
Sister, Sister




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-26-2023, 12:28 AM

Upon returning to Elysium, Scylla had spent time with Albion. She'd spent time with Cerberus. She had yet to spend time with Rusalka, however. Intent on rectifying that situation, she invited her younger sister out for a friendly walk around the lake. Or over the lake. With winters chill biting the land, the water had frozen, its crystal clear depths looking like glass. The sun above glinted merrily and its rays soaked into Scylla's dark pelt, warming her. Scylla stepped out onto the ice, testing its sturdiness. She gave a hard press of her paw and when she saw no bubbles or cracks, the small fae stepped her entire weight onto the ice.

Scylla didn't know Ruse terribly well, having been in Elysium and then roaming for a good deal of their childhood. That didn't mean that she didn't care for her sister, she simply didn't have the level of care that she held for Cerberus and Albion. Perhaps they would change that after spending more time together. That was her intent, anyway.

The ice proved to be quite thick and didn't give in the slightest as the pair of fae's moved across. "So how has Elysium been for you, Ruse?" Just small talk at first. She would allow the conversation to naturally flow and wouldn't force anything. This was just a fun time between ladies. Hopefully they would fall into a groove and find their flow. Hopefully Scylla's awkwardness wouldn't get in the way of that.

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-27-2023, 12:01 AM

Ruse had been pleasantly surprised by her sister's insistence that they go out and spend the day together. They had never really spent much time together before now, but Ruse was happy to get to catch up for lost time now. She had admittedly been a little bitter when Scylla returned and she and Albion and moved into the den she had been sharing with Cerberus, but that had passed quickly once she grew used to the extra company and hadn't been stopped from cuddling with Cerberus at night. It certainly wasn't because she didn't love all of her siblings, she just had been fairly detached from them growing up. Albion and Scylla felt like they had kept mostly to themselves and her younger siblings from Aliana had been just a bit too young for her to really connect with much. Cerberus was the only one she had connected with much, but it was high time for that to change. Now that they were living in Elysium together there was plenty of time for her to get to know them.

She walked out to the nearby lake with Scylla and watched as her sister tested the ice before beginning to walk out across the surface of it, following her lead and falling into step beside her once Scylla seemed to deem it safe to walk on. She was still getting used to living in a place that got cold enough to freeze water this solid. Sometimes she missed the tropical island that Fenmyre had occupied and that had been her home for the whole first half of her life, but she couldn't get over all of these new sights and experiences she got to have here in the northern part of Boreas. The ice glittered lightly under the sunlight and everything was so quiet and peaceful here with even the sounds of the water and the usual bugs chased away by the cold. She turned her two-toned gaze over to Scylla as her sister asked how Elysium had been for her, allowing her attention to be pulled away from their surroundings.

"It's been good," she replied easily, a smile lingering on her lips. "It's been... different, but good." She looked back out over the frozen lake as she added, "Admittedly I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if it wasn't for Cerberus, but I still think I've learned a lot and experienced a lot more than I would have back home." Was the island in Auster still home to her? She supposed it was, at least for now. Maybe eventually her mind would make the switch, but Elysium still felt a bit like somewhere she was visiting for now. She didn't know what would make the difference for her other than just the amount of time she spent here.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-03-2023, 02:59 PM

Their steps had to be careful so that they didn't slip and faceplant. Scylla continued to look at the icy ground as she moved, enjoying the fact that the ice was so crystal clear that they could see straight down into the water below them. How thick was the ice, she wondered? Thick enough for sure. Thick enough to hold them both, at least, not that she weighed much. Nor did Ruse, for that matter. Both Kleins were nice and healthy and the ice wouldn't complain.

Blue and cream ears perked as Ruse spoke of Elysium as being different but good an that brought a little grin to Scylla's face. She was glad that her younger sister had both Cerberus and Albion to lean on during the tumultuous time that they'd all been forced into. "I'm glad," she admitted aloud. "Dad wanted me to tell you that he missed you." Scylla didn't feel any sort of way about it. She knew that Ruse was the favorite due to her disposition. Scylla never tried to please anyone but herself and was a complete realist about the situation. "He should be coming back from the south soon."

The conversation turned to Cerberus and Scylla thought she caught a little shift in Ruse's speech as she said their brother's name. The pale brow above the woman's blue eye lifted and her grin grew. "He's pretty perfect, isn't he? Our Cerberus." The smaller Klein had noticed how close the two seemed. Had they slept together as well? Had he told Ruse that he'd slept with Scylla? Well, she wouldn't bring it up unless her sister did.

Out over the water they went and soon had picked their way to the other side. Once their paws were on snow covered earth again, Scylla turned to her sister. "I know we weren't close when we were younger, Ruse, but I want to rectify that. Family is one of the most important things to me, especially after seeing dad so sick and all of us splintering off." She fixed her sister with a smile. "I want us to be as close as I am to Cerberus and Albion. What do you think?"

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-05-2023, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 06:47 PM by Rusalka. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Scylla shared the short message from their father, Ruse's smile grew and her tail wagged happily behind her, feeling relief and happiness that was slightly mixed with a sadness and longing as she thought about Chimera and heard how he missed her. It had been almost a year since she had seen her father so it was a relief to hear from him again in a way, but also sad since she wasn't hearing it directly from him just yet. It was just good to know that he was doing better and she nodded as Scylla assured her that he should be returning from the south soon. "I'm glad. I've missed him too."

After she mentioned Cerberus and the part he played in making her time here in Elysium enjoyable, Scylla seemed to pick up on that specifically, showing a notable interest as she mentioned how perfect their brother was. Her pale cheeks flushed a bit even though she wasn't sure why and a little grin tugged at her hips as she thought about him. "Yeah, he's pretty great." She obviously wasn't shy about how much she liked Cerberus, especially not when she continued to cuddle with him at night after Scylla and Albion moved in, but it was the first time she had really said anything about it out loud.

As they finished crossing the frozen lake and ended up on the opposite shore, she stopped up onto the snow covered ground, picking her way over some dead cattails and spiky pebbles on the rocky shore. Once she was on a firm spot, she looked up to Scylla just as her sister turned to face her. She didn't want to say she was surprised by Scylla's desire to grow closer to her, but she had never felt like her siblings really wanted that kind of closer relationship besides Cerberus. She had never held it against any of them and had always chalked it up to the fact that she had been the only child of her mother and had spent most of her childhood either sticking to herself or spending time with her parents. Still, hearing Scylla say how much she wanted to build their relationship made her smile and a warmth fill her chest. "I'd love that," she agreed easily, grinning as her tail wagged gently behind her.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2023, 01:21 AM

Ruse confirmed that Cerberus was indeed great and Scylla continued to smile. It was obvious by the way that they cuddled at night that the two were close. She didn't mind at all that the pair might be shacking up. Hell, she might even be a little disappointed if they weren't, but Ruse was quite a bit more... pure than Scylla was. Maybe that was why she was their father's favorite. Ruse was sweet and kind and Scylla... well she just wasn't. She wasn't a horrible daughter, she just wasn't the kind that tried to please.

Once on the shore and her desire to get closer with her sister delivered verbally, Ruse seemed a little surprised, but eager at growing closer. The blue fae grinned at the response, her own long tail swishing slowly across the snowy ground. It might be nice to have a sister, she surmised. Scylla didn't exactly have any friends and she'd never had a female friend for certain. This would be something new and possibly interesting.

Mismatched eyes scanned the landscape around them and the woman's gaze landed on a large flat rock. Motioning for Ruse to follow, Scylla leaped up on top of the rock. They could rest there without sitting in the snow and getting their fur cold and wet. The smaller fae slid down to lay on her stomach, forelegs crossed and delicate toes flexing. She wrapped her long tail about herself for added warmth and waited for Ruse to join her. Once her sister was settled, Scylla began to speak. "I know that our family isn't like other families. We're a lot... closer." The implication was definitely there. "I'm not shy at all, so if you ever want to talk about, you know, girly sister things, I'm here for it." Okay, so she wasn't good at initiating girly talk. She was new to all of this!

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-26-2023, 02:00 PM

Ruse followed Scylla's directive toward a large rock near by and nodded, following along easily beside her sister as they moved away from the ice and snow for at least a moment. Scylla hopped up first and Ruse followed shortly after, pulling herself up onto the sun-warmed surface and settling down onto her stomach as well. It was nice just to get her paws onto a slightly warmer surface for a bit so she was glad for the break from their walk, stretching her toes out in the sun with a contented sigh. It was this kind of weather that truly made her miss the tropical island they had grown up on. Maybe one day they would make it back there or at least move away from the northern portions of Boreas, but for now she was happy here in Elysium with her little segment of their family.

She glanced over at Scylla as she spoke about how their family was a lot closer than others. Before coming to live in Elysium she wasn't sure if she would have known just how unique their family was in that regard, but now she was kind of getting the sense of it as she was exposed to more wolves and more walks of life. She nodded a bit with a slightly bashful grin, but didn't interrupt as her smaller sister went on, telling her how she wasn't shy and then offering to talk about "girly sister things" if she wanted. The way she titled that category of conversation made Ruse giggle lightly, an amused grin lingering on her lips. Still, she knew what Scylla meant, and even though she was sure she was far more shy than Scylla was the offer was very much appreciated. There were so many things that she had wanted to ask her mother about as she began to get older and started to feel new emotions, new feelings and desires... But with her parent's absence she hadn't had the chance.

"I appreciate it," she replied genuinely, giving her sister a grin before she shifted her gaze back out over the frozen lake in front of them, flexing her toes over the rock as she debated whether she wanted to delve into any of those curiosities and questions now. They felt like such intimate and personal things to talk about with someone she was just getting to know, but at the end of the day they were sisters. If there was anyone she could talk about this stuff with in the absence of her mother surely it was her. "Have you um... slept with someone before?" she questioned after a moment with a shy glance toward her sister. When Scylla confirmed that she had, Ruse smirked with a flush of her cheeks, turning her two-toned gaze toward her paws. "What's it like?"

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-17-2023, 11:31 AM

Ruse seemed a little shy when it came to the very intimate topic, but she asked questions right away. Scylla laughed aloud, mismatched eyes closing as she did so. "Jumping right into the deep end, are we?" It was amusing that, out of all the questions that one could ask, Rusalka immediately wanted to know what sex was like. Had she had sex? "Oh yeah," Scylla confirmed, "Many times. You'd be surprised how many guys out there are just itching to sleep with a younger wolf." Creeps, but easy victims in the end.

What was sex like? "It's one of my favorite things," the slate and cream fae admitted with a shrug. "Once you know what you're doing, it can come with an extreme sense of power, knowing that you're able to make someone else feel ultimate pleasure." How could she even put it into words for someone that was still a virgin? "When you finally get your partner to the heights of pleasure, it's like a pat on the back. A testament to your skill. YOU did this."

The smaller wolf turned her head so that she was looking fully at her sister. "So are you thinking about sleeping with Cerb?" There was no point in beating around the bush. Scylla was always blunt. Not knowing how her sister might feel about the situation, Scylla reached out and placed her nimble digits across the other fae's paw. "You won't be disappointed. He's incredibly gentle. He'll take good care of you, Ruse." Cerberus, in many ways, was the best of them. Scylla had no doubt that he would treat Ruse like a queen for her very first time.

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]