
touring the world


Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
02-04-2023, 02:16 PM
Several days on this new continent had given the twins almost too much information to go off of. The world was so different, the wolves so varied, the territories unfamiliar and the packs seemingly unending. Sol and Khonsu spent many hours on their paws investigating these new environments, occasionally bickering over the next step of their lives, and eventually settling upon the necessity of a home. To be a loner was a daunting concept for one born and raised in a community setting, and while Khonsu was happy to accept the solitude for the moment of peace it offered, Sol was ever eager to find his place in the world.

They found themselves first at a mountain range far to the northern lands. It only made sense that it was to the mountain they were drawn, as they were born at the base of another. It was from the mountain they believed their thick pelt had been granted - a boon to represent the time their souls had spent within the strong, looming vessel. The mountain was comfort, familiarity, and home.

Khonsu’s muzzle shot left to nudge against his brother’s chin, tilting the twin’s head up firmly. “Big breath.” He encouraged softly. “You’re overthinking it, it’s just like… yelling.” Khonsu’s own head tipped back abruptly, air blowing out from pursed lips in demonstration.

“Maybe you should do it.” Sol murmured, side-eyeing his brother.

“No. Do it or we’ll just go back to the fox den. I’m tired anyways.” The threat was half-hearted but it landed as Khonsu had hoped. His brother swallowed, drew in a heavy inhale, tipped his head back and called out a wobbly and uncertain song. Calling to them a resident of this land who might be able to fill them in on what life within this mountain was like.  

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-04-2023, 09:14 PM

The howl came to him from the corner of the market closest to the battlefield. Though it was an uncertain thing, his curiosity was lit. Bast and Bear were with him, and Marshal was keeping an eye on one of his children. With two of his companions trailing him, Sirius fell into an easy lope and made his way across the Col and into the marketplace. Daylight would fall soon, and things were winding down in this busy sanctuary. He moved amongst the general bustle of tidying without hindrance and was out the other side again in a short span. Here, in the courtyard, he had an open view of the land leading towards his border.

It was here that he first caught sight of the wolf. Wolves? That called to him. He frowned at the optical illusion of how closely the wolves stood. Giving the appearance that they were one. He didn’t pause to rub his eyes as he wished to. Clearly, moving from the cave to the sunlight had left spots in his vision.

Without breaking stride, he moved closer to the strangers. Trying to determine where one wolf ended and the other began. An inkling of something… not quite right stirred in his gut. Perhaps if Mortis hadn’t been his son. If he hadn’t lived through the long night, and many other strange wonders he might have reacted differently. As it was, the faint puzzlement bloomed into… not understanding perhaps, but at least comprehension of what he was seeing. “Good afternoon” He said. Polite, if a touch cautious. Was he addressing one wolf, or two? He thought of the three headed statue of Samhain. Not the one he had addressed himself. Nor the one his Wife had… he cut the thought. But the imagery of a statue was still in his mind. His caution sharpened. What exactly, was he addressing? His heart ached at the thought that his creature might have any connection. Any… knowledge of his Wife. “I am Sirius, the Warlord here. You have summoned me?” He asked. His voice was cautious and polite until he understood what was before him. The ache in his heart spread like wildfire.


Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
02-04-2023, 09:50 PM

Khonsu nodded his head affirmingly as his brother’s howl echoed out into the far off lands. It did not take long before a shape began to form in the distance, a large wolf who seemed to appear from within the mountain itself. At the man’s side two companions followed, immediately putting the more rational of the siblings on edge as he realized the intention was to outnumber them.

Sol was oblivious to his brother’s worries, his lip upturning in a brief and uncertain smile as the stranger approached and offered his name. His own muzzle cracked open to begin a reply, when Khonsu’s voice broke across and stifled him. “Warlord?” It was a title Khonsu was unfamiliar with, though the meaning behind it did not seem difficult to understand. If this was a wolf of war, did they really want to get involved in any sort of relationship with him, his pack, or his mountain?

Sensing his brother’s questioning done, Sol hesitantly moved to continue. A paw lifted, shuffled through the air, then tapped back upon the ground as he struggled to find the right words. “Sorry. This is Khonsu, my brother. He’s… protective.” The cobalt-eyed man spoke. “I’m Sol. We’re new to this land and hoped to hear about those who dwell here.. If that’s okay.” Thoroughly intimidated, Sol dropped his eyes to the ground while Khonsu’s continued to bore assertively into the stranger’s own.

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-04-2023, 09:57 PM

The quick response seemed almost a jab. Somehow, the strange creature spoke the word of his title and made it sound like an unhappy thing. Sirius considered that for a moment. What explanation to give? The truth was, ever since starting the Armada as the right hand of Ashen he had worked to build a reputation around himself. Knowing that the best way to defend those he loved was to ensure no one dared try to harm them in the first place. Until he understood what he was facing a little better, he opted to give the stark truth to this creature. Perhaps a part of him hoped this being would share news of Zee if he did so. A small, tiny spark of himself.

A second voice piped up, explaining that the other head was his… brother. A protective side of himself. A dual personality, then. Khonsu and Sol. New, and seeking information. The secretive Warlord opted to give them what they wanted. “Welcome then to Boreas, Khonsu and Sol.” He began. “The title Warlord was bestowed upon me by someone I cared about. I have worn it for years with the belief that the best defence of those I love is to give their enemies the belief that hurting them would cost them.” He explained “The Armada is the name of my pack. Originally, we were created as soldiers with the intention of bolstering the strength of another pack, but in the years we have grown into something else entirely. Diverging from them, and forming a close knit unit, who live in these mountains. We hold a market in the caves behind me to encourage trade and a place for neutrality.” He explained. Eyeing the two headed wolf as he spoke. Aware of the way the ‘Sol’ head dropped in submission, and the ‘Khonsu’ side bored into him intensely. Seeking out threats, perhaps? “What else do you wish to know?”


Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
02-05-2023, 02:16 PM

The stranger’s explanation did little to soothe Khonsu’s worries, who’s ears pulled back as he bore witness to the conversation. While he’d received basic training and knowledge of self-defense in his upbringing, the vast majority of it had been tailored toward the assumption that their opponent would be a mere lesser predator or the rare untrained rogue. Soldiers? Was this land so war torn that a wolf had to be brought up in the art of war? “Funny. I always assumed the most efficient defense was to simply have no enemies.” The words were spoken more to his brother than to the Warlord, though while Khonsu’s muzzle turned to address his twin his eyes did not leave the giant before them.

Sol’s nose jabbed against the offending muzzle gently, eyes widening in caution and alarm. They had no current enemies, though he was not naive enough to ignore that his brother’s snide words could bring about one. To the Warlord his polite gaze returned. “Your pack sounds lovely… very… unique.” Sol bit his lip, struggling with the tact needed for the discussion. “Is it, though? Unique, I mean.”

“He means to ask if there are more warmongers in this world, or just you.”

“No I do not!” Sol gave an alarmed whine, his head whipping between his brother and the Warlord with whom they spoke. “He can’t read my mind. That’s not what I was implying.” Fuck, this wasn’t going well.

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-09-2023, 11:03 PM

The Warlord couldn’t help but snort in amusement at this. The idea that this creature was a… God? Seemed to be fading as they spoke. He had never seen the Sanheim statue, but surely to such a being war would not be so alien. He appraised the creature before him again, trying to understand what was before him. “If only it could be so” He agreed mildly. When you lived as long as he had, the dynamics of the world shifted multiple times around you. To not make any enemies at all seemed a very naive view of the world.

It surprised him again to see that the two halves inside this creature did not seem to be working in unisian. Did not share the same mind or… read each other's thoughts? “Perhaps he doesn't need to read your mind to gain insight into someone he’s known all his life.” He suggested, no longer treating them like a god. But, he was curious to see what he learned and his tease was a subtle prod for information. “You said that you are new. Boreas is a large continent, and many varieties of wolves make their home here. There are very few packs that hold no enemies, or did not dethrone a wolf or fight for the pack they now claim. Some fight more than others. The Pirates, for example, pick fights with every pack they come across. Because it amuses them. Because they can” Disdain entered his voice. “The Armada fights only in the defence of those they have cared for. We are not Warmongers who advocate for aggression. But we can, and will, fight when it is necessary to do so.” He said. He would not tell them that the Armada was a peaceful pack, though they had done little to stir trouble in the world in his later years. “You would have liked Abaven, I think. Though they are gone now” he said, a touch of that ache and worry for Theory he still felt entering his voice.
