
Nothing Left To Fear



2 Years
10-14-2013, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2013, 12:15 PM by Felicita.)

Felicita trotted happily through the forest of willows, her delicate paws tossing up clouds of dust from the crumbled masses of dead leaves. Evening held Alacritis in its firm grip, the sun sinking through the hands of the heaven to rest on the horizon, a giant orange ball of fire. The fading rays of sunlight streaked across the sky, creating a myriad of red, orange, yellow, and pinkish hues. Felicita slowed herself to a stop and raised her snout to the sky, softly closing her emerald orbs. She inhaled deeply, relishing in the fresh scent of the earth around her. Fell smelled everything, from the dry dirt to the branching, dead leaves that clung to the willows. Winter had robbed the forest of much of its grandeur, but it was still a place of unequaled beauty.

Felicita continued on her merry way, with no real destination in mind. One would assume that she would be lonely all on her own, but the newness of her adventure remained fresh in her mind. She had just left her home pack about half a season ago, at the beginning of winter, when she turned two years old. Fell's family had vehemently opposed her leaving at such a tender age, but the young woman was beyond ready to go out and start her life, to conquer the world with her own four paws. She had firmly reminded her family that if she was able to breed, she should be able to leave home. Felicita's father was the only member of her family to support her in her endeavors, and she carried his words with her even now: "If you want to conquer the world, il mio piccolo fiore, you go out and you conquer it. Just don't forget about us little people when you're on top of it. Go! Go, and be brave. Be proud, and be successful. I love you, la mia bella figlia. Arrivederci!" Every time Felicita began to lose faith in herself and in her capabilities to achieve the impossible, she brought those words to the forefront of her mind, and they restored her hope in seconds.

Felicita breathed another deep sigh of contentment, happy with who she was and where she was headed in life. She continued to follow the natural trail that the placement of the willows had created, until she came upon a small, secluded pond. The small, stagnant body of water may have been sitting still, but it was still clear and beautiful. But then again, Felicita picked out the good in everything and everyone, doing her best to ignore the bad. The beautiful young fae padded quietly to the waterfront, pausing to stare at her reflection. Felicita was not a vain wolf, but she knew how to recognize beauty, and she knew she had it. Her fur was a complex mixture of chocolate, cream, and white, lending her a very warm appearance. Add that to the soft, downy texture of said fur, and Fell appeared as a Goddess cloaked in the furs of an ermine. The girl wriggled in pleasure at her appearance and lowered her head to the water. She did not have far to lean, due to her small stature. Felicita's salmon tongue lapped at the ice-cold winter water, shivering as the liquid coursed it's way down her throat and into her stomach.

When her thirst was sated, Felicita returned her head to its prideful, upright position and began looking about for a place to rest. She had traveled almost non-stop, only stopping to sleep and eat, and her paws were aching and her muscles begged for a break. Normally the femme would wait until the moon was risen and the stars peeked out from their hiding places before she would find a place to rest for the night, but this night, Fell was going to turn in early. She searched, and found a cushioned hollow underneath a protruding willow root. The natural, if very small depression in the earth, was filled with dead leaves and soft dead grasses, creating a very comfortable place to sleep. Felicita thanked her lucky stars; in her travels, rarely did she find such a convenient resting place. However, Felicita was not quite ready for sleep. She circled in front of her makeshift den a few times, and then curled up in a last ray of sunshine, hoping to absorb as much heat as she could before the sun set for the night. Fell's head remained upright, her ears pricked, simply observing and appreciating the beauty of her surroundings.



10-14-2013, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 07:47 PM by Dexter.)
Outside everything was fine, but inside his head there was a tsunami. There were days where he was numb, completely immune to what he tried to understand. Some days, like today, he didn't even bother, only focused on the whirlwind and the road ahead. Expert paws near silently stepped through the wasteland of dead leaves and snow, Those bright tidal pools that burned emptily from the large cavern. Erect ears twitched at the occasional sound that echoed through the willow's, he could smell the scents of other wolves that had traveled through here, picking out each and every one, keeping himself particularly busy trying to decipher the older one's, almost as if he were playing a game to keep himself in shape.

He did have to admit there was a sense of beauty dancing along the dead branches, it seemed to calm the fight that raged in his cranium. Dexter fluffed out his fur as brute walked out towards nowhere, as he continued on his travel he caught the whiff of somebody recent, he noticed paw prints and went into stealth mode, it was about damn time he do something fun. He was silent now, each step slow and calculated, his breathing was level and soft, everything was as it sound be, and he neared his victim, but as those pool's splashed over her, he stopped.

He righted himself and stood, standing behind the small lady, just observing her for a second, whether or not she knew he was there, tilting his head the ash dusted man felt a small smile creep over his maw as he softly spoke to the girl, his tone gentle and warm, though feeling nothing, he felt a tiny twitch that almost felt like sincerity. Hello there... What're you doing here... All alone out here?



2 Years
10-14-2013, 08:53 PM

Felicita closed her emerald orbs for a few prolonged moments, breathing slow and deep, not falling asleep, just content and happy with who she was and her place in life. As Fell laid upon the ground, her onyx lips remained curled slightly in a small smile. Her audits flicked all around, betraying the rest of her image of sleeping. The long furs inside of her ears captured each and every sound that surrounded Felicita, from the ripples in the pond to the squirrel stashing an acorn in one of the willows two hundred yards away. Her highly perceptive wolf ears missed nothing.

As she lay, a new scent assailed Fell's nostrils. Another wolf! Fell leaped to her paws and spun around, bushy tail waving excitedly. Behind her stood a monster of a wolf. Instinctively, Felicita wanted to cower before the massive brute, but her automatic friendly response did not allow her to do so. After a moment of being highly intimidated by his size, Fell got over it and raked her emerald gaze over the rest of him. Wow... was her only coherent thought. Felicita was mesmerized by the captivating beauty of the brute. His snowy white pelt was dusted across the top with a multitude of dark spots, making him looked like he was showered with specks of the night sky. Then he spoke. "Hello there... What're you doing here... All alone out here?"

Any normal wolf, with any common sense, would have realized that there was something off about his voice, with the words that he had chosen. However, Felicita was hardwired to see only the good in other wolves. Therefore all she saw and heard was an extremely handsome man greeting her with a simple question. The beautiful young fae's tail began to wave a little harder as she stared at the hypnotizing, alluring man. As young as she was and with as little experience in the world as Felicita had, she was immediately captured by the brute's spell. She was attracted, there was no doubt about it.

"Hi!" Felicita yipped excitedly, happy that she was no longer alone. "I'm travelling, actually. Living with my family just wasn't really doing it for me anymore, so I headed out on my own. Now I'm just wandering, trying to see as much of the world as I can." Felicita's whole body was humming with electricity, and every time she locked eyes with the handsome brute, and added shock shot down her spine. "Oh, and my name is Felicita Adalfero. But.. you can call me Fell." The pretty femme's last sentence was uttered with a shy quietness, already letting him know a semi-personal part of herself. She did not know what to make of her mental or physical reaction to meeting him, but Fell wasn't about to question it. She felt alive, for the first time in her life.

"May I ask what your name is, sir?"




10-14-2013, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 09:57 PM by Dexter.)

She was a lively one she was. She knew he was there, whether or not she sense him or heard him he may never know, she spun round easily, light on her toes was the tiny femme, a welcoming smile on her face as he felt her viridescent eyes trail over his body, that small smile staying still as stone on his face.

She was almost a breath of fresh air, the way the energy around her flowed it was almost unlike anything he had ever seen. Cheery she bubbled on about traveling and her goals while doing so, then introduced herself, full name first, then a nickname he could call her. She asked his and he was willing to oblige, tipping his head down to her he flashed gentle ivory daggers to her in the ever fading light.

Dexter... But you can call me Dex... He threw back, an almost playful tone in his voice as his eyes slowly slithered over her form, his pools washing over her small body, admiring the mixture of colors dancing along her coat. Her patterns were momentarily memorizing as his gaze twisted along her, stopping after a brief moment to gaze back at her sparkling green eyes. The quiet type he remained silent, waiting for words from her to grace his ears as he waited patiently.



2 Years
10-14-2013, 10:52 PM

The chocolate, cream, and white fae settled down on her haunches, ready for a full-blown conversation with this massive brute. Despite her trying to get comfortable, the massive amounts of energy that rushed through Felicita's veins refused to allow her rest. Now that Fell was no longer alone and she had someone to talk to, the last thing her body wanted to do was relax. The way Felicita worked was in extremes; either she was all the way up or all the way down. The only thing is, she never went down. So the young woman was constantly 'up', so to speak. Being seated in front of the most handsome male she had ever met also didn't do much to calm her down. Then again, the only wolves Fell had ever met that weren't her family were the few loners that had been allowed into her family's pack. Most of them were female, and the one male they had allowed to join was probably old enough to be her father's father. So one couldn't blame Felicita for being utterly captivated.

The brute flashed a smile at her, making the young fae feel a tad weak in the knees. Following that highly disarming act, he spoke his name, almost teasing her. "It's very nice to meet you, Dex." Felicita spoke in a slightly lower, breathier voice. For a moment, Fell didn't know what happened to her words. And then she realized: She was flirting! Something she'd heard of, but never had a chance to practice. Immediately the fae became extremely shy and embarrassed, scared that she would make a fool out of herself in front of Dexter. She wanted to pull an ostrich at that moment, and bury her head in the dirt of the forest floor. However, she made do with simply loosening the muscles in her neck so her head swung towards the dirt. Her head hung, moist black nose perpendicular to the ground.

"Um.. So.. What brings you out here?" Felicita asked the brute, her emerald eyes still cast downward. She wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible, in hopes that Dexter wouldn't notice her most-likely failed attempt at flirting. There was no way he would go for her, now! Fell wanted to kick something and howl, so frustrated she was. But as was Felicita's way, she pouted for a moment and then began to regain her friendly composure. She was still embarrassed, of course, and she had most likely completely turned Dexter off from her, if he was ever interested in the first place. But that didn't mean they couldn't be friends! That thought right there began Felicita's tail thumping the ground once again. "I was under the assumption that all wolves but me were happy in their packs, so few other rogues have I met in my travels."




10-14-2013, 11:33 PM

She acted like she was trying to hide within herself, curling herself slightly downward as if trying to disappear, though he knew it wasn't possible, it seemed as if she didn't. He wasn't sure how to react to this behavior, normally this level wasn't reached with the brute, often it was surface conversations and trying to weasel himself into the lives of his prey, this? This was something new entirely.

He too had seated himself, his monstrous size held proudly as always, though he didn't give off the pride vibe, it was easy to see that he was not ashamed to exist. As he held himself high he noticed her eyes were trained on her feet, oblivious to the fact that she was flirting he ever so slightly tilted his broad head in internal wonder at what she was looking so intently at. There was another second of silence before she asked him his purpose in him being in the willows.Nothing in particular... I just got here not too long ago... Guess I'm still learning my way around...

He hoped she would raise her eyes again, something about those eyes made his storm die down, that loud blustering in his brain slowly settled to a soft buzz, a tolerable hum as he gave a tiny sigh of relief. Her tail began to thump, whether it was on purpose or habit she began to speak about loners, and interesting topic to discuss, though, another painting would begin. I suppose I haven't really found one that's caught my interest yet... If your going to commit to something like that you need to make sure your not going to regret it moons later, though some wolves enjoy the solitary life, there's nothing wrong with that. He told her gently, his smile a little wider then before, You... You should keep your eyes up... Their very pretty... Dexter complimented bluntly, no subtleties were taken as the boy stared at her, washing over her innocently with his cool blue eyes.



2 Years
10-15-2013, 12:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 12:17 AM by Felicita.)

Felicita had completely regained all hold over herself once Dexter began speaking again. She was still feeling quite shy, and so it was hard to meet his highly addicting azul eyes. The young woman felt as if she could peer into those fathomless blue depths and see straight into his soul. Dexter explained that he had about just as much purpose at Fell did; it seemed that both of them were wanderers.

Felicita listened intently as the handsome man spoke. His voice was deep and soothing, like a cool wave breaking over Fell's ears every time he spoke. Each word sent shivers down her spine. "I suppose I haven't really found one that's caught my interest yet... If your going to commit to something like that you need to make sure your not going to regret it moons later, though some wolves enjoy the solitary life, there's nothing wrong with that." Felicita nodded her head, emerald eyes gazing off into space as she agreed with Dexter. "I agree. I mean, I was raised in a pack that was pretty much just my family. I can't imagine trying to actually decide where to stay for the rest of your life. When you're born into it, you don't have much of a choice." Felicita paused and thought for a moment. "Though technically, I suppose you do. I made the choice to leave, so I suppose I could make the choice to stay. But I must admit, I'm enjoying my wandering. Nobody to tell me what to do, nobody to tell me what to say. I love the freedom."

Felicita hadn't noticed that her eyes had wandered once again until Dexter spoke of them, complimenting how pretty they were. Of course, that made her hide them once more. "Thank you.." she mumbled, continuing to hide her eyes. But this time, it was only for a moment. Suddenly losing all of her childish fears, Felicita slowly raised her head, lifting it until her piercing emerald green orbs were locked onto his blue ones. The calming colors of a verdant forest whirled in her twin irises, the final rays of the setting sun reflecting off of the golden specks that were scattered within the green. For an indeterminable amount of time, Felicita stared into Dexter's eyes, held entranced by a moment that seemed to have no beginning and no end. But that moment was a beginning. A beginning for the two of them. Fell had no idea where it would go, but she couldn't wait to find out.




10-15-2013, 12:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 02:52 PM by Dexter.)

Her joke let a sound slip from his dark lips, a low rumble in his chest and that rose up in his throat, thunder bubbling forth gentle in a soft lull. The sound of her giggle was like songbirds, a tickle to the nodules atop his skull, sending the auditory extensions curving towards her. Soon she asked about why him, his story.
My story...? I'm afraid there isn't much to tell... He said as he continued to leak sea into forest, he could tell this was a different interaction then what he was used too. She had leaned closer to him, her fur brushed against his, the barely touching as she drew nearer. She had this sheen to her pelt, under the moonlight she almost glowed, the air blew around them, sending his snowy lengths swaying slightly, the ash that littered his back standing out dangerously obvious underneath the pregnant goddess.

Her nose when inches away from him, he didn't feel uncomfortable with this, it wasn't bad, but it was unlike any experience he'd had before. Unsure how to react, the male held his ground, his hot breath sending heavy clouds to mix with the warm mist of her morning, I came from mountains... The peaks rose high, we had birds that you may not have seen, their claws were sharp as icicles... As he told her this, a small chill ran up his spine. He remembered home, remembered being nuzzled up against his mother, remembered what his father did.

Those were tales she would not hear. Those were tales for no ears, dangerous they were, his eys still hadn't strayed, holding her's tighter, he kept his head cocked to the right as he tried to understand. There was this feeling inside him, not the lack of furious bee's in his skull, but inside him, he couldn't understand it, and was desperatly trying to. It was beautiful there... The sun was always warm, the sunset's were unreal... I came here to try and find a new life, experience something new... This place here is indeed just that... There are so many different things here, so many beautiful things...



2 Years
10-15-2013, 01:40 AM

Felicita continued to hold Dexter's gaze, their eyes holding onto each other in an embrace more intimate than any physical hold. They stared into each others colorful irises, seeing into each others souls. Felicita couldn't bring herself to break the contact. The two together were like fire and gasoline; Fell already blazed with life and being with Dexter just made her feel even more alive. As they sat together and conversed under the willows, the sun gave its last hurrah for the day before sinking below the horizon completely, bathing Fell and Dexter in navy moonlight.

The entrance of night made the meeting between the two loners even more magical. Dexter spoke once more before Felicita had a chance, asking her how long she'd been here. She thought, perhaps reading more into the question than there actually was. Either way, she responded in the most practical way she could think of. "Well, technically I've only been here in the willows for a few hours." Fell giggled softly, making the words a teasing joke. "But I've been travelling for about half a season now. Wandering, really. Never staying long in one place, seeing what I can while it's still here."

"But what about you, Dexter?" she asked as he leaned towards her. Felicita caught her breath, but not in anxiety. Rather, the exact opposite. She yearned for Dex to move yet closer, and closer and closer, until they were so wrapped around each other that she could not tell where he ended and she began. Felicita blinked her emerald irises rapidly, not quite sure where that thought had come from. She may question its origin, but she was far from questioning its accuracy. And instead of waiting for Dex to continue moving towards her, Felicita scooched closer and closer to him, moving ever so slowly so as to try and not to alert him of her intentions. They were quite close together to begin with, so she did not have far to go. Fell leaned towards Dexter until their noses were a hairsbreadth away from touching. "What's your story?" Felicita asked, her piercing green eyes catching hold of his ocean blue ones once more.




10-15-2013, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 04:18 PM by Dexter.)




2 Years
10-15-2013, 03:51 PM

Everything about Felicita was utterly focused on the ash-dusted brute with the sapphire eyes, drawing Fell further and further in. She listened with doubt as he said he didn't have much of a story. "I find that hard to believe." Felicita stated. The luminescent moon rose higher and higher in the indigo sky, bathing the pair in magical silver light. The fae seemed to calm with the rising of the night; instead of her energy raging like an untamed inferno, it slowed to a deep, sensual burn. Felicita let go of all of her insecurities, feeling much more like a woman than ever before.

Felicita remained within a close proximity to Dexter. If she moved so much as a muscle, her fur would brush against his, sending tingles through every nerve in her body. Her petite jaws opened to speak, but she paused when Dexter beat her to it. It seemed like he was beginning to open up. "I came from mountains... The peaks rose high, we had birds that you may not have seen, their claws were sharp as icicles..." Felicita drank in his words, fascinated. Birds with talons sharper than hers? It seemed too impossible to believe, and yet just for the fact that he was Dexter, she believed him.

"It was beautiful there... The sun was always warm, the sunset's were unreal... I came here to try and find a new life, experience something new... This place here is indeed just that... There are so many different things here, so many beautiful things..." Felicita gazed at Dexter, really seeing him. "Well.. I'm happy you did." Felicita yawned, suddenly feeling tired. But though her brain wanted to call it a night, her body was still thrumming with the energy of being so close to Dex. She wanted to be closer. Taking a risk, a huge one at that, Felicita leaned into Dexter, resting her chest against his and laying her head along his neck and shoulder, tucked a few inches below his chin. The daring young fae inhaled deeply, trying to memorize Dexter's scent. "I know I would have been much more lonely if you hadn't."




10-15-2013, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 04:21 PM by Dexter.)

She seemed to calm with the rising of the moon, he loved when the sun died, how everything seemed to still and the dangers came out to play. Fell slithered that she was happy he had ended up here, suddenly she pressed herself against him and everything in his brain spasmed.

Her chest fell against his and their fur melded together, the heat of their bodies burning him in a way he hadn't felt before, he felt like he was on fire, maybe not in a bad way, her head fell on his shoulder, tucking her head underneath his chin. He panicked, on the outside he was as calm as before, but inside he was rushing around, what was he supposed to do? He'd never been in a situation like this before, physical contact of this degree, of pretty much any degree for that matter.

She made him feel... Something... but he didn't have any clue as to what it was, what she manifested amongst his dark desires, how she soothed his monster. He sat, frozen in time with her in a complete state of inner awkwardness as he contimplated how he should react, after a few long moments he decided to go along, he had to maintain this image of a caring, kind wolf, where as inside, he knew he could never be what he pretended to be. He tucked his head down slightly, enjoying the warmth she helped spread through his stone form, his breath soft as he remained silent against her, holding his head against her own.



2 Years
10-15-2013, 08:37 PM

Felicita soon began to feel insecure, as it took longer than she would have expected for Dexter to embrace her back. She had almost pulled away when the large brute gently, hesitatingly, rested his head on top of hers. It suddenly became clear to Felicita why he was acting like this; he'd never had someone show him affection in his life, or at least if anyone had, it had been rare. The thought made Felicita tear up in pain for the neglected Dex, and sought to bring their bodies even closer together, in an even tighter embrace. The young, inexperienced female had no idea what it was she was doing; Fell was simply going based on how her body felt. She had felt ten times better after embracing Dexter the first time, so how much more alive would she feel if she deepened the connection. But first; the verbal connection.

Felicita pulled away from Dexter, only to look into his deep blue eyes once more. Her iridescent emerald orbs locked on to his, refusing to blink. "I don't know what it is about you, Dexter. But you're drawing me in like no wolf I've ever met before." Feeling a bout of confidence come on once more, Felicita uttered another single sentence. "Will you stay with me tonight?" she asked, never looking away from him.




10-16-2013, 02:02 AM

It wasn't that nobody had ever loved him, he just didn't know how to love, but it wasn't just loving that he didn't know how to do. Others had tried to love him, but he was only fooling them with his fake emotions, acting out another play to draw them in, to show them the true essence of his being. The one's that weren't included in that lot he kept at a safe distance, his past was a jumbled mess of tragedies and confusion, so when this pretty little thing before him stayed pressed against his body the only thing he could do was be still.

Not uncomfortably rigid, but solid still the male breathed deeply, the sounds were soft, near inaudible to those around him as it remained even in pace. Slow deep in, slow ease out, a practiced rhythm he had perfected with time, The snowy giant had no idea what was going on in the head of the femme below him, all he could do was try to pick apart the situation at hand and the struggle of understanding inside.

Suddenly their embrace was broken, the soft caress of the woman's fur was removed and he felt something that almost felt like regret, but one could never be to sure in these confusing situations. She looked at him deeply, lost in a forest he did blink, once slowly as he listened to her soft words, the air around them cold, causing the male the fluff his thick coat around him, the tendrils settling back into place perfectly as he played it cool. Fell... You are indeed the most peculiar wolf I have ever met... Was all Dexter could muster, scrambling at straws to try and give her something more.

As she asked him to stay he was assaulted by numerous questions. Why would she ask a complete stranger to stay with her? What if he wanted to kill her? Was she always this trusting? It wasn't safe for her to be out here all alone... Stay? would he stay... No, it was to risky... But if he just left she would suspect something... It would be nice to have some company tonight, it was cold out here... Of course... Though we'll want to find someplace larger, and a little more sheltered from the wind... I can only keep you warm so long... He murmured down to her, his baritones gentle and sultry, like lava pouring fourth from a volcano.



2 Years
10-19-2013, 10:44 PM

Felicita Adalfero

Felicita failed at romance gazed deeply into Dexter's eyes, only looking away when he "complimented" her. She was confused by his statement, that was for sure. She was peculiar? Being the positive, look-at-the-bright-side kind of wolf she was, Fell decided to put aside any negative connotations the sentence might have had and took it simply to mean that she was special, that she was different. Different was okay. It meant that she stood out, that she broke the mold. And that was precisely what Fell wanted to be. She wanted to be able to stand out from the crowd, to be seen as something precious, something worth saving and protecting. And apparently, that's what she was to Dexter. In her eyes, at least.

Felicita could tell, in part, that Dexter was conflicted once she had asked him to stay. She could understand his dilemma perfectly; if a random stranger had asked her to stay the night with him, she might have questioned it just a little bit. Actually, she probably wouldn't. Felicita was simply too trusting to be considered safe in the world. In part the fault of that lay with her parents; they never assumed that any of their children would want to leave the family pack, and so they never taught their offspring the ways of the world. Where to avoid, who to befriend. Felicita entered the world completely unawares of how it truly worked. She saw only the light; the dark remained shrouded in its obscure hiding places.

But oh, what was this? Dexter had agreed to Felicita's invitation! Despite her calming with the moonrise, Felicita could not help a small wriggle of excitement. The chocolate and cream femme leaped to her paws, ready to search for this better sleeping place that Dex recommended they find. Tail waving through the crisp night air, Fell shivered just a bit. The temperature had chilled quite a bit since the sun had set, and Felicita's breath had begun to steam from her nostrils. Feeling a burst of bravery coming on once again, Felicita leaned forward towards Dexter and reached up on her tip-toes to give him a brief but sweet kiss on the cheek, salmon tongue swiping over his snowy fur. With that, Felicita turned and bounded a few feet away, sharp emerald eyes searching for a place for the two wolves to sleep.



10-19-2013, 11:45 PM

Those obscure place's just might happen to be right in front of her. Dormant was the killer as he watched this cute little lady wriggle back to life, she seemed to be content with finding another place for them to sleep, he was glad she didn't throw a fuss, she would have frozen there. She raised to her paws and he could see the warm life spilling from her nostrils and her jowls. As his mind focused on the shiver that rushed through her he was suddenly assaulted by a warm, wet tongue on his cheek.

He felt unsure about that. It was a flirtatious action he was assuming, he knew it was a sign of affection. Could she be thanking him for staying the night with her? And thats what he knew, so thats what it was, as he lifted his paws to come to stand beside the lovely creature. Not seeing much of anything he turned to look at her, icy eyes locking back onto the forest she held so perfectly in her skull. It had been only a short time since they'd met, but something about her was intriguing him to no end.

She was Innocence, floating about on winged paws. A picture of a meadow covered in dew, Dexter did something very unDexterlike, he bent his head down, gently placing his cold nose on her neck, speaking softly into her fur. Fell, we won't find much here... Come, we shall explore further... the near whisper soothing and sultry as he slowly pulled back, just enough to look into those beautiful eyes.



2 Years
10-20-2013, 12:56 AM

Felicita Adalfero

As Felicita padded slowly, searching, a cold wind penetrated her thick, downy fur, chilling her straight to the bone. She shivered, wanting to hurry and find a place to sleep as quickly as she could. Call her crazy, but she had an inkling that she wouldn't be very cold at all curled up next to Dexter all night. Fell was starting to freeze, yes, up until she felt Dexter bury his muzzle in the fur of her neck, speaking to her softly. Every muscle in Felicita's body tensed up, but not in a negative way. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of rightness, like this was the way things were supposed to happen. She didn't question it, didn't worry about if it was right or not. No, she simply went with it, because she knew she could. Felicita was a woman, and she was free from her controlling (but loving) family, and she could do what she wanted.

Felicita slowly lifted her tail, and brushed it once softly from Dex's shoulder to his flank. She turned her head and made heart-stopping eye contact with him for the umpteenth time. The moment was short and sweet this time, however, and Felicita nuzzled her moist black nose into Dexter's neck in return, breathing deep of his warm, musky scent that was so very manlike. Fell removed her muzzle from Dexter's neck so that she could speak and not have her words muffled by his dense snowy pelt. "Okay, Dexter. Where else do we look?" And at that moment, Felicita realized. Dexter could walk away, even just to search for their sleeping place for the night. But Felicita now knew that she would follow him anywhere.



10-21-2013, 09:29 PM

Her tail caressed the partial length of his body and he tried to understand what that shiver was. Their eyes locked and she buried her nose into the long hair along his neck, she breathed in deep and asked where to go. He looked around, the moonlight shining along the ground, he gently bumped her forward and they began to walk, soon they reached a large willow, perhaps the largest in the area, and lucky for them there was a large hollow underneath, as if something had been there before them.

His large paws padded forward, he inspected the burrow type thing to make sure it was indeed vacant, once he was satisfied Dexter plopped down into the dent and looked at her, waiting for her to come make herself warm for the night.




2 Years
10-21-2013, 11:10 PM

Felicita felt a nudge towards a random direction, and Felicita giggled softly at the touch. Padding on dainty paws, Fell walked side by side with Dexter, their fur brushing. It took what seemed only minutes to reach their destination, a beautiful willow tree, and a massive one at that. Felicita waited outside while Dexter crawled into the large hollow underneath and assured its safety. How awful would it be to supposedly find a safe den, only to be attacked in the middle of the night, when one was sleeping, vulnerable? No, that wouldn't do at all. And so Dexter would exit the large hollow beneath the tree and sit back on his haunches, waiting. For a moment Felicita was confused, not sure what he was waiting for. But then she realized, laughing at herself. He was waiting for her, obviously! Eyes sparkling in the moonlight, Felicita moved slowly towards Dexter, passing his resolute frame with another quick, flirtatious flick of her tail. She walked into the makeshift den, swallowed by the darkness. The hollow was filled with dead leaves and moss, making the perfect bed. Felicita pawed at the moss to make it more comfortable, circled a few times, and laid down, curling up into a tight ball. She laid there, forest green eyes staring towards the entrance, waiting for Dexter to come inside. Hoping he would snuggle up to her as close as they could possibly get, merging into one being, limbs tangled together and fur creating one fluffy mass.



10-21-2013, 11:16 PM

Once she was lying inside she looked at him to follow, and he rose slowly from massive haunches. he ducked his large form inside the hollow and walked behind her, flopping onto the ground with a heavy 'thud'. The man curled his large body around hers and wrapping himself tightly around her small curled form. He placed his head on her shoulders, breathing easy as he held her close, unsure as to why he was doing this he just went with it, the two of them were warmer then just them being alone.
