
Bad Omen




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-04-2022, 12:27 PM

Relm had traveled into the lands outside of Elysium following her recovery maybe just for the time alone or something of that sort. At least to her it felt like it was one bad thing after another and nothing was getting any better. A few other Elysium wolves had come out this way for the events of the Steppe but none that she was particular in keeping her distance from. It was a strange time for her overall though no part of her life had been necessarily normal.

She was walking cautiously through the Steppe among the number of different wolves here when an all black fox pointed and called out for her and someone else nearby to join him. She was skeptical, she didn't really want to be involved. But she had recognized Deimos from Elysium in a number of vague interactions. The training, switching patrols, and the like. And so it made her just a little more comfortable to step up.

Once both of them were pulled in and settled, the fox started up a small fire between the three of them. His eyes flashed between the purple and pink wolf before looking down into the fire and almost presenting it to them with a wave of his paws making the fire flow through the air.




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-05-2022, 12:22 AM

In the days immediately following his return to his family and joining Elysium he had stuck close to their lands, trying to prove that he was there for good this time and attempting to form some kind of relationship with his new bride. However, after his slip up and the "punishment" he had received at the hands of Alastor he had begun wandering and keeping his distance more often than not. The slashes across the left side of his face were at least mostly knitted together by now, the flesh still fresh and not quite the tough scars that he assumed would likely come of them. He kept the thought of them at a distance, avoiding thinking about the changes in his appearance or how they came to be.

Instead, he wandered out to the Stone Steppe where he had heard some events that went along with these strange statues and happenings around Boreas. He wasn't even sure if he was particularly interested in it, but it gave him a destination at least instead of just moving aimlessly. He moved through the crowd, aqua gaze roaming over the various wolves and attendants that moved from activity to activity. It wasn't until he was called out by a black fox along with someone else. His brow raised at the vulpine and he glanced to see who else it had called for and spotted the distinctive form of Relm. The odds that he and the other Elysium wolf just so happened to land here at the same time in the same portion of the Steppe seemed slim, but here they were. Without many other options or alternatives he walked forward and joined Relm at the fire the fox was building, glancing skeptically over whatever it was doing.

"Deimos Medacium"



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-05-2022, 01:42 PM

She didn't look at Deimos other than a quick glance when he joined beside her and stayed silent just as she did with the strange little black fox. They both seemed relatively unamused but for whatever reason still participated. No harm in trying it out.

The fox looked between the both of them as he had their attention and the flames settled from his previous wave. He looked to Relm first, throwing one more wave of his paw nearly into the fire before retracting and observing the flames that flowed as Relm stared down into the fire, almost mesmerized. Not by her own will it felt. The fox squinted at her for a moment as if judging her, maybe sensing the things that had gone on more recently in her past. But he said nothing of it. He started to speak and demonstrate as each of the flames moved around in different fashions, "The flame here was short at first meaning something will happen soon." With the fire moving so quickly before he could speak, he took a claw and drew into the loose soil in front of them, "The flame here split into two sensing a lack of unity but a third flame sprung out from the center here saying you'll need to request help from your friends." Relm still didn't say anything but she could hear what the fox was saying. Things did make sense, but also not at the same time. Saying she needed help from her friends was laughable considering she didn't really have any. Kichi maybe... still she didn't feel any need to ask more. Suddenly the flame in front of them felt diminished but there was no breeze to put it out. A little puff of smoke blew out and the fox looked back over into the dying fire, his eyes looking up at the skies above them, "The lower flames are suggesting something ending before completion, the smoke moving to the south towards the volcano, it says not to let your emotions control your actions." He shook his head without saying much else, waving his paw over the fire before pulling out a pile of sticks to bring it back to life and turn to Deimos to do his fortune next.




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-05-2022, 09:13 PM

Once he and Relm were seated in front of this strange fox with the fire it was tending between them, it immediately launched into what felt like a performance with the way its paws waved over the flames and sent it flickering one way or another. It looked at Relm first and started spouting off some vague sounding prophecies. They were indistinct enough that it was highly likely that it could relate to some part of her life, but he certainly didn't know anything about her so he couldn't even begin to guess what. Or maybe it made absolutely no sense. She didn't give much of a reaction so he couldn't really tell either way. That was the game of these things though, wasn't it? Make it believable enough that you might think it was real.

He scoffed under his breath as the fox finished with Relm and gave her a questioning glance with a raised brow, wondering to himself what she thought of the omens she received. He was pretty skeptical of the whole thing so he wasn't sure how he felt about it. He wasn't put off by it enough to abandon the activity, but he wasn't drawn in enough to pay full attention either. He smirked a bit as he thought about his brother and how Merrick would have felt about all of this. There was no doubt that his more supercitious brother would have had a ball with all of this. As the flames began to build up again he turned his aqua gaze back down to the judgmental looking fox, waiting to hear what it had up its sleeves this time.

"Deimos Medacium"



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-05-2022, 09:57 PM

Relm looked toward Deimos if only for a moment... and there was a part of her that almost wanted to stay with him if only the familiarity of being in the pack together. In the end she rose to leave, making hesitant steps away from him and the fortune teller. It wasn't really any of her business she supposed and she'd be lying to say that she cared about what was read for Deimos.

The black fox rose a brow at the purple man as if he could read everything about him just by looking at him. He wiggled his paws on both sides of the fire, causing it to ignite more and set sparks hopping out from underneath, the fox tilted his head looking down. "The tall flame here suggests over a long period of time," A toe pointed down at where the sparks sprang out, "The sparks indicate a personal loss."

The fox backed up a little bit as the smoke pushed towards him in an almost magical fashion it seemed, making him cough just a bit before he spoke again. "The way the smoke swooped is telling you to proceed cautiously, splitting two ways says you are stuck between two decisions in your life." He turned his head to look behind him with a squint in his eye from the smoke exposure, "North to the ocean means you need to build a good foundation in your dreams and goals before moving forward." The fox looked back into the now smoldering fire opposed to any large flames, again pointing down at the burning wood, "And that tells me you are struggling with hostility and resentment or that you will be soon."




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-05-2022, 10:30 PM

Deimos glanced up and watched Relm get up and start to walk away, shrugging a bit before turning his attention back to the fortune telling fox in front of him. He had sat here long enough that he felt like he might as well see it through—however ridiculous it may be or not. He didn't understand what the fox was looking for or what was giving him the "readings" he was getting, but he listened regardless. Despite his own skepticism, hearing about a personal loss made his brow furrow a bit. Proceeding cautiously and being between two decisions wasn't too far off base for his current state, but he still didn't know how much of that was a genuine reading of some sort and how much of it was just a vague prediction that would match most wolves.

Still, those things combined along with hearing about how he needed to build a good foundation make him think of Ikigai. He frowned slightly, his ears flicking just enough to be noticeable as he considered what was being told to him. He wondered to himself if he even knew how to "build a foundation" with her. Was he ever even meant to follow this Mendacium path of keeping a mate and having a family? Was it all too late for him? Then, of course, there was the last nail in the coffin of the fox mentioning the struggle with hostility or resentment. Considering the still healing wounds that crossed his face it felt either too much like a straight call out to the fox's observations or too close to home to be a coincidence and Deimos didn't feel like sticking around to figure out which it was. As soon as it seemed like his fortune reading was over he got up and turned to leave, feeling slightly unnerved by the whole thing.

"Deimos Medacium"