
Hey Brother, There's An Endless Road To Rediscover

Akuma Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
01-04-2023, 02:08 AM

Life has been strange for the young pink pup. Many of the early months of life have been like the tide; ebbing and flowing with meaning. Time seems to go on, whether Enki wishes it too or not. For so long he has been stalled, hidden away within the borders of Ashen while he recuperated from a broken paw. Thoughts turn to his mother and father and all his siblings that are out in world, hiding away from the one who took their pack. As soon as he had landed here, word had been sent to his mother that he is safe and living in Ashen. Thoughts turn to his mother and worries tugs the boy’s lips down.

Yet, despite his worry, he cannot help but marvel at the beauty around him. The crisp autumn air has frozen the dew that collected on the grass during the night. Now, a thin layer of white has formed over the green blades and they crunch as the pup’s paws press into them. Early morning was chosen, by Enki, in hopes that this little meeting will go unnoticed by prying eyes and ears. As he steps further into the land, the boy’s head swivels around and he softly calls out, “Akuma?”

Nervously, he waits half beat before calling out a little louder, “Akuma... you here?” The pup had sent word for his brother to meet him in this place, hoping to enjoy some sibling time that he has been missing. Pink paws carefully pick their way around the pools of clear water and skirt the large willow trees that reach their branches down toward the ground. Autumn has the trees shedding their leaves in preparation for sleep and bright, bold colors litter the area. The crunch of the grass and crackle of dried leaves sends small jolts of excitement zipping through Enki.

As he walks, he looks around, taking in the beauty and serenity of it all while hoping his family is safe and healthy.

WC: 332
Total WC: 332 / 1500

"Enki Klein"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
01-04-2023, 02:43 AM
Things had been...pretty weird for a while. They had lost their pack to someone Akuma wasn't really familiar with. Someone he knew had been a former Habari slave, but that was the extent of his knowledge. If a former slave had managed to beat his mom, then she must've been a pretty good fighter and worth her weight, right? But then what about mom? How as the rest of his family? He couldn't say he particularly cared about his older siblings, after all, he hardly knew them even before Habari had been taken. He worried a bit for his mom, but there wasn't much he could do for her, wherever she was. Eraithus had taken off to go confront the woman that had taken Habari, and he wasn't back yet. So Akuma took the opportunity to explore the willows on his own. The air was cool and crisp with the flavors of autumn, a thin layer of frost had formed on the ground and Akuma stomped on it, peering behind him at the tracks he was leaving behind. He wasn't the tiny pup anymore, but growing bigger by the day. He was lanky, the horn on his head was not so much a weird bump anymore, but a small crystal horn with sharp and jagged edges. His talons too, had grown longer and more deadly, though he still accidentally cut himself from time to time and he often forgot to sheathe them. Even now, the dew and wetness from the frost was making wet autumn leaves stick to his feet and claws, and he found himself constantly shaking his feet to get them off.

He was in the middle of doing just that when he suddenly heard his name. His head shot up as he recognized the voice carried to him by the cool autumn breeze. "Enki?" Was that really his brother? Was his injury better now? He followed his brother's voice and found him pretty quickly. The alabaster and crimson boy wagged his tail at the sight of his favorite brother, bounding towards him with delight but slowed his approach when he got closer, careful not to further aggravate any injuries his brother might still have. "Enki! How's your foot? Are you all better? Are you okay? Have you seen mom?" With Eraithus gone for the time being, he wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be doing or where he should be...but hey, he was at least here now with his brother!

WC: 747/1,500
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c:



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
01-04-2023, 03:11 AM

Hope fills the young pink boy’s chest as a familiar voice is brought to his ears on the chilly autumn breeze. Enki races toward where his brother’s voice orientates from, finding his white and crimson form bounding toward him. When Akuma slows and begins to pepper him with questions, the pink pup merely smiles wider and continues to race toward him. Leaves are sent flying every which way as his small paws scatter them, the delightful crackle that sounds through the air spurring to him to run faster.

In a blur of pink, alabaster, and red, the smaller boy joyfully plows into his bigger brother’s chest, sending them both sprawling through the colorful landscape. Laughter follows Enki as he tumbles, quick to regain his paws. Tail wags furiously as he shouts, “Akuma! Look! It’s all better!” Joy sparkles in his blue eyes as he lifts his once broken paw, flexing it to show there is no lasting damage. Sadness tugs at his mouth as he remembers Akuma question about mom and he gives a sad shake of his head saying, “Not since I… you know.” Again, the paw is indicated, the unspoken guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders.

However, the sadness is quickly banished in the presence of his crystal horned sibling and Enki bounces around, crunching the different hued leaves as he passes. Excitement courses through him and he says, “Akuma! Let’s play! After that… I’ll show you where I am staying!” Truthfully, the pup is far too young to know everything that had happened between his mother and Medusa and, while he is sad that they cannot go home, the pup is enjoying his time with the Ashen wolves. Maybe his brother can stay with him for a bit! The thought has the pup dipping down into a happy play bow as he barks at his sibling to come and get him.

WC: 314
Total WC: 1,061 / 1,500

"Enki Klein"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
01-04-2023, 03:30 AM
He was so happy to see his brother! Enki raced to reach him too and the pair would tumble around in the leaves, sending them flying and others crunching beneath their combined weight. Though eventually Enki stood up and showed him his paw, wiggling it in front of the crimson-striped boy. "Good! That means we can play again!" He exclaimed as his tail wagged as furiously as Enki's. He was a bit saddened to know that Enki hadn't seen mom either, and he briefly wondered where the hell she was or what the hell she was doing. Had mom forgotten about them? The thought didn't linger long before Enki started bouncing around him, autumn leaves crunching beneath his brother's feet as he spoke up again. Akuma cocked his head a bit, eyes sparking with mischief and playfulness as he spun around to face his brother. "Alright!" He barked, tail wagging again as he forgot all about their mom and the family woes. At least for the time being. Right now, it was just him and Enki!

"Since your foot is all better, we can practice fighting! It's been a while huh? We gotta stay sharp in case something tries to eat one of us!" Like those dang coyotes that had tried to get Enki when they were smaller! He dropped in a play bow, tail wagging like a helicopter behind him. "Ready or not!" He yipped before springing at his brother. He was careful to keep his horn away from Enki as he tilted his head slightly upwards, his teeth aiming for his brother's back. He still needed to work on properly sheathing his talons, so in the meantime, he just...didn't use his claws on Enki, and instead, tucked his paw in as he tried to bowl his brother over with his body! As the pair scuffled, leaves stuck to Akuma's paws again, as well as to his fur. The crunchy ones made lots of noise, which somewhat distracted Akuma, but he needed to learn how to fight through distraction, right!?

WC: 1,402

Akuma vs Enki for spar
Round: 1/?
Age: under 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Crystal horn - Offensive
Mutation 2: Talons - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c:



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
01-04-2023, 04:05 AM
The worries of the world fall away as Enki dances around his brother, the moment too joyful to be brought down by… anything. Flashing his white and crimson sibling a huge grin, the pink boy dips down into a play bow as Akuma agrees to play. Oh, wait. They are going to spar? Even better! His brother enters the familiar puppy starting stance (lots of butt, not many defenses) and both of the boys tails wag furiously behind them. Playful growls and high-pitched barks escape the pink pup as he slaps the ground with his two, now completely healthy, front paws.

Akuma yips, shouting at him before springing foward and Enki lets out a sharp bark as he moves to counter. His sibling’s horn has grown since they last saw each other and the pink boy is thankful that he is aware of it and moves to keep it from impaling him. Still, he isn’t going down without a fight! Akuma shifts behind, aiming to bite his back and he raises, pushing his back up toward his brother in an attempt to throw him off balance. Leaves fly as his brother’s paw deftly sweeps his front legs out from under him and the pink pup laughs joyful.

As he falls, Enki swiftly twists his upper body, hoping to wrap his forelegs around Akuma’s neck and pull him down as well. At the same time, he strikes out with his teeth in an attempt to nibble roughly on any part of his brother he can find. Laughter fills the air as Enki ecstatically spars with his brother.

WC: 266
Total WC: 1,668

Enki vs Akuma for Spar
Round 1/1
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Navigator

"Enki Klein"

The Judge


01-14-2023, 04:21 PM

And the winner is...


AKUMA must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



Attack Roll: 54
Defense Roll: 63
Agility Roll: 21
Perception Roll: 67
Total: 205
Attack[54] + 25% Bonus[13.50]: 67.50
Defense[63] + 5% Bonus[3.15]: 66.15
Agility[21] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 21.00
Perception[67] + 15% Bonus[10.05]: 77.05
Total[231.70] + -15% Bonus[-34.76]: 196.94


Attack Roll: 6
Defense Roll: 75
Agility Roll: 96
Perception Roll: 18
Total: 195
Attack[6] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 6.00
Defense[75] + 5% Bonus[3.75]: 78.75
Agility[96] + 20% Bonus[19.20]: 115.20
Perception[18] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 18.00
Total[217.95] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 217.95