
See ya later, kitty cat




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-31-2023, 02:38 AM

After the little scuffle he had with the small pack of coyotes at the border, he had a feeling that they would either be back or some other predators might start getting similar ideas as winter progressed and food became even more scarce. He knew he was likely being far too over protective, but he began to insist on going out with Keahi whenever she went to do her usual patrols. It did give him the added benefit of getting to spend more time with her and gave him more opportunities to step away from his work. He always enjoyed what he built, but if he kept at it too long his muscles started to ache and it was good for him to get out and walk around for a bit.

As they were following the border that wrapped around the Mile-High Woods, a snap of a twig and the rustling of branches caught his attention, making him stop where he stood and look out toward the sound with his hackles bristled slightly. Seemingly out of nowhere, a large mountain lion leapt out toward them with an angry yeowl. The smell of fresh blood on the air told him they must have gotten a bit too close for its comfort while it was eating–not that they could have known that until now. He snarled and leapt into meet the feline half way, slamming his shoulder into its own and knocking it back away from the two of them and forcing it to scramble back to its paws.

"Ruga Amanto"


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
02-01-2023, 10:35 PM

After their talk, Keahi has felt the old, familiar ease with which she and Ruga banter return. Oh, how she enjoys spending time with the man and, when he began insisting on joining her for patrols, the red woman did nothing to deter him. While the woman is confident in her ability to fend off any predators that may be out roaming in pack lands, she will not pass up the chance to take the blacksmith away from his forge and out here, with her. The winter air is too cold for her liking but, with a thick woolen coat draped around her shoulders and the physical exercise, she is finding it easy to stay warm.

A subtle snap of a twig and soft rustling of branches is all the warning the pair get to the fact that there is predator here. Ruga stops and Keahi does the same, moving back a couple steps to shed her cloak as the blacksmith rushes in. With the cumbersome material now off of her, the red woman puts her legs to use and darts out and slightly around the cat’s side before angling back in. The fact that the mountain lion has wandered into pack territory to eat speaks of the effect that the winter is having on prey. But that is not the wolves problem.

With a snarl, Keahi strikes out of the feline’s back leg when she is close enough, earning low growls of anger from the animal. Once the bite is delivered, she backs up a few steps and darts a glance to Ruga, offering a small smile before they return to the attack.

"Keahi Mogotsi"



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
02-03-2023, 04:38 PM

As Ruga slammed into the smaller predator and stood at the ready to take whatever the mountain lion came at him with next, Keahi darted around them, landing a bite on the cat's leg while it was still regaining its bearings from his initial attack. That had the mountain lion giving angry growls and scrambling to turn and face her, its gaze now darting between the two wolves now that it was back on its feet. Hey glanced over at Keahi, mostly to gauge where she was and his next move, and caught the little smile she gave him. He grinned back and then refocused his seafoam gaze on the predator in front of them. The mountain lion already looked like maybe it realized that it had bitten off more than it could chew here and was looking at them both warily while glancing back and forth between its opponents. Ruga had no need or intention to kill the feline, he just needed it to scram from their border. As long as it didn't come at him with lethal intent then he wouldn't either. Just to help the mountain lion make its choice a little easier, Ruga growled low and deep before charging at the cat with a snap of his teeth which was enough of an intimidation to get the feline to bolt, abandoning the fight before anyone really got hurt. With a chuckle he stood straight again and smirked as he turned back toward Keahi. "Easy enough," he commented as he went to join her at her side again, grinning as he dipped his head to give her a quick kiss before walking over to where she had left her cloak to help put it back across her shoulders so they could continue their patrol.

"Ruga Amanto"