
Work time is play time

Hallow's Activity Check

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
01-20-2023, 11:16 PM

There was to be a festival up and coming, and of course Memento Mori wanted to do her part to prepare for it. It was a good chance to show off her creativity, and the she-wolf had a couple half finished projects laid out in the grasses on one side of the castle. Rein and Jacques were sitting with her, enjoying the warmer temperatures, as Meme fiddled with some wood carvings. It was slow going, since paws such as hers didn’t make for delicate work, but it was important she try to round the wood out as evenly as possible. The idea was a tossing game, where wolves would toss the curved half-ring of wood towards a stake in the ground. The ones who got the most around the stake would be the winner!

She had made a couple of them so far, and they were looking good. She also had some hide and wool to make toys for the youngest to play with, and had even been working on making a sturdy “rope” out of the scraps of hide she’d gathered for a tug of war. Her pale gaze was shining with delight as she worked, eager to get things ready in time for the bonfire festival. With her new title, she had been devoting more and more time to her crafting endeavors, and Rein had even commented on her holding more light than usual.

This had been the sort of life she needed all along.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
01-31-2023, 06:11 PM

Emile was aware that his cousin had come to the Hallows, though maybe not recently anymore. But he'd hardly spoken much to her, not that that was surprising he hardly spoke to anyone, family or no. But things were bustling around the castle, and it was hard to ignore. Even though as far as Emile was concerned things were always busy. Still, he knew he had to at least try to participate from time to time. He saw his cousin from the balcony and while he didn't really know her the idea of having to spend time with someone who was, even more, a stranger was simply too much for him to consider, so his cousin it was.

Emile had long ago mastered moving fast enough that few enough wolves would stop him but not so fast that it would draw attention and he quickly scurried his way over to the maned woman. She appeared to be making... Well something though Emile had no clue what. He tipped his head to the side, as he always did, attempting to hide or minimize the ring of scars around his eye. "Wwwwwwwwhat're you doing?" He asked softly as he got close enough to be heard. His posture was the usual one, submissive and looking very much like he would bolt at the slightest sign of danger, or not danger, really he looked like if you looked at him wrong he might flee.


Art by Nyssa
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
02-19-2023, 04:43 AM

As Memento chipped away at her task she had to wonder how effective the game would be. While she was doing her best to make the rings as even as she could there was only so much whittling that could be done with fangs and dagger to make it nice. There was also the concern that well, wolves weren’t really meant to throw things. Sure they could hold some objects, but there were things that they weren’t really good at or even capable of. She frowned down at the ring she had been working on. Would the game be too hard to be a viable one? Would anyone even really care to try the ring toss? Hmm… She furrowed her brow thoughtfully, unaware of the approach of her cousin until a soft hum from Rein caught her attention and she looked up.

He had approached quickly, so quickly that even with Rein announcing him her cousin had approached and was still before she took notice. Meme offered him a gentle smile. She hadn’t gotten the opportunity to speak with Emile very much at all and she had wondered if maybe she had done something to upset him. But no, after seeing how the man was almost constantly in a submissive posture, ready to bolt and get away if you so much as breathed in his direction wrong, she realized that she hadn’t done anything. Her pale gaze was sympathetic, but welcoming as she looked at him. He was family, and for as long as he wished to be near her, she would be thankful for his presence.

“I’ve been working on coming up with some games and toys for the festival. I’ve been working on these rings for a tossing game but… well…” She gave him a sheepish look. “I’m only just now realizing that swinging our heads like that doesn’t really allow for much precision. Still, it might be fun to try anyway. If everyone struggles with it, it will make winning a game feel a little more fulfilling or something.” Meme shifts a little, motioning slowly toward the ground. “You are welcome to join me, if you want. I’ve got plenty of wood for more rings, or hide to make into long strips. I’m thinking of turning them into a rope or something…” Hopefully he wouldn’t become overwhelmed by her talking about her projects and take off. She really did want the chance to talk with him.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.