
A warm welcome?



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-30-2022, 01:27 AM

Outlaw had been gone a long long time.  The dog hadn’t planned to go off and seemingly never return, well at least not till the season repeated itself twice now.  Who knew that wind would catch his sail and send him in the wrong direction?  Outlaw had thought he knew how to make a perfectly good raft for sailing on.  

Sure, he hadn’t died and Outlaw had found land but with no idea where the land was or how to get home.  He had made it back to Auster though and the question came to mind of now what?  Outlaw had always been a social sort, loving to interact with others.  Sailing was fun for small spans of time but he had never intended to be alone as often as it had worked out.

The dog had met a wolf on one island and had been horrified when it had attacked him.  Outlaw had done the most reasonable thing and ran away.  Sadly Outlaw hadn’t thought he’d need to run into the flash of pain that had come with a bite of his front left shoulder.  Outlaw’s saving grace was the wolf had been more set to defend and attack without expectations of how fast Outlaw could run away in fear.

After that even when he’d found a new spot of land he’d been warier of seeking out strangers on strange lands.  Outlaw hadn’t known fear before.  The bite had healed but with the limited number of healing lessons he’d had and with his shorter coat of fur it was also evident.

It was a long time for a happy-go-lucky social dog to spend alone.  He had wanted to get back to Auster or somewhere that felt like a good home but it had meant a lot of time on the ocean with luck helping him to find land after longer stretches at sea.  Certainly, he got better at handling the wind and knowing the larger amounts of food and fresh water to bring along.

He’d finally found Auster but the dog was a mess to look at.  The rain wasn’t freezing but it was close. Hopping off the raft near the shore his paws sunk into the cold ocean water.  Whatever land he’d been at just a few weeks ago hadn’t been this cold, and the winter before that he’d spent on land somewhere.  Obviously, traveling in winter weather was another mistake he had recently learned.

The notion of going to the Hallows was pleasant but what had they thought of his just leaving and not coming back?  The pack had always been so very nice but it did feel a bit awkward.  Yet, they had a right to know why he’d never returned.  Whether or not he stayed there he would at least tell his story.  How long since he had told anyone a story?  Well, he told Pip stories.  The little seagull had been a good friend through his journeys.

The hallows also offered walls to protect from the weather and right now that sounded wonderful.  Outlaw had landed near Lazuli falls.  He spent a night there,  Protected from the elements under some rocks.  He slept through the day and part of the afternoon.  Once he was awake Outlaw noticed that while the air was still cold it wasn’t as bad as the day prior and the horrible rain had stopped.  

Salt from the sea begged to leave the dog's coat.  Outlaw made himself a warm fire and then reluctantly went to the edge of the waterfall, rolling in the non-salty water.  It was so cold but so clean at the same time!  Outlaw thought of waiting another day to regain some more energy but the fact he was so close urged him to hurry up.  Outlaw stayed long enough to eat some berries he’d found and some of the dried fish he had packed along his trip.

If there was anyone thing that hadn’t changed about Outlaw, it was that old hat still on his head.  It was faded a bit more, nature diluting its original colors, and it had some fraying along its edges, a small cut in it here or there, but just like Outlaw it had survived.  

The grey and black dog reached the hallows border, the scent seemingly from forever ago yet still had a sort of familiarity to it.  The dog barked, barked, and made a howl that no one could ever mistake for a wolf.  Outlaw didn’t like winter.  It was fun once upon a time with snow being great for games.  Now it was cold and wet and it made him sneeze. Hopefully, Resin and Tam would let him back in.  How had the kids grown up while he was gone?

Outlaw was cold and tired and his shoulder kinda ached but at the thought of seeing those kids now grown and others he had met it still put a smile on his tired face.  His tail started to pick up, slowly swaying back and forth as he imagined all sorts of things the kids might of experienced growing up at this point.  The hallows had been a great, wonderful environment for growing kids.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-26-2022, 11:49 PM

There were many things from his past that Artorias had buried or moved on from as he grew into adulthood. His childhood remained now as little more than fleeting memories—some good, some bad, and some horrifying—and all of it was lessons learned that made the alpha the man he was today. Some things were easy to remember, others hard to recollect. But there were always bits and pieces that would remain with him til the day he died. The falls he had grown up in. The gathering of the Hallows in the castle for their first feast. Receiving the name Carpathius as their own. His little wooden sword still tucked away safely in a trunk in his chambers. All of it meant something to the wolf and had left a lasting impression on him for one reason or another. It was these memories that comforted the Aegis on days like this—cold, gray winter days that seemed to suck all life from the world. They were like a warm blanket to immerse himself in, remembering the times that had made him smile the most.

Artorias was seated in the greta hall before the massive hearth, watching the never-ending fire crackling away. The glow of the dancing flames reflected in his citrine eyes. Heat surrounded him, warming his fur against the chill of winter. The storms from the night before had passed, leaving Auster covered in thick snow and ice, frosting the window panes that looked out into the gray world while the wolf quietly immersed himself in his memories. Then, as if calling out from some far-flung dream, a bark. The first one confused the Aegis, who looked up and around as if questioning what he'd heard. Then came the second, and Artorias began to focus in on the familiar voice. Then the distinctly canine howl, and he knew who it was. Art's breath caught in his throat as emotion threatened to overcome him. He wasted no time scuttling to his paws and sprinting out of the hall, not bothering to slow down save to grab a thick alpaca wool cloak from near the doors on his way out. Giant paws tore through the fresh snow in the direction of the call, heading south through the castle gates and across the plains until he spotted the gray and black coat of the man from his past with a trademark hat perched atop his head.


Artorias had been sure the dog had died somewhere far away from home. The thought had tortured him as a young adolescent that something like that had happened to his friend when he'd disappeared from the pack, yet here he stood, alive and kicking! Artorias didn't break stride as he ran up to Outlaw, the cold stinging at glowing tears threatening to build in the corners of his fire-toned eyes. There was only a moment of pause for Art to slow down his speed so he didn't go crashing into the smaller canine before he threw his arms around Outlaw, pulling the dog tight to him in a strong embrace. Outlaw felt thin, worryingly so, and his coat was a mess and matted thick with sea salt, but this was definitely him and he was alive! Art would take whatever small blessings he could get. "I thought we'd never see you again," the dire wolf spoke through a trembling voice as he struggled to contain his emotions, so overwhelmed seeing the man that had helped raise him and his siblings.

Artorias only withdrew from Outlaw to throw the cloak around Outlaw's shoulders to help keep him warm, then gestured for the dog to follow him back toward the castle. "C'mon, we need to get you inside and warmed up." Every step of the way back, Artorias remained by Outlaw's side, offering his long lost friend his support if he needed any help getting inside. At Outlaw's pace, the Aegis welcomed the man back home, leading him through the gates and snow-covered gardens up into the warm embrace of the castle. Down to the great hall they went, where Art ushered Outlaw over to the grand hearth to warm up while he went and fetched some food. Lia had prepared a fresh stew for the pack, which he filled a bowl up with a healthy amount before bringing it back to let the bedraggled sailor eat. "I can't tell you how much good it does my heart to see you alive, Outlaw. I thought..." Artorias didn't finish his sentence, swallowing hard and giving the canine a gentle smile. "I'm glad I was wrong. Where did you go?"

"Artorias" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-27-2022, 12:53 AM

Outlaw had realized the pups would of grown up by now but whenever he had thought of the boys and girls he could still only see those adorable puppy faces.  What would they look like now?  How many of them were still here for that matter?  Children that became adults could always choose to leave and create a new life for themselves.  Outlaw hoped at least a few were still about.  Outlaw shivered as he also hoped it wouldn’t be a long wait with how cold it was.

Thankfully it wasn’t long at all.  Hardly anytime for that thought had passed before he spotted movement, small at first and then the movement was the shape of a wolf.  The wolf was running fast, once it was closer he spotted the blue form that had grown so tall.  Outlaw felt a small smile forming on his muzzle.  What could warm a heart more than seeing one of his kids, seeing Artorias all grown and charging at him?  Oh heck! Charging awfully fast right at him!

Outlaw waited and the wolf slowed down just in time to not bowl Outlaw over.  He did end up with warm fuzzy arms wrapped around him in an embrace.  Outlaw’s tail raised and waved back and forth.  The cold was still there but it was more than Artorias coat that helped the dog warm up so much.  The child he remembered had grown but still clearly cared for Outlaw despite the time he had been gone.  Boy, Artorias had grown and then grown some more!

The giant wolf's voice trembled so full of emotions and for a moment Outlaw felt like it was still the adorable pup who he could hug and care for instead of the other way around.  Outlaw gave a lick to the man's jaw as if to help assure him he was alright and still cared for the man as well.  The tired worn dog laughed lightly, feeling far less tired now, even as his body would disagree if he checked with it.  “Nah, I wasn’t going to stop till I found my way back here.  I wouldn’t up and leave without a plan to return, certainly not without a proper goodbye.  You grew up a bit.” That was an understatement.

The warm fur of Artorias left Outlaw and then a moment a warm cloak was around him.  The cloak was like a blessing of its warmth flowing over his back.  While it was wonderful seeing the boy again Outlaw firmly agreed that going inside was a thing to do.  The walls of the castle had looked wonderfully inviting as a spot to stop the cold in his bones.  “Warm fire does sure sound good,” so long as Hallows hadn’t changed some of its basics a fire should still be there.  

Despite Artorias taller frame and certainly being in better health, Outlaw noticed the wolf kept to the dog's slower pace.  Outlaw was moving faster with the warm cloak and warm friend than he had on the way here but he would never have been a match for Artorias natural gait.  Outlaw made the trek alright but the walk still ate at him obviously, even with joy the tired dog's head would start to droop a bit as he marched along.  Despite often seeming soft and naïve there was a stubbornness in him that he could make this and rest once they were settled.

Once they got through the gardens and past those stone walls where warmth could seep into his bones it was a relief.  In the great hall Outlaw was all too ready to lie down next to the warmth of the fire. As Art got him food Outlaw rested his head on the ground, feeling the wonderful warmth of the fire dethawing him, melting off his damp coat under the cloak he certainly wasn’t removing just yet.

Outlaw’s head raised as the stew was put in front of him.  When Art spoke of his fears Outlaw took the moment to eat a bit of the stew in two fast swallows.  Warming up on the outside and now on the inside.  His mouth, throat, and belly responded.

“Well, you know I’d been working on making that raft for a while.  I gave it one trial round but then took it out planning a quick sail for the day.”  Outlaw shrugged, the cloak shifting over his shoulders a bit.  “I hadn’t read the weather right.  I made a foolish mistake and the winds changed.   The ocean and wind aren’t very forgiving.  So I got swept off course.  In the end, I was lost and well, I’ve been to a whole lot of places.  Some good, some not so much.”  He use to feel everywhere was good of varying degrees but now he’d learned the concept that some things could go wrong.

“What about you?  I missed all of you.  I knew you’d have grown up but all I could see was a lot of adorable little pups going about.  How is everyone?  Resin, Tamsyn, the rest of your siblings?  You certainly look great.”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
11-19-2022, 08:57 PM

Hearing Outlaw's voice did wonders for Artorias' concerned heart. His friend was in desperate need of a bath, meal, and warm bed, but he was alive and none too worse for wear all things considered. Fatigue weighed down the dog's movements, but Artorias stayed by his side every step of the way. He didn't care if it took hours or days, Art would not abandon his friend, not now that he was finally home. Once they were settled in by the fire and Outlaw was eating, the wolf dared to allow himself to relax more. At least he knew Outlaw wouldn't keel over on him or anything now. Still, he'd want the wayward canine to get a physical checkup from Gwynevere to make sure he was okay health wise. He watched while Outlaw devoured his meal, making a mental note to make sure the dog was provided with all the food he needed to recuperate his lost strength and weight. Outlaw explained his unexpected journey on his raft, how a freak storm had swept him away, and taken him to far off lands. The struggle he endured to return home had been perilous and draining, yet in the end, Outlaw had been successful. Now, after all this time, he was back.

"I'm just glad you're alive and home," Artorias replied with a warm smile. The relief and happiness he felt swelling in his heart was almost enough to move him to tears of joy. Outlaw asked about him, his family, and the Hallows. It was then that Art realized just how much time Outlaw had been gone for—especially when he mentioned Resin. The smile on his face and light in his fire-toned eyes slowly faded away, a solemnness claiming his expression. "Resin died two years ago, shortly after we lost you," he explained, his words simple and somber. He didn't need to give his pacifist friend the gory details of how it happened. He didn't need to think of Resin that way. "My mother found a new mate and had another litter of pups. He's a good guy; takes care of her. They don't live in the Hallows any more, but they stop by for frequent visits and to check up on us." With all the dour news given, Art could instead focus on the positives that had happened in Outlaw's absence. "I'm doing well! You can probably guess, but I'm the Aegis now. I've been leading the Hallows for just over a year with my mate, Briar. We're actually expecting our first litter of pups!" A wide smile split the alpha's lips while bushy tail wagged across the stone floor. He was so excited to be a dad! "The family's all still here. Gwyn, Rudy, Bowen, Ash, Tika... Gwyn's our chief physician now, and Rudy and Tika are both on the Vanguard."

Keeping the Carpathius family together through all their struggles hadn't been an easy feat, but it had been one Artorias was dedicated to. It had been a lot of hard work and diligence, but he had succeeded in keeping his family strong and united. "Everyone's going to be so happy to see you again, Outlaw," Artorias said. "The Hallows has been through some hard times, but we've risen stronger for it. I think we're finally reaching a point where we can enjoy some peace and prosperity." On the note of peace, Artorias looked over the weary seafaring dog once more. "You should rest, Outlaw. Have a bath, relax. I'll get one of our rooms ready for you so you can sleep. Gods know you probably need it after what you've been through."

"Artorias" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.