


10-14-2013, 01:56 AM

Eyes would snap open as baby blue pearls dashed from left to right. In her sleep she had forgotten that she had been won by the Glaciems, and for a moment she thought she was in Valhalla tucked away inside her own den. But alas, she was here, imprisoned by the white ghost who had been so determined to have her. Now that she was his, what would he do with her now? Keep her as a slave, or allow her to move up in the ranks? Slave or not she was now a warrior of Glaciem, and if given the chance she would prove her worth. If she had to stay here why not make the best of it? Rather be a ranked wolf than spend all your time in a hole right? Her mind spun as she sat up, bringing herself into a sitting position. It was so odd being in Glaciem, things were so much colder up here. With a sigh she could continue looking around, allowing her mind to run wild.

Dad. Drake. Azalea. Chrysanthe. I will never see them again. The names of wolves who mattered to her flashed over and over in her mind. They had all made her promises, and yet here she was, stuck in a snowy wasteland. But hadn't that been the plan from the beginning? To lure the man into a hole he could not get out of? Her lips creased into a smirk as she rolled her eyes. She needed to talk to the ghost, she was his trophy now wasn't she? With a tip of her head she would call for him despite still being imprisoned in her den. She hoped he would hear her. They had some important things to discuss.



10-14-2013, 03:28 AM
Isardis Armada
He had won, and oh how satisfying it had been. Regardless, he would not rest until the foolish Valhallans realised their place; beneath the Glaciems. It seemed their spirits were still far too high for ease of comfort, and so war would so hastily be upon them. Swaying, he would walk with an untainted pride, clotted blood staining the sides of pale face as he would meander towards the den of which his new trophy would slumber. Though not hugely interested in the girls company, as he figured she would be as much of an unfurling monster of anger as ?Azalea? had been upon her arrival, he supposed there was no real harm in testing the waters. Though still restoring his energy from the battle, a little amusement had never gone astray. He would pause barely a meter from where her alluring cent would linger, chuckling weakly, ?Why is my little medal not on display?? voice was teasing, taunting as he awaited her withdrawal from her hideaway.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 03:41 AM

Before his voice would break the silence she could sense him coming. She could smell the blood that matted his pelt, it was odd that he hasn't bathed himself yet, but then again he probably wore the blood like a badge. That was his way of feeding his ego. Slowly she would rise to all fours, paws kissing the earth silently as she took a few steps toward the dens entrance- but then she stopped. Why go out into the cold when the ghost could be in here with her? "It's cold out there, why not come in here? I can smell the blood on you, perhaps we can fix that up?" She would call out to him, taking a few steps back as she made room for him to enter. The two of them would fit in here, but no more. Any more wolves and this place would be overly crowded. She would wait for him to enter, and if he were to allow it she would come forth, attempting to run herself along his bodice. She would stay clear of blood, though her tongue would slip between cracked lips as she would attempt to begin cleaning the crimson from his pelt. He was a king, so he needed to look like one,correct? He didn't need crimson tainting his flawless ivory coat. "Let your metal help you." She would say, hoping the man wouldn't retaliate. She had no intentions of doing so, so hopefully he would realize that and allow her to embrace him.



10-14-2013, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 06:25 AM by Isardis.)
Isardis Armada

It was strange, wasn?t it? The way a girl that was once so fearful, so petrified of an unwanted future, a girl that had flirted with the devil only to high-tail from the very consequences such adultery would bring; could, oh so cunningly, twist upon sinister intentions, to yield to a forced future and play it as if it were merely the board game of her life. He wanted almost to laugh in her face, to shudder with muse at her stupidity, but he realized only now- she thought she had everything wrapped around that little charcoal paw of hers didn?t she? And hell, in a way she had them all fooled. Maybe the wench was wiser than he had once thought.

He would grow suspicious at her invitation, nairs quivering t ensure she was in fact alone and not trying some kind of trap against his favors. No, she didn?t hold the power here, she couldn?t invite him in to a den that were wholly his own. It was like inviting somebody into their own house. For a moment he thought to drag her out, to toss her to the earth like the prisoner she truly was. But no, he would see what this little vulpess had in store. A snarl would curl his lips as his hackles would raise, marching so confidently through the doors of her confines. She would aim to brush against him, to taunt him, and he would do no less than to throw his chest towards her; to attempt to clash against her shoulder and rapidly take a hold on her scruff, ?You play with fire now little charcoal,? his voice would shudder between clenched teeth, ?Stoking so confidently at embers unknown, I hope you know how to avoid a burn.? He would play her games if she so wished, but she would not lead in the manner she so seemed to endeavor.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 11:30 AM by Liberty.)

Through her intentions had been to help the king, things would not go her way. She should have remembered how ignorant and power thirsty he was, but no, she had given him another chance to show his softer side and he still shot her down. Typical Isardis. She would not retaliate, instead she would take his slam to her shoulder and surprisingly it would cause her to lose her balance. Body would cringe as she hit the dens floor, a whine threatening to bubble from her lips as the man took hold of her scruff. She had landed on her side, but she did not make an attempt to rise. She was a prisoner and of course the man was going to treat her as such. And to think she saw more in him, to think she saw compassion tucked away deep within his soul. Would he ever relax with her? Would he ever allow her to break his walls? If he wanted to claim her than he needed to act like it. If she had to spend her life with only one man then he needed to be her man. "Do what you want to me Isardis, though it wouldn't be right to hurt me. I did this all for you." There. She had stroked the fire, and hopefully had perked his interest.



10-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Isardis Armada
The babe would allow herself to be tossed to the ground like the prisoner she so clearly realised she now was, and it would seem to be enough to reassure The King that she now knew her place, that she realised for running from reality all that time ago she had gotten what she deserved. He would knead at her scruff, pulling it backwards and forwards, until she would speak, sending his nose plunging into the crevice of her neck. What did she so blatantly refer to? She had done nothing to better her chances or to make his life easier, all she had done was caused more work than she was worth. Was she proud of that? Perhaps, and hell he couldn?t even blame her.

He would breathe so heavily into her flesh, reaching forward to push against her shoulder with a coral paw, to press her against the earth in a manner only the lowest would be treated. However it would last only a few moments, for all he needed to know was that she would submit to his control and accept her new position within the world, within his world. Of course, if she was going to cooperate with her new life then there was nothing to say she couldn?t rise from her poorly status in future, but she would have to earn it as anybody else did. He would remain pressed to her, however his jaws would release his grasp upon her nape, and ever so cautiously a salmon tongue would lap free, to roll from the corners of her lips and down to her shoulder blade- several times. ?You have a real leader now miss Liberty, no magpie to simply sway effortlessly by your side; here, leaders act as such. They hold a dominance that was well earned, and until you can rise to prove yourself, then they have every right to push their superiority upon you.? It was a light suggestion really, figuring she was worthy of an explanation. Glaciem could be her cloud nine or it could be her hell, it was entirely up to her.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 05:25 PM

Though she prayed it would end it would not, and the king again would inflict pain on her fragile body. She would not show her pain on the outside, but on the inside she was already crumbling.So badly she wanted to tell him the thoughts that plagued her mind, but she kept quiet for now in fear that he would not believe her. He would pull back and forth on her scruff, and despite the tearing and pain she still would not retaliate. It would cease as she spoke, and despite his pause she knew he was not done with her. His paw would push against her shoulder, and his tongue would slither along the crease of her lip and down her neck. It almost sent shivers down her spine, and if she didn't have such good control of her body she would have cringed. Why was he doing this to her? Why did he have to prove his win again? She knew she was his, and she knew she was a prisoner. Why do all this? Not a sound bubbled from her throat, for she would not allow him to see any weakness in her. If he did she would be useless. "I already proved myself." She would say weakly, not wanting to srtoke the fire even higher, but still wanting to grasp his curiosity.



10-14-2013, 05:39 PM
Isardis Armada
It was sad really, that the babe had been raised knowing anything of ?proving? or of ?power?. Here she so effortlessly preached of her worth, and yet she had barely twitched a toe in the one night she had been here. Proving herself didn?t mean to lay back and take what her superiors thrust upon her, it was to be strong enough to deal with it, and some day, to perhaps fight it; to train until she knew she could stand by the sides of Glaciem?s superiors as an equal and battle for what her King so wished. Or hell, just to pull her weight. ?We are no home for the weak, puzzled one,? his voice was but a furtive hiss, ?Allowing yourself to be thrown about is not a suggestion of proof, you have earned nothing, and your attitude on the matter gives me little optimism that that will change.? Despite his stern words it seemed he would recoil, removing all pressure from her side, and again to run salmon tongue across her maw, and down her ribcage. However it was softer now, perhaps giving her a chance to regain her dignity, as he so boldly would groom behind a charcoal ear. What a brainteaser he was, would she make any sense of his actions?

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 05:49 PM by Liberty.)

She still would not allow a fiber within her body to move, and it was starting to take a tole on her. She so badly wanted to fight back in some way, but what if he hurt her even more? His teeth clenching her scruff had already been bad enough, it was obvious he would not think twice about hurting her further. But, for some odd reason the man would remove all pressure from her, the only contact being his tongue slithering along her ribs. It would come back up to her ear, and she would resist folding it against her skull. Truth be told she enjoyed her body being caressed, and as long as he was gentle, she would allow him to do so. "Isardis..." She would breath softly, his name coming out in a mere whisper. She was starting to fall into his spell again. Was she really that easy to break? "You're not seeing the bigger picture, Isardis. Can't you see I did this all for you." Her words were louder and bolder than the ones a few seconds ago. Was he not catching on to what she was saying? Did she need to spell it out for him?



10-14-2013, 06:06 PM
Isardis Armada
She would speak again, and although he so badly wanted to continue to fight any meaning behind her tongue, he would ease himself into listening; by whaetever curious reasoning, he would continue to groom her, and somewhat soothingly he would answer her, ?What did you do, my little accolade?? A chuckle would rumble within his throat, drowned somewhat by the fibers he grasped between his incisors, gnawing gently. He would crane his nape, and he would again drag his tongue across her nape, down her shoulder, and come to rest behind her elbow, where he would again aim to groom at the bare skin that loitered there. The heat of her bloodstream so intoxicating against his gums.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 06:30 PM

Resisting him again was already a challenge, and the way he was caressing her made it even harder. Why did he have to be so revolting, yet so tempting? Why did she have to be so young? She would bite back a sigh and still remain still as his tongue trailed along her body and stopped at her elbow. He liked nibbling at odd places didn't he? She wanted to laugh but of course, she would hold it back. If he enjoyed licking armpits then so be it. "I set up everything for you." She would say as she attempted to raise up by using her front legs. He was still above her, so she would attempt to press her moist nose into his chest or bottom portion of his throat. If he would allow this she did not know, but it was worth a shot. If he wanted her to squeal then she would. "I'm obsessed Isardis. Why do you think I ran away from you? Why do you think I brought Valhalla into your playing field? Because I knew you could crumble her weak walls, I knew you could dominate those inbreds. I knew you needed to prove yourself to all of Alacritis, and put your name out for all packs to hear. Why not use the unexpected playing piece? The sad little girl who had just lost her mother? They are weak. I didn't want to become beta of a pack that would crumble before my paws. I wanted true power, and I realized only you posses such greatness. I did it all for you." She would say, lips creasing into a wicked smile. She would breathe heavily, warm breath kissing the ivory man as she did so. For a few seconds she would remain silent, but then she would speak again. "That day on the ice you told me I was not worthy of greatness, that I was not worthy of becoming a queen. Have I proved my worth now ghost? Have I not proved to all of Alacritis the great power you posses? Have i not struck fear in all their hearts?"



10-14-2013, 07:55 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 08:02 PM by Isardis.)
Isardis Armada
Oh how the girl flattered herself. It was cute really, the fact that she had thought this was all done for her, that he had battled and torn his hide all for the pleasures of her name beneath his reign. It was entirely false of course, she had fuelled him to challenge, but the moment Chrysanthe became an enemy it was no longer about her body, nor her mind, or her name. It was no longer about Liberty. He snickered as she would speak, stroking his ego whilst still attempting to stroke her own. Oh how effortless it would be to knock her off her high-horse and into the stagnant mud, but did she deserve it? ?Oh yes, you opened a gateway, but I marched through it entirely alone and I most certainly closed that glass door behind me; everything that has been done has been done by me only, for me only. You did not clobber down the magpie?s stockades, I did,? he would pause for a moment, chuckling as his head would rise from his grooming.

It would sting her as it must; he didn?t care for how hurtful she may have found such words, for regardless he knew she wouldn?t entirely believe them. ?But now that you are here, and now that you are mine, you deserve that growing pride that simmers beneath your skull; stretching so ambitiously beneath the surface of your pretty crown. You may rise as you see fit, but it will not come as easily to you as you seem to be so confident. Alas, you will discover in time,? she was so proud of false achievements, it almost made him painfully nauseous. But no, he would give her her chances, ?This time, I open a door for you. It is your turn now.? He would lean into her breath, to press coral snout against her jowls as a harmless snarl would itch pale lips.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-14-2013, 09:23 PM

Heart would beat slowly as she waited for his reaction. She had an ego and of course she was fueling it, but now that she belonged to him she would need to stroke his as well. Would he believe her? Or would he think she was lying? Lips threatened to crease as she fought back the temptation to bite her lip. Finally he spoke, and again he was taking things a different way. She didn't mean that she soley had broken Valhalla, no, she merely meant that she had been the door. She had guided him there, and as planned Chrysanthe wouldn't let her go. She knew she would fight for her, and she knew the king wouldn't stop until he had won. Trouble was bound to happen. "Of course it was all your doing Isardis. You won your title, you put your name out there, you won a princess and initiated a war. I merely opened the door for you." she would say, agreeing with what he had said. She wasn't thing to take his credit, she was merely putting hers in with his. He would continue, and she would nod her head to let him know she was listening. His snout would push into her cheek and she would turn her face so that her maw slipped closer to his. Moist button would attempt to kiss his own as she closed her eyes momentarily. "Isardis, I must ask you, how can you be so nauseating yet lovable at the same time? One moment I can feel your disgust, then the next you want to embrace me with a tender touch. Why do you switch back and forth so rapidly?" she would ask, probably making a darling move but she didn't care. She wanted to know him, the real him. "I ask because if I am to be dedicated to only you, then I want to know you. I don't want to think of my king as some cradle robber. I want you to be so much more than that."



10-15-2013, 05:47 PM
Isardis Armada
Oh the pride that loitered beneath that cerulean gaze, whatever had caused such a swarm of confidence? What had the babe honestly done in her lifetime to earn such an ego of self-worth? She would swivel her snout, ebony nostrils clashing with the quivering of cherry badge, and he would allow her to sit there, even just for a moment as she spoke. He would recoil then, throat bubbling with the pleasures of her questions as coral towers would flicker with bemusement, ?It was not a proper King that ever told his servants of the true clockwork that wound his mind,? voice silky-smooth as tongue would curl momentarily at the base of his incisors. Honestly, he was finding it somewhat hard to believe all the words she cast from dark lips, mulling them over within his skull as he pondered his own reactions. Did she think him foolish, or did she speak with honesty? Alas, it was likely impossible for the King to know. And so he would tower his mental defences about him, wary of her intentions, ?My chain of command did not learn the ways of their King through meagre request, they simply remained loyal within their services and their knowledge of my being could only have come naturally.? Pale lips bubbled again with rising amusement, standing tall and secluded from her touch, ?Darling there is no fun in cheating the game.?

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-15-2013, 07:24 PM

Typical Isardis. Of course he would not answer her question, but instead would ramble on about something she didn't quiet understand. His pink pebble would clash with her own, but he would recoil and practically laugh. She could only wonder what went on inside his head. Why did he touch her, then recoil as if it were a sin? She was his now, he needed to act like it. Where was the seductive man she met that day on the ice? Had he lost his luster? Eyes would roll within their sockets as she fought off a sigh. Oh Isardis, why did you have to be a puzzle? "Can't just answer my question? Gotta make it into something else?" She would say teasing him. She meant no harm by it, but she did mean what she said. Why couldn't he just tell her what made his tick the way he did? It was frustrating. ?Darling there is no fun in cheating the game." He would say as he made it clear that he did not crave her touch. Typical Isardis. "Cheating? Now how am I cheating ghost?" She would ask as she rose further up. Back legs pushed against the earth as she stood up, but she still didn't reach anywhere near his height. She was still young, and still would be a small woman when she was full grown. "Is it because I'm already starting to figure you out? Or is it because I'm not quivering in your wake?" She would say, lips creasing into a smirk as her gaze yearned to meet his. She enjoyed playing games, he should remember that much.



10-15-2013, 08:23 PM
Isardis Armada
Not quite worthy of his time and full attentions just yet, his interest within their meeting would begin to dwindle. She was oh so confident, and it seemed even after pushing her chassis to the loose earth beneath her, she was still unwary of his power and intentions. It was somewhat foolish to say the least, medalling with a creature that was the one decider of her quality of future. However he would tolerate it purely due to the potential positives such determination could bring, and hesitantly he could grow to appreciate her striving desires. ?You?ve not had the pleasure of knowing me yet, little dove,? and with those words he would begin to turn, extended tail flipping out behind him as it would stroke the soil in his wake, one glance spared backwards, ?You are a Hunter now, prove yourself within the rank and there?s nothing to say you can?t succeed. Unless, of course, your head gets the better of you.? He would chuckle again, lowering onto his elbows as he would attempt to slip out of the den and make his way back to his duties. Keep her wondering.

-- potential exit, muahaha

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-17-2013, 02:34 PM

As soon as it had started, it would end. The man would speak to her then turn away, his intentions set on ending this meeting. Lips creased into a smirk as she watched him go. She would not call for his attention any longer, because even she was starting to become disgusted again. After all he did hurt her only moments ago, but had quickly turned off his hostile nature and had touched her tenderly. Why wouldn't she be disgusted? Mainly it was because she was so much like him. Both had walls that continually changed, neither of them displayed the same emotions or intentions all the time. Both had rocky pasts that had molded them into monsters. Maybe they were more alike than Isardis had ever imagined. Maybe this was her path, and his intertwined with hers. Maybe they were meant for each other. Lips would twitch as she sighed heavily, body turning as she would lay down again. Her scruff still hurt, but she was doing her best to ignore the pain. Might as well get used to it, for someday he would be mounted over her and tearing her scruff again.