
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Ysmir <3


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
08-17-2022, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2022, 01:36 PM by Gwynevere. Edited 1 time in total.)

For the first time in her life Gwynevere actually had a reason to step away from her work. She did still work more than most and certainly spent more than her fair share of time in the Infirmary prepping and maintaining the space that had become her second room since it was assembled and gifted to her by her mother, but suddenly she felt drawn to take breaks, to relax, to spend time away from her work. She had a reason to now that Ysmir had come to live with them. Even if it was something as simple as sharing a meal together or spending time working on their unique sign language she was still just happy to have someone to share her time with. She had always felt like she was content to be independent and spend her time on her own with her work, but now that she had a companion she was beginning to realize why her siblings were finding their own partners and why Artorias had been so eager to bring Briar home to live with them.

After Rudyard's wedding to Fern, Gwynevere started thinking about her own relationship with Ysmir. Beyond the occasional sweet kiss that she would sneak between their lessons or snuggling with him after their meals, they really hadn't advanced beyond where they were before he moved in. She understood that even though she had felt strongly for him before he moved in and they had known each other for quite a while, they still had a lot to learn about one another since most of their time had been spent apart since their relationship began to blossom. She certainly wasn't in any rush to catch up to her brothers with the seriousness of their relationships, but she was beginning to feel like maybe she wanted to start taking some steps in that direction.

They were laying out in a patch of grass in the castle gardens, resting under the wisteria trees in a secluded section of the lush greenery, her side leaned into his larger form while they enjoyed each other's company after a nice dinner. Sometimes she thought about the conversation she had with Bowen before her sister departed the pack and even now it still brought a bit of a flush to her cheeks, especially when she was pressed into Ysmir like this. She wished for a moment that she could have her sister or brother's confidence in these matters so that she could stop just thinking about what she wanted and actually make some kind of move or indication to show that she did, but so far she had only managed little flirtatious gestures like curling her paw around his and sneaking little kisses to his lips.

After a while she finally spoke and said, "Ysmir... Um... I've been thinking," she began, her ears flicking back with her shy nerves that always crept up on her features, giving him a little smile before she looked down at where her paw was holding his. "Would you... want to move into my room with me? I know it's not very big, but we can, um... make a bigger bed that would fit the two of us." Was that even enough of a hint at where her mind was going? What probably felt like the most innocent comment in the world to some felt scandalous to her and she had to constantly fight this feeling that she was being silly and that she should just be able to have what she wanted the way her siblings did. Nervously, she glanced up to see Ysmir's reaction, loosening her hold on his paw so that he could respond if there was something more he wanted to say that a nod couldn't convey.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2022, 06:56 AM
Ysmir’s life changed completely after he arrived in the Hallows. He didn’t have his family around him, but as he spent his days at Gwyn’s side she was becoming more and more like his family. He was settling in well enough, mostly keeping to himself when he wasn’t with Gwyn. Most of the wolves couldn’t really understand him and it was hard to talk to someone when you couldn’t even tell them your name. He was impressed with the progress that his new alpha was making with the sign language, it was more than anyone in Fireside had ever tried or gotten.

The relationship between himself and Gwynevere hadn’t progressed much further than where they were, but they were growing stronger together. There wasn’t anyone he knew quite as well as this beautiful woman who wanted to be close to him. They were going slow, they were creating a solid foundation, but Ysmir hadn’t missed the way she looked at him after her brother was married. While he was content with where they were, and he had no reason to rush anything, they still had many aspects of their relationship to explore.

He was quiet, as always, while they lay out in the gardens together. Gwyn was leaning into his side under the wisteria and he held her delicate paw with his own. She put butterflies in his belly and tingles over his skin. He always enjoyed being in her presence, but there was something deeper that he craved. Not that he would press the girl he loved, he wanted to go at her pace. He wanted to enjoy the journey together, he didn't want to force her anywhere. But the little kisses they shared and the closeness of her body spurned primal emotions he had yet to explore.

They were laying there for the afternoon, the sun was nearing the horizon when Gwyn eventually spoke to him. Dual toned eyes looked up to Gwyn’s features as she stuttered softly. He touched his nose to her cheek in encouragement as she spoke. She asked softly for him to move into her rooms in the castle. Surprise flickered over his features, had she asked the day he arrived Ysmir would have taken her offer. Anything to be closer to her, but he wouldn't ever push her.

”Yes.” He signed with his now free paw, ”It might be small, but that means I get to be closer to you.” Ysmir chuckled as much as he could as he snuggled in closer to her, a cheeky smirk on his features. ”I’m glad you finally asked.” He signed before he grabbed her attention again as he aimed to steal a kiss from her, maybe more suggestive than he should have.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
08-30-2022, 02:16 PM

In reality, Gwyn knew that she didn't really have anything to worry about and that Ysmir would certainly want to take her up on the offer, but when he signed 'yes' to her it still felt like a relief mixed with excitement that she had finally convinced herself to take a step toward what she really wanted. She wished she could be as bold and brazen as some of her siblings, but that simply wasn't who she was and there was nothing she could do to change that about herself. Luckily, she had found someone that didn't seem to mind and had been so incredibly sweet and patient with her. They both had things that required understanding and patience from one another and without ever really discussing it they had fallen easily into this slow and steady way of building their relationship and trust. She would be forever grateful for Ysmir's gentleness and loyalty when she knew that it likely would have been easier to find someone else if he wanted things to move faster.

Still, as happy as she was to move steadily through their relationship, there were some things she was more eager to explore and some she even felt were long over due—the things that made her stomach fill with butterflies and her heart race when she thought about them. It felt like he was reading her thoughts when he added that her small room would just mean that he would be closer to her, making a grin pull across her features and a soft giggle escape her while her face flushed. As he snuggled closer she did the same despite the skip her heart made at the feeling of his dark fur mingling with hers and the way her more slim, dainty frame molded into the more strong, defined planes of his. She loved the smirk that pulled at his features and as he said how he was glad that she had finally asked she made herself promise to not run away from this exciting, overwhelming feeling that made something she couldn't describe flare to life in her core. "I am too," she said softly, a slight breathlessness to her voice as he leaned down for his lips to find hers, returning his kiss as her tail wagged gently behind her and lightly brushed against his thigh in the process.

Pushing her limits, Gwyn didn't let his lips leave hers right away, instead leaning into him a bit more and pressing her lips back to his when he went to pull away. She appreciated the fact that he had let her set the pace of their relationship more than she would ever be able to tell him, but part of her just wanted him to make that next step for her. He made her feel loved and desired like no one else had and now she was ready for him to show her anything and everything that he might have been holding back. When their lips parted, her lavender and sage eyes flickered open to look back up into the silver and sapphire gaze go his, a little grin tugging at her lips as her paw wrapped around his with a gentle squeeze. "Do you... want to go up to my room right now?" she asked softly, her words airy and breathless from the promise and intention they held. She thought her heart might just beat right out of her chest, but she was starting to learn the difference between the things that excited her and the things that were frightening. She trusted Ysmir whole heartedly and was ready to show him that.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2022, 05:10 PM
He’d seen Gwynevere after she had been attacked so long ago, he’d felt her fear and he knew in his heart he had to help her. That devotion just never really dissipated. His heart’s desire just grew into everything Gwynevere was. The sweetest woman he had ever met, she was always so giving of herself even when the world took so much from her. She felt fear, and yet he had seen her face those fears, he’d seen the bravery that resided in her heart and the strength it took to be that woman. A healer devoted to her craft, to her pack, and to her family. Ysmir still marveled that she saw so much in him, that she had helped him create a way to speak the words that could never leave his lips. Ysmir felt like she truly was the other half of him, his soul mate and the woman the gods made for him to marry.

Of course Ysmir would have to fight through his own insecurities before something like that were to happen. He wasn’t ready to be in the spotlight like Gwyn’s brothers and their mates. Taking things slow and discreetly was more his pace. He didn’t really mind how private they were with their relationship either. Part of the reason he hadn’t pushed something like sharing a room.. And a bed together. The thoughts weren’t os far from his mind as Gwyn snuggled closer and giggled at his signed words. The sight of her smile and the sound of her voice warmed his heart and coaxed butterflies in his belly. As his stomach fluttered there was a deeper feeling that grew. Something much more meaningful and ancient that drove many of the instincts he followed as he held Gwyn there in the gardens, eventually kissing her sweet lips.

Like electricity sparked from her touch the taste of her had waves of the popping exciting feeling racing over his skin. He fell deep into their kiss, tentatively pressing his tongue to her lips, wanting more than just their innocent affections. Ysmir wanted to claim her mouth, to hold her tighter than he had before, and instead of holding those feelings back her own enthusiasm spurned him forward. His body ruled him more than any thought in those moments before they were both pulling away in a gasp for air.

He took in a deep breath as he blinked open his eyes to find her mint and lavender gaze. Her breathy words a whisper he could feel against his lips as she asked if they should find their way there now. Ysmir found his mind ticking again. If he followed instincts any further they might find themselves in trouble. The hint of suggestion in her words had him nodding with enthusiasm as he caught his breath. Carefully he lifted himself to his paws, and offered to help her up as well. The feelings of her soft fur, and the way she looked at him focused that sharp thought. Ysmir wanted to take these next steps in their relationship with Gwyn. He had for a long time, but her hesitance and his own shortcomings had him restrained for a very long time.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
08-31-2022, 08:07 PM

As soon as Ysmir nodded to her question she felt a nervous, excited clench in her core. She was going to do this. They were finally going to do this. There wasn't an issue with taking their time and moving at their own pace, but she almost felt like this was her newest challenge, her latest way to prove to herself that she could over come her insecurities. She was nervous about not knowing what to do, she was nervous that she wouldn't be any good at it, she was nervous that Ysmir wouldn't like being with her, but... When Ysmir stood and offered her a paw to help her up she still stood to join him with a shy grin. She desperately wanted to show him how much he meant to her and how deeply she trusted him and she couldn't think of a better way to do that than this.

She tipped her head up to leave one more soft kiss on his lips before she turned to walk with him into the castle, taking the familiar path up the stairs to the second floor and down the corridor to her room. Luckily it didn't sound like anyone else was up here yet so they had the Carpathius wing to themselves for the time being. She knew from experience of living around her siblings that the walls and doors in the castle were fairly thick and would block most sounds, but it was just one more thing she was self conscious about that she could find a little bit of relief in. She glanced back at him over her shoulder with a little smile as she pushed open the door, revealing the familiar, cozy former library within. Since the infirmary had become much more fleshed out and functional over the last year or so, she had moved out the small beds that had been set up in the middle of the floor for potential patients. Now there was just a plush rug spread over the middle of the room to make it a bit more homey. Her usual "bed" was made up of the thin window seat under the large window that dominated one wall.

That was slightly unfortunate for this current situation, but she hadn't really thought this far ahead. She had been following her instincts and desires instead of her logic when she invited him up here. Her ears flicked with a bit of embarrassment as she pushed the door closed behind him with a soft click of the latch, leaving them alone and secluded in her quiet room. "Um... We could pull some of the furs off of my bed for now if you want," she offered with a shy smile, as uncertain as she was eager. There was an awkwardness she didn't really know how to overcome as she stood uncertainly in front of him, eventually just looking up to him for some kind of guidance. She didn't think he was any more experienced in this than she was, but it felt natural to lean on him when she didn't know what else to do. He was her guiding light and her motivation when her own doubts and irrational fears got in the way and when she turned her gaze up to meet his she looked at him with unwavering trust and love and a silent plea for him to guide her through this.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-01-2022, 05:10 PM
Gwynevere was the most amazing part of his life. He’d grown up in a world of unstable relationships and infidelity. He’d seen what happened when his father was unfaithful, he’d seen his uncles, and various other family members throw caution to the wind. It always ended in some kind of heartache. Ysmir didn’t want that. He found Gwyn, and there hadn’t been a single wolf to catch his eye since he met her, it was as close to love at first sight as he had ever seen. However slowly their relationship progressed it fit to the two of them. They could be certain in their decisions now, because of the time spent developing the foundation between them. He could feel how much Gwyn trusted him, and even if he felt the desire to succumb to his own insecurities he forced himself to be strong for her. To uphold her confidence in him and earn the trust she gave.

When she took his paw there was so much more they were sharing than just helping her to her paws. This was a first step towards a deeper relationship. She leaned up to kiss his cheek, causing his own blush to grow under his dark fur. He grinned, the smile spread through his features and lingered in his eyes. He grinned all the way up to her.. Their room. Gently bumping her shoulder as they walked. Ysmir didn’t realize how much concentration it would take to hold his tail wrapped around hers. All the way up to the cozy library she called her room. It was probably Ysmir’s favorite place in the whole castle, mostly because of the treasure that inhabited it.

He wouldn’t forget laying here with her, kissing her for the first time, and realizing for certain that he loved her. Ysmir only had eyes for her, and had so little care about the setting that when she spoke up nervously he only barely knew what she was talking about. Her bed. It was long and thin, perfect for her to fall asleep as she studied, but no good for anything the two of them might have planned for this moment. Their bed didn’t really matter, as long as she was comfortable he would make do.

The setting didn’t really matter, not when he knew how easy it was to get lost in her eyes, how many times had he wondered what it would be like to lose themselves further? They weren’t novices at kissing any longer, but he had no more experience beyond that than she did. Ysmir was eager to learn together. She looked to him for guidance, and for once the young man wouldn’t doubt himself. He’d move with his instinct and close the distance between them. He lifted a dark paw to her cheek, cradling her head as he leaned in to kiss her more deeply than he ever had before. He leaned back onto his haunches as his other paw lifted to her shoulder and he aimed to pull her closer to him.

Ysmir trailed his sharp claws through her soft fur, carefully trailed over her skin from her arm to shoulder, to her back. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste of her, and the feeling of her body against his chest. He supported her weight with his strong arms as he aimed to lower her to the soft rug at their feet. On her back so he might lay his belly against hers, settling between her thighs, and finally releasing her as he gasped for air. Dual toned eyes opened to watch her features, to see her beautiful face, and know she was alright. He caught her gaze and he grinned, unable to wipe the smile from his face.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
09-26-2022, 12:21 PM

As Ysmir moved toward her and she felt his paw rest on her cheek, she looked up at him with nothing short of true love and trust. As soon as his lips touched hers it was like all of her nervousness and uncertainty was swept away, replaced instead with emotions she couldn't describe and a happiness that she only ever felt when she was with him. She returned his kiss just as deeply, sinking into the feeling of it and letting her marbled eyes close as a soft sound of delight and overwhelming emotion escaped her. The feeling of his claws on her skin sent shivers of delight through her, tapping into something she had never allowed herself to delve into and sparking a fire in her core that she wouldn't be able to explain if anyone asked. Feeling his paw wrap around her and pull her close, she let him support her in his embrace that had always felt so strong and comforting, ever since that first night after he had been her savior to help her get back home. Her forelegs readily slipped up to wrap around his neck, pulling herself tighter to him as instinct and desires she had only ever heard about took hold and guided her actions.

She hardly noticed as his weight shifted and the world tilted around them until she felt the plush rug under her back and the warmth of his body along the length of hers, their chests and stomachs pressed together far more intimately than they had ever been. It wasn't until he broke their kiss that her eyes fluttered open again and she looked up at his handsome features, panting lightly while her heart beat like a drum in her chest. A grin pulled across her features to match his, a breathless giggle leaving her while her paws that were still tangled in the thick fur of his scruff started to lightly trail up and down the back of his neck. She thought she would be more uncertain or uneasy when confronted with this step in their relationship that she had wanted for so long but had been too afraid to ask for, but in reality she knew that she could trust Ysmir and in comparison to giving him her heart giving him her body felt easy.

Gwynevere leaned up to catch his lips again, kissing him deeply and slowly, savoring him and the passion that he drew out of her. For most of her life, ever since she was attacked, Tamsyn was scarred, and Resin was lost, she had kept her emotions at arms length. Feeling too much had become dangerous when she was constantly needed to heal others wounds and be the steady hand that they could rely on when everyone else was falling apart. But right now, in this moment, all she wanted to do was feel. She let every single sensation and emotion wash over her and overwhelm her in the most wonderful way, the heat that Ysmir kindled feeling as if it might just burn her up from the inside out. When she pulled away from that kiss again she didn't go far, her lips still lightly brushing his. "I love you," she whispered against his lips before diving back into another kiss, pulling her into him and giving everything of herself over to him. She knew he wouldn't be able to say the words back to her, but she didn't care. She could taste his love in their kiss and feel it in how he held her, and they would make love here in the spot where their relationship had truly began.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-07-2022, 07:02 PM
There weren’t many moments in his life that Ysmir could claim he felt anything similar to the emotions that Gwyn fostered deep in his heart. The heat of passion and the tenderness of love were like nothing he had grown up with. There was no relationship he could really look at that made him think of his own with Gwynevere. Especially now as his claws trailed over her skin and her body was pressed against his, there was an ignition he’d never felt before. His breathing elevated and his heat threatened to beat out his chest as he gently lay Gwyn back into the thick furs on the floor. Instinct was driving and guiding him and Ysmir was willingly following along. Gwynevere was yielding to his touch and their bodies fit together like they were always meant to.

Their kiss was deep, and it said everything that Ysmir never could. How much he adored her beautiful soul, her svelte body, and unique soul. Knowing she wanted to be here with him, only him that she could show these emotions to. She was his and he was hers. He opened his heart fully to her as she did him there in the place where their relationship began. They parted only slightly, just enough that they could find each other’s gaze. She grinned and giggled, as carefree as he had ever seen her before. Her sterling silver paws trailed through the fur of his neck as she held him back just as tightly.

Gwyn closed the distance between them again, ceiling his lips for her own as she kissed him deeply. Every wall was torn down and every rift was mended. Fire burned within and out as it raced over his skin wherever they touched. The taste of her on his lips was sweeter than even the nectar of the gods. She pulled away and left him stunned for a moment, only bringing him back with the soft words she whispered against his dark lips. ”I love you.” He melted against her at the words, softened entirely as she put a name to the way he felt. Then all at once he was falling into her kiss again, but it was more than that, they were solidifying their relationship. Becoming of one flesh. He held her tight, showing his love in every way but with words as he finally gave her the entirety of his heart.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-08-2022, 04:35 PM
Everything they had been through together, from him finding her by the river to him coming to live with her in The Hallows, had all led to this moment. She had finally put what she had already known into words and at last she was giving up the careful control she clung to dearly in favor of giving up all of herself to the man she loved. Her forelegs slipped around the back of his neck and held tightly to his scruff, clinging to him for dear life as every possible sensation washed over her in the most wonderfully overwhelming way. She had never felt this kind of abandon before, this kind of acceptance to just let go and let her instincts guide her, but it was wonderful. Her lips parted from his with a quiet gasp when Ysmir finally melded them together for the first time, their bodies becoming one and making the warmth and fire in her core roar into an inferno.

"Ysmir...!" she breathed in a heated gasp, holding on to him tightly like her lifeline in a turbulent sea. Her whole heart and all of her trust was in his paws as she pressed her face into the crook of his neck, any other conscious thought falling away as all of her senses were dominated by Ysmir and the passion that they were making between them. She had been on the outside looking in when it came to more physical aspects of relationships for so long, not fully understanding the draw or the emphasis that some of her siblings put on such things. Now she understood. She felt more alive and free than she ever had and it was all because of the man that was bringing her this euphoria and showing her the aspects of life beyond simply existing to work and serve.

The pressure in her core, the unrelenting waves of incredible fire and pleasure, continued to build to a crescendo as her gasps and quiet sounds of pleasure filled the small library for the first time. Their movements were clumsy and uncertain at first, both of them eagerly finding the rhythm of things with a passion that made up for the inexperience, and never once did the fear of being embarrassed for not knowing her own body or how to bring him the pleasure she wanted to give him come to her mind. She loved him with total abandon until they both reached the height of that pleasure, crashing into the most indescribable pleasures along with the man she loved. Settling into the afterglow, Gwyn eventually leaned back into the furs under her again, her heavy lidded gaze finding his while she panted and caught her breath, grinning up at him with a peace and happiness that she wondered if she'd ever relive again. Her silver tipped paws slipped from around the back of his neck to stroke over his cheeks and ears tenderly, at a loss for words while she just laid back and admired his handsome features.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
11-07-2022, 07:37 PM
He was very much uncertain and lacked the confidence of experience, but Ysmir was fearless as Gwynevere relinquished herself completely to him. He was given a great responsibility in more than one way, and he would not betray his love. While he didn’t know personally, how this next step worked was something he did know. While he enjoyed the build up, the nerves of the unknown, he was careful despite their enjoyment. He was attuned to his sweet Gwyn, and after a long time of getting to know one another and fully gaining each other’s trust, two finally became one.

Their bodies moved together in matching rhythm, however awkward those movements were as they began the journey of learning one another in these intimate ways. The sound of his name on her lips encouraged him further and deeper into the new way of showing their love. They bared their hearts completely to one another as they shared in each other’s bodies and built upon the pleasure of one another. She fit against him perfectly, like they were always meant to harmonize like this.

He held her tenderly through every roll of their hips, every subtle sigh, and breathy gasp. He kissed her deeply, climbing higher and higher until they were both thrown from the height of a great cliff. He spiraled with her, flexing his toes and catching his breath as he swiftly spent himself with her. Like nothing he had ever experienced before, he didn’t want to share this with anyone but this sweet and wonderful woman that he adored. He could say no words, but his expression was completely satisfied and content.

As she leaned back into the furs, just as pleased as him, Ysmir relaxed against her. Holding her tightly, their limbs entangled as their eyes met. There was no stronger connection in his life than this. He gave her heart, soul, and body, his mate forever. Her delicate paws moved from his neck to his cheeks as she held his features in as deep a wonderment as he felt. Ysmir heaved a heavy content sigh as he lowered his head to her chest, silently promising she would be kept in his arms forever.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.