
A Place To Call My Own[Joining]


08-31-2013, 03:21 AM

The silvery sheen of her coat reflected the sunlight. Her intricate mask enhancing her sky blue eyes as she made her way excitedly to Seracian borders. It had only been a day, but her mind would not wander from the handsome Knight Pontifex whom she met the day before. He had told her about Seracia, the pack she had been seeking. And now she would stop at the markers to call forth anyone who was nearby that she could talk to. She hoped it would be Pontifex, and not someone who would be mean or rude or challenge her to make her fight for a place. All she wanted was a home, a place to call her own. She threw back her head, her song releasing from silent grasps as it swept up into the air and carried along on the wind. Her howl told any who heard her that she was harmless, and that she was no threat. A friend and a gentle spirit. Silver tipped ears fell back slightly, pearly whites showing barely through the "O" shape of her jaw as he song carried on.


Pontifex I


08-31-2013, 03:44 PM

It had only been about a day or so since he had met the pretty young woman Pacifica. Their first encounter had gone pretty well and he had a good feeling about her. She'd expressed her want to join Seracia and since she had been around him so much, he didn't doubt that she had already cataloged his scent. He had explained to her how to get to Seracia if she so wished to come and join, figuring he would see her sooner or later. He didn't count on seeing her so soon, or hearing her. Her familiar voice rang over the Seracian land, hailing any high ranking member to her. Having just been promoted to the Grand Duke, Pontifex now had the power to accept new members and he would exercise that power today for the first time. He only hoped that Maverick would approve of Pacifica.

Grey limbs pulled the newly appointed Grand Duke towards the borders of his home, golden gaze coming to rest on Pacifica's familiar silver figure. Pacifica! He barked out in greeting, his tail wagging with recognition. He came to a halt at the border, crown dipping towards the woman in respect, a friendly smile curling his inky jowls. Finally found your way I see? He chuckled good naturedly, already having a feeling as to what she was here for but wanting her to state it herself.

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09-05-2013, 10:30 PM

Silver figure sat patiently as she waited for someone to arrive. She swore her song still rang through the air, and she still hoped that it would be Pontifex to greet her. Baby blues would lock on a figure appearing from beyond the border, and immediately her tail began to wag. She didn't have to wait long before the one she hoped for arrived, and her heart swelled with excitement at the sight of him. Her tongue would fall slightly at the mention of her name. Oh how she loved the sound of her name when it came from his very lips! She practically bounded in place as he stopped, and before she knew it she had closed the gap between them and nuzzled the hell out of his face and neck.

"Oh! It's so nice to see you again! After you left yesterday, I had decided that I would come to Seracia to find you!" She stepped back, her face blushing with embarrassment at her bold move. Clearing her throat, her tail still wagged crazily behind her. "Ahem, I know it hasn't been long since we last met's just so lonely and solitary as a rogue. So...I've come to seek a life in Seracia. Is that permissible?" Her clear blue eyes gazed into his captivating yellow ones, possibly already knowing that he would accept her into the pack that she so desired to be in. But was that really all? Or was there the lingering subconscious thought that she wanted to be with him to?


Pontifex I


09-06-2013, 05:05 PM

Much to his surprise, the Grand Duke had found himself rather missing Pacifica after they had departed the day before. She had been so much fun to be around and she was certainly a very beautiful woman to boot. He enjoyed her company and it was a bit saddening that he had had to say goodbye. But now she was here at the borders, every bit as beautiful as she had been yesterday, perhaps even more so. She would become excited at his greeting, rushing forward to close the gap between them, boldly nuzzling his neck and face. Amused chuckles would rumble in his in his dark chest as he returned her nuzzle, even daring to plant a kiss on the tip of her nose for good measure. Oh! It's so nice to see you again! After you left yesterday, I had decided that I would come to Seracia to find you! A huge grin split his dark lips apart, golden eyes lighting up. She'd come just to find him.

His heart stammered in his chest as she continued to talk, expressing her want to become a part of Seracia. Of course she was here for that. Why else would she be here for? You don't know how happy it makes me to know that you want to become part of my pack Pacifica. Of course you can build a life here in Seracia, but you must swear to always remain loyal and to do your best to help out and care for the rest of the pack. It felt necessary to ask that of her, even though he already knew that it was basically a given. If she were to accept the offer, then he would simply have to know what kind of skill set she had before allowing her to cross the borders as new member. Maverick would have be to updated on her joining as soon as he got a chance to meet with the red king again.

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09-20-2013, 05:08 AM

The girl smiled feverishly as she readied herself to say more about how much she could prove herself to the pack should she get accepted. But a surprised kiss on her nose from the man in front of her made her lose all sense of speech, and a deep red blush would rise onto her face. She could do nothing but look down, embarrassed that she had gotten such a hard blush and even her heart pounded hard from the contact. Was it possible that he was growing feelings for her too? She wasn't sure what it was that she herself was feeling, but there was something. She was sure of that. She looked up shyly as he spoke, nodding as soon as he had finished and her tail wagging harder with the prospect of being able to join Seracia with him. "Yes, yes of course! I promise to do all I can for the pack, I swear to it! I will always do my best to bring honor, and a good name to Seracia. No doubts about it!" She felt that she could hardly contain her excitement. As calm and collected as she usually was, she seemed to just be full of energized excitement when Pontifex was around. Though she was entirely baffled by the way she acted around him, just his presence made her feel giddy for some strange reason.

She felt happy to finally have found a place to call home. Even more so that she'd be in the same pack as Pontifex, the boy she found to be very cute and handsome. He was something alright, though Pacifica just didn't quite understand what she was feeling. The fluttering in her stomach was definitely strange, along with the rapid beating of her heart when she was close to him or had contact with him. She wondered if she was getting sick with something...perhaps she would ask him about a healer, just to be sure she hadn't fallen ill from a spoiled meal or herb. "Umm...if it's not too much to ask, is there a healer I could see later? I've been feeling a little strange lately, and I just want to make sure everything is ok?" Her voice came out slightly nervous, still under the effects of his previous action. The kiss on her nose would be something she wouldn't forget.


Pontifex I


09-21-2013, 04:47 PM

Seracia was growing in numbers and the grand duke was happy to be able to help out with that in the manner of accepting a new member into their ranks. He already knew that Pacifica would fit in perfectly within Seracia, he just hoped that the rest of the pack would feel the same way. The silver woman before him was clearly beyond excited at the prospect of becoming a Seracian and he was glad. That was the type of wolf they needed in his pack; ones who truly had the want to be here. Yes, yes of course! I promise to do all I can for the pack, I swear to it! I will always do my best to bring honor, and a good name to Seracia. No doubts about it! A huge grin would crease the man's dark lips as he gazed down towards the woman, his chest puffing out just a little bit. It gladdens me to know that you will uphold Seracia to the best of your abilities. There is only more thing I must know before you can become a full fledged member. What talents can you offer our family? It was kind of a redundant question. He already knew that she could fish, but he was just curious as to what else she could do. He did need to know after all so he could report it back to his king and Maverick could assign her a rank if he so wished.

Her excitement seemed to calm down just a tiny bit, a bit of nervous energy radiating from her body as she asked if there was a chance that she would visit a healer because she had been feeling strange. Worry creased his brows, ears folding back against his skull. That won't be a problem. If you would like, I can you to my sister Loccian. She is a healer and may be able to tell you what's going on if anything is. He hoped nothing was wrong with Pacifica. It would be a shame if she got a sick with a barely a day as a Seracian under her belt.

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09-29-2013, 01:57 AM

She listened intently, thankful that it was he who had appeared at the borders of the Southern land. He at least knew some of her talents already, so she was well prepared to answer the question he had. In fact, she didn't even have to think to answer. "Asides from being a pro fisher, I am also usually able to sway and deter enemies from starting unnecessary fights. However, if a fight does initiate...I am well gifted in the area of fighting. I'm capable of moving with swift speed and strength...though I may not look it. I come from a line of Alphas, so it's kinda built into me. I am also able to track other scents very well, due to living on the coast where it was neccessary to know whether or not sea predators and prey were. I may not seem like much, but I am well rounded in a lot of different fields...though advising and tracking are my preferred. And fighting a close third since words are unimportant to power hungry wolves."

She knew there was more, she was gifted in many things. But those were her main strengths that she wanted to share, after all, she didn't want to accidentally talk his ear off. She felt though, that she probably seemed immature to him. When she was actually quite the opposite. She was just excited about the prospect about joining a pack. Belonging to a place she could call home...and hopefully someday, belong to the man that she so admired.


Pontifex I


10-03-2013, 07:16 PM

Asides from being a pro fisher, I am also usually able to sway and deter enemies from starting unnecessary fights. However, if a fight does initiate...I am well gifted in the area of fighting. I'm capable of moving with swift speed and strength...though I may not look it. I come from a line of Alphas, so it's kinda built into me. I am also able to track other scents very well, due to living on the coast where it was neccessary to know whether or not sea predators and prey were. I may not seem like much, but I am well rounded in a lot of different fields...though advising and tracking are my preferred. And fighting a close third since words are unimportant to power hungry wolves. Pontifex was pleasantly surprised. He already known she was a fisher, but he wasn't aware that she had so many skills. She could track, as well as fight. She sounded like she would fit perfectly in Seracia. Though, he was exactly sure what kind of rank she would get, but she would know once she spoke to his King about it.

I've definitely heard everything I need to hear. Welcome to Seracia Pacifica. A wide grin split the man's jaws apart, grey plume wagging behind him. She was a part of Seracia now. Things were definitely looking up.

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10-18-2013, 03:21 AM
ooc//Crappy post I know lol I just didn't know what else to put XD

With a wagging tail and a powerfully beating heart, Pacifica made a rapid excited nod as Pontifex accepted her into the pack. Clear blue eyes lit with excitement at the idea of finally being accepted into a pack. And the one as the boy who seemed to have an effect on her no less. "Thank you Pontifex, I promise to do my best!" she responded in kind as she waited for him to lead the way to her new home.
