
other dimensions




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
11-09-2022, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2022, 09:35 PM by Incubus. Edited 2 times in total.)

Incubus was settling into Ashen rather nicely. He claimed a den in the Shrine territory and had participated in a few solo patrols. But, he hadn't met any of his pack mates yet. Inc was not one to go den to den introducing himself but he knew he had to make some sort of effort. Otherwise he was just going to be known as some creepy hermit. Thus, the inky male made his way towards the northern most border of the Rio, where it touched the Soulless Forest. His goal was to find a good spot to do some fishing and maybe howl to see if anyone would like to join in.

As large paws hit the earth a very delightful crunch could be heard. It was the thick of Autumn and the trees along the bank of the Rio, as well as the Forest to the north, were shedding their beautiful auburn leaves. Crunch, crunch, crunch.. The sound followed him as he moved and he couldn't help to enjoy the feeling of crumbling those leaves. As he continued a different idea came to mind. A spar... amidst the leaves. It was an interesting terrain he'd never fought in and could be useful experience. Just as it would be beneficial to practice fighting in snow, mud, or even sand.

With this blossoming idea Incubus decided to shoot his head up towards the heavens and call upon anyone in Ashen who was up for a fight.

((Y18 Autumn Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt - WC: 245))

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
11-12-2022, 07:36 PM
With age came more responsibility, and Saia was growing into it. She was still mostly secluded in her nature, but she was at least getting out of the den more these days. She was starting to make her own patrols after a few lessons and walkthroughs she had been given. And soon she'd be a full fledged warrior she assumed. But she wasn't really all high and mighty of her fighting skills. She didn't really care much for anything, she didn't have many hobbies. She was still discovering herself and in a way felt like she failed some of her family members and pack members. She was struggling to find that real purpose in her life. She had spent so long inside her family den she felt like she barely knew anything even about herself. It was time to make that change.

That's why when she heard a call for a sparring opponent she didn't hesitate to step forward towards the caller. She felt like if she made the effort where it was due than maybe she was actually doing something. Better than laying around the den or even running a lonely patrol. She was trying.

Careful paws made their way over the freshly fallen and some dead leaves, her paws sliding slightly on a few but with no fault in her steps. Walking over the autumn terrain like this wasn't new to her. When she made sight of the man who had called for an opponent, she had little emotional response. She was rather reserved even in her youth. She did give him a little friendly nod as she stood face to face with him, a fair distance to start a spar whenever they were ready. "Asking for a spar?" She was not intimidated by any part of the man, her uncle actually but she didn't know that. At the least she was brave, and him being large and a brute didn't do anything to make her second guess if they were matched opponents or not.

Total Word Count: 582 words



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
11-14-2022, 09:57 PM

'Crunch, crunch, crunch...' Incubus' ears flicked as the pleasing sound moved his way. The male's head turned towards the source and those pale eyes fell upon that of a femme moving his way. Expressions remained neutral as he took in hi potential opponent. The fae was shorter but he would never allow that to determine any sort of confidence. Size only mattered to a certain degree. It is how you utilize your strengths and your opponents weaknesses. The red and black babe yearling could easily have skill on him. One couldn't detect such a thing at first glance, though.

As they were head to head she decided to break the silence. Her question was met with a firm nod, "Yes." A pause. "Shall we?" Mischief flashed across his face as the brute moved into a mild defensive. stance. Incubus made sure his weight was very evenly distributed between his four legs as balance is going to play a massive factor in this fight. The dead leaves were pleasant to crunch but their did not provide good footing at all. They could very well end up slipping and sliding if they weren't careful. - He ensured his ears were flicked back, hackles were raised, and his sore tail was flagged straight behind him for additional balance.

Incubus began his assault by aiming to close the distance between them. The large male carefully moved across the crunchy terrain with sturdy steps. Ensuring her connected paw to earth with no questionable movements. His goal was to slam his chest into hers. Incubus was not going fast enough to do a lot of damage but if purchased such a move could provide bruising, for the both of them. But, the real intention was to throw his weight at her and get her off-balance. - As that distance was closed Incubus would distribute his weight to his other three paws as his front right raised and quickly moved to try and hook her front left leg. His intent was to pull the limb towards him and hopefully trip her up even more.

((WC: 927))

Incubus vs Saia for Spar
Round 1/??
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Silver Fox - Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Horns - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Navigator

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
12-06-2022, 11:34 PM
He was to the point, she liked that. She usually thought of her sister in times like this, and her brothers at least when they were a little younger. She certainly loved her siblings and her family, and had Seere not been her sister she would have rolled her eyes at the way she reacted at most everything. But it was different for the way they were related. She was glad this brute didn't stall the spar he called for by chit chatting.

Saia had been in a fair amount of fundamental training by her father but she lacked in more of the physical one on one things like this, only having spars between her siblings. She was learning in age and coming to terms with the life where she had to open up a little more. Open up to more opportunities, open up more in her personality, she knew it was coming. She would take the chance.

Depending on how skeptical the man facing her was he may have noticed that bit of lack in experience, but either way it was why they were both here after all. She wouldn't look down at him, metaphorically that was. She took that moment as he did to put herself in a defensive stance, and she left the floor open for his first move which may have been smarter on her part because evade and counter was a stronger style for her by size. But she wouldn't wait all day on him. She wouldn't need to though, wouldn't even need to think about it.

Her paws found their even footing on the ground over the leaves, but that would change once the two of them made contact. She had become used to walking over the fallen leaves, maybe even trotting over them. But she was not expecting the way they made her slide and lose traction from the impact. She went to take a step back from the male as he came forward, but instead of evading like she had planned she was thrown for a loop and ended up slipping right into his bump attack maybe a little harder than he had even intended. It wouldn't phase her though, she was a tough girl. Learning to think in real time in moments like these is what she needed at this point. Both of their right shoulders made more contact than their straight on chests and he was quick to go for a pull on her balance. He wouldn't need to fight much for that though. As she fell forward from the loss of traction and the man's grab under her leg she opened up her jaw to go for a gentle, friendly, pack-ly bite on his mid right shoulder. He'd have access to her entire form at this point, her body would be heavily relying on him so if he pulled back she would fall down but maybe that would give her the opportunity to make a better move.

Total Word Count: 1425 words

Saia vs Incubus for Spar
Round 1/2

Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Healer
Specialty: N/A



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-08-2022, 12:09 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 10:21 PM by Incubus. Edited 2 times in total.)

Their chests connected with quite a bit of force. He'd likely even end up with mild bruising from the impact, but that was the name of the game. The male was more then pleased when his maneuver landed but did not relish in the small victory. Before he knew it the yearling was going in for her retaliation, a light bite landed on his right shoulder, causing a low growl to bubble in his throat. The babe pressed against him with a good amount of her weight, making him realize that she may have fallen if it weren't for him there. His first instinct was to back away to allow her to kiss the earth. But, watching her lose her balance reminded him of the leaves and back pedaling may not be the best move. This realization caused Incubus think for a moment.

Incubus decided to make an even riskier move. Shifting his weight to three paws the male lifted his front left leg and aimed to sling it over her shoulders. If he was able to do so Inc would try to shift some of his weight to that limb and press down on her upper back. His hope was to see her drop and release his shoulder in result. He did his best to really dig his three grounded paws into the dirt to ensure balance but if she made any erratic movements he may end up tumbling himself.

((WC: 927))

Incubus vs Saia for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Silver Fox - Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Horns - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Navigator

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
12-16-2022, 10:23 PM
Fighting an opponent in general was pretty new and overwhelming for her, but the leaves and mess ups that came with them were making her feel a little discouraged. One would never know though, Saia held her emotions in for the most part. Her mind locked in steel, so there was no way for him or anyone to say she was losing courage. That was a little far, but she was definitely trying to learn from every mistake as they came at least.

Her bite landed, friendly, and he'd take a moment to figure out what to do next not that she was counting. Even with that bit of pause she wasn't expecting when his paw rose and landed on her mid back, pushing some of his weight down into her. She did release her light bite on him and ended up pushing back against his strength, using her legs to push up into him so she wouldn't give way so easily. Maybe they'd be in a stalemate for a moment. But she would either crumble under him, or use enough force to slip out from underneath him.

Total Word Count: 1854 words

Saia vs Incubus for Spar
Round 2/2

Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Healer
Specialty: N/A

The Judge


01-04-2023, 08:19 PM

And the winner is...


SAIA must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



Attack Roll: 39
Defense Roll: 15
Agility Roll: 94
Perception Roll: 35
Total: 183
Attack[39] + 20% Bonus[7.80]: 46.80
Defense[15] + 15% Bonus[2.25]: 17.25
Agility[94] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 94.00
Perception[35] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 35.00
Total[193.05] + 15% Bonus[28.96]: 222.01


Attack Roll: 37
Defense Roll: 65
Agility Roll: 63
Perception Roll: 72
Total: 237
Attack[37] + 25% Bonus[9.25]: 46.25
Defense[65] + 5% Bonus[3.25]: 68.25
Agility[63] + 15% Bonus[9.45]: 72.45
Perception[72] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 72.00
Total[258.95] + 10% Bonus[25.89]: 284.84