
Grumpy Cat

Tiger fight


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
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Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2022, 11:23 PM by Claire. Edited 1 time in total.)

After her fight with the bear, it was safe to say she was still a little shaken. She had never come that close to potential death before, and she didn't want to go through that again. Sure, she had no problem fighting off another predator, but to have one sneak up on you? Especially a grizzly bear of all things, was downright embarrassing and it only showed her that she still had a lot to learn. Greed usually kept things secure, but now that she'd been wandering a little more on her own since the pair had their own duties in the Hallows and whatnot, it was time she learned how to be more independent.

She walked beneath the canopy of trees, the shadows a little eerie in the evening light as she made her way back home. The ivy on the ground was thick, practically dampening her footsteps. A light drizzle of rain fell from the treetops, slicking her fur down a bit but she didn't mind it. It wasn't like the storms going on in Boreas, so she didn't mind it too much. She was unaware of course, that something was stalking her.

Using 2 round skill pass



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-02-2022, 01:11 PM

The fight with the grizzly had been largely successful with her walking away with only minor cuts. Deciding it was time to make it back to Tojo-kai territory, Tenshi found herself wandering through the large oak forest. Attempting to stay out of the rain, she still felt the drizzle of droplets along her spine. It was a refreshing feeling, but she didn't want to muddy herself too much before she could tend to her wounds properly.

Minding her own business, as usual, she almost paid no mind to the feline off to her left. Having fought off a few tigers from Tojo borders, she was keen on not interacting with one so soon. That was until a familiar scent made her nose twitch. Was it really the girl from the grizzly fight? Curious and now a bit concerned, Tenshi paused her steps. Turning to glance in the direction of the striped feline who was in an obvious stalking stance, she peered ahead of it.

Unassuming and unaware, the poor girl was once again soon to be face to face with a large predator. Was she a magnet for trouble? A sigh released from Tenshi's lips. She couldn't just leave the girl to fend the tiger off by herself. Moving quickly on large paws silenced by thick moss, Tenshi came up behind the tiger. Lunging quickly before it could notice her, she lowered her head, tucked her chin, and jabbed her antlers toward the predator. Dashing in and out to distract the animal, Tenshi hoped the girl would be smart enough to run away.

large predator fight (Tiger) - 1/3


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
10-12-2022, 06:37 PM

She remained blissfully unaware of her stalker. The big cat blended in well with its surroundings and the drizzling rain dampened the scent behind her. Everything smelled mossy and like wet earth, and of course, the smell of her own damp fur. This place seemed...peaceful. Like the trees might have many stories to tell. Had Greed been here before? He said he used to live in the very castle with her older brother once upon a time, surely he had been to this place and found its peace too, right?

She walked a little more, her ear twitching when she thought she heard something, and then the forest exploded with sound and birds broke cover to fly into the sky as an angry call from another creature caught her attention. She turned around to find the form of a large striped figure behind her facing off with...wait...she knew that woman! Sort of...she couldn't remember if she caught her name before, but they had fought off a grizzly together! Her instincts told her to run, but she also didn't want to leave Tenshi at the mercy of such a large cat. She gritted her teeth as she fought with herself on what to do, and in the end, decided she'd help drive off the predator at least.

She turned around and charged the tiger from behind, jaws open as she aimed to grab a hind leg and pull it back in an attempt to upset the tiger's stance and balance.
