
I just wanna go blur the line




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-21-2022, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2022, 07:56 PM by Laith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Laith gnawed hungrily on the mostly-eaten breast of the stork he had managed to catch off guard. He tore off chunks of meat, not caring that he was being messy, choosing instead to focus on satiating his hunger over anything else. A chitter off the side only caused him to flick an ear in annoyance, before begrudgingly he tossed aside a scrap of meat. The fox that had decided it would not leave him alone hastily gobbled it up, licking its lips eagerly as it stared him down unblinkingly. "Get your own bird," he said with bared teeth and a growl, not wanting to give up any more of his hard-earned meal. The fox could hunt well enough, he'd seen it in action.
Laith had just gone for another bite when the puddle beside him rippled, and his head lifted at the sound of a rumbling bellow and crunching leaves coming from behind. His eyes widened at the sight of a lumbering black bear heading his way, larger than him even when not on its hind legs. It looked pissed, and Laith couldn't fathom what he had done to deserve its wrath. For once he hadn't actually done something to deserve this kind of reaction.
He jumped to his feet with a series of crunches as he stepped on the leaf litter on the ground, hackles raising and lips pulling back in a snarl as he stared the black bear down. Maybe he could persuade it to leave him alone, but given their size difference it was unlikely. The fox skittered behind him, making a shrill screeching sound that rattled around in Laith's head.

Fighting 1/3
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-22-2022, 01:17 AM
Amorielle Adravendi

She had decided to go on a trip to the neighboring land, on a quest to find some herbs that she might need for the upcoming winter. She wanted to make sure her stocks were good and ready should anyone get sick, and although Valhalla had plenty of medicinal stock, she always liked to have backup. And backups for the backups. The small fae began her search near the water, ears twitching at the sound of the many different birds that called this place home. She put her satchel down as she searched for a good spot to start digging up some roots, but she only managed to get a small hole going before she heard the sound of rustling leaves and the sound of....a bear? Brows furrowed together in confusion as she scented the air, taking note of a a few different scents. Behind the familiar bird smells, she could also smell a wolf...unfamiliar, of course.

Fur prickling, she left her task and quietly tracked down the wolf's scent. There was the possibility he could be hurt, right? She couldn't just leave someone if they were. As she rounded the trees, she spotted a black bear facing off with a wolf smaller than it, and what appeared to be a fox hiding behind him. The black bear didn't look too happy, and past the bear she could see a carcass of some sort. Was it trying to run the stranger off his meal? Or the other way around. Getting food would be hard soon for she didn't blame either creature for wanting that meal. But considering she wasn't a fan of bears (and neither was her pack), she opted to offer a distraction. She barked in an effort to get the bears attention, and it was only a couple of heart beats until it worked.

The black bear turned and put its attention on her. A smaller (potential) snack. It bellowed at her, beady black eyes full of rage as it charged. Amorielle's ears flattened, not having thought this completely through...she had never fought a bear head on before, and it seemed her legs forgot how to work.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-30-2022, 02:24 AM
The black bear was undeterred in its path towards him, but Laith held his ground. The bird carcass was too big and heavy for him to carry and run away with, but he wasn't just going to give it up without a fight. For a few moments he was worried the bear would just ram right into him, but it suddenly stopped, turning a complete one-eighty and charging the other way. He watched it for a moment, confused, before finally spotting the snow-white form of another wolf. Stupid wolf, why would they distract the bear when there was no benefit to them?
But the wolf didn't move, and Laith deeply considered just grabbing the stork and running off with it while the black bear was distracted. But he had smelled a pack nearby, and if this wolf was a part of it, maybe he could swing something in his favour. He considered his options for a moment before breaking into a dead sprint, barking loudly to catch the bear's attention. "Pick on someone your own size, fatty!"
Laith managed to grab a hind leg between his jaws, crunching down as hard as he could until he could taste blood. The bear roared and kicked out with its leg which sent Laith careening backwards after letting go when he realised the bear had slowed down. He wasn't about to go directly face-to-face with it, but hopefully the distraction was enough so the other wolf could bloody well do something instead of just standing there like a moron.

Fighting 2/3
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!