
Well That Was Easy!

seasonal prompt



Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

12-14-2022, 10:18 PM

He was on the far edge of the black sand cove, patrolling to ensure nothing was skulking about. Though it seemed like that didn't happen often around the Armada. He supposed it was a good thing they weren't bothered too for that Pirate pack, but he didn't know enough about them and the beef his pack had with them. Something trivial, probably. The Armada seemed to have quite a few hotheads, so it was likely, but he didn't know. Maybe they had perfectly valid reasons for all he knew. Whatever the case, he pushed it from his mind as he made his way to the furthest point closest to the dormant volcanic island. As he drew near, he suddenly heard the echoing call of what sounded like a seal of some sort. Curious, the earthen male quietly continued forward until he came to the top of a dune and looked down. There, midway to the water's edge was an elephant seal. It was quite small compared to others he'd seen before. Perhaps a young female? Whatever the case, it was odd to see this one out here alone. Usually, they were in herds...perhaps the others had left it behind? Or she got separated and lost and ended up here.

He studied her for a good few minutes as she looked around in confusion, occasionally barking out and calling for her kin. In a sense, he understood how she must feel. His own kin was dead or scattered to the four winds. He vaguely remembered the names his father had told him before passing away...but Grimoire had opted to keep to himself until he joined the Armada. But this creature? He knew they lived in massive groups more often than not.

Well, he supposed he could do one of two things. Leave her be, or try to take her down. The latter option, of course, was the choice he was going with. With winter approaching, he'd be a fool not to take this opportunity that was presented to him. Lost or not, she had ended up serving herself on a silver platter. Her fat and blubber would be useful for many things, and he could stock up and it could potentially last him through the winter, or perhaps even for the better part of it.

Crouching down, he made his way down the dune and made a beeline for the water's edge. If he was going to be successful in this, he needed to cut off her escape to the water early. He would be faster than her on land for sure, but if she got to the ocean? She would be gone faster than he could blink, and he would hate to lose this chance. Would hate it even more if one of his packmates were watching and saw that it slipped between his paws. No, that wouldn't do at all. He'd be damned if he let that happen and then embarrassed or shamed for it. Not a chance.

He drew close to the shore's edge, golden gaze fixed on the seal. It hadn't noticed him yet, and likely wouldn't until it was too late. When he felt he was in a good position to block off any potential escape, he practically army-crawled toward her as he sought to get close enough to strike. A few yards now...and he struck. Leaping into action, he lunged forward in silence as the elephant seal bellowed in surprise and tried to get out of the way. But she was too slow, and Grimoire's large paws slammed into her body, claws gripping into her thick fat before he dragged them down and out, ripping a wound into her side. His prey bellowed with pain, her upper body twisting as she swung in his direction, barely knocking him off his path of attack before she tried to waddle away. She was still too slow, out of her element on land, but still, she tried to make her way toward the sea.

Grimoire leaped towards her tail, gripping it in his teeth as he pulled and tugged her back. She twisted and turned, the blood from his first attack spilling from her wound. It was likely that even if she did make it to the water, she wouldn't make it far without attracting the attention of another sea creature. But he'd be damned if something else got the kill when he did all the work!

As she yanked her tail from his mouth, Grim snarled and lunged once more, horns seizing the opportunity to skewer the seal as she too, turned to headbutt him away. With a sickening squelch, the seal had immediately come to a stop and dropped dead. Nearly taking him with her to the ground. His head was at a weird angle, and he grunted with the effort of trying to pull his horns free from thick fat until finally, he managed it. But not without falling on his ass. Well, that was easier than he thought it would be. He supposed that in a herd, it wasn't easy to bring one down. Not without the threat of a much larger specimen trying to bash and take a bite out of him. But alone? Confused? It was a piece of cake. Now all he had to do was drag her back and harvest what he needed before adding the rest to the pack stores.

WC: 902
