
Things have changed... and I yearn for those days past...




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-04-2022, 11:38 PM

It was the time of year that many wolves, young and old, honored the dead. Bellamy was one such creature, and though the location was far from her pack, from her family, and where she needed to go to continue her search for Saga the woman wanted to make time to do this. The visits to the altars, and the feast that had been held for Samhain, it was all something that just reminded her of a dear, old friend. A man who Bellamy felt had significantly contributed to the type of woman she was today. How could she not at least go to where she had last seen him, not knowing where his resting place had been? Had he even been buried? Was he honored, and remembered, by other wolves other than herself?

It was an interesting journey north. Some of the lands in Auster, besides the Falls, were touched by autumn, and here in Boreas, the cooler season was taking hold. She had passed trees that were shifting color and hue, spreading their dead leaves upon the ground where she walked, and she had seen creatures beginning to stock up for the coming winter months. Back at the falls, her family had been taking advantage of the magical autumn to stock up on herbs for the pack. With the little ones becoming bolder and more adventurous, and Corbin being the first to get an injury she felt it was only a matter of time before more accidents would happen. She wanted them to be ready.

Bellamy kept heading North until she reached the Sparse Pines. At one point this place had been held by Winterfell, under the care of Acere Praetor. She had trespassed here, not quite understanding the laws of being a wolf, and it was only thanks to Acere’s mercy she’d been allowed to live and learn. Her chest felt heavy as her steps slowed, her gaze sweeping the pines. They looked the same as they had when she was a younger woman and yet, at the same time, so much time had passed since then. Acere was gone. Winterfell was gone. The she-wolf whined, calling out to the pines themselves.

“You are gone, and I’m not even sure how many wolves remember Winterfell, or remember you.” Bellamy called out, unsure if doing this would even reach Acere, or if she’d be successful in channeling him into this world. “I heard that Ignis Praetor, your own blood, stole Winterfell from you, Acere.” The woman drew in a breath. “He stripped a pack from someone so kind, and merciful, from someone who did not deserve to be betrayed by his own kin…” She shook her head. “...and I blame myself for not being there to help you in your time of need. Like you were for me. There is nothing I could possibly do, or give, that would ever amount to the kindness you showed me then.” She could feel tears prick her eyes.

“I miss those days, Acere. When I was still learning about this world, you were kind enough to give me a chance. You are the reason I was able to make it as far as I have. It’s…  funny in a way. I bet you never would have expected someone like me to raise up to alphaship, huh? And it's thanks to you, Acere. You helped me grow so much, and without you, I would have never had the courage to make Ethne. Never thought it’d be possible that others might help me. You were that first stepping stone on my path… and though others have helped I don’t think anyone could reach me as you did.” Bellamy gave a half-hearted chuckle.

“Do you remember Gavroche, the winged wolf? He said he knew you as well. Would you believe we are mates? That we have children?” She lifted her gaze skyward. “Seven children together, though one is unlike us. A polar bear cub, a little girl named Saga… Ignis has taken her from us.” Bells sighed at this. “I don’t know if she is safe, or if Ignis would even harm a child. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared for her, and scared of what he is capable of. I fear that my actions may have birthed a feud that will pass down to our children… and for what?” Bellamy snorted.

“Pride? Just to say we’re better than each other? I hate this, Acere..” Bellamy squeezed her eyes closed. “I… I wish you were here. You were a dear friend, and I know you would point me on the right path. I… I need help, my friend… I feel like I’m starting to crack again, and I… I can’t afford to lose myself again!” What was the point of this? Could Acere even hear her...?

Word Count: 806 Words

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-07-2022, 12:41 AM

He heard her. For the first time since his death, someone he cared dearly for, remembered him. At a way that he could hear. The past few days, it seemed that the world he now called home and the world of the living were open to one another, and it was Bellamy that seemed to manage to pull him completely through. He had been at the Samhain Feast. Though at the time, nobody could see or hear him. Nobody noticed he was there. But what about now? The alabaster king stepped from his world, and into the world of the living. His loyal foxes watching in silence from Bellamy's world. Finn and Lumi had remained near the Northern Pines, though both now had their own families.

He grinned at the sight of them, though as he leaned down to embrace his faithful companions, Finn's son came between and Acere embraced him instead. Before he knew it, the former King had...become the fox. He wasn't as surprised as most would be. After all, stranger things had happened and he was from a bloodline with cursed blood. What he found amusing, however, was Finn's firstborn son looked a lot like Acere. Funny how things turned out that way. The trio had a connection since the moment he had saved their lives as young pups...Acere would have gladly given his life for them. And likewise, they would've done the same.

He walked among the trees until his friend came into view, her words drifting into the cold air. He heard her, however. Every single word she had said.

"Aye, what you heard was true. And while it was a betrayal, I do not hate him." He started. The alabaster fox paused several feet from her, kindness in his crimson gaze as he peered up at the much larger wolf. He had to admit, it was strange being smaller than her now. "I would not be surprised if I, or Winterfell ended up forgotten. We didn't have the best reputation towards the end...not with the mistakes I made when it came to our allies. Though it was something to learn and grow from, even if I didn't get the chance to fix the damage." Was Abaven still around? He wasn't sure how much time had passed since his death...Ah, but there were other things to think about and words to be said now, weren't there?

"I am happy to hear that you have risen into leadership. It isn't an easy path, and even leaders will make mistakes. But as long as you are willing to grow with your mistakes and your successes, I believe you'll be a great alpha. I am also glad to hear that you and Gavroche have crossed paths and now have a family. Treasure them always, even that young Saga of yours. I do not believe Ignis will harm her...despite his demons, I have never known him to harm a child. Reckless he may be, and a monster he may seem. But...even with what he did to me, to Winterfell, to his family...despite his transgressions...I believe he is simply...lost." As strange as that sounded, Ignis he felt, had been lost in the dark for a long time now. He wasn't always like that, he knew. And there was likely still a chance he could be saved...but there was only so much he could do now that he was in the afterlife.

"I am happy to see you again, my friend. I had hoped you were safe and well after you left. I know you may have regrets for not being there in my time of need, but trust me when I say, it was simply my time. The past is the past. Now, I am here for you. I apologize for not looking as I normally did...though the son of my companion is close enough, don't you agree?" He chuckled with a smile.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-07-2022, 08:11 PM

Bellamy hadn’t expected an answer, though, when she heard a voice and shifted her gaze, she had to blink several times to assure herself she wasn’t hallucinating. The fox standing before her both looked familiar, no, near identical to the man she was trying to reach. Bellamy felt a lump in her throat as she looked at him, seeing that same kindness in his eyes that she had known before. Acere. He might have been borrowing the body of a fox but this kit looked just like him. It was as if she was looking at a mini version of the man she once knew. It hurt, but at the same time, there was a relief in being able to see him again. Bells stepped forward, ears perked forward as she listened to what Acere had to say.

She was shocked to hear that Acere did not hate Ignis. Even after all that Ignis had done, Acere still had the kindness in his heart to not hate the red wolf? Bellamy faltered at this, a frown upon her face, and she let out a whine. His next words, about himself and Winterfell, caused pain to flare in her chest. “While Gavroche and I breathe, neither of you will be forgotten. I swear it.” Even now, when the pack was gone and the alpha parted Bellamy held fast to her loyalty to the alabaster king. She lowered herself onto the grass, wanting to be more on level with Acere. It felt strange, wrong, to be looking down at him.

Acere spoke of family next and Bellamy gave a small nod. She would always treasure her family, those related by blood or not. He then shifted to Ignis and Bellamy listened quietly. She had been angry with Ignis, had maimed him as he had her… but was that the right thing to have done? Was the saying not an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind? Bellamy lowered her ears and sighed. “If what you say is true, Acere… then what can I do for him? I’ve no doubt that he hates me… I…” She trailed off and bit her lip before she continued.

“Gavroche and I had been kidnapped, hence my disappearance from Winterfell. The Kedieo family, and the new empress had sent for us. We were to be put to death…” Bells sighed. “So much has happened, Acere. I feel like I’m starting to barely tread water again, and like at any moment I’ll slip under and drown. My whole life I’ve been fighting, fighting to make sense of this world, figure out what I am supposed to do, and…” She let her green gaze lift back to crimson ones.

“You look so much like you did back then, even if it’s your companion’s son… I never got to say goodbye back then… or to thank you for all you did for me… and now…” Her mind was spinning. There was so much going on in her head all at once. She closed her eyes, squeezed them closed, and let out a whine.

“I’m scared of screwing up, Acere… and letting everyone down. I know I have to find Ignis, and get Saga back… but… I…” She trailed off, feeling those anxious, bitter thoughts rising to the surface. She was getting overwhelmed, and fast.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-11-2022, 10:02 PM

He studied her as he spoke, noting both the subtle and obvious changes in her features as he went on. She seemed...shocked, at the fact that he didn't hate his nephew. A frown was clear on her face, and the alabaster male remained patient as she sorted herself. “While Gavroche and I breathe, neither of you will be forgotten. I swear it.” A small smile was given at her words, along with a nod of respect. "Thank you, Bellamy. Even though I am no longer part of your world, I see your loyalty to me still." And for that, he appreciated and respected her even more. She lowered herself to his level, which was appreciated because his neck was getting sore from having to look up now that she was so much taller than him.

“If what you say is true, Acere… then what can I do for him? I’ve no doubt that he hates me… I…” He shook his head. A sigh passing his lips. "I wish I had an easy answer for that. But the truth is, I'm not sure. I know not how much he has changed since my passing, nor do I know how strong the grip his demon has on his mind. So far, it doesn't seem as strong as my brothers was. Last I knew, Ignis did not rape, maim, nor harm someone with the exception of our last fight..." Brows furrowed then as he sat, tail wrapping around his paws. "I was patient with him...but who knows how much power his demon holds. From what I could tell last, it was...unpredictable. The Ignis I know still lives, but his demons may have had time to grow and sway him into further unpredictability. How did he look last you saw him? How has he changed?" He was curious, worried for his crimson nephew...he hadn't seen him since Winterfell had been taken. And from what he could guess, Ignis no longer had control of the pack he so violently fought for.

She told him a brief telling of what happened to her and Gavroche. Why she had disappeared without a word, and he nodded in understanding. "I am sorry you two had to go through that. Had I known, I would've done whatever it took to bring you two back safely. Gavroche is my friend as well, and although I had lost everything I worked to build, I would have tried to bring you both back home." He got up and walked towards her, close enough so that he could touch her nose with his as she voiced more of her personal concerns. "Aye, I often felt the same as you do now. Wondering if my decisions and choices were good enough, or if I was failing those around me. All we can do is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, to look back is to fall back. You've found your path, Bellamy. I think it's time to put to rest the demons that plague you, and to be the guiding light your family - and pack - now need. Protect them. Fight with them. Teach them. Grow with them. Help them. Your fierceness is a strength, not a hindrance. Your temper is a power that can be harnessed to aid you in protecting your family. When you have control of yourself, you have control of your path. I have no doubts you're walking the right one."

He smiled warmly, "As for goodbyes, we never really get the chance to say them, do we?" He sat back again, head tilting as his crimson gaze met hers. "Our paths are intertwined. They always have been. Even in death. You, my most loyal friend. I know you'll do great things, and that you'll be the best version of yourself. But remember, there is no light without the dark. We all have flaws, and whatever yours may be, is not always a bad thing. Our flaws coexist with our strengths. Where my flaw was trusting myself to do the right thing even if it was undeserved, I'd like to think my strength was still doing it, and overcoming the hurdles that came with a potentially wrong decision. To overcome is to grow, and you're well on your way there."




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-12-2022, 04:21 PM

Acere didn’t have an easy answer to her question about Ignis. The demon that had its hold on his mind was strong, though according to Acere it didn’t seem to be as strong as his brother’s had been. Bells whined. “Ignis seemed more than ready to maim me, and attempt a maim on me the second time we met. I responded with aggression in kind, so I suppose I’m as much to blame for his reaction as he himself is… but that… demon… it… I think it has a pretty strong hold on him.” Bellamy confessed. It was only fair that she was honest with Acere. She wasn’t sure if there was a way past that demon, past the unpredictable nature that Ignis held. “If I’m being fair… I was trying to chase off a pregnant woman that was uh, his…” She lowered her gaze. “I was slipping myself, and Ignis confronted me. Gave me the scarring on my shoulder, which you could argue I deserved at the time… but..” She let out a low growl.

“He spoke of your weakness, and you turned your back on the pack, and practically spat upon your name. Said I’d be dead soon, joining you. But… maybe that was the demon talking. I don’t know. Either way, it made me so angry… after everything you had done for me, for Winterfell, and he was only focused on the mistake…” Bellamy drew in a breath, trying to steady herself. “I saw him again at a pack challenge… and I… I shouldn’t have antagonized him. He was already beaten by another wolf, a stranger I didn’t know, but the words he’d said before were on my mind. I told him he deserved it…” And she had believed that. So why did she feel guilty about it now?

“We fought again, and this time I maimed him…” Her words was quiet. He spoke of how, had he known what had happened to her and Gavroche, he would have tried to bring them back safely. “I appreciate that, Acere. I had managed to break the empire while we were there, challenging Gavroche’s relative and killing her. Looking back though, I wonder if that was the best choice.” She felt his nose touch her and she lifted her gaze to his.

He comforted her, and Bellamy found herself slowly relaxing at his words. “I don’t know if I could ever beat my personal demons…” She confessed. “But I’m trying so hard, trying for my family, and my pack. I just pray that it is enough, Acere, to be there for them when the time is right.” She drew in a breath. “I’d do anything for them, for the peace of mind they deserve. But it’s only a matter of time before we make more enemies. I just want them to be ready before that happens…” She took in another steadying breath. Acere had faith in her. Had faith that she was walking the right path. His confidence pushed those dark thoughts back. If only he could always be around.

color=#f2f4f9]“Acere…”[/color] His next words were wisdom he hoped to part with her. She had to remember that her flaws weren’t necessarily a weakness, and that, in accepting them and overcoming them, she might grow stronger. She lifted a foreleg, wrapped it around the man, and held him close. “Thank you.” Her words were but a whisper, but there was a massive amount of warmth in them. “For everything. I… I’m going to keep fighting. For my family, my pack, and for you, my dear friend.” Bellamy drew back, looking down at him.

“I will need to locate Ignis…” She told him. “I don’t know if he’ll listen to reason, Acere… but I’m going to try. If you believe there is hope for him, then for your sake, I will try to reach him.” The woman promised. “I…” She hesitated, a soft whine leaving her. “You’ll have to go again, at some point, won’t you?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.