

Rusalka, Manea


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-05-2022, 10:54 PM
Scylla had returned and Albion had gone, and with that their father had come down with a sickness similar to the long night's affects. Most of the family had gone with him but with the plan of his return Cerberus decided to stay behind in the main lands to keep tabs on the happenings during his father's absence. With most of the family traveling to be with his father there was really no point in holding onto Fenmyre at this time, so it was just the better decision to stay in one of their allied packs.

He had chosen specifically to come be with Albion, from almost nearly the beginning of his life he lived just like a litter mate to he and Scylla. Cerberus knew though that if Elysium couldn't house him and Ruse that his Aunt in Ashen would be more than willing to. He just wanted to stay close with Albion if he could. He was close to Ruse too and his other siblings, but not quite like he was with Siren's litter.

As he was taught by his father and in princely duties, he called for Manea at the border with his sister at his side, giving her a small grin while they waited for her. He did worry some, he wondered how Ruse was feeling about all of this. Maybe she wanted to explore some of the world more, make her own decisions while she was getting older. He imagined it may have been scary for her to be away from her mother and their father, or maybe not. He knew that his biggest job would be to make she was safe and above all happy. It was the least he could do for her and their father.




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
10-06-2022, 07:07 PM

Rusalka settled beside her older brother at the border of the pack that she supposed would be their new home. It was still surreal to her to not be on the island and to not be with her parents. This was the farthest she had been from their former home in her entire life. It was exciting and thrilling, but at the same time it made her nervous. Their father had always been so cautious with her, reluctant to let her go and insistent that she stay close. Now he was away with most of their family and she wondered in the trip up here if she had made the right decision staying here instead of going with them. She was so close to him and her mother and she certainly didn't want to stay glued to their sides forever, but she had always thought it would be a bit more gradual than this.

Still, as Cerberus called for Elysium's alpha and she turned her gaze up to meet his, she couldn't help but grin back to him. She had always enjoyed the times she spent with Cerberus and the promise of seeing more of the world with him was too good to pass up. Besides, she didn't like the idea of any of her siblings being entirely without their family and since Cerberus had his sights set on staying with Albion then she could do the same and at least a small piece of their clan would be together. She leaned into him for a moment before she sat back straight again, glancing down at herself briefly just to make sure her fur wasn't a mess from their trip. She had to make a good impression after all!

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-06-2022, 07:17 PM

Manea happened to be walking the border of the pack when a call rang out for her from further down the edge of the rock garden, making her ears perk with intrigue. It wasn't a voice she recognized right away so she wasn't sure what to expect, but she of course would answer the call regardless. If nothing else it gave her a good distraction from the strife that was currently waging a war within her personal life and she was more than happy to pick up the pace a bit as she made her way toward the howl that called for her. Soon enough the man that she recognized as Chimera's son came into view and her brows lifted with pleasant surprise. By now the news of Chimera's illness and the decision to seek out weather more suitable for his heath had reached her with the departure of Scylla to be with her family and the addition of Albion for him to start making a life for himself here with Avacyn. She had been under the assumption that the rest of Chimera's family had gone with them, but it seemed a few decided to remain. Her aqua gaze looked from Cerberus to the lovely younger girl at his side curiously, giving them both a welcoming smile. "Cerberus, it's a pleasure to see you again. And who do you have with you?" She came to a stop across from them, sitting back onto her haunches with a graceful sweep of her tail as it settled around her and over her paws, waiting to see what brought them here to her border.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-06-2022, 07:45 PM
Cerberus smiled a little more as Ruse looked down at herself as if to make sure she was presentable, he thought she looked fine himself but he wouldn't call her out on it of course. Soon Manea would join them at the border to which Cerberus stood up on all fours with a light wag of his tail as she approached and settled back down once she had. "It's nice to see you again too, Manea." He certainly may have seemed more like a man since the last time he was here in Elysium. He had always been relatively reserved and mature, but the physical side of him had definitely done more toning and filling out.

He turned his head towards Ruse as Manea pointed her out, and without that faltering smile he introduced her, "This is my sister, Rusalka." He turned his gaze back to Manea as he continued, "With my father's illness I decided to stay in the mainlands to keep him updated. We were hoping we can stay here with Albion if that can work out with you."




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
10-07-2022, 07:15 PM

They weren't waiting long before a violet woman that looked like the stars and galaxy were swirled in her coat stepped into view, making her two toned eyes widen a bit with awe before she was able to catch herself. She had never seen someone with fur as rich and vibrant as hers or with unusual patterns and she carried herself in such a way that was so wildly different than the more demure nature of her mother and aunts. Of course she had been fairly sheltered and secluded on their island so she was sure there was plenty she had not seen or experienced, but it was interesting that she was having such a wildly different experience so quickly. Cerberus handled the first bit of talking as Manea greeted him and then asked about her. She gave Manea a polite nod of her head as her brother introduced her before she spoke up to say, "It's nice to meet you."

Cerberus explained what brought them here with their father's illness and her brother's desire to stay here in order to keep their family up to date with what was going on back home, citing that they wished to stay here with Albion. "Cerberus is an amazing fighter," she said as she chimed in, hoping maybe she could bolster the opinion of them to give Manea a good reason to take them in. "I'm learning how to fight too, but I'm really more interested in being a navigator and a scout." It did make her realize how little she actually had to offer in tangible benefits for their potential new pack. It was the first time she really had to impress someone other than her parents and it was a slight bit of a wakeup call now that she unexpectedly had to find a new place to live.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-07-2022, 07:50 PM

As Rusalka was introduced to her and the young woman replied politely, Manea grinned slightly and gave a nod in return to the pale, dappled girl. Cerberus then got to the reason they were here, wasting no time in explaining how with their father ill and away for his recovery, Cerberus wanted to stay here to keep tabs on what was going on around Boreas in his father's absence. Manea nodded with understanding, giving him her attention and listening to his request. He wanted to stay here in Elysium to remain close to Albion since he would be staying in Boreas as well. It made sense to her and she certainly wouldn't turn away any of her friend's children that sought refuge here, but before she could say as much Rusalka spoke up in their defense.

Her aqua gaze shifted to the young woman again, a smile lingering on her lips as she vouched for Cerberus' abilities as a fighter and mentioned how her interests were more in the realm of navigating and scouting. Her enthusiasm in her defense of her brother was admirable and sweet. She knew that Chimera's family had seemed closely knit and it was a trait she appreciated since she liked for her relationship with her family and siblings to be the same. "Well, I'm always in search of capable fighters and I currently only have one scout in my ranks," she told them both, her gaze shifting back to Cerberus. "Your father is someone I consider a friend so of course Elysium is open to you for as long as you desire. I'm sure Albion will enjoy having some of his family here as well." She rose to her paws and gestured toward the island in the distance. "Would you like for me to show you around?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny