
"She was screaming, so I killed her"


10-18-2013, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 12:06 AM by Dexter.)

Everything around him was white, bright and cold the male trekked slowly through the frozen lands with ease. He was born and raised in snow, frozen winds and biting sunsets were what he remembered, the blood red skies cried their agony over innocent powder. Here it was different though, that sense of welcome wasn't here, the peace he found in his childhood tundra was absent as the wind slapped him in the face, the sharp nails of mother nature digging in and dragging themselves against his face, the wind wiggling its way under his long thick fur.

A chill raced down his spine as he continued to pad slowly through the white, baby blue eyes slicing through the snow that fell, the only thing visible on the male was his black spots and the bold stripe that show down his spine. His head was throbbing, since he had parted ways from that strange peppy girl the agony in his skull was unbearable, he had to make it stop. Daggers on chalkboards he grit his teeth and squinted his eyes as he moved on.

He could make it stop, knew how to, but it was dangerous, new lands, strange wolves with new tactics, and terrain that was foreign to his paws. But he had to make it stop... Silently snarling he dipped his massive head to the ground, walking with a terrifying grimace on his maw, as he laid eyes upon the geyser, he felt like he might loose control. The pulsating heat giving off waves of near madness to the usually numb male.

It would happen. Tonight.


10-18-2013, 06:02 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

The north, it was where the beast stood, and where she would always stand for the rest of time. If only she could say, that she ruled the place, well she did in her own way, but her position in Amenti was less than a queen. Her ambitions ever growing, as was her lust for the empress Canttina. Oh, how the lady wooed her, how she was so beautiful. Ryu could still taste the blood of the small male under her gums, he had called her names, so she had tore him to pieces. She nearly rolled her eyes to the back of her head, letting a small moan out just thinking about it. Blood and death was an amazing thing, she was fascinated with it, and right in front of her near the geyser was an even more interesting little faction of nature.
Her deep blue eyes looked over him, as her smile spread even wider than it already was. He was, beautiful, a trophy that she could own no? Something of the sort, as was her killer instincts tugging at her heart. She wanted him, she wanted to HURT him, and make him feel pain. She opened her mouth in a large giggling fit, hunched over the larger female couldn't contain the evil laughter that filled her lungs. "It seems a bastard has come upon the northern domain of the beast!" Ryu yelled at him, saliva dragging off her teeth and gums dropping on the floor. What a devious sight to see, as she tilted her head she gave a small chuckle. "Let's see who is stronger, Ryouta or the bastard!" She stated, pulling her legs evenly apart as she glared at him.
Ryouta would let him have the first attack, maybe that would nice of her no? Her head shifted to spine level as her mouth shut and her smirk curled in a devious way. Her flume was level with her spine, making sure her weight was distributed evenly on all sides. Her massive size would be used to her advantage, Ryu wouldn't be going down so easily if he was a skilled fighter. The demons eyes narrowed; her shoulders were tucked inward, making it so that her scruff would tighten around her neck, protecting all vital spots. Her head slightly lowered, and her ears pinned to the back of her head. She was definitely ready for a fight, her blue eyes locked onto the male in front of her, scanning and watching over her enemies movements.
0/3 For Dominance
Attacks:; N/A

Defense:; Head at spine level and slightly lowered, weight distributed through all four legs. Her eyes are narrowed, and ears pinned to the back of her head. Flume level with spine for balance, shoulders tucked in and scruff scrunched up to protect vital spots. Eyes locked on Dexter for any of his moves he will make.

Injuries:; N/A



10-18-2013, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 07:41 PM by Dexter.)

He had noticed the pungent scent of femme as he stared at the gushing fountain of boiling water, he was going to ignore this one, only attacking women when he had reason, when she approached him. Her coat was a mixture of jet black on top, her underside silver as the moonlight glinted off the silver that poked out from underneath her, as the moon shone brightly on the two hell beast's he snarled as her bright blue eyes locked onto him, his own baby blues locking back on her's as a challenge was issued.

For a woman she had an impressive amount of muscle mass, rivaling his own as he pulled his large body up tall. She was taller, but probably not any stronger then himself. There was a scar on her face, a ripped piece of flesh from a time before, curving up sharply into a morbid branding of a smile. The look on her face emitting a fit of giggles, mad in their fits, the saliva dripped off her canines as she spoke, words of attempted insult and egging him on, trying to fuel anger inside.

Dexter felt no emotions, his insides filled with nothing but the ripping need to sate the pounding in his head. She called him bastard, saying he came upon the 'Northern domain of the beast', he himself mad and crazed let out a loud snarl, a near roar, as he responded. I have a name, tremble in it's wake... A deep gutteral growl as saliva dripped from his own parted jowls, snapping at her in warning.

This is not your domain Curr... If it was... I would have smelled your rotting ass from a mile away... As he drew himself up taller he bristled his fur and snarled at her once more, daggers flashing sharply under the dark glint of the lunar goddess. I am Dexter, Whelp... It would be good to remember the name of your victor... He smirked at her cockily as he lowered his head just slightly at her, his own body at dangerous alert, refusing to make the first move he stood his ground. Only fool's attacked first.


10-18-2013, 08:13 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Oh he was playing her game,and she loved it. There was nothing that could offend the lady, she was naturally aggressive anyway and now he was being nice enough to let her attack first. Ryouta was happy, if anything, as her hackles raised her teeth barred. The fight would be one thing she would enjoy, blood, flesh, the whole lot of it. The beast was viscous and as her last name stood, she was a king, king of men and women all alike. Ryu's ears pulled back and kept themselves there to protect them from any tugging. Her back paws pressed against the snow behind her as she pushed herself forward, using the momentum of her force to try and slam into the male her entire weight focusing to the front of her. Her eyes focused on his head, reading him as well as she could if she could. Ryu's head was located to the left side of him, as she brought her head down and jaws splayed open in an attempt to latch onto his face just under the eye, twisting slightly to the right to try and give her a better aim. If she were to succeed she would not latch on but try to take his flesh away from him. Her front paws firmly planted on the ground, she tried to push down and forward onto him, using her body weight to her advantage.
Her toes splayed apart, as her flume set out to keep her balance at that. Ryu attempted to shake her head left and right if her attack were to succeed. Back legs tightening with muscle so that she would not be pressed back. The lady narrowed her eyes and let out a menacing chuckle with the fun that she was having already. Shoulders rolled inwards, and her scruff scrunched into a bundle to protect her vitals. She wanted to put the pressure all over him. Distributing her weight forward, but still keeping her balance with her center of gravity on high hopes.
1/3 For dominance
Attack:; Ryu has pushed herself forward into the male. To his left side her head focuses on his cheek just below the eye. Her head tilting towards the right she attempts to strike him and shake her head to tear off flesh quickly, not to latch on. Her weight is pressing onto him as she tries to give herself the upper paw.

Defense:; Hackles are raised and eyes narrowed. Toes are splayed and center of gravity in her stomach. Her flume is level with spine and shoulders rolled inward. Scruff scrunched up to provide protection towards her vitals.

Injuries:; N/A



10-18-2013, 10:06 PM

They had gotten the pleasantries out of the way and now the time for games was done. He had refused to move, knowing better then to run blind into anything, a seasoned fighter, the De'Caesar calculated each ripple through her thick body, when he saw her tense, he knew she had taken the bait. Her teeth were bared and her hackles raised as she raced forward, she thought she was this big bad. That was amusing.

As she lunged forward he flung himself slightly to the side, barely missing him with her weight, though he wasn't as lucky with her bite. Though he missed the majority of the snap, he did catch the ends of her teeth and she pulled a good mouthful of long white hair from his face, he winced at the minor sting and then his brain seemed to roar with a massive wave of agony. He was used to this by now so he was able to stifle the snarl, but instead of taking the white light and turning it into nothing, he used it to fuel his desire to bleed her.

All her violent shaking did was rip the hair from his face, which actually made the pain easier to take since it was all at once instead of bit by bit. Looking like a bear stocking up for hibernating the thick woman rolled her scruff up, trying to protect to important viddles inside, like a tactician and artist like himself would waste the energy aiming for such a difficult spot? She glared at him as she stood, planted into the frozen ground with her hackles raised. He raised himself to his fullest height, proud and dangerous the ash dusted male smiled at her, the bright light above them glinting dangerously from the corner of his eye, locked onto her own lakes in defiance.

Being smaller then she was there was a good chance he was faster then she, now granted she did have the advantage of more muscle, but with more weight and muscle came slower speed. Dexter was agile on his feet, he had to be, he had to be quick and quiet, his father raised him to be an assassin, and a damned good one he was. He snarled as he pushed himself forward, his long legs carrying him quickly towards the femme, the entirety of his weight behind his charge as he came barreling at her. He snarled at her again as sharpened daggers snapped at her as he aimed to crash, he knew he wouldn't knock her over but a tremor was enough for him to aim those snapping jowls at the upper part of her front leg.


10-18-2013, 10:39 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Oh the lucky little bastard had escaped her grasp, because of a mere speed difference. It amazed her, it excited her as she felt herself fall further into bliss. She was pissed that she didn't get to taste blood, but the fur and pain was good enough for her. He pulled himself away too before charging at her like a blind fool. Aiming for her left upper foreleg the lady laughed tilting her weight to the right side. Her hackles raised with the tension. His teeth inched into her shoulder, about a half inch deep as she only growled with pleasure. Blood escaped her skin, oh so wonderfully as she still kept her eyes locked on her opponent. She made sure her weight supported her right side so that his slamming didn't do much damage her hackles raised. Digging her nails and paws into the snow she attempted to move herself away from him turning to his left side. More fur ripping off of her left side.
Ryu pulled herself up on her hind legs and then attempted to slam herself into the man. Her jaws came snapping down aiming for the left side of his neck right near his shoulder. If she were to succeed she would want to push all the pressure she could to cause pain or for him to pass out. Her tail kept as spine level to keep her balance, weight shifting towards the male. Her toes splayed, and eyes narrowed, still with her ears pinned to the back of her skull. The growling monster pushed herself on the male, or at least tried to, in an attempt to pressure him or likely get him on the ground. Her head tilted to the right, if she were to get a hold on where she wished, she would pull down to try to get him under him. Her shoulders rolled inward to help with neck protection, and balance.

2/3 For Dominance
Attack:; Ryu is trying to press down on Dexter. Her teeth aiming for a hold on the exposed left side of his neck to try and suffocate or cause more pain. While doing so she is trying to pull him down to push him under him.

Defense:; Hackles are raised, and ears are pinned against his ears. Her weight is on her left side and center of gravity is pressing down. Toes splayed and digging into the snow for better traction. Gave up on scrunching her scruff, but still has her shoulders rolled inward.

Injuries:; Half inch teeth bite wound on left shoulder, slight irritation from fur ripping off.



10-21-2013, 12:05 AM

Sorry for the delay and teh suck of the post x.x

His fangs had met their mark and slid easily a half-inch into her shoulder. The blood that leaked into his mouth set fire to the flame, the dangerous look in his eyes was replaced with a fury of madness and lack of remorse. She shifted towards the right, making his charge of little effect, though as she moved he closed jowls and took with him a chunk of fur from her left side. He stepped back momentarily to spit out the blood covered tendrils as he snarled at her once more.

Rearing up on her hind legs she aimed to squash him, he could see her intent on pancakes for breakfast and decided being flattened was not on the menu tonight. As she came down he slipped to the side slightly, aiming clacks of his jaws at her face as she lowered to the ground, she was almost certain she would grab onto him a little, but he was thinking there was a good chance for him to grab her as well. Ahhhh the game of chance.



10-21-2013, 08:04 AM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Ryouta was certain, that this man was a fool, her form strong as he again evaded her attack. But, it was no matter, her teeth were ready for more blood anyway. As Dexter came towards her right side of her face, his jaws scratched onto her cheek, now parallel towards him. She let him, and pushed her weight forward. The woman lifted both her paws off of the ground, in an attempt to grab him around the shoulders with their closed distance. The pain in her shoulder only fueling her rage feeling the rip of fur off of her right cheek. Her jaws splayed open to try and grab him on the back of his neck, if she could she would try to pummel him downwards. Using all of her devices to her advantage, and yet it almost seemed like he hadn't even been scratched.
The monster tightened her stomach muscles, giving up her shoulder defense in order to try and get a hold on his body. Tail flailing behind her to keep her balance as her back legs dug into the ground, eyes locked on his skin as well as narrowed. Her jaws splayed open and head lowered to get towards her target, to try and protect her face from any further damage. With back toes splayed, the insane woman crackled with anger wanting him to fall. Ryu's hackles were still raised, fur bristling with the heat.
3/3 For Dominance
Attack:; Failing to get a hold on Dexter, she has tried to pull both her paws onto his shoulders. Her jaws splayed to get a hold on his back, or the back of his neck due to their enclosed position and trying to get him to submit underneath her.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, ears pinned to the back of her head. Back toes splayed and tail keeping level for balance. Her head slightly lowered for attack and stomach muscles also tightened. Hackles raised.

Injuries:; Half inch injury on left shoulder with ripped fur bleeding but not too serious. Scratching and tearing of fur on her right cheek near scar, irritation and small lacerations.

ooc:; sorry for this post sucking, it's like in the morning and I woke up at 4 30 xD. It was a good fight middy, I will be anticipating the results after your last post ^w^. I'm glad to have a bit of practice with Ryu.



10-22-2013, 09:54 PM

Dexter grazed her cheek and the blood set him into a frenzy, the tangy goodness as just so wonderful. He felt her tense and then her front paws were upon him, snarling the male quickly lashed his head from side to side, snapping at her paws, hoping to land a bite to back her up off of him. As she tried to sink into his back he violently wriggled his large body, attempting to shake her off, his jowls still snapping at her. He would loose an eye before submitting to this stinky woman before him, hoping to land a hit on her and take what he wanted from her. Her blood.


The Judge


10-25-2013, 09:52 AM

Dexter vs Ryouta for Dominance

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Pinned ears, toes spread, tail out for balance, tightened muscles in her back legs for stability, narrowed eyes, shoulders pulled in and scruff scrunched, weight distributed evenly

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Pushed forward to slam her weight into Dexter, also aiming a bite at his face and twisting to get better aim, shaking her head if her bite lands

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round. No injuries.

Round one Ryouta Total: 44 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

Fairly clear. Should have stated specifically which leg he was snapping at.


No powerplay found.

DEFENSES: 0 / 10

Found none.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Two part attack, charging into her and snapping at her front leg.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Fur torn from the left side of his face.

Round one Dexter Total: 33 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No powerplay found.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Hackles raised, tail level with spine, toes spread, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled in, weight shifted for balance.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Lifting up on her hind legs and attempting to slam into him, snapping at the left side of his neck near his shoulder, if her bite lands she will push down on him to cause pain and push him to the ground

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bite to the left shoulder, some fur ripped away

Round two Ryouta Total: 42 / 50


CLARITY: 7 / 10

Had a few issues here. You needed to acknowledge all of her attacks. If you leave it up in the air the other person can bite all they want on your character and not have powerplay points taken. It also makes it very hard to determine what your character is doing when you don?t give any directional words.


No powerplay found.

DEFENSES: 0 / 10

Again, no defenses found.

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Single move, biting at her face.

INJURIES: 5? / 10

You didn?t acknowledge her bites so I could not give accurate injury points.

Round two Dexter Total: 24 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clear post.

No powerplay found.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Tightened stomach muscles, tail out for balance, eyes narrowed, back toes spread for stability, hackles raised. Make sure all your defenses listed are in your post!

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Pulling both paws onto his shoulders, jaws open to aim for his back or the back of his neck, trying to get him to fall.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Scratches and torn fur from her right cheek

Round three Ryouta Total: 39 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Pretty clear. But, as a side note, posts are supposed to be at least 150 words long. Please keep this in mind in the future :3

No powerplay found.

DEFENSES: 0 / 10

Aaaand none listed again.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Snapping at her paws, wiggling to try and shake her off.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

No new injuries

Round three Dexter Total: 34 / 50


Ryouta: 125 / 150

Dexter: 91 / 150

And the winner is...

Ryouta! Dexter must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Ryouta - Shallow bite to her shoulder and scratches on her cheek, some fur torn off.

Dexter- Fur torn from his cheek

Sei ? Very good job. I really enjoyed reading your posts. My only notes for you would be to make sure all of the defenses you want to list are actually in your post somewhere and to try getting creative with your attacks. You had good attacks, but they were pretty standard for the most part. I like giving extra points for creativity ;)

Middy ? Defenses, defenses, defenses! They are a huge part of your score so please incorporate some. Also, you are allowed ONE full dodge per fight. Please make sure you?re being realistic and acknowledging all of your opponent?s moves. And I know it is not mandatory, but listing your attacks, defenses and injuries at the end of each post is really helpful to the judges. You DO need to at least list the round number at the end though just for clarity. And please put ?ooc:? beside any notes that aren?t part of your post. (Had a really good laugh at the pancakes line though ;) )

- Shelby


10-25-2013, 12:44 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Ryouta laughed, smiling even wider as she let go of the male. Arising the victor a deep growl erupted from her throat. Her fur still bristling around her injured form. Despite his attempts to avoid all of her attacks, as usual the beast would fight with no sense of mercy for her enemy. Her crystal blue eyes looking at him with insanity, what would he do next that was up to him. "If you ever come around Amenti boy I will make a quick meal of you." She hissed narrowing her eyes towards him. Happily though she would leave him there, she had gotten what she had wanted, she had proven to be the stronger lady. Her soreness would be nothing, as she began to walk off in the other direction back towards her home.
She was proud to be a member of Amenti, and proud to be strong enough to hold her own against a man like that out. Her anger for the male race was deep though sometimes she was slightly tolerant. Maybe that was why she fit so well in Amenti. Either way her obsessions would continue, there was no hope for a brain like hers. That was for sure.

-exit Ryu-
