
Racing Stripes

Hunt seasonal - Kara


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-08-2022, 11:09 PM

He had been stalking a lone zebra for the better part of the morning. He knew these wild equines were normally in insanely large herds, but it appeared that this one had been unlucky enough to have been left behind. The herd seemed to have moved on, likely migrated elsewhere when the faux autumn bubbles cropped up. He could see why it had confused some of the creatures in the lands. This wasn't their normal migratation season, but nature had a way of doing things and throwing the world off balance. Similar to the Long Nights, the Autumn bubbles that had cropped up were...strange. But the confusion of the prey animals worked to his advantage. He hadn't hunted a zebra in years, and it was mostly due to the fact they were difficult to hunt when there were always tons of them together, often alerting and protecting each other. But this? This would be easier to deal with. He could focus on one without losing track of it. Before, he often had trouble keeping track of one when all their stripes seemed to blend together and confuse the hell out of him.

The lands here were almost barren, though there were shrubs and sparse vegetation along with the Dragon's Blood Tree's that dotted the land. He tried to stay in cover as much as possible, moving from one tree to the next as he kept his senses alert for the whereabouts of the lone zebra, listening as it called out for its herd and the stamp of its hooves as it slowly trudged along in search of them.

WC: 268/1,500


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2 Years
12-09-2022, 12:03 AM

After having reached her cousin in the West Thyri was determined to explore more of these foreign lands. She absolutely despised the endless expanses of sand. The woman was undoubtedly a fan of colder climates with beautiful Evergreen forests and rolling hills. But, she was going along with Víðarr's plan for the time being. If that meant suffering through the West, then she would. That being said she would fill most of her free time escaping the sand and seeing what other areas may have to offer. Perhaps if she found a region bountiful enough she could convince her cousin to relocate.

Sand was replaced by dirt. But, the redeeming factor of this region was the fact that she was staring at a Zebra. Blue eyes stared at the creature with complete desire. That pelt would make for such a delightful cape or decor for her den. Thyri was low to the ground behind a large tree, peeking from the side of it. She was sure these creatures usually roamed in herds so it was rather odd there was only one in sight. That most likely meant it was a straggler.

As she moved to hide behind a shrub movement to her right caught her attention. Thyri squinted in the direction of a large male Wolf off in the distance. He was seemingly tracking the Zebra as well. There were pro's and con's to this. She would help taking it down, but she'd then be obligated to share with him. Thyri did not share well. But, having help would secure the catch. If she tried alone, and failed, she'd have nothing. Which was most definitely worse.

Thyri glanced to the Zebra to make sure it paid no mind as she slipped to the tree closer to the stranger. In a very low voice the babe spoke, "Let's take it down." Now that she was closer she could see her new hunting partner was old but if he took the time to track the Zebra it likely meant he was capable enough to hunt so she paid his age little mind. Her attention was back on their target. "I can chase if you can finish." She was younger and likely faster. If he could land a good final blow they could do the damn thing.

WC: 652/1,500


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-09-2022, 12:48 AM

His focus was on the zebra, mostly. Keeping it within his sights, though he didn't miss the new scent he detected on the breeze. The seasoned warrior and hunter flicked his ear in the direction of an approaching stranger, only sparing a glance when she got close enough to him that he could hear her speak. "Let's take it down." He spared another glance, noting she was significantly younger than him, but then again, most were these days. He was old as dirt now it seemed, but he still had energy despite his age. He was no young buck anymore, sure. But he knew all the tricks of the trade. "Sounds fine to me." The less work he had to put in was fine by him. But even then, he was by no means a slacker. Cold blue gaze returned to the zebra as he watched it move a little further away. "Come on. If you can get ahead of it and close enough to startle it a little over that way," He motioned with his head in the direction he indicated, "There's a dip in the land just wide enough for me to fit into. I can hide and wait there, and when the zebra gets close enough, I should be able to make a grab for it."

He supposed since someone was helping him with the hunt, he'd have to share. Which was fine. There was only so much a loner could pack up and take. He'd let her have the pelt if she wanted, and whatever bits of meat. The rest he'd take home for the pack stores. "Stay on your toes. It's alone, but still capable of kicking your teeth in." He warned before moving off, staying in cover as much as possible before slinking into the ditch where he would lie in wait.

WC: 960/1,500


Art||Plot with me!

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2 Years
12-09-2022, 01:30 AM

The stranger agreed and the babe offered a small nod in return. That was that, they were going to work together to take this beasty down. Thyri followed the older male's instruction and silently moved behind, listening to the plan. A rather solid plan at that. With age came wisdom, proven here. Her eyes remained locked on the Zebra as she moved but she also remained mindful of any twigs or leaves below her paws. She wouldn't want to ruin their hunt with a premature startle. "Good idea." Her voice remained, wanting to remain quiet but also compliment his strategy.

When they were both in position Thyri thought of his warning. Eyes moved to her prey's hooves and she considered how painful it would be to take one of those to the face. She'd definitely have to be careful. When they were in their places Thyri tossed the male a small nod from a distance. After that she was off. The Trygg fae darted at the Zebra with loud snapping fangs. Instantly the Zebra trotted in the opposite direction, towards the older hunter. She was very careful to remain a good distance away as to not catch one of those hooves.

WC: 1,161/1,500


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-14-2022, 10:57 PM

She agreed to the plan, so all he had to do now was wait. If everything went according to plan, then they'd have themselves a good catch, and she'd have a good meal to hold her over for a little while. While he was interested in the pelt, he didn't care one way or another if he got to take it home today. Being in a pack, he had plenty more chances to snatch another zebra another day, though he wasn't in a rush. It's not like he had any immediate plans for a zebra pelt, anyway. He strained his ears and practically held his breath as he lied in wait, listening to what was going on outside of his hiding position. Things were quiet, at least, until he began to hear the sound of hooves trotting with a sense of urgency. Blue gaze narrowed as he peeked above the edge of the ditch he was hiding in, and spotted the zebra getting closer to him with the stranger following steadily behind. She seemed to heed his warning. Good. He didn't quite feel like dragging her back to the pack to fix her up if she had gotten kicked, but he would if he had to.

Pressing himself into hiding, he heard the zebra get close, and within moments, it had appeared at the ditch and prepared to make a jump for it. As soon as it did, Greed lunged up, jaws open as he struck from beneath like a snake in the grass, grabbing a hind leg and using his weight in the surprise attack to drag the zebra to the earth. With a panicked cry, the zebra hit the ground. Hard. And it began to try and pull against him, but the angle at which Greed had caught its leg and the way it was being dragged into the ditch prevented it from being able to right itself, let alone execute a defensive kick. If the she-wolf was quick, she would be able to grab hold of its throat and finish it off before the beast could flail its way free.

WC: 1,514/1,500


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
12-20-2022, 12:08 AM

All was going according to plan so far. Thyri continued to chase the Zebra with snapping jaws and rippling growls. Her goal was not to take it down herself but merely guide the scared creature to her hunting companion. Anticipation bubbled in her chest as they grew closer to the ditch where the stranger was waiting. As that distance closed she witnessed the monochromatic flash of the older male lunging for the Zebra's leg. Thyri slowed her run to match pace with the now struggling creature. In no time their prey came crashing to the ground, bnut it was merely immobilized by the stranger's grip. Without a second thought the Trygg femme darted to the Zebra's upper half, around it's back to avoid flailing hooves, and lunged for it's throat. Ravenous teeth sunk into the flesh of the beast and blood painted her jaws red. She felt the liquid pump into her mouth and Thyri whipped her head side to side, deepening the wound. The more damage she did the faster their prey would bleed out.

After long moments she felt the Zebra's life fade. It took a while for it to pass completely but all in all they were successful in their hunt. Licking blood from her lips she took a step back from the carcas and let her attention move to the male, "Quick and easy." Thyri flashed him a red grin before looking to the Zebra, "I only want the pelt and a small amount of meat. You can the rest." Blue eyes flicked to the stranger, "Does that sound like a deal?" She raised a brow, of course there was room for negotiation if need be.