
I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes


10-15-2013, 11:51 PM

ooc;; set before Vi got knocked up so she's not an emotional crazy hoe and before she was officially accepted into Tortuga so she's just the crazy hoe who lives under a tree ;D I'm sorry for the crappy post, I suck at startin >.>

The sun was not far above the horizon and sinking quite quickly when she had left Ludicael but luckily Tortuga wasn't far and the lithe female was made to run. Long legs devoured the miles hungrily, the fed female seeming to float along effortlessly as she hit the most efficient stride possible. Where many other wolves found that they could keep up a trot for miles without having to break Vi could felt that she could run forever at this simple pace. Of course she could put on the gas if needed or slow it down but she loved this pace, it was the perfect speed that she could still see everything that happened around her without her surroundings turning into one big blur while still feeling a constant breeze. She was in a good mood today, tongue lolling over her jaws as she moved easily through the woods that surrounded their mountain. As soon as she hit the upward slope she would slow, moving into the energy saving trot she didn't like as much. But this climb wasn't especially easy and Vi had never handled the altitude change very well. Wether it was the thinner air or the windin slope or maybe even both mixed together she wasn't sure. But in the year and a half almost two years she had lived here the feeling of dizziness and the tunnel vision she got when she went up the mountain every time never went away.

Paws hit the boarder and carried on, but now that she was safely back in her home territory she felt comfortable and confidante enough to slow to an easy walk. Should blades rolled with feline grace to absorb the shock of her paw falls. She could walk quietly but her pelt color didn't exactly give her the best camouflage so it was rare for her to slither through the shadows like her brother did. What was the point? No she would prefer to be seen most of the time anyways. Though with her entrance into Tortuga the female's head lowered and panting ceased, eyes more aware of her surroundings. She still wasn't completely welcomed by all the pack members, especially Newt it seemed and that brat of a wolf she had saved from his poisoning. God she couldn't stand whiney little babies... Her lip curled into a sneer as she arched to her right and headed along the perimeter of their territory. It was quite the long hike but she enjoyed it and it was the least she could do, throw in a patrol on occasion. Had to make herself semi useful so Taurig didn't throw her out on her ass... Plus it was familiar, as the former beta she had done this almost daily and it helped settle her she found, made her less restless seeing as she had no real job here...




10-17-2013, 06:44 AM

ooc: You say you suck, but you spit out posts that make me feel retarded. >.O You underestimate your talent!

She had been out of the comfort of her den, which was out of her character, when the red vixen was on patrol. Maija's body was still hot from the summer season that had left a couple of weeks ago, giving her a legitimate reason to wander around the mountainous terrain she had started to call 'home'. The cool autumn breezes that were making themselves noticeable were blessings in disguise for the guarded golden female, especially since summer was her breeding season. The heat from the season itself and her body's hormones out of whack were pains in the butt and she was relieved for any type of cool solace.
Another reason she was out of her den was because of her mind. Dragomir was once again haunting her thoughts, bringing up the good memories that were still entrapped from her past. Since his disappearance, her sanity felt like it was slowly being pulled away with his absence. She despised the feeling, hated the thoughts that maybe she would end up being a corpse of a shell from being tormented by the heartache his disappearance had caused. And yet, there was a tiny light of hope that was shining inside of the dark caves of her mind. A tiny, dark blue light...The mere thought of Taurig made the scary thoughts disappear and as long as she knew he was there, the self torture would be postponed.
It was the image of Taurig from the first day they met that kept her occupied as she walked across the lands with a laidback stride. Her paws caressed the earth beneath her, mitts silent with each step as they carried her over the grounds that held so much life. An ear flicked back at the soft growling underbelly of the volcano, and she looked over her shoulder to see if it was awake. Nope, dormant as a doornail. With a shrug of her golden shoulders, the female carried on with her relaxed stride. That is, her stride was relaxed until she caught the scent of another nearby.
The smell was sweet, female no doubt, and Maija immediately matched the wolf it was attached to. Flashes of red and lamp-like eyes outlined in black came up in the many faces from the previous pack meeting. Instead of going into hiding as she would have done before, the bolder part of the golden female kept her body from moving into the shadows. Very soft treads of the ruby-furred woman were approaching and Maija slowly lowered herself next to the tree that she had recently walked across. For some reason, she didn't want to hide from the female and it was because of that she chose to stay within sight.

speech here


10-18-2013, 07:42 AM

Mind was quiet, free of the normal torrent of worries and memories the usually crashed through her skull. Her talk with her brother had been good, relaxing and though she worried slightly about him and his current mental state. Her brother used to be the darker one of the two of them, more chaotic and less controlled but after meeting Secret and having his children he had changed, begun to be more reasonable. Vi had begun to unravel at the edges, turning more slayer then assassin. It seemed that the pair of them could never be the same, always had to be opposites to complete each other, because now that Secret was dead and his children had scattered he was beginning to slip into the darker state of mind again. And ultimately she was beginning to relax into her new life, beginning to settle into her normal routines. Though she still wasn't feeling completely social or interested in meeting the new wolves living in her home she was getting better. She wasn't as on guard as she had been when she first came here. She still felt nervous about the beta here, she knew that her and Zara had history and had no clue where that left her in the massive woman. Vi had grown up around large wolves, her brother was especially huge but Newt was still something else completely, something that was almost unnerving.

Long legs continued at a slower pace that still managed to cover ground quickly enough, she really had no where to be after all... Though night was beginning to fall and she knew that Zara would be missing her soon. But she didn't rush her rounds, sharp gaze continuing to slid up and down the trees even, having heard that big cats were more common now a days. So when her gaze went up and then down a tree and came to rest on a golden form. She halted quite abruptly, head tipped curiously as he studied the female before her. Upon first glance Vi had thought the pale good pelt had been that of her brothers but soon the scent made her realize her mistake. And for a short while she simply stood, white toes clenching and unclenching in thought as black lined eyes stared at the woman. She was from Tortuga, Vi had seen her at the pack meeting but as for a name she really didn't know. "Why hello there my pretty..." She found it easy to slip back into that cool confidence she often wore, sly smile sliding flawlessly into place. The female was pretty, not white or black like Vi normally preferred but a golden hue that still brought back pleasant memories.

Careful steps brought her towards the female though she halted a respectable distance away so the girl wouldn't spook and run. She moved with an easy sashay of her hips, tail flittering thoughtfully at her heels as eyes danced with amusement. "I've seen you around but I feel like we've packed a proper introduction. The name is Viridiana Sovari, though most call me Vi..." It wasn't often that she didn't introduce herself by her full name, she was proud of her maiden name and never intended to take another. She wanted everyone she met to know her by her full name though she didn't mind being referred to by a nickname. Her introduction would be accompanied by an easy tip and dip of her head, polite as ever when she met someone new. She had never loved people, she had always loved attention and loved for people to think she was pretty but she always kept them at legs length. Other then family no one needed to know about her, her life or her ideals and she found that most new wolves were nosey and usually overly nice. If she had to so could lie with the best of them but her hopes were that this female would be up for friendly introductions, enough so that she could further get a good recommendation in with Taurig, and then that they could simply go one their separate ways.




10-20-2013, 03:13 AM

Maija watched with a guarded gaze, leaf green eyes taking in each detail of the female's steps. She didn't know what to make of her, only the fact that she was indeed cautious when it came to approaching a complete stranger. Then again, she wasn't a complete stranger, but Maija still didn't know who she was. The first words that left her acquaintance's mouth made Maija's ears flatten. She wasn't used to such things being said to her, particularly being claimed by someone she didn't know on first name terms. 'My pretty...' Maija's mind became uneasy, but the red female continued to speak as if it hadn't been a problem.
The red vixen revealed herself as Viridiana Sovari. Maija's ears still remained semi-flattened against her crown as she replied with, "The red lady has a name...that is a relief." Her tone matched her gaze: guarded and not willing to show any emotion. Even though Viridiana smelled like Tortuga, the golden female was not one to break down her walls and reveal all at the first meeting. Instead, she returned the polite dip of her crown and her eyes continued to hold onto the lamp-like eyes. "Maija Artenie...Miklos." She said her married name as if it were a heavy burden. A small sigh escaped Maija's lips and she realized that her strong walls were slowly becoming weak. Whenever they chose to break, she had no idea. For the moment, she only watched Viridiana and flicked her tail around her left side to rest on the ground. "Pleasure to finally meet you."

speech here