
Date Night

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-25-2023, 01:37 AM

Ezra had never really been one to linger on his work longer than he needed to, but that was especially true today when he had actual plans to get to outside of the usual evenings he spent with Syanna. In the span of their relationship they hadn't had too many of what he would consider proper "dates", but since they spent every day eating their dinners together and loving each other senseless he didn't suppose that was necessarily a bad thing. Still, as he began to work even more closely with Artorias with his still fairly new rank of High Councilor and he got to hear about and see more often the relationship Artorias had with Briar and how they spent their time between taking care of their pups. It got him thinking and wondering if maybe he should be making some more intentional plans and doing things beyond the easy nights they spent together after their days of usual pack work. He didn't know if that was something that mattered to Syanna or not, but he decided it was worth doing. She was special to him and she was more than worth something a little special.

With some wine and dinner packed, he met up with Syanna once his last patrol of the day was done and began to walk with her down the path that led to the near by beach. He was very fortunate that the rainy, stormy summer had let up for a day at least so they had a nice, mildly warm and clear evening to enjoy. It was late in the afternoon now and the sun was beginning to set as they reached the soft sands of the shore, the bioluminescence of the sand just beginning to be noticeable with the dimming light. He brought her over to where he had already set up the wood for a small campfire, having snuck down to the beach that morning before he got to work so that it would be ready for them when evening came. He made quick work of lighting it and then turned back to Syanna with a smile while he rolled out a fur for them to lay on in the light of the fire. It was warm enough that they didn't need a big fire for warmth, but having the light as it got darker would be nice.

"Sorry I didn't have time to get very fancy with our dinner," he apologized as he pulled out the simple dinner of berries, wine, and venison. It was nothing extravagant or all that unusual from what they usually had, but hopefully the setting made it at least more romantic. Chuckling softly, he settled down onto the fur beside her before tugging the cork free of the wine bottle and passing it to her. "Ladies first!" he said with his signature grin before reaching for a couple berries.

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
01-25-2023, 09:04 PM

The relationship Syanna and Ezra had built together was one of comfortable familiarity. She had been with Ezra and living in the Hallows for far longer than she had ever done anywhere or with anyone else. Would she call herself domesticated? Maybe just a smidge, but it was a good kind of domesticated, the kind where she was still afforded all of her freedoms to run and to roam while still having the comforts of a stable home and someone she could come back to. Ezra had been nothing but kind and loving to her from day one. He had become the foundation upon which she established her new life. He celebrated with her in her triumphs and supported her in her falls. While it still unnerved her sometimes to think about how much she loved the big, dopey dire wolf, she had become comfortable with seeing things for what they were. She loved Ezra, and he loved her.

Breaking a bit from their normal routines of spending their days together, sharing meals, and burning together in intimate passions through the nights, Ezra had planned something special for them. The notion intrigued Syanna, who immediately became suspicious of what her boyfriend was up to. Ezra didn't plot and scheme very often, but when he did it was never anything small. They went about their days as normal, the vixen-like fae daydreaming up what he could be planning for them. She met up with Ezra once he had finished up his duties and was surprised to find him toting a picnic along with him! Looked like it was a surprise date night he had been planning for them all along! Meeting her love with a kiss, she walked alongside the giant wolf as he led the way down to the shimmering sands of the nearby coast. Sunset was coming across the lands, meaning the beach would soon be all aglow like it became every night. It seemed Ezra was really going out of his way to create something romantic for them. Syanna turned a happy little smile up to the Adravendi man; he was so good to her.

While Ezra got to setting up their little campsite and lighting their fire, Syanna got comfortable on the spread out fur and watched him go about his business. Ordinarily she was highly independent and headstrong and would have insisted on letting her help him set up, but just this once she supposed she could let him pamper her a bit. She regarded Ezra with an affectionate smile when he finally came to rest on the fur beside her, shifting to lie closer to him until their sides were touching while he retrieved their meal from the pack. "You know fancy has never mattered to me. All that I care about is that you did something thoughtful for me," she replied, leaning her neck up so she could plant a tender lick to her boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you for spoiling me, handsome."

Ezra set to uncorking their bottle of wine while Syanna helped herself to some of the berries and a piece of fresh venison. Once the wine was opened, she graciously took it and swatted at his hip with her tail, shooting a roguish smirk to him. "Ladies first, eh? Trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" she teased him, but swallowed a slow draft of the semisweet red wine before handing the bottle over to him to let Ezra join her on their trip towards inebriation. "So what prompted all this?" asked Syanna with a curious brow raised, looking up to Ezra with interested emerald eyes. She knew she wasn't missing any special occasions, so was he just being sweet on her, or did he have some ulterior motives with their picnic campout?

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-28-2023, 02:33 AM

As Syanna assured him that she didn't need anything fancy and kissed his cheek with her thanks for spoiling her, Ezra gave her a toothy grin and turned his head enough to catch her lips with a soft kiss. "I don't know if I'd call this spoiling, but I'm glad you like it." He wanted to do even more for her and have even nicer things to give her, but if he was being honest with himself he wasn't sure if that was either of their style. He had no doubt that she would appreciate whatever he did for her and even though he felt like she deserved so much more, this little picnic on the beach at sunset felt perfect for them and their relationship. His side leaned into hers as he laid out their dinner in front of them and got the wine opened. At the very least he did remember to get the kind of wine he knew she liked. He didn't have a very strong preference one way or another, but he did make an effort to remember little things like that about her so he could make sure he was catering to her a little bit.

She questioned him on whether he was planning to get her drunk and take advantage of her as he passed the freshly opened bottle to her and that pulled a sly grin onto his lips as he chuckled, giving her a roguish look as he returned the flick of his tail to her hip. "I don't think that's ever off the table with us," he commented with a knowing smirk and a wink. For once he actually didn't do any of this with the motive of getting to sleep with his sexy girlfriend, but he knew how they were with one another and he certainly wouldn't put it past them to wind up in that position before the night was over. When she passed the bottle over to him he took it willingly and took a generous drink of the wine as well while his tail came to curl around her rump, snuggling up to her while they enjoyed the quiet of the beach and ate their dinner together.

He took another bite of the venison in his paws while Syanna asked what had brought on this date night and he lifted his ice blue gaze to her emerald eyes as he swiped his tongue across his muzzle and smiled. "Nothing in particular, really. I just realized that we haven't really had many real dates or anything like that so I just wanted to do something nice with you." Yes, they spent a large majority of their time together wrapped up in one another or just living their day to day lives which he certainly didn't have an issue with, but he was already very glad he had decided to take the time to plan this for them. The smile on her face was more than worth it and it made him wonder if he should be doing stuff like this way more often. He knew sometimes they were simply too busy with everything they had going on with the pack, but surely they could at least work in nicer dinners or at least get out of the pack lands a little more often.

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
02-23-2023, 05:36 PM

Syanna shot a dubious look at Ezra when he casually tried to play off his spoiling of her as not spoiling her, clearly not believing his claims. "Everything you do spoils me, you big softie," she retorted, leaning her side more into his to gently jostle him as she spoke. Ezra treated her like some kind of goddess come to earth with how he took care of her. She absolutely did not deserve the kind of devotion he showed to her, but it seemed like no matter how much she tried to protest or convince him otherwise, the big dope of a dire wolf refused to listen to her. He was infuriating and endearing at the same time. As if to emphasize that point on cue, Ezra turned a wolfish grin towards her when she asked if he was planning on getting her drunk to take advantage of, and then remarked that it wasn't off the table while playfully swatting her hips with his bushy tail. Syanna yipped in surprise, glowering up into those baby blue eyes she loved with a bit of fire in her emerald greens.

A soft sigh of contentment passed over Syanna's lips while she gazed out at the sea in the fading sunlight, snuggled up to her sweet boyfriend while they shared their bottle of wine and meal. She felt the brush of his tail curling up around her rump and her own tail flicked up to playfully swat at his, but did nothing to discourage him or move away. Instead, she took the bottle back when he offered it, drinking some more in between bites of the venison he had brought with them, listening to the fire crackle and the waves of the ocean near them. She asked what his motive for their date night was, and he replied with a lick to her muzzle and an answer that was so simple that it could only be the truth from Ezra. He just wanted to do nice things for her. Syanna hummed and smiled, picking up a couple berries and popping them into her mouth before chewing slowly. "Well, I appreciate the sweet gesture," she said, placing one of her dainty paws atop his foreleg closest to her and beginning a slow circuit of trailing her paw pads up and down his forearm. "Y'know, if you really wanted to do something nice for me, you could help me drag some of the driftwood around here up to the bonfire when we're done. Artorias asked me to gather some, since he heard it burns blue and he wants to do something to thrill all the pups." Turning her shimmering gaze up to Ezra's handsome face, she added on with a bit of a purr in her voice, "Though something tells me we won't be heading back until tomorrow morning..."

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-06-2023, 07:45 PM

Ezra gave Syanna a grin as she mentioned her appreciation while one of her paws started trailing up and down his foreleg. He knew that look that Syanna gave him when she wanted something well enough that he was able to pick it out immediately so he was already waiting for her request when she asked him to help with dragging some drift wood up to the plains where the pack had planned to have their bonfire festival that was coming up. He chuckled and rolled his eyes a bit as she laid it on thick with her flirtatious way of getting him to help her when he already would have moved every piece of driftwood on this beach to the other side of Auster if she had really wanted it. Still, he couldn't deny how much he loved that sultry purr in her voice as she mentioned how she doubted that they would be going back until tomorrow morning, the promise in that statement making a sly grin pull at his lips. "Of course I'll help you with your driftwood, sexy," he rumbled with a chuckle, playfully dipping his muzzle to her cheek to nuzzle and tickle her right behind her jaw for a moment before pulling back with another grin and going for another swig of their wine.

As they began to finish their meal, leaving just a few berries and half a bottle of wine in front of them, Ezra slipped a foreleg around Syanna's shoulders, pulling her more into his larger frame while he playfully kissed and nibbled across her ears. While it certainly took a lot for a brute his size to get drunk, he was starting to feel some effects from their wine, that pleasant, tipsy fuzziness starting to settle over him as he continued to drink with his beautiful girlfriend. He was a very affectionate normally, but that was even more true when he had some alcohol in his system. There was little snippets of chatter and teasing while they ate and as they settled in together to finish off their wine and enough their romantic evening on the beach, Ezra started looking for more things to talk about. It would have been more than easy to just delve right into the physical side of their relationship that they loved so much, but he was trying to make an effort to do more stuff outside of that more often. "What's something about you that I don't know?" he questioned amidst their chatting and teasing, grinning as he gave her a curious look. "Any deep dark secrets or fun kinks I should know about?"

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
03-23-2023, 07:03 PM

Their evening progressed pleasantly with as much normalcy as any of their dates did. Food was eaten, dessert shared, and wine consumed while they basked in the warm glow of the fire and the comfort of one another's presence. Wrapped up in her much larger boyfriend's side, Syanna felt totally at ease and comfortable. With more than half the bottle of wine gone between them, the foxlike lady was also beginning to veer more into the tipsy realm and headed towards drunk. She quite enjoyed imbibing with good company, especially when it was Ezra. And with knowing how their evening would inevitably be going, a healthy amount of alcohol went a long ways to adding a headiness to the sex she and her dire brute often engaged in. This time, however, it seemed Ezra was making an attempt to keep this date going a little longer than his usual quick drinks and fucks. He asked her about things he didn't know about her, catching Syanna's attention with a curious tilt to her head as she gazed up at him from her place in his arms.

"I don't know if there's a whole lot to me that you don't know, Speckles. Besides, kinks are far more fun to show than to tell about," she teased him back with a smirk on her lips and a wink of one emerald eye up at him. Still, Syanna took a few moments to consider things she had and had not told him about herself. In her inebriated state, it was a little hard to recall all the conversations they'd shared. She wasn't sure what portions of her life had been fully shared with him or not. Oh well, might as well just start going and see what he didn't already know, she supposed. "Hmmm... well, I've told you about my family and that my name isn't really Syanna, right? That's not something new, is it?" She knew she'd told Ezra some bits of her past life before, but had she mentioned that detail to him already? She couldn't recall...

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.