
no hope in the eyes of the dead

meadow / high risk prompt



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
11-04-2022, 07:54 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2022, 07:38 AM by Audra. Edited 1 time in total.)


A green light emanated from all around, lighting up the skies in a spectacular show. Every shade from lime to chartreuse made its way from the Stone Steppe to each corner of Boreas and Auster. Familiars of all sorts spread whispers that a veil had been dropped. The thin layer of reality separating the living from the departed had disappeared. Surprisingly to her, this Samhain was much different than the Long Night. While the faint buzz of fireflies still terrorized her waking moments, there was no permanent night, no low-hanging bulbous moon, or creepy man in a trench coat. There was still a question in the back of her mind as to what or who the gods of the statues were, but that would be a question for another day.

Unlike the days of the Long Night, she now had someone to beckon forth.

The journey from the Stone Steppe back to the Sparse Pines had not been easy for the petite woman. Having decided to leave her companion back at the castle in Auster, she was alone to traverse her way through the northern areas of Boreas. Skirting the base of Fenrir's Maw and doing her best to avoid the valley of the Polar Sound, she made her way to the Wall and into the pine tree forest in record time. Losing half of her eyesight was still troublesome at times and this trek proved that without Mack, she would always have difficulty maneuvering around. Not getting injured was a priority as she worried about what would happen if someone noticed her absence.

Yet, she knew had to do this alone for herself, no matter what. Even if Artorias got mad or Laeta became anxious, she had a good explanation. No one but herself knew about her connection with Torben. That had been a secret swept safely under the rug. At the time, her heart had still been on the mend from her breakoff with Avantika. No doubt, she guessed the other woman blamed her for the issues in their relationship, but Audra wouldn't allow that to harm her well-being. Knowing it had been best to separate and spend some time outside of the castle, she had not expected to be shown attention and affection. Two of the things she had yearned for the most.

Standing there, on the outskirts of the pines where snow and wind had swept away most of the spilled blood by now, she could feel the tears bubble along the edge of her vision. Her breath hitched in her chest as she took a seat. One moment, he had been fast asleep beside her and the next he was gone. She hadn't even heard him get up that night. For as large of a beast as he had been, he had been as nearly silent as a shadow leaving her room. Audra wasn't sure if he had left to help the others once the shrieks of panic began echoing over the lands of Menagerie or if he had needed some air, but she had wished he would've taken her with him. She could have offered her life instead of his. He didn't deserve to perish the way he had.

Seeing the area now where it had all taken place, she closed her eyes hard. Crying now would do no one good. She had to do what she came here to do. Hoping to get answers, to see him one last time before returning, Audra removed the satchel from around her neck. Placing it on the ground beside her, she opened it up to reveal a variety of items. Removing a few small candles, a mortar and pestle, and a bundle of herbs, Audra placed them in the spot where his scent had been the strongest that day. Placing the candles in a semi-circle before her, she set the mortar and pestle with the herbs inside in the middle of the semi-circle. Reaching out to the ground beneath her, she grabbed a bit of dirt that surely was still tainted with blood and hair to sprinkle it over the herbs. Pleased that her setup was going well and that she was in the right mindset, Audra started what some might call a ritual.

Lighting the candles, she began grinding the herbs as best as she could. Once that was finished, she would grab a candle gingerly between her teeth to light the mixture of dirt and herbs. Quiet hisses and pops leaped from the bowl as she sat back on her haunches. Closing her eyes and inhaling the pungent scent of the mixture, she tilted her chin up to the heavens. With the sky alight with a myriad of greens, she began to call out for Torben. Whispering under her breath, she called out to him over and over until her throat rang hoarsely.

"T-Torben, if y-you are out th-there, p-please answer m-my call. T-Today is a d-day when th-those of the d-d-dead may in-interact with the l-living. Please, if y-you are out th-there, answer me. I-I miss you," Audra's eyes stayed closed while her heart slammed against her chest. One tear would roll down her cheek to land in the middle of the burning mixture with a sizzle. A shiver rolled down her spine as a breeze whipped through the area. If he didn't answer her call, she would miss her chance to get the answers she needed. "P-please, Torben, p-please don't f-fail me now," her teeth chattered as she fought to say the words.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
11-05-2022, 01:29 AM

The veil between those that live and the dead has dropped, allowing the ghosts to see and wander among those that breathe. Meadow has already visited her daughter, possessing her little companion and, in the process, talking to her mate. After that, her ethereal form had left the castle, traveling to the stone steppes where the roaring green bonfire called the wolves from every corner of the continent together. Her ghostly form slips between the gathered wolves, watching as children play, adults laugh, and wolves from all walks of life make resolutions next to the bonfire.

Joy fills the air, infusing the wolves here. Yet, a russet wolf catches her attention and something about them has the ghostly Meadow immediately feeling a pull to follow after her. There seems to be a deep sadness that covers her and the ethereal wolf trails after her, easily keeping pace with the unknown wolf. She is beside the stranger as they arrive in a wooded, cold area where blood and fur mix with snow. It is mostly covered over now but still some telltale signs poke out from underneath the winter blanket.

Emerald eyes watch as the wolf settles near the scene of violence, beginning to start some sort of ritual and Meadow settles in across her, watching with sympathetic, loving eyes. The woman cannot see her but she is there with her, watching the way the lady lays out the candles and grind the herbs. Around her, is a sense of desperation and grief, hanging thick as if they are physical presence around her. When the stranger calls out for someone named Torben, Meadow’s brow furrows as she looks around, waiting for the wolf to answer her call.

A tear rolls down the russet woman’s cheek and the dead wolf’s heart lurches in empathy for her. A spirit, thin and distorted flits by Meadow and she wonders if this is who she is calling for. But they are too distorted, too thin to be able to connect to the living world and are quickly gone. Meadow looks back to the russet woman, as she lights the herbs on fire, hearing her plea and wishing to give comfort. With an uncertain sigh, the dead wolf stands, looking to the red wolf and knowing what she needs to do.

Stepping forward, the dead wolf looks at the burning herbs and candles. Looking back to sad wolf’s face, Meadow softly says, “I am not the wolf you seek. But maybe I can help.” Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes, focusing on remembering the bite of winter air. She latches onto her memories of a cold wind cutting through her coat, the feel of snow crunching underneath her paws. She holds onto them, pulling them into existence until her emerald gaze blinks open to find that her indistinct and ethereal form has become solid and real.

A gentle smile appears on her lips as she looks to the russet woman, softly calling, “Take heart, sweet lady. Even though the wolf you call for did not appear, I know you are loved deeply. I can see it.” She stands there, near the burned herbs and looking at the stranger with love and kindness in her green gaze, Meadow offers the woman a gentle, warm smile.

"Meadow Lark"

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
11-07-2022, 07:46 AM


In reality, Audra had not been expecting an actual response. While the fading wisps of ghostly figures darted amongst the shadows around her, it was difficult to understand that communicating was physically possible. The firefly-cloaked man had seen ethereal in his own right, but to share space with the dead? How would that be possible? Did that bring her that much closer to the grasp of death or allow the dead to feel alive once more? Was that not cruel? To allow the dearly departed to remember a world long forgotten? To bring forth the emotions they once felt?

She couldn't help but grind her teeth together. A raised paw hitched back, almost on the verge of scattering the ritual across the frost-packed earth when a sigh and movement caught her attention. Frozen in place, Audra glanced up to see the female wolf approach. Yet, this one wasn't... firm? There wasn't a good explanation to describe what she was seeing. This wolf was here, but not. Her brow furrows as her tear-stained cheeks crinkle with pain and confusion.

Her ears flick backward as the wolf promises her that she can see how loved she is. Audra had to force herself to bite her tongue. Anger bubbled inside her. How could this spirit know anything of the Torben she once knew when he couldn't even show himself? Inhaling a deep breath, she casts her gaze downward as she gives her head a shake. "I-I am n-not sure that is t-true," Audra whispers quietly under her breath. No matter how gentle and kind this fae appeared, Audra couldn't believe it. If Torben had truly loved her, why would he not appear now? Why had he even left that night? Another tear falls and sizzles among the burning herbs as she wishes to say thank you but can't seem to find the words for it.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
11-10-2022, 05:09 PM

Meadow stands across from the russet woman, watching as anger rolls across her face before she casts her gaze down and shakes her head, whispering her uncertainty to the dead wolf’s statement. The earthen wolf folds her haunches coming to sit near the ritual site, her ethereal form shifting with each gust of the wind while her gaze remains solid and locked on the hurting woman. Several moments pass before the dead woman speaks, her words soft but there is an unmistakable strength in her tone as she says, “Matters of heart are always difficult to navigate sweet lady. But, love comes in many forms.”

Silence falls as Meadow allows the woman to sit with those words for a moment before continuing on, “While you yearn for a connection with someone, I think it is important to remember that you have so many wolves that love you. Being dead allows you to see things more clearly and love always leaves marks.” As her words fill the air, the ghosts emerald gaze roams over the woman’s red coat, seeing each wolf’s love for her stamped on her body like badges of honor. If only she could see them and truly understand the breath of just how much joy she brings others.

A warm smile appears on ghostly lips as she adds, “Wolves come into your life for a reason. There is something special about you, sweet lady. Although your heart is wounded right now, I want you to know that you have a great ability to love.” Meadow’s voice falls off as she considers how to make her understand that the reason she hurts so much is because the russet wolf loves so deeply. Unable to find the right words, she offers this instead, “You bring joy to every wolf you meet. While I can see you are loved, I can also see the happiness and love you give to others. The world needs more wolves like you, sweet lady.”

"Meadow Lark"

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
11-14-2022, 11:00 AM


There is a palpable silence that draws between herself and the ghost. A flicker of emotion that one can only describe as shame moves over her features. How could she be angry with this soul that had already crossed? She didn't know this wolf's story or if anyone was calling for her to visit. What if she had family missing her and she was taking up this sweet woman's time? How was that fair? To either of them. Drawing in a ragged breath, her golden gaze lifts from the sizzling mess at her paws to look at cream and tan fae.

If love came in many forms, how could she not have managed to keep it around? First Avantika and then Torben, who next? Perhaps, she was looking for the wrong kind of love. Maybe it was the sort of friendship love that was all she deserved. Raised from harsh beginnings for being a runt, Audra had always yearned to be loved, cared for, and doted on in the way that only a lover could. Did she blame her birth family for this desperation? Of course. It was their fault for abandoning her and telling her she wasn't worthy. Leaving her here now to think about the words the wolf spoke to her.

Could this ghost read her mind? Audra's eye widened slightly as Meadow spoke about how there were other wolves that had a love for her. Sitting there silently, soaking in the wisdom of the deceased, she had to stop herself from releasing more tears. It was beyond her own knowledge how this one knew anything about her at all, but she could not not believe her. Her breath hitches in her chest as she looks back down at her dainty paws. She wanted to believe this girl so badly. That she really did have the ability to love and to be loved most importantly. That she was worthy.

"Th-thank you," Audra mumbles quietly after a few beats of silence pass between them once again. "I-I do not know wh-who you are or wh-who you used t-to be, but th-thank you," there is sincerity in her voice as she forces herself to meet the emerald gaze of the girl. She is sweet and honest and the feeling of home surrounds her. Instead of feeling cold and alone, Audra feels the embrace of love and warmth. There is something genuinely unique to this ghost that she cannot place her paw on. "I-I will tr-try to t-take your w-words to heart," a whisper of a smile lifts the edges of her lips. Life seemed to enjoy throwing curve balls her way and this encounter was just what she needed to see past her hardships.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
11-14-2022, 02:23 PM

Meadow speaks with the beautiful russet woman, offering wisdom that only came with her death. She watches the emotions that roll across the stranger’s face and a warm, loving smile never leaves her ghostly lips. As her words fall away, the red wolf mumbles her thanks quietly and she dips her ghostly head in silent thanks before tilting slightly as the woman speaks of not knowing her and the dead wolf softly offers, “My name is Meadow, sweet lady and if you ever need to be reminded of how loved you are, I will come and remind you.”

A gentle chuckle fills the air and, when the russet wolf speaks of taking her words to heart, Meadow smiles brightly and says, “I hope you find the love you seek, sweet lady. You deserve every good thing that life brings your way and so much more.” The ethereal wolf feels a tug to leave but she resists it, willing her form to solidify more as she steps forward to the hurting stranger. With another, small step, she comes to stand in front of the woman and, with all the her energy, she tries to become solid.

Softly, gently, and with all the love of a mother comforting a child, Meadow leans down to place her ghostly lips onto the woman’s head, her dead heart filled with love and support for her. Stepping back slightly, she casts her emerald eyes down to catch the woman’s one-eyed gaze and offers a bright smile as she says, “You have my love, sweet lady and I will never forget you.” It is a small token that she offers but the earthen wolf hopes that will help. With her time drawing to a close, she readies to leave but not until the russet wolf is ready for her to go.

"Meadow Lark"

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm