
Polar Bears Are Just White Bears

Fia Predator Fight



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-04-2023, 05:04 PM

The crisp autumn air is quickly growing colder with each passing day and the chill is lasting longer into the day. It does not deter the young Mendacium up from leaving the den early each morning to go and explore the boundaries of his home. The rock-strewn place that the island’s land bridge deposits him onto is a big point of interest for the boy especially since his last trip out here ended with a fight against a tiger. Paws silently pad across the grass, turquoise eyes scanning for any threats that he can deter.

Ears swivel as Malico strains to listen for anything out of place and his nose constantly pulls in short gusts of air as he continuously scents for predators. Luckily, he does not have to wait too long for an unknown smell to reach his nostrils and a wicked grin flashes across his features. Swiftly, he pushes off, racing quietly through the landscape as he closes the gap between him and the beast.

A huge white creature soon comes into view and he softly growls at the lumbering beast’s back. Maybe it doesn’t hear him or, perhaps, it just doesn’t think a small pup can do much damage to it. Without stopping, Mal races up behind the creature and unsheathes his hidden claws. The obsidian daggers flash through the air, snagging the great polar bear’s back left heel and ripping several gashes into the pristine white pelt. A roar splits the peaceful morning air as the beast swings around, aiming a giant paw toward the pup’s small body.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
01-11-2023, 08:32 PM

Fia was still in her... usual young lazy days. She had her training responsibilities from time to time, but Elysium wasn't itching for more warriors to put at the borders for patrols so she had always had life handed to her in a way. Certainly spoiled. Even she knew that, she wouldn't argue. She wanted to do better for her family and her pack, but she also took all opportunity to have her time to do whatever she wanted to do. That being nothing really worth noting. Walks were usual, lounging on the mountain's stone surface under the sun's rays. Harder these days as the winter slowly came over the island. Today she was on one of those strolls, of course she didn't try to take the same path everyday.

The sound of the commotion immediately caught her attention and she went on high alert. She didn't have much experience with predators herself but she knew them being on the island wasn't a normal situation. It sounded like the bear was in pain and she made the assumption that someone was there fighting it already. She could have just shrugged her shoulders and let them handle it but that wouldn't be very team player she supposed. She made a slow haste and she was more than taken aback by none other than her young brother slicing into the giant beast. Was he fucking stupid or something? Funny enough, she'd be in just the same shoes as their older brother when it came to her one time. She leaped forward to the scene, jumping up over Malico and latching her jaws onto the bear's snout. Without a word, maybe she'd have something to say to him afterwards.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-19-2023, 10:07 PM

While Malico is not stupid, he is extremely bored. Being stashed away on the island grows old quickly for the young pup and the boy often tries to find ways to get his pent-up energy out. Now, attacking a polar bear is, probably, a horrible life choice but, right now, the purple boy doesn’t care. He enjoys the way the adrenaline floods his system as the creature turns toward him and swings its large, clawed paw his way. At least he is short and the boy easily ducks underneath the incoming attack before springing backward and growling.

Excitement plays along his nerves, making his whole body feel as if it is a live wire. Details sharpen as hormone hits his blood stream, making everything bright and vivid. Small muscles tremble with the heady high of power that comes with the fight and he laughs loudly at that confused bear’s look. Suddenly, a crimson dart sails over his head, aiming right for his polar bear and attacks its face. A scowl tugs his features down and his eyes darken as he thinks that his big sister is trying to steal his thunder.

Snarling as threatening as a young, small, defenseless pup can, Mal lunges forward, not wanting to be out down by his fire-kissed sister. Teeth latch onto a front paw and he thrashes, slapping the leg with his paws while attempting to make his obsidian claws reappear and deal damage. Fia may think he is stupid but the truth is far worse than that. Malico is an adrenaline junky.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
01-19-2023, 10:26 PM

She wouldn't expect her young brother to back down as she flew in, it simply wasn't a part of their nature and she knew that. But my god what an idiot she thought. He didn't even call for anyone! She couldn't just stand by idly knowing her brother's fate even though she may have considered the option. Ironic.

He still went for a bite at the polar bear's paws, she flipped in the air as she had latched onto the bear's face and let go onto the other side finding her footing under her and ready to strike again. She wasn't very certain they could take the bear down themselves, or more like herself. And she wasn't very experienced in this. But she had the 'resources' to at least get the bear to run off. While her brother played around at it's feet, Fia jumped back up with sharp claws and easily slicing into the beast's eye, ripping it out and causing it to go into sheer panic. That was surely enough to get it out of here, maybe bleed out. She didn't really care. Malico may have kept up the chase for a while, she wouldn't have put it past him. She swatted her paw from the plentiful amount of blood left behind, that didn't bother her. What bothered her was the eye. She cringed a bit, kicking it forward with a little paw butt before she pulled her ears back and went after her brother whether he was there next to her or down the way. Going to nearly slam a single paw down on his shoulder considering she was much bigger than him. She didn't say anything at first, just leered down at him with a small bit of fury behind her dark eyes. Not necessarily directed at him, but certainly about him, she softly shouted, "What a fucking idiot." Maybe enough for him to hear, she knew he couldn't hear well at least. It had been done so whatever. She'd release him and turn away before huffing as if irritated.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-19-2023, 10:55 PM

Blood, hot and red arches through the air as his sister deals damage to the polar bear. Malico silently reveals in the carnage, enjoying the roar of panic as she removes an eye from the bear. Releasing his hold, the pup backs up, growling loudly to encourage the angry beast to run. Confusion and terror clouds the bear’s one good eye and, with that, turns tail to run. Short legs pump as Mal ‘escorts’ the creature to the border, stopping at the invisible boundary to pace and snarl in irritation. He wanted to draw the blood, to deal the damage and cause the fear that his bigger sister had.

Frustrated and coming down from the adrenaline high, Malico turns back to where his sister is. Only… she isn’t there anymore. Fia’s angry, crimson form is now directly in front of him and she slams one of her large paws, none to gently, down onto his shoulder. Small body flattens as his sister effectively pins him and Mal is forced to turn his turquoise gaze up to her seething black eyes. Lips pull back, revealing his teeth as the pup growls indignantly, pissed that she has him trapped.

While he does not hear her words, the boy can certainly see them. Reading lips is sort of his thing and the words that roll past her’s are laced with venom. A cruel, twisted smile appears as his eyes dance with rage, daring her to test him. Yeah, he is small and will get his ass kicked but Malico will make her pay. Maybe not today or even this year but she will pay. Sneering at her, he spits back, “At least I’m not afraid to be away from the island.” Eyes harden with contempt as he goads her on, testing the limits to her temper.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
03-05-2023, 10:59 AM

Fia is hardly bothered by her younger brother's words. They mean nothing to her, at least from his own young, inexperienced mouth. She may not have had the spunky attitude of a young pup while she was growing up, but she knew better than to let the things he would say go to her heart. She didn't hate him, but he was sure stupid to do what he did. Her and Sara did have a similar mindset. She couldn't have left Malico to die being who he was. And she hoped that maybe one day in a year or so from now that they could get along just as she and Sara could. She wouldn't show that in her actions today though.

She shook her head, rolling her eyes to his incompetence. "Be fucking reasonable next time." She'd turn around to look at him, shaking her head again to that look on his face. Her temper was easy to keep low and level actually. If she had been their older brother however, who would have known. "Now get back to the island. Or mom and dad will hear about this." The worst he'd get was a little chat about what he needed to do the next time he came across a predator. Call for help, maybe wait for them to arrive. That wasn't her problem though. She'd try to see he made his way towards the island, and then after that she'd be on her way to do anything else but be with him.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.