
Swim until you can't

[Valta - game 1]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2022, 12:44 AM

The initial greetings had been done and the wolves had been granted a bit of time to mingle and look over Valta’s land if they so wished.  Kotori had planned a number of games and they would be hosted one after another.  Some wolves might have planned to enter multiple competitions and those not competing might gamble on the winners.  Kotori imagined the idea of gambling as a good way to increase the fun, especially in the evening when it was time to start the drinking contest.  

Since the wolves had been given the freedom to explore Kotori gave a short howl to summon any that weren’t nearby.  It was a simple message, it was time for the first game to begin.  The wolf stood near the bank northern end of the lands rapids, watching the water churn below.

“This game is simple,” Kotori announced to those watching.  “Competitors will get in the water.  This is the equivalent of a race but instead of expecting you to move forward the game is how long can you fight the water before it pushes you back.  Once you are pushed into the net you've lost.” Kotori’s gaze turned to watch the water as it moved southward.  “Further down there is a net to stop one from being dragged too far.”  It was also to keep one from being washed to where they had found some nasty rocks ready for one to be bashed into or slashed by jagged areas.  Kotori expected some would find the game easy at first but the waves would eventually tire out the muscles and make the game harder as time ticked by.  Hopefully, this would be interesting to watch as well as compete.  Kotori had wanted to make use of his landscape for the games.  This was one way.

Kotori was rather confused by one entry, it was the Hallows member, an adopted son of Artorias if Kotori remembered correctly.  It was some type of large bird but wouldn’t it be harder for a bird in the water?  Well, for all Kotori knew it could be great at it since Kotori knew no other suck creature.  

One of the wolves that was entering Kotori knew quite well, though he hadn’t spent much time with her as they had grown older.  Kotori’s sister, Gossy, had shown up and inwardly Kotori hoped it would be a Fatalis who would win.  However, right now he would treat all competitors equally.

The other two wolves Kotori hardly knew.  By coincidence, he had once hunted with Ngurulivu.  The hunt had gone well and the short conversation after had included the grey wolf being polite and respectful.  The blue wolf had been at his sister’s wedding but other than spotting him the wolf was a stranger to Kotori.

“Competitors get in the water.  Oh, just in case any are considering it, no you can not attempt to drown or cause serious harm to the competition.” Kotori shrugged, “fast flowing water and it is a game so a bit of shoving or creative ideas that won’t risk serious harm are permitted.” Kotori glanced to those staying on land but watching then back to the competitors.  “Put on a good show!  We want to enjoy this.”

(Three rounds – at the end, I’ll roll 50-sided dice for each contestant – the highest number wins.  Have fun with it.)

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (270)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - Lesbian
1KDouble Master
10-18-2022, 09:54 AM

Stretching her limbs, Gossamer prepared herself for the swimming competition. She could swim well enough though she wouldn't consider herself an expert by any means. Still, with her renewed focus on fight training she hoped the stamina she gained in that training would translate to swimming as well.

Gossy took her place near the rapids and waited for Kotori's instructions. Once they were given she shot her brother a grin and eased her way into the cool water. It was cold but in a way it was refreshing against the heat of the summer sun on her dark coat. Once the start signal was given she released the rock she'd been clinging to and began to paddle with strong, even strokes.


10-19-2022, 10:40 PM

So Valta was having a land-claiming party. Nguruvilu had been interested - she had met Kotori after all, and that was why she was here! Like another contestant, a femme she didn’t know the name of, Ruu was stretching, preparing to do her best while swimming in the rapids. She didn’t intend to lose easy, but there was no telling how long any wolf would last in the rapids at their strength. And even still, with the rush of the current, they would have to mind themselves and not get exhausted… lest they get swallowed by the water and later the wolves were pulling a corpse out of their net.

She took her place by the rapids and took slow, steadying breaths. Instructions were given and, the gist of it? Play nice with the others, don’t try anything sneaky, and last as long as you could. Then it was on. Nuru jumped into the water, the cool liquid feeling wonderful on the hot summer day. For a moment she went under but Ruu did not panic, setting her limbs to kicking as she fought her way to the surface. This was the “easy” part. They just had to keep themselves going, for now, keep it steady, and avoid getting too exhausted. She didn’t even look at her competition now, just focusing on keeping herself swimming.

"Talk, 'Think.'


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
10-24-2022, 09:37 PM
The light blue boy stands near the other competitors on the banks of the rapids, stretching out his muscles as they listen to the instructions. Ricin nods absently to Kotori’s explanation while doing some yoga stretches, downward facing dog into upward facing dog and hold it… As the explanation comes to an end, the two women ease themselves into the water and Ricin shakes out his coat before moving to do the same.

Long legs wrap around a rock as he lowers himself in and Ricin puffs out a few short breathes as his body adjusts from the warm summer day to the cold water of the rapids. Once he is convinced the water shock won’t make him freeze up, the blue boy releases his hold and begins to paddle against the current. This is going to be fun!

"Ricin Dauner"