Squiggles, Squiggles, Everywhere [Tor]
01-22-2023, 10:46 AM
Come down, come down sweet reverence
Jynn nestled down in the briar, the hide book pressed flat between her paws as she tried to decipher the strange symbols Stalwart had written. She'd never learned a written language of any kind, but she had used symbols before to mark trails and make maps and some of the symbols seemed like what she'd used. Now, was that for sure what they meant? She had no idea. Still, they had to start somewhere. Kala and Sævor were off courting each other leaving just her and Tahmores to peer over the map.
"This could be a waterfall." Jynn tapped at a a vertical series of squiggle marks with her claws. Tahmores squinted then reached out and turned the hide piece. "Or a river?"