. By sunset, the veritable adult had made his way to the southeastern shores of the continent, and after bathing and catching himself a dinner of ocean fish, Sara was preparing to settle in for the night in the strangely formed alcoves he'd discovered. A campfire was set up and crackling away, his fish cooking on a large stone set right next to the fire.

While he alternated between tending to his food and gazing up at the stars or out over the ocean, the Mendacium prince began to ponder his next move. Would he return home or just keep going on his own? Did he even want to return home knowing what waited for him there? Maybe this would be his chance to take back some control over his life. He could strike out on his own like the other Mendacium males did, roam the world until he found a wolf worthy of taking as a mate to bear him children—someone his mother didn't handpick for him for political influence. But the more he thought about going off to find a fae to take as his, the more he felt out of sorts, and the more he thought of Avacyn. He didn't want to have to go find someone else. He had already found his soul mate in Ava, but their asinine family laws forbade their relationship, and she had caved to them and abandoned him. Saracyn frowned, still mourning his lost love and nursing his broken heart while he lost himself in thought, staring blankly out at the dark ocean surrounding the rocky outcropping.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 01:09 AM

The heart break and abandonment she felt in the wake of Saracyn's rage and departure slowly burned away as she mourned what she had thought she had in the shadowed darkness of her den, alone and ignoring anyone that attempted to pull her out of her self imposed solitude. The longer that she stayed there, wrapped up in the furs of her bed and running the situation back in her mind again and again, the more her pain began to chip away and instead was replaced by an anger of her own. She refused to believe that this was how it was all going to end, not after everything that they had been through, not after everything they had promised. There had to be another middle ground and some way to give them both what they wanted and needed, but before she could even really formulate a plan on how to do that she knew she had to find him before he disappeared entirely. She didn't know if her twin would truly abandon her like this, but with the state he had been in and how he seemed to think she viewed this whole situation she wasn't going to count it out as a possibility either.

When she pulled herself up, rubbing her tender eyes and shaking out her fur, it had started to grow late with the sun dipping down toward the horizon. Her ears flicked back as she looked out at the dwindling sunlight. She knew how far they had gotten the day they spent together fighting everything that crossed their paths and she knew she was already running out of time if she had any hope of finding him on her own. A quick whistle summoned her ravens to her and she sent them out to scout ahead of her since they could fly faster than she could run over the uneven terrain of their home and the two jet black birds took off in search of the familiar form of her brother. She avoided the rest of their family on her way off of the island, not wanting their questions or for any of them to attempt to stop her and as soon as she was over the bridge that connected their home to the mainland she took off, following Saracyn's scent and the calls from her ravens as they spotted signs of where he had been in the form of various corpses that dotted the landscape in his wake.

Eventually that brought her to a cliff side that looked over the ocean and by this point it had fully sunk into night. The moon was bright and cast a light over the grassy, flower dotted landscape, but as she looked around she didn't see any sign of her brother even though his trail led her here—at least not until she noticed the thin trail of smoke coming up form past the cliff's edge. She used that as her beacon and found a path down along the side of the cliff until she found the unusual, reptilian head-shaped opening where the smoke was trailing from. Her brother's familiar scent was strong here and a mix of conflicted anger and relief rushed over her as she hurried to the outcropping, a small leap over the jagged rocks landing her inside and face to face with Saracyn who was lingering near the campfire that was the obvious source of the smoke she had followed.

Avacyn hesitated as she stood across from him, suddenly confronted with the fact that she had come here with little plan and far less of an idea of what she truly wanted from this other than to bring her brother home. There was an anger and a desperation that ate at her as she struggled with what to do, but there was also the relief she always felt when she was away from him for any length of time and they found themselves together again. Despite what had happened and despite the uncertainty of what was ahead of them, she was happy to see him. Deeply, truly happy. In a way that made her even more angry with herself because she wanted to be able to have the same fire and rage at him that he had with her, but in the end that anger and that possessive twist in her gut she had felt at the thought of him being with anyone else drove her across the cave to him without a word and she shoved him onto his back with a forceful push of one large, leonine paw before she stood over him and pressed her lips hard to his, pouring out all of the pent up emotion into that kiss that she couldn't form into words.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 06:15 PM

The quiet night filled only with the sounds of the crackling fire and rhythmic ocean waves was abruptly disturbed by the alerting calls from Vindr and Veior roosting in the rocks around him, snatching Saracyn's attention up to his birds. The sound of rocks shifting and claws clicking against the stone ground caught his attention in the direction of the noises, nerves electrified and on edge, ready to spring into action to end the life of whatever had dared to come his way. There was a movement of shadow in the dark, and then violet fur appeared in the edge of his fire's light. Saracyn's focused gaze shot up, seeing the glowing marking on the intruder's face like a beacon in the dark, a marking he was intimately familiar with. Avacyn had tracked him down out here.

Saracyn felt his heart wrench in his chest. His initial reaction to find joy in his twin's presence was overshadowed by the feeling of heartbreak and betrayal he felt from their last interaction. A conflicting maelstrom of surprise and happiness and hurt and anger swirled about in his core, and for once the young wolf didn't immediately respond with delight at her presence. He held Ava's shocked gaze for a moment, his own narrowing to slight points while he stared hard at her. What was she even doing all this way out here? He supposed it didn't matter; she'd somehow found him and now he had to contend with seeing the object of his love that he could never have dangled tauntingly in front of his nose like a carrot on a stick. For a while neither wolf did anything until Sara's lips curled back from his teeth in a slight growl, issuing a careful warning to his sister to leave. He didn't want her here to twist the knife deeper into his heart. He just wanted to be left alone.

But before he could make any sound to warn her off, Ava was charging across the alcove towards him. Saracyn tried to rise to prepare to intercept her, ready to get into a fight with his twin, but the violet fae got to him before he could stand, using one large leonine paw to topple him back over and push him onto his back. Sara hit the rocky ground with a soft grunt, leering up at her with bewilderment painted on his features until surprise melted it away when her lips locked hard and deep to his. The prince gave a muffled sound of shock, stupefied by Ava's brazen and bold advance on him. She had always been the demure one of the two, always withdrawn and quiet, submissive in her behavior with him whenever they snuggled and kissed. This was an entirely new side of Avacyn—a dominant, commanding personality that seemed much more alpha than he'd ever seen his sister demonstrate before. Saracyn liked it a lot.

Blazing cobalt eyes slowly disappeared behind crimson eyelids, giving muted growls back against his lover's lips while a large white-toed paw lifted to curl around Avacyn's neck, holding her close so her lips couldn't leave his while he kissed her back, pouring forth all his furious passion and unrequited love and desire he harbored for her. In her lips, he tasted all those emotions she couldn't speak for him, and in his he sought to burn her alive with the intensity of his love for her. He aimed to show her that this was no game, no silly little puppy crush or fleeting feeling. He loved her. He wanted her in every way a man could want a woman. As his—wholly, unequivocally his and only his. He might not ever get what he wanted, but dammit he was going to make sure she knew how serious he was.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 06:53 PM

Avacyn could feel and taste the passion and emotion that her twin met her own with, the two of them crashing together like shifting waves on a turbulent sea. She felt his paws find the back of her neck, keeping her locked in this kiss with him, but she wasn't going anywhere. Everything that couldn't be said, everything that only seemed to come out wrong in words, sang through clear as day as they kissed furiously and intensely, almost as if they were locked in an intimate battle with one another. Soft, muffled growls and whines were exchanged back and forth, the only sounds filling this other wise quiet and peaceful cave. At some point she heard the flutter of wings as their collective companions took off to find roost elsewhere nearby, leaving the two young lovers on their own as they fought out their differences in the only way that felt right.

Her lithe, slender form settled over his, draping across his more broad, muscular body, the near adults melding together perfectly like two puzzle pieces that had been looking for its match. Any of her conscious thought, anything she might have said or felt, was slowly brushed away by a deep seated, burning need that made her core clench and fed a fire that had been steadily building and roaring into an inferno with every time that they made out or snuggled together late at night as they steadily learned and explored one another. He didn't need to say a word to show how deeply he truly felt and she hoped that he could feel the same from her as she hooked her forelegs around the back of his neck, her body laid out atop of his and her hips pressing back into his with passionate and desperate desire. This wasn't how she had envisioned their first time together nor had she imagined it would be under these circumstances or motivations, but there was no time that she had felt more ready or felt like they needed this more than right in this moment.

In a way there was a silent apology on her lips as she tasted him with a soft whine while she bared everything to him. In the end they both wanted the same things, but the way in which they saw the path to that goal was drastically different. She had never intended to betray his trust or make him feel as if she didn't value their love above all else, just as she liked to think that he never intended to hurt her and make her feel the way that he had. At the same time though, there was a possessiveness and a forcefulness in the way she took him that she had never expected from herself. She didn't question it or much of anything in this moment, instead just riding this wave with him and giving them both what they so badly needed. Her lips didn't break from his until she slid her hips back into his, joining their bodies together for the first time with a gasp that forced their lips apart. She held there for a moment, her gaze finding his again while she panted and reeled from the heady emotions and sensations that lit something on fire within her before she continued, figuring out this new form of pleasure with him with slightly clumsy, uncertain movements at first, but quickly finding their rhythm together and molding them both together until she wasn't certain where one of them ended and another began.

- fade -

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 07:46 PM

Lost in the heat of the moment, Saracyn surrendered to the passion and desire the twins were kindling together for one another. The flapping of their companions' wings as they left the two young lovers to their lusts was lost to him, so engulfed he was in the feel of Avacyn's lips locked with his own, the taste of her tongue in his maw, her beautiful slender body draped across his broader form. Massive paws lifted and roamed freely along Ava's sides, feeling every inch of her body that he could feasibly reach from his position on his back. Together the lovers sparred with one another with their lips and tongues, battling out their unspoken and unbridled emotions to reach a climactic zenith that would either leave them all the stronger or incinerate them both alive. The sounds of Avacyn's growls and whines were met with grunts and growls of his own, the twins communicating to one another in an intimate conversation between body language and primal noises while they fueled and fed one another's appetites, neither one relenting or letting go of the other.

As they made out with a ferocious hunger for one another, Sara realized that this was the moment they had both been yearning for. This was the culmination of their entire relationship. Of all the intimate nights spent cuddling, kissing, whispering to one another in the dark amidst make out sessions, of wandering paws and sultry promises spoken in hushed tones. This was where they were always meant to be. It might not have been how he expected to get there with his beloved, but they had arrived at their destination all the same. Every road they treaded took them to this point. To Saracyn, it was just another piece of evidence of why they were meant to be together and why their laws were wrong. But he didn't think about that right now. Instead the red-furred prince lost himself in his violet princess, doing all he could to show how sorry he was for the words he'd said to her while he listened to what she told him through her motions, reading the volumes of her soul while he laid his bare to her in turn. She whined a quiet apology and he responded with a gentle rumbling, a paw sliding up her neck to caress her cheek and crush his lips all the harder to hers. He was sorry too, and he forgave her.

In the midst of their frenetic making out, Saracyn felt Ava's hips pressing and rolling back into his with an instinctive and desperate desire, drawing impassioned groans from the borderline adult brute. The motions of her body on top of his were possessive, demanding, aching and yearning in ways he felt as well. He had never seen Avacyn in such a state before, but all of a sudden he never wanted to see her any other way again. The way she craved him made him feel powerful and desirable, worthy and valuable in ways no one else ever had. He didn't feel like an afterthought or second rate with her like this; he felt like Ava's entire world. He continued to ride this wave with her, gently gyrating his hips up to meet with her movements as they kissed like their lives depended on it. Then, with one smooth slide of her hips back into his, Sara felt Ava join their bodies together for the first time. A sharp gasp escaped Saracyn's lips as well when their kiss broke, a shudder running down his spine while he reveled in the sounds that came from his lover. She held there, both of them basking in these new sensations with quiet breathy groans coming from him, his smoldering gaze meeting hers with nothing short of pure desire and love.

Cobalt held obsidian, the intensity of his love shown in his blue optics. That held gaze was only broken when Avacyn began to move again, coaxing deeper groans from the dire brute beneath her while heavy lids fluttered over his eyes. Her motions set him on fire in all the best ways, and together the young lovers began to explore one another's bodies and this new world of pleasure they had uncovered with clumsy, inexperienced movements that eventually became more graceful rhythms that brought them both to new peaks of passion and molded them together as one—body, heart, and soul. Amidst their passions, their matching marking began to glow more intensely to the heat of their movements, shining in time together from start to finish.

- fade -

When they had eventually reached their climactic plateaus, a breathless and spent Saracyn collapsed back to the rock with a heated and deeply contented sigh, heavily lidded cobalt eyes gazing up at the star-filled heavens above them as he reached up to receive Avacyn's body down across his. He gently ushered her down over him, wrapping her up in his arms to cuddle while they enjoyed their post-coital afterglow, his broad chest rising and falling with each rapid, labored breath. His mind was still spinning and reeling from the rush of pleasure and love he was basking in like a hot tub surrounding him with bliss and warmth. Idle paws roamed slowly up and down Avacyn's back, toes curling and parting through her fur while he caught his breath and reveled in the ecstasy of this perfect moment with her. His marking's glow had slowly faded back from its luminous intensity as he came down from his high, returning to the normal gentle glow it usually cast. "Avacyn..." he murmured after a few moments of quiet snuggling, lifting his head just enough to peer down at her through pleasure-glazed eyes and a crooked smile on his face. "I love you..."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 09:10 PM

As the both of them reached the peak of their pleasure, finding an end together that was every bit as relieving and wonderful as she could have imagined. She didn't know if any of this was the best or healthiest way to handle the situation they found themselves in, but it was what their hearts and souls needed and because of that she couldn't regret a single moment of it. As they settled into the pleasant, tingly glow, there was no resistance as his paws slipped up around her and pulled her form down over his, resting her head on the soft fur of his chest while she caught her breath and basked in this moment with him. She had known for a long time that whenever she was ready for her first excursion into this world of carnal pleasures she wanted it to be with Saracyn so maybe that played a part in her frantic attempt to find him. There was so much that they hadn't done or experienced together that she had wanted to share with him and in that moment as he lashed out at her and left her on the island it felt like her chance at those things had been slipping through her paws. Now she knew that wasn't true and all she needed to do to have what she really wanted was take it.

Eventually both of their breathing settled and her white outlined ears perked at the soft sound of her brother's voice as he said her name. Her head lifted from his chest enough for her gaze to meet his as he lifted his head to look at her, his familiar cobalt gaze finding hers and making a smile tug at her lips. "I love you too, Saracyn..." she murmured in response, tipping her head up to place an affectionate lick across his chin. Her front legs slipped up, looping around his neck as she pulled herself up his body just a bit so she could more comfortably peer down at him, one of her paws idly tracing over his ear and combing lightly through the fur on the top of his head and over his cheek. She was quiet for a moment, just gazing at him with deep, unwavering love in her obsidian gaze. "I love you more than I could ever possibly say... Never question or doubt that, okay...? Whatever happens, you are always the one I love..."

She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips while the more pressing issues and problems they faced came filtering back into her mind as she slowing started coming back to reality from the high of their pleasure. For a few moments she just let her thoughts gather while she played with his ear now that the fear of loosing him entirely was at least held at bay. She wished there was a perfect solution to get them both what they wanted and needed, but there just wasn't. She wished there was a way to change things to make them exactly what they both wanted, but she couldn't make that happen. Now it all came down to figuring out what the best solution really was. "What do you want, Saracyn?" she asked thoughtfully with a little tilt of her head. She understood where he was coming from in the frustrations he had with his life where he didn't feel like he had a say or choice in the matter. She had long accepted and made peace with the fact that her life had mostly been predetermined for her, but Saracyn had the freedom to choose what he wanted in a way that she didn't so if he wanted to exercise that right then she wanted to make sure he got the chance to. "If this was a perfect world and you could make your life into whatever you wanted it to be... what would you want?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 10:11 PM

The way Avacyn looked at him with that smile on her lips, the way her onyx eyes shimmered with true love as they held one another's gazes, the way she touched him and held onto him with her body laid across his own and her paws looped around his neck, it all worked to make Saracyn feel truly and emphatically loved and valued. While his perfect twin pulled herself up the length of his body to lay more comfortably and hold herself up over him, the rogue prince simply laid on his back and gazed up into her beautiful features, captivated by her beauty and haunted by her presence. Avacyn was his everything—his beginning and his end, his alpha and his omega, his peak and his valley. She was all that mattered in his life. Nothing else, just her. Just like her, Saracyn had known in his heart that when the time came for him to learn and explore the world of carnal pleasures their mother had taught them about and their Uncle Deimos had regaled him with, he knew he wanted to explore it with Avacyn. She was the only one he cared for and trusted enough to be this vulnerable around, to be able to make mistakes with and learn with as they went along. That's what they had done tonight, and it had been so, so perfect...

Avacyn affirmed her love for him as well, gracing his chin with a tender lick that coaxed a quiet murr from the larger brute. He lost himself in her eyes all the while, her soft feline paws combing through his thick fur and stroking his sensitive white-tipped ears making his heavy lids flutter over hazy euphoric eyes. A small smile filled with content warmth played on his lips when Ava reaffirmed how much she loved him and implored him to never forget that. Sara lifted a giant paw to gently caress Ava's cheek, following the curve of her jaw down the side of her slender neck. "I know..." He leaned his snout up to meet her muzzle halfway and press a kiss back to her lips. "I'm sorry..." It was a rarity for Saracyn to ever admit fault to anything, and an even greater rarity for him to apologize for it. He knew lashing out at Avacyn had been a mistake when all she'd ever done was make his life worth living, and for that he felt great shame in his loss of control, exhibited by the way his ears folded back to his head while he apologized.

For a while the twin lovers laid there in the rocky alcove by the sea beneath the starry heavens, losing themselves in one another. Saracyn's paws roamed with unabashed freedom over Avacyn's body, exploring every inch of her he could reach. The prince worshipped his princess with his touch, following every curve, every dip, every plane of her while he drowned in her ebony eyes, their matching markings glowing in perfect harmony to the beat of their hearts. Just as Saracyn's large paw was beginning to roam lower to rub over the curve of her shapely rump, Ava's question made him stop just as her waist, peering up at her while she elucidated her curiosity. The answer he had was an easy one, and one he thought about often. "I want you, Ava," he replied, sitting up just enough to run his tongue in a slow lick to the end of her violet chin before settling on his back beneath her again. "If there were no rules, no laws, no expectations, I would take you as my soulmate, be your husband and king consort. I would be proudly by your side every day while you led our family and sleep with you safe in my arms every night. I would sire as many litters with you as you wanted, and I would watch our family grow every year like how mother and father do now." Gazing up at her as if she were the most perfect and valuable thing in the world, Sara lifted his other paw to return to her cheek once more, stroking up along the edge of her ear with an adoring smirk. "If this was a perfect world, I would be your Commander, my Matriarch. That's the only thing I've ever wanted."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 12:19 AM

Avacyn returned his kiss and smiled gently as he apologized for doubting her love for him, leaning into his touch as he caressed her cheek. "I'm sorry too..." she said quietly in return, vocalizing the apology she had given him in their kiss. With the pressure that was constantly on her she felt like she had no choice but to be dutiful and focused on the path that had been set for her and it made it difficult for her to think of much else. Even though the solution their mother offered had felt like the most balanced option at the time, it shouldn't have come at the expense of her twin's happiness. It had been impossible for either of them to see that at the time, but in the clarity they had now it was easier to find their way back to the understanding they had in one another.

As she posed the question of what he really wanted, she tried her best to just take in his ideal vision for his future so that she could try to find a way to give him as much of that as she could—despite how his wandering paws were currently distracting her and pulling her mind to other things. Somehow, despite the unwavering love and focus he had for her, she still hadn't been expecting the answer he gave. Wanting her didn't come as a shock, but the extent of which still caught her off guard and made her heart skip a beat as he described his perfect future with her if there were no laws and no expectations to hold them back from it. Her soulmate, her husband, her protector, the father of her children, the Commander to her Matriarch... He wanted all of her and nothing less. The part of her that was so deeply and unequivocally in love with him soared, this beautiful vision for their future together bringing a soft, loving smile to her lips as she leaned her head into his touch. The same part of her ached and mourned because she knew it could never be. She closed her eyes and caught his paw with her own on his cheek, giving his paw a gentle squeeze as she fought against the lump that tried to form in her throat as the two sides of herself fought with one another.

"I wish I could give that to you," she whispered after a moment as she opened her eyes again, a sadness and a longing in her deep, fathomless gaze. "I deeply, truly wish I could make all of your dreams come true, Saracyn. I would love to live that life with you." The reality of things was far more difficult, but she wanted to give him as close to that perfect world as she could. Releasing his paw, she slipped her forelegs around his neck again, leaning her muzzle down to his to press a tender kiss to his lips. "There are laws, there are expectations... and every single one of them rests on me." There was a heaviness almost looked like it was physically resting on her shoulders while she ran through the well versed laws and rules in her mind, picking through them all and trying to see where she had to draw the line. There were some things she could easily give him and some things she couldn't, but she didn't know if it would be enough for him to be happy. "If I can give you parts of that dream... As much of it as I can possibly give you... would that be enough?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 01:29 AM

As Saracyn spoke, he saw the light grow in Avacyn's dark eyes, her gaze so full of love and happiness as he detailed the perfect future he imagined for them. The smile that grew on her lips spoke of her boundless love and made the prince's heart soar to bear witness to. She leaned into his paw as he caressed and stroked her face, running her soft fur between his digits while he reveled in the sensations of her. But as happy as his perfect world made her, he also saw the anguish hidden in the depths of her eyes. He knew why. As perfect as his fantasies were, just like a utopia, they were impossible to achieve. Ava closed her eyes and brought a paw up to squeeze his, his own paw softly stroking along the edge of her jawline in turn. He knew what was coming next; the inevitable rejection of the possibility of such a world. He had wracked his brain trying to find a way to make those fantasies come to life, but short of them abandoning their names and their family, he could find no absolute solution.

Avacyn's voice was a heartbroken whisper when she finally responded to his answer, wishing with all that she was that she could grant his wish. Despite knowing the answer that was coming, it still felt like a punch to the gut when she was forced to deny him. She said she would love to live that life with him and the yearning that swam in the blue depths of his eyes told her that he longed to do the same. Though his answers were wordless, his body language spoke at length. The way his paw slowed and went slack against her cheek as he accepted defeat, the slip of his smile from his lips a fraction of an inch at a time... No matter how badly they wanted this, she would never give up everything that was hers and he could not let that longing go. They were stuck in a catch-22, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Ava let his paw go and slid her svelte form back over his until her long legs were around his neck again and she was kissing his lips. He kissed her back, his own paws sliding round her sides to rest on her lower back once more.

She told him there were laws and expectations of them. "I know," Saracyn mumbled quietly. She said that all of them rested on her. "I know," he repeated with a dejected sigh. "I wish it didn't. You've done nothing to deserve that kind of pressure." For a long moment, Sara watched while Ava lost herself in thought, her dark eyes shifting back and forth as she ran through untold thoughts in her mind. He remained quiet all the while, as he usually did, reserved in his own reflection while he ran his paws up and down her back from hips to shoulder as if he could rub away all the stress and responsibilities that were crushing her. Her question intrigued him and the prince gave his perfect half a curious look. "It would never be enough..." he admitted in earnest, then continued with a conceding sigh. "But if I can't have my wish, I'd rather have as much as I can with you than nothing at all."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 02:08 AM

Avacyn let the feeling of his paws running along her back soothe her even a little bit while she considered all of the possibilities, grasping at straws to try and find a way to make a life that the two of them could be happy with. It was difficult and messy and walking a lot of fine lines, but she was willing to walk them if he was willing to walk them with her. She already knew that he wouldn't be entirely satisfied with anything less than everything and he confirmed as much when he admitted that whatever she offered could never be enough, making her ears fold back with dejected worry until he sighed and added that he would rather have something than nothing at all. She breathed a soft sigh of relief, giving him a grateful look as she leaned in to press another loving kiss to his lips. She knew that if it came down to it, if worse came to worse, she could continue on and live her life without him. She could be the dutiful Matriarch, take the handpicked match she was offered to replace her soul mate that could never be, and continue on the Mendacium line as she was destined to do. But she didn't want to. She didn't want to live that life without Saracyn. That possibility had run through her mind when she was laying in her room, figuring out her next move, and she had been miserable even considering it as a possibility. Without Saracyn her world felt dark and she could never thank him enough for trying to be with her regardless of how difficult it would be.

She thought and considered for a moment longer before she told him, "There is no obligation for a Mendacium wolf to be romantically involved with the wolf chosen to be the parent of their children," she recited off softly, a small frown tugging at her lips. "Of all of the things we want, having pups with you is probably the one thing that our family simply couldn't forgive. Plus, there's just too much at stake... Our pups could have terrible deformities and I don't know if I could subject them to a life like that..." She wanted to believe that if they were truly soul mates the way they felt they were then the Ancients wouldn't let that happen to their children, but she was too logical to really fall for that thinking. It was wishful and hopeful, but ultimately a risk she wasn't willing to make. "The rules and ranks for the pack are things I can move and change once I've taken power... I can make you my Commander, we can lead the pack together side by side," she assured him, trying to pick out pieces of his grand vision for their future that she could actually control. "Just... let me separate my husband and my soul mate. I will have a husband that can sire my pups, but you will be my soul mate... The one that my soul will be tied to when we go back to the Ancients. You will be the only one that I will share that ceremony with." Yes, she knew that this directly broke the law that stated they would never find their soul mate among their siblings, but how could Saracyn not be her soul mate when he mate her feel like this? How could he not be her soul mate when he felt like the piece that made her whole?

She let him consider it all for a moment, combing her claws through the fur along the side of his neck as her eyes scanned his face, waiting to see if they could find a compromise that would at least keep him at her side. "I can give you power, I can give you my heart, and my soul... Is that enough?" she questioned softly and hopefully, her soft paw pads tracing across the white edge of his ear. "Can you be happy living with me like this?" For someone like her that held so tightly to convictions and the laws that had been thought to her since they were born even making these concessions fro him should speak volumes for what she was willing to do for him, but she didn't want Saracyn to continue to feel as if he wasn't getting what he deserved. She was caught in the middle of her love and care for this wolf that made up her other half and the responsibility and succession that she had been born into and now she was being forced to give up bits of both in order to have some of each.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 11:19 AM

All the while Avacyn continued to ponder on their situation and plot a potential solution for them, Saracyn watched her brilliant mind at work and waited with bated breath. She seemed beyond relieved when he agreed that he could live with having most of her if his only other alternative was giving her up in entirety, so at least she no longer seemed so stressed and worried over that. Now just came the question of how much they could tether their lives together. After some time, Avacyn began to speak again, explaining in soft, calming lyrics what was and was not possible for them to have. Much to his disappointment, the possibility of him siring children with her was adamantly off the table. He had known in the pit of his heart that that wish had been his most strenuous reach. They both knew the risks breeding between siblings bore, their mother had warned them of the dangers it posed and why it was strictly forbidden within Mendacium law. Sara did not fault his sister for drawing a hard line where she did, but it did wound him to know he would never be the one to give Ava the greatest gift a Mendacium could receive from their partner, and the plaintive frown on his face showed that. Deep in his heart, he also wanted to believe that the Ancients wouldn't permit their powerful souls to create abominations from a union, but he could understand her trepidation to put their faith to the test.

Otherwise, Avacyn made many concessions to grant him as much of his desires as she could. Saracyn listened with a pensive expression while she detailed what she could do for him and for their love. She could love him and only him, she could change the rules of the Commander rank so it would fit his place in her life. He would not be her mate in the public eye, but they could share the marriage ceremony together in private and bind their souls together for eternity. She would maintain her figurehead husband for the necessities he could not perform, but in all other regards he would be hers and she would be his. Sara looked at Ava with an astonished visage. She was willing to break the law forbidding them from binding their souls together for him. For the staunchly lawful Avacyn, this was a major transgression, one she was willing to take for their love and his happiness. Saracyn hadn't given a damn about any of their laws, but seeing his duteous twin offer the same took him aback. Then she asked if this would be enough to make him happy to live with her. To be honest, it was difficult for Saracyn to think very deeply with her claws combing through his fur and scritching at his neck, but he muddled through somehow.

A slow inhale and heavy sigh left the brute while he considered the offer, looking up at Ava atop of him with a contemplative expression. It was all for show, of course; he had already made up his mind when she'd shown him she was willing to break the law and take him as her soulmate. Saracyn's paw continued to stroke over Ava's cheeks while he weighed his options. Then he gave her his answer when he lifted his head and guided her muzzle down to meet his in a long, loving kiss. Would it be enough? No, never enough... but it was enough for him to live with and be content. A part of him would always long for the forbidden fruit he wasn't permitted to have, but if denying some meant losing all, he wasn't fool enough to dig in his heels. "I can be content with that," he whispered against her lips when their mouths parted, his marking glowing a little brighter as his heart rate increased. "I get to be your mate wholly when we're in private though. I won't be your mate in public, but when we're away from the eyes of the world, I don't want to be treated like your whore. I want to be the brute you love and I want your husband to know where he stands. I want to den with you, sleep with you in my arms every night and wake you up with kisses and breakfast each morning. I want to live the life we want whenever we can. If the albino isn't happy with this arrangement, then we can find you another." Now it was Avacyn's turn. He could begrudgingly accept the limitations she was giving to him. Would she accept the conditions he desired as well?

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 03:47 PM

She could see the shock he wore when she agreed to go through the ceremony to bind their souls together with him and in a way she was glad that he understood the exception she was making for him. She couldn't give him the greatest gift that a Mendacium wolf could give their partner with the hard line she was forced to draw on bearing his children, but she could forgive herself this one transgression against their laws to give him all of her in every other way. Knowingly and willingly breaking a law as serious as that one wasn't a small task for her, but for Saracyn it was worth it. The other concessions she made her easier to make. She could form Elysium into whatever she wanted it to be once it was hers so changing and molding the ranks to fit her needs was an easy task and she didn't mind having someone else to sire her pups for the duty of continuing on their line as was expected of her. She knew those things wouldn't give Saracyn what he really wanted, but making him her mate in every way that truly mattered to the Mendacium wolves would.

She waited while he seemed to contemplate and consider what she offered him, her head tilting into his touch while she waited with an anxious knot in her stomach. If he didn't agree she could risk loosing him from her life entirely and those were stakes that she feared the most. Her nervousness proved unnecessary though and as he agreed that he could be content with her offer to him she felt a weight lift off of her shoulders and her features softened with a loving smile, her tail wagging gently as her heart skipped with relief and happiness now that her deepest worries were no more. He gave conditions of his own, saying that they would live as mates when they were out of the public eye and that at night he would be the one she slept with, stating that her husband would need to know his place in their arrangement. She gave him a bit of a warning glare when he referred to Albion as the 'albino', but regardless she could give him this. It was already a lot to ask of her love to have him keep their devotion to one another a secret. If she could give him at least a piece of a normal relationship then she would. "I agree," she said, smirking a little as she lifted one of her paws to playfully tap him on the nose. "You can not keep referring to Albion as the 'albino' or any other name you come up with. Regardless of his place within it, he is still going to be a piece of our family in one way or another and I will not have you constantly belittling him. Understood?"

She chuckled softly, leaning down to give him another kiss. "I will talk to Albion myself and make sure he is willing to agree to this arrangement as well." In a way she did feel guilty that she couldn't offer Albion a true, loving marriage, but she couldn't control her heart and what it was drawn to. Any relationship she would have tried to have outside of her relationship with Saracyn was always going to have some hint of regret and loss so at least now she would have her soul mate and she could bring Albion into their family with no grudge or resentment. She was still fond of the quiet, pale man and she still felt like she would care for him, but she had to be honest with herself and the desires of her heart as well. "And like you said... If Albion isn't willing, then we will find someone else." Regardless of whether or not their mother's proposal worked out or not, they would have one another to lean on till the end of time and one way or another they would make it work. "And what about you?" she asked, trailing one of her claws across the edge of his ear and letting her tail start to lightly brush across his inner thigh as the high of her victory made her mind start wandering away from more serious topics and back to the handsome male still laying under her. "If I am going through with this marriage to Albion... will you reconsider your proposal to Scylla? Or perhaps someone else?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 06:50 PM

Seeing Avacyn's relief and happiness when he accepted her compromise brought Saracyn a peace and contentedness he had never felt before. Maybe it was his behavior maturing, but seeing the wolf he loved happy and smiling made him feel whole, like he'd done what he was supposed to do and he'd done it well. A lopsided smile touched his lips and a soft breathy chuckle escaped him when he saw her fluffy tail wag like an excited puppy's, and then grew into a full cheeky grin when she shot him a glare at the moniker he had bestowed her betrothed. As much growing as he'd done, Sara's disdain and dislike for wolves outside of their family hadn't changed, nor had his snide personality it seemed. He felt no remorse or shame for deriding the strange boy from the southern island. As far as he was concerned, Albion was still a sort of rival for the affections of his beloved, and Saracyn did not play well with others. The genuine smile returned to soften his features once more when Ava agreed to his only condition, cobalt eyes brightening like his marking did, then crossing slightly to follow her paw as it lifted to bop him on the snoot. Sara wrinkled his nose and turned a playful scowl up at his twin as she scolded him for being mean to Albion. "Oh, come on, all I did was rearrange two letters in his name," he quipped back, feigning innocence but ultimately relenting with a roll of his eyes, droning out a teasing, "Yes, Your Grace."

That roguish grin returned as a naughty gleam flashed across his eyes, one large paw sliding not so subtly back down over her rump and giving her hindquarters a firm squeeze to playfully punctuate his words. He was having far too much fun playing with Ava now that their relationship had reached the next level and they'd found the apex of their love for one another. He basked in the emotions, relished in the sensations and the way she made him feel. If tonight never ended and he and Ava could stay out on this alcove for the rest of their days, Sara would have died a happy wolf. Avacyn took on the duty of talking to Albion about their arrangement, which was probably a good idea. Saracyn didn't think he'd be well suited for that task. He wasn't the diplomatic one out of the twins, after all. Part of him hoped the boy would decline, dissolve the arranged marriage so that he might have more time with Avacyn all to himself, but ultimately he knew someone would have to wed his sister and fulfill her duties as Matriarch, so if it wasn't the silent weirdo, it would be someone else—perhaps even someone more unlikeable. The red-furred prince resigned himself to accepting that Albion would be the lesser of two evils in this case.

With the matter of their future together mostly settled, Saracyn contented himself with relaxing back and enjoying snuggling with his twin, smiling while he stared up into her gorgeous obsidian eyes. His paw on her cheek continued to softly stroke her warm skin and soft fur, lavishing in the presence of this beautiful fae and the perfectness of this night. Ava spoke up again, asking what he would do. For a moment, Sara looked confused, until she explained what she meant—his union to Scylla or to someone else—all while continuing to play with his ear with gentle claws as her silky tail brushed his inner thigh very close to some sensitive parts of his anatomy. He gave a rumbling murr in response, partially to her question, but mostly to her touches, gazing pensively up into her eyes with his paw roaming idly over her shapely rump and hips while he mulled over her query. "I suppose I'll be expected to find a charade mate for myself too, hmm? Well, I really don't like the angry badger wolf, plus she doesn't seem to be into me or any male for that matter. Whether it's Scylla or someone else, I'll keep my mind open. Uncle Deimos has given me some very... interesting ideas to consider on that matter."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 10:46 PM

Avacyn gave an exasperated sigh and smirked as her brother made another comment about Albion's name and then sarcastically relented, calling her 'your grace'. "What am I going to do with you?" she questioned with a little shake of her head, already foreseeing this being an on going thing she was going to have to scold him on for the rest of their days. He was undoubtedly a problem in so many ways, but he was her problem and she loved him dearly regardless. As they continued to lay together in their hidden sanctuary and discuss the intricacies of their life together, all while teasing each other and sharing little affections, the conversation turned to him and the expectations that would be on him as well. She gave a small nod as he mentioned how he would likely be expected to find a mate for himself as well. In the end he likely wouldn't have as much pressure on him as she would to find a suitable mate and bring the next generation of Mendacium pups into the world, but there would be some and it would help them both and their public persona if he did.

She sighed again as he described Scylla as the 'angry badger wolf', thinking to herself that it might be a wonder if he found anyone else willing to put up with him if this was how he talked about everyone that wasn't their family. At the very least he agreed to keep his mind open—though she wasn't sure she liked the way he spoke of the ideas their uncle had given him. She didn't know what kind of ideas the older Mendacium male could have shared, but the way Saracyn spoke of them made her a bit concerned. "Well, you don't have to make a decision right away. You have more leeway and opportunity in that regard than I do so you might as well take advantage of it. Maybe just try spending some more time with Scylla... She's actually quite clever and you might be surprised how much you've both changed since you first met. Plus, you both have fun killing things so that's a bonus, right?" She didn't exactly want to push him into a relationship of any kind with someone else, charade or not, but at least Scylla would be someone she knew and that felt at least slightly more palatable to her than a complete stranger. She also felt like it might make Albion's time with her a bit more enjoyable if his sister was in the picture as well, but she knew all too well that Saracyn wouldn't make any choices for the betterment of someone he already didn't care for.

She was glad to be past all of this talk of the future and the heaviness of it all so she could look forward to the things that she actually wanted. There was still some details to iron out, some arrangements to confirm, but she could look forward to the love she was going to share with Saracyn and all of the nights she would get to spend sleeping in his embrace, the ceremony that the two of them would get to experience together, getting to keep him at her side and have him as her support and her confidant for the rest of her days... Those things made the future feel far less oppressive and difficult than it had once seemed. Being the Matriarch had felt like it would be a lonely thing to be since she had thought that she wouldn't be able to have her twin as her second, but now that she knew she would she felt far more optimistic about walking into that role. "I think that's enough talk of all that serious stuff for now," she commented with a soft chuckle, letting her tail swish and brush over more sensitive parts of him again as she reveled in this whole new phase of their relationship that they had uncovered together. "I just want to spend the rest of the night pretending like we don't have any responsibilities to go back to in the morning."

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-29-2022, 01:40 AM

Saracyn replied to Avacyn's exasperated sigh with a devilish grin, flashing his pearly serrated fangs to her in the process. "I can think of a few things..." he replied in a rumbling baritone purr, letting the claws of his paw on her waist dance over her hip in a not so subtle suggestion of the new acts of love they'd discovered together tonight. Avacyn looked skeptically at him when he spoke in cryptic traces of the advice their uncle had shared with him, then reminded him that he didn't need to rush into a decision. He had the luxury of being able to take his time and choose his own mate when he found one suitable for him. A pleased smile touched Sara's lips as he listened to Ava's words. This, this was what he had wanted from their mother—the recognition and acknowledgement that he had some liberties and luxuries as a male Mendacium that he had a right to. Avacyn recognized it, and that lifted his heart to know that she was indeed truly looking out for him. He just wished it felt like Manea did as well.

Avacyn tried to convince him to give Scylla another chance, and to that the Mendacium prince turned a sneer of distaste to his sister. He really couldn't imagine Scylla as anything other than the aggressive half-wolf that had tried to cut his throat and maul his face off, except for the time she'd tried to steal their wine and get drunk. He didn't really remember much of that night being drunk himself, but he was sure it hadn't been pleasant. The strange girl had even snuck into his room to try to cuddle with him in the middle of the night, a bold act that he had swiftly rebuked. For the sake of keeping the peace, Sara opted to not verbally retort his twin's suggestion, instead merely grunting in response to acknowledge her and letting the topic slip. The mood between the two Mendaciums had softened now, eased into a comfortable respite while they lay together basking in their love, hidden away from the world in this private alcove. Together they had established a new order to their lives, a structure built so they could maximize their relationship for the rest of their days. Saracyn felt infinitely better than he had when he was bedding down for the evening, in no small part to the incredible violet and black swirled galaxy of a fae still resting atop of him like she owned him—and in a way, he supposed she did. He was hers, totally and irrevocably. He would be her Champion, her warrior, her soulmate, her lover for all time.

After some quiet moments spent just taking in this moment with his one true love wrapped up in his arms, Saracyn's closed eyes slowly slid open when Avacyn declared that they had spent enough time talking about serious matters. Her words were punctuated by a soft swish of silken fur between his thighs and over some very sensitive parts of himself, drawing shorter breaths and enamored murrs from the dire brute. "Then let's do just that," he responded in a rumbling whisper, wrapping powerful forelimbs around Ava's side and waist and giving a sudden turn of his body to roll them both over, using the momentum to pin Avacyn to the fresh bedding beneath them with his body held above hers. Cobalt eyes shimmering full of love gazed down into the depths of her Stygian jewels, losing himself in Ava's eyes as his marking began to glow more intensely while he brought his mouth down to claim hers in a deeply passionate kiss. Soft groans pulled from the young wolf as he tasted Avacyn, eyes drifting closed to savor the sensations of holding her and kissing her the way a lover should, showing her in his actions just how deep and profound his love for her ran and how hot it burned. The paw around her back slid from beneath her to brace himself against the ground, his other paw wrapping securely around her slender waist to pull her hips toward his, feeling their bodies making contact, but not yet joining them together. Every so often he would give a slow roll of his hips into hers, teasing her with a promise of what was so tantalizingly close, but not giving them what they wanted—not yet.

Saracyn made out with Avacyn until his lungs screamed for air, only then breaking their mouths apart with a heated gasp, smoldering blue eyes peering through heavy lids to lock with her own again, feeling the same possessiveness she felt for him coming over him for her. "There's no one else in the world besides us, Ava..." he whispered in husky tones against her lips, nuzzling his cheek against hers while he brought his muzzle up to nip at her ear, whispering directly into her white-tipped appendage. "Your soulmate is going to love you senseless tonight..." Tightening his grip around her hips to hold her steady, Saracyn lifted his head back just enough to be able to watch Avacyn's beautiful face while he pressed his hips forward to hers and connected their bodies once more with a grit of teeth and a guttural groan. Then the brute proceeded to do as he told his fae he would—he loved her senseless, moving in strong leisurely motions until they built a rhythm together in their lovemaking, catapulting the young couple back to heights of pleasure and ecstasy they'd only just discovered. Not once did his eyes ever leave hers, drinking in all of her reactions from start to finish. He didn't want to miss a moment of this perfection, and once more Saracyn sent out a wish for this night to never end while he gave all of himself to his Avacyn.

- fade -

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
