
Happy Little Trees

Melo - seasonal



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-03-2023, 11:21 PM
It had been some time since Sakura had traveled to Boreas. She often kept to herself within the bamboo maze or was found lounging around Manatee Bay. Though she had been growing restless and decided she needed to step it up more before she got in trouble for...well...not keeping up. She didn't want to feel or seem like she was on a free ride. She needed to start contributing, and it was high time that she got on that. Her first stop would be Boreas, the former princess had crossed the land bridge to find that Fjord just past it was full of autumn colors. The thick forest that lined the narrow channel was an array of oranges, yellows, and reds. Leaves were falling, crunching beneath her feet as she walked alongside the channel, and she occasionally watched the leaves drift into the water and float away. She hadn't been this way in ages...and come to think of it, the last time she had passed through was to do some exploring, and at some point had met some weird woman with skeleton markings who helped fight off an alligator. That had been a strange encounter for sure...

WC: 197/1,500

"Sakura Haruno"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra small
01-04-2023, 01:48 AM
He had travelled further inland, having had enough of getting lost within the bamboo maze and wanting to stretch his legs. Figuring at least knowing the topographical layout of the surrounding lands was a good idea, regardless of how often he'd actually be moving between Tojo-kai and the northern lands, he had set forth with a bare amount of supplies. Largely some small nibbles to keep him energised during his exploration. He didn't need much sustenance to keep him going, and he had every intent to make use of it.
Hage stumbled across a large fjord with thick forests on either edge, but with the autumnal season all the leaves had turned brown and were quickly falling to the ground. With every stepped he crunched loudly, and he had to resist the urge to clench his jaw and grind his teeth. The noise set him on edge, making his fuse shorter than it already was, which wasn't saying much. It didn't take much to annoy him, and apparently he would need to add crunchy leaves to that ever-growing list.
But it seemed as if he wasn't the only wolf walking along the fjord, and in addition to that not the only Tojo-kai wolf. The other wolf stood out against the browning forest, stark black fur with splotches of warm hues, and a size that rivaled Hattori. An obnoxious height seemed to be a common theme among the koi wolves in this place, and if he was being honest it annoyed him. Quite a lot. It felt like a slap in the face, though he knew it wasn't their fault that he had been cursed with such a short stature.
Hage didn't make any attempt to call out to the other koi wolf, intent on pretty much ignoring her as he made his way along the fjord, though he did consider just turning around and going somewhere else. He wasn't in the mood for conversing.

Word count: 527/1,500
When Hageshī's speech is in italics it means he's speaking in Japanese



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-04-2023, 02:11 AM
Too bad that Hage wouldn't get away without conversation. Sakura ambled along at a leisurely pace, leaves crunching underfoot. The fjord was covered in leaves thanks to all the trees that lined it, and though she hadn't quite made it that far in, she considered turning around. She slowed down as she considered what she might do, a leaf blowing past her face and she turned to watch it float off to wherever the breeze decided to take it. And that's when she spotted him. While she wasn't familiar with the wolves of Tojo (shame on her!), she at least knew who was part of the pack by appearance. Names to a face though? She was working on it. She wondered if he was just passing through to head up to Boreas, or if for whatever reason, he'd been following her. Just in case, she stopped where she was until he caught up, though his tiny little legs compared to hers had her waiting a bit. The koi woman opted to turn and nonchalantly walk towards him, to close the distance between them faster with her longer stride. "Good day," She greeted. "You are from Tojo, yes? I have seen you around, but I am afraid I don't know your name. I am Haruno Sakura." Just in case he didn't know her name.

She towered over the much smaller male, unaware that her size compared to his ticked him off. She was just trying to be polite, maybe strike up a bit of conversation and perhaps see if he wanted to travel together. Ya know since they were from the same pack and all. It wouldn't hurt to have a traveling companion, either. Provided of course, they were headed the same way. Another breeze blew by, dragging some colorful leaves with it and tossing them into the water.

WC: 835/ 1,500

"Sakura Haruno"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra small
01-04-2023, 02:51 AM
Unfortunately, he had spent too long trying to decide if he should just leave before she noticed him and began walking back in his direction. Each of her strides, irritatingly crunching loudly with each step on the fallen leaves, had to be at least three or four of his, and he felt that prickle of annoyance wash over him again. But his facial expression remained fairly neutral, perhaps with just the slightest pinch between his brows. She spoke to him in a friendly enough tone, offering her name, though he was a little surprised she was speaking in the common tongue. Hage thought a moment, feeling like he had probably seen her around, but given the number of wolves in the pack that he had seen around it was hard to remember specifics. One day he'd remember who was who, but that day was not now.
"Akizora Hageshī." He was polite enough, if a bit curt, perhaps moreso than usual given the annoyance he was already experiencing. But that wasn't her fault, and he wouldn't take it out on her no matter what he felt. Unless she ended up deserving it; that was still to be determined.
There was a metaphorical itch under his fur - since he couldn't air his frustrations verbally without most likely offending Sakura, there was the desire to release the annoyance he was feeling physically. And maybe (definitely) his pride was taking a hit from the obnoxious height difference between them, so he wanted to make himself feel better by proving that just because he was smaller, he wasn't less capable of anything she could do. While he generally wasn't a fan of physical violence, a friendly spar didn't push that boundary too much.
"You up for a spar?"

Word count: 1,129/1,500
When Hageshī's speech is in italics it means he's speaking in Japanese



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-04-2023, 03:04 AM
Akizora Hageshi. Hmm...the name didn't ring a bell. But at least she had a name to put with his face for next time! It was strange having to look down on someone (figuratively and...literally?) because of their height, though when he asked if she was up for a spar, she tilted her head and thought about it for a moment. He wanted to spar out here? She was mildly surprised, but then she nodded. If he wanted to spar, then she'd oblige him. "If you wish to spar, then we will spar." She flashed a grin, glowing purple tongue peeking out from behind her teeth for a millisecond (it still freaked her out) before she stepped back a few paces. She had never fought someone so...tiny before. And she swore she was about to fight a pup, only he wasn't a pup. A yearling probably, maybe even older than that, but it was still weird.

She glanced briefly at the trees as their leaves swirled to the ground and the breeze carried others around the would-be battlers. The leaves beneath her feet crunched and buckled beneath her greater stature. She rolled her shoulders, eyes locked on the minuscule man. She offered a short nod, the only indication that she was ready to begin. The koi woman moved to close the distance (realistically, a couple of strides towards him) and she aimed to simply bat him to the side as if a mother were cuffing their kid for something they had said. It wasn't something intentional, but she really did not know how to fight someone so much smaller than herself.

WC: 1,399/1,500

Sakura vs Hageshi for Spar
Round: 1/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger-like Claws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Thicker Fur - Defensive
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Novice Fighter



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra small
01-04-2023, 03:22 AM
She was up for a spar, and for that he was grateful. Maybe once he got rid of that itch he'd be in a better state of mind, and likely quickly make his way far away from the fjord and the crunching leaves. He wasn't sure if he could stand the sound too much longer without losing his mind. Sakura quickly readied herself, and Hage was too deep in his own mind to notice the flash of purple that was her tongue as he squared his own stance. Not that it mattered, she towered over him and no matter what he did his defense was laughable at best.
The leaves crunched noisily beneath her paws as Sakura rushed at him, and it distracted him just long enough that he wasn't able to fully dodge the swipe she sent his way. His light weight was nothing compared to her strength, even if she was probably being gentle, and he found himself sliding sideways through the carpet of leaves, sending some shooting up into the air in a cloud around him. That pissed him off. Definitely only a small amount.
Hage grumbled under his breath, spitting out a leaf that tried to smother him, before scrabbling to a better position and running straight at Sakura. His brain had gone onto a form of autopilot, all higher thinking gone, and his only aim was to ram his shoulder into one of her front legs to try and unbalance her without getting squashed beneath her if she stumbled and fell.

Word count: 1,655/1,500

Hageshī vs Sakura for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
When Hageshī's speech is in italics it means he's speaking in Japanese