
Another Day




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
10-25-2022, 09:13 AM
Having Briar's family visiting the castle was a bit overwhelming for her, just for the moment. She was still working through her turmoils and everything was still pretty fresh from when she arrived back at The Hallows. She was still drawn to making her place as Artorias' sister and a Carpathius but in the end she didn't take that step forward. Not yet at least.

She had been enjoying the pups herself, but she was giving the family a little space to make the most of their visit so she went about on her normal days. She was making her stroll through the halls, crafting what the others would need in the castle. Anything to fill the time really. Honestly it was starting to get hard staying in the walls, and she was trying everyday to take that step outside. For her siblings, for her nieces and nephews, less for herself.

Today she was just where she was yesterday about the same time. Sitting in the courtyard watching as the wolves of The Hallows came in and out on their usual day to do lives. It would seem again, today was not the day she would make it out the gates. She at least admired the the weather that came with the strange statues nearby.

"Ashelia Carpathius"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-05-2022, 10:24 PM

Kotori had met the Carpathius pups already; his sister's children.  It was good to meet them but it was impossible to say how they’d turn out after this initial meeting.  Either way, it was nice seeing see the children with all their naïve innocence and energy.  He’d introduced himself, given them all a little attention, and learned a bit of their personalities before separating for a time.  

Now he walked through the castle, musing over the latest events for the past two seasons.  Things have changed a lot as of recent.  He was now alpha of his own pack, there was a strange magic in the air once again and now his sister had her first batch of children.  It wasn’t his first time to be an uncle but it was his first time to be happy with that.  His world had quit being all about himself and a bigger future lay before him.  Briar’s children were a bright spot in the world as he wanted it shaped.  The Fatalis bloodline was growing.  Certainly, they would take on the Carpathius name but the blood was still in there, which was the important part.

Walking along, contemplating changes in the world and himself Kotori slowed his steps as he spotted another wolf in the courtyard.  It had been a long time.  It had been several years since he was a pup as were the Carpathius kid's children.  They had all met on Fatalis land once, much as these pups were meeting family now.  She looked similar to one of the pups but beyond that he had no memories of Asheila to know if it was her or just another similar-looking wolf.  For that matter, a puppy memory and what another child looked like versus grown into made Kotori all the less sure.

If she was the same wolf he’d met once as a pup then they should get to know each other again.   He wanted to know more of the Carpathius blood than just Briar’s husband.  “Hello,” Kotori greeted the smaller grey wolf.  “I’m Kotori Fatalis, Briar’s brother.” It seemed easier to give his own name instead of asking if he was correct on who she was.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
11-28-2022, 10:59 PM
Asheila in her young days had been more adventurous but still reclusive in nature, so the thought that she may have known Kotori before wouldn't have really crossed her mind. She held onto more fond memories during her time in captivity, like times she spent cuddled with her mothers and play sparring with her siblings. Times that seemed so thin and rare when she had that time to sit and think at night without them. But still the memories she kept close. She could only regret not spending more time with them personally, but she felt like she just had to move on and make up for it in other ways.

She didn't really notice the young man approaching her until he was almost right there, and for whatever reason she blushed just a little before he made his first words. Maybe she wasn't typically used to others initiating actual conversation with her, she was just getting more used to social interactions as the days went on.

"Oh, hello." She gave him a small grin as she looked up at him still from her seated position close to the courtyard walls. "I'm Asheila... Artorias' sister. It's nice to meet you." She chuckled just a bit between, but her gaze moved out across the greenery and paths inside the castle walls. Her eyes flicked back towards him as her paw reached out to wave as if inviting him to sit beside her, "You're welcome to join me if you'd like." She found it a kind offer, not overly kind of course but she wasn't one to jump for joy over something so silly. Or be absolutely devastated had he decided to move on, pack up or whatever else he needed to do before his leave. "I assume you came to see the babies." That was obvious, especially if he was Briar's brother. All the unfamiliar faces were just a bit overwhelming for her, but she would seem to manage just fine.

"Ashelia Carpathius"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2022, 11:51 PM

Kotori’s guess had been correct, the wolf of black and silver was indeed a Carpathius.   So many of the wolves were enjoying time with the children or mingling with others and yet this Carpathius was sitting around and as far as he could tell, not really doing anything other than enjoying the day?  Kotori noticed she labeled herself as Artorias sister instead of just Asheila Carpathius which would also mark her as his sibling in her own right.  Kotori enjoyed flaunting his bloodline and couldn’t imagine just labeling himself as a brother to one of his siblings or even a son of Sirius despite how much he cared for his father and a few of his siblings.  

“Asheila Carpathius?” The man offered, not really a question since that was obvious, just the curiosity of how she chose her phrasing. Kotor moved to Ash at the offer, taking a seat near her.  The little child had grown up well, considering her form and coat.  “We met once, but as small pups.  I wasn’t sure at first if it was you.  I remember little more than a cluster of Carpathius kids showing up at our border, one being similar shades to your own.” Kotori shrugged dismissively at the memory.  

“I did,” Kotori bobbed his head in acknowledgment of seeing the kids. “I put a lot of meaning into the blood a wolf carries.  I’m quite proud of the Fatalis bloodline and with a good relationship to the Carpathius wolves that makes this litter of relevance to me.”  Kotori imagined that way of looking at things might sound rather indifferent to the children themselves. “They seem a cute bunch and with good promise for their future.  I’d be happy if some of them showed up to visit my pack in the future and see how they are growing up.  What do you think of the kids? Spent much time with them yourself seeing as you live here and also related.”

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
01-07-2023, 03:30 PM
She did hum in a quiet chuckle as he put her family name on her. It wasn’t that she was ashamed or didn’t feel worthy or anything like that of the Carpathian name, she had just spent so much time outside the castle and her family. It was like old habits had to die hard. Her own name was difficult to remember to give in introduction.

She could admit only to herself she felt a little embarrassed that he could remember her and she couldn’t remember him. Not that she really showed that emotion clear. "Oh, sorry. A lot has happened since then." She had always stuck more to herself anyway so her time around the Fatalis children wasn’t that strong in her memory to be honest. But him bringing it up did make the memory stick out somewhere.

His strong feelings for his own family now intertwined with hers was a little admirable. Ways she had never thought to look at family ties and bloodlines. "I can agree." Seeing promising and strong futures for her brother’s children was easy. She didn’t think her situation had been necessarily normal. She’d probably be a little protective in her own ways while they were still young. She had never been much on the fighting side, and that’s where her vulnerability was when it came down to it. Artorias’ kids seemed to be a little tougher. "Oh, I’ve just been giving them some space. I know it’s a busy time for them as parents."

"Do you have your own? Uh, pack that is. Not kids." Though he may have considering Briar was his age. "I know Sirius still has The Armada."

"Ashelia Carpathius"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2023, 01:30 AM

Kotori give a slight shake of his head, “we were all kids, barely out of our dens.  Hardly a thing expected to be remembered.” The horned wolf hadn’t even been sure if she was the pup from way back then, nor did he remember much of her versus any other of the siblings from back then.  

Her explanation of a lot having happened suggested a less-than-normal life growing up and Kotori imagined he could guess at least some of it.  The last few years had some crazy times for everyone.  It was possible that was it or that matters besides the magical disasters that had swept the land.  She didn’t cite examples and so Kotori wasn’t going to poke at it.  Sometimes things that happened were bad enough that talking was the last thing one would want to do after all.

“yes, I imagine being a parent can keep one hopping.”  Kotori could only imagine how much he’d kept dad on his toes as a boy.  Along with that, he imagined little Aia in Valta.  The tiny pup had Indy and Asla but Kotori had enjoyed spending time with her on occasion.  She wasn’t a handful in any way but she was a reminder of how much there was for children to learn.  “I bet Artorias and Briar would enjoy you taking their kids off on some grand ventures occasionally so they can rest in fact,” the mention said with a slight chuckle.  Some wolves were meant to deal with kids and some weren’t of course.  Heck, a year ago Kotori would have been horrible as a pup sitter.  Heck, he had been awful in regard to kids.

Kotori grinned, a few teeth showing by the size of the smile, “as you said, no to kids but yes, I do have my own pack, Valta.  I just recently claimed the rapids in boreas along with the sunset falls. It’s a pretty bit of land.  You’re welcome to come to see it if you ever like, family always is.” The young alpha was still quite proud of having started his own pack and happy to show it off.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
01-09-2023, 10:08 PM
She at least didn't feel so bad as he mentioned that he couldn't remember clearly either and as time went on she was becoming more comfortable with his presence. She hadn't been scared or anything like that of him, even given her harsher past. She was actually quite welcoming to those inside the walls. But she was feeling different the longer they were here together. Maybe not so different than she would have felt with anyone else but she hadn't really given the chance or had to opportunity to notice the change like that.

She giggled a little to the thought, though she had no intention of taking the kids outside the walls. Not anytime soon at least. Still she went along with the idea. Her brother and Briar would certainly appreciate the time to themselves even if Ash just brought them down the hall to her room for a few hours. "I think they'll be pretty capable to take care of themselves at least, it'll just be hard to have them rounded up all the time." It was a silly gesture, maybe one he could agree on too.

She did glance away a little shyly as he grinned and talked about his pack and of course the thought of coming to visit was a far reach from where she was today. She would trust Sirius or even Kotori under their protection, the problem was getting there. Even with someone like her brother outside pack lands, it would make her panic thinking of it now. She wouldn't though, swallowing the fear to keep it from the air between them. "Maybe I'll get to see it one day. The falls were one of my favorite things growing up." She mentioned while the lands of the old Hallows had been the most striking in her childhood.

"Ashelia Carpathius"