
What We Do in the Shallows



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2023, 10:15 PM by Talyssa. Edited 3 times in total.)

Ever since the day her father had brought her down to the beach and taught her to swim, she had been coming a lot more frequently. Sometimes with her siblings or cousins, but most often alone. Beyond the beautiful landscape and the beach activities that it had to provide, it was a nice way to cool off under the heat of the Auster sun. It also gave her time to herself to think. While the general ambiance was noisy- between the roar of the tide, the unbridled wind whipping across the sand, or even the occasional cry of an overhead gull ... it was all relatively easy to put in the background.

As she waded out past the seafoam, the water soaked her to her chest and belly. It brought the sensation of chill, but was soothing nonetheless in temporary relief from the heat. The further out she went, the less each surge influenced her balance until it was relatively easy to stand still with the ocean water barely cresting her back. As the waves would roll in, there were times when she was lifted beyond what her paws could reach, but it only lasted a moment before she was gently set back down to bear her own weight once more. What she was really building up the courage for, was dipping her head below the surface, and on the following wave, she did. Clenching her eyes tight, she forced herself beneath the water- taking special care to slowly breathe out her nose to keep the salty water from getting inhaled.

After a few moments, she broke the surface once more- quickly tossing the excess water from her face in a vigorous shake as she worked her way back to the beach. She felt the water falling away, her balanced being forced forward, and then pulled back with more strength. And with one last shake, she forced her pale blue eyes open once more in a rapid procession of fluttering lashes- guiding herself the rest of the way out of the water and to the edge of the wet sand.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 09:46 PM
Thus far, Sephiran had found that leaving the comfort of his home to travel alone wasn’t so intolerable after all. It was a hard adjustment at first, given that he had grown accustomed to having his every desire fulfilled within a moment's notice. But, given his age, it was time for the teenage Saxe to venture into the unknown to make a name for himself. Only a month prior, he had separated himself from his immediate family and had spent the last season training with his father, having only one goal in mind for his future. On the most lonesome nights, when he was lost in the silence of his mind, he often remembered his father’s words, which fed his appetite for chaos and tyranny. You will become a king, whether it be over my kingdom, or one you forge on your own. There was nothing more Sephiran wanted in this world than to exceed the expectations that had been cast over him.

These thoughts weighed heavily within his mind as he walked along the shore of the nearly deserted beach. He had been drawn here by the scent of a rotting carcass, which was intertwined with notes of sea salt and fish that radiated from the sea life that flourished here. Thick saliva that created strings as it dripped from his jowls had already collected inside of his jaws, as he could almost taste the flesh of what he assumed was a deceased seal. Of course, he would have preferred to slaughter the mammal himself, but he couldn’t be so picky given his circumstances. Playing the role of a vulture would have to do for today.

The scent was nearly intoxicating as he finally stood atop the last sea dune that had separated himself from the carcass. And, what he saw several yards below him, made his stomach churn with disgust. A red fox, who was gnawing ravenously on the blubber of a seal, had beaten him to his meal. He didn’t even ponder his actions, nor did he hear the guttural snarl that erupted from his gaping jaws. He was sprinting down the small dune side, charging full force at the smaller canine, who barked a warning before bristling its pelt and rushing away in the opposite direction. Which, unbeknownst to Sephiran, was the same direction in which another wolf was swimming within the ocean’s waves. He didn’t even notice the she-wolf as he rushed passed her just as she broke the ocean’s surface and was shaking the water off her pelt. He was too consumed by the heat of the chase as he snapped at the fox's hind limb, slicing into its hock and causing it to tumble into the sand.


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 09:49 PM

Just as she was considering lounging in the sun for a little while before returning to castle grounds, a terrible racket ensued. With a sudden growl and the yipping of something fleeing for its life in the distance, the fur along the ridge of her neck and shoulder stood up. Her pale blue gaze remained fixed in the direction in which the sound came, however, she wasn't left guessing for wrong. A red fox crested the dune, and behind it tailed its predator. He was difficult to make out in the distance but didn't appear to be that much older than herself. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she tried to make out more detail ... however, it was then that she realized that they were headed in her direction. The boy seem pretty well fixated on his target, and she didn't want to get in the way, though there wasn't really a place to hide on the open beach. So she made the decision to wade back out in the water a little ways, hunching down in the surf. Not that it gave a great source of cover, but at least it was something.

Luckily- or perhaps unluckily for the fox- the pair ran right past her, seemingly unknowingly. The hunter, entirely engulfed in his pursuit. It was then that she got a clear look at him- his amethyst tones with etched-in gold and obsidian markings like she had never seen before. After they passed, her attention immediately shifted to the silhouette of the ruins in the distance. She should run. But just as Talyssa glanced back to the boy chasing the fox, her ears were struck with the ear-piercing scream of presumably the latter. It was like witnessing a disaster, and she simply could not look away.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 09:51 PM
As the fox stumbled before him, crashing violently into the unforgiving sand, it released a bloodcurdling cry that could only resonate from a creature who feared for its life. And Sephiran loved it. It fabricated a sense of euphoria that he could not describe, and mixed with the taste of blood from the wound he created, he was nearly intoxicated from the adrenaline coursing through his body. The familiar sensation of fervorous lust started to simmer within his stomach, slowly spreading its warmth into his groin which caused nearly every strand of hair along his spine to stand erect.  

Another snarl billowed from his gaping jaws, and within moments he had descended upon the creature, who had taken on a defensive posture by tucking its tail and twisting to face him head-on. Much smaller, more slender jaws snapped back at him, sinking into the thick tuff of fur on his right shoulder, but he ignored it. This positioning left the top of the fox’s neck open, and he didn’t hesitate to strike at it. He grabbed the entirety of his opponent's scruff, ensuring to clamp his jaws tightly, to sink his fangs beyond superficial layers of flesh. Another yelp resonated from the fox, which quickly turned into screams as Sephiran violently shook his head, lifting it from the ground and flinging it from side to side. This continued for several minutes, as the fox snapped wildly at whatever it could grab, clawing at his chest to try and get away.


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 09:53 PM

And a disaster it was. Talyssa was no huntress herself, however, she had been shown the basics. How to care for herself in a time when she might be alone. But there was a certain kind of respect in it. An exchange of life, so that her's may continue. In other words, it was honorable.  This … was far from that. First off, a fox wasn't generally an animal for hunting. Occasionally they were chased out of hallowed lands if they got too greedy in taking prey. But her mind immediately shifted to Marigold and Argent- her parents' companions. She couldn't imagine this fate befalling them. An annoyance she couldn't have predicted feeling took root in her chest as her eyes slowly began to narrow at the spectacle.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 09:59 PM
Finally, the sickening snap of spinal tissue preceded an abrupt cessation of the screaming, but even then he did not stop until the skull had almost been severed from the body. Subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and tendons had already been shredded, leaving fragmented strands of ligaments connecting exposed bone. It was a rather gruesome sight, one that would churn the stomach of weaker-minded predators, but for Siphiran, it felt natural. In fact, aside from the elation and blood lust, he felt nothing at all for the creature he had mindlessly slaughtered out of animosity.

Sephiran stood still for a few moments, still holding his prize as he took several, drawn-out huffs of air, deeply inhaling through nostrils that splattered blood onto the sand with every exhale. One last wave of arousal trickled through his body, causing him to outwardly tremble and groan that was perverse in nature. His gaze shifted to his surroundings, settling upon the waves that lapped at his feet, pulling a dark shade of crimson into the tides that could only come from fresh, arterial blood. It was at that moment that he noticed something not too far from him, or rather, someone, standing in the same tides that tried to wash away the carnage. The hair along his spine was still bristled, though it became more erect as he stared at her, a deep, authoritative growl rumbling within his chest. His tail lifted, curling over his hocks, as he sent her an animalistic warning. Do you want to be next?


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 10:02 PM

When the screams of the wretched creature came to a sudden end, the younger girl was meant with a small flood of relief. It was a somber repose that the fox no longer suffered. Obviously, this brute was in no hurry to thank the fox for its life- but she would. Sending a silent thought behind it without taking her eyes away from the gory scene that had developed a short way down what had been her beautiful beach. It was a scarlet stain that the ocean would wash away in due time. Just not quickly enough.

As she stood staring, her muscles stiffened as his gaze met her own. It was dual-colored- green and purple. An oddity that she would have marveled in any other circumstance. But that was not where attention was now. He growled at her- challenged her in an animalistic way that should have frightened her. But it didn't. She was too irritated. Besides, even if he did start to her will ill intention, she felt fairly confident in her odds of outrunning him. He was bigger and heavier than her, and just spent the past few minutes exercising whatever demon lay within. "Well. That was entirely inefficient, don't you think?" Talyssa accused, doing her best to imitate her father's voice from when he chastised her for entering the armory.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 10:06 PM
Sephiran’s domineering stance was unwavering as he waited to see how this girl would react to his challenge. Part of him expected her to flee or cower in a display of submission. But all he noticed was the stiffening of muscle, which may have been entirely instinctive. Aside from that, she seemed more upset than defiant, given her snarky remark. At that moment, a memory of one of his sisters formed inside his mind. She had a similar response to her first experience with gore but quickly overcame it after partaking in the next slaughter of an animal. Perhaps this girl needed the same experience? Or, was she destined to become his new plaything? These thoughts occurred in his mind as Sephiran carelessly dropped the fox, having lost interest in it now that it was dead and growing cold. He simultaneously took a few steps in her direction, wading into the water until it covered his paws. His claws dug into the soft sand, shifting between his toes while the water washed away some of the blood.

The closer he came, the more he realized how close in age they must be, which sparked more interest. She was notably smaller than him, and it was apparent that she wasn’t missing any meals. She was well-groomed and had an air of confidence in her. As if she knew she could run to safety if she needed to. Connecting all the dots, he assumed that she likely had a pack to call home. “Not inefficient. Too efficient.” He sneered, his gaze trailing along every curve of her frame. “It died far too quickly- He wondered how soft her body and fur felt. How sweet and viscous her blood must be, given she was properly nourished.“-don’t you think?” His lips curled into a perverse sneer.


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 10:09 PM

As the monster approached, she did her absolute best to stand as tall as she could. She met his icy gaze with a confidence that had probably lulled her into a false sense of security. But it was too late to abandon it now. However, as his attention shifted from her face, her's didn't falter. She didn't understand what he was looking at- it was he who was covered in an unnecessary amount of blood. To top it off, his words were every bit as careless as his actions had been. And when he sneered her own words back to her, she bubbled over. "No. I think you made a mess of it!" Talyssa interjected firmly, not entirely grasping that it had been intentional, or why it even would be. "Had you an ounce of skill or accuracy, it could have been apprehended a lot smoother and quicker than that." There were a lot simpler methods to kill rather than breaking its leg and shaking it by the scruff until it's neck snapped ... among other gruesome things.

Honestly, it confused her how this boy could do something like that and show no remorse for it. It seemed that nothing she said mattered. With an annoyed huff, she pushed further. "What you did was sloppy. Disgusting!" Talyssa add with all the conviction she could muster. However, none of it explained why? She was curious to know the answer. "Why are you even murdering a fox? What did it do to you?" The Carpathian girl inquired, her eyes still hardened and fixed on that dual-colored gaze of his that held no shame.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 10:10 PM
He took one more step forward, his tail relaxing a bit to align with his hips, but the sneer on his face did not fade away. In fact, it grew wider as she spoke, distorting into nearly unnatural proportions that displayed his blood-stained fangs. He couldn’t help himself. After she claimed he had no skill or accuracy, that he had made a mess of the fox, he found himself indulging in her revulsion. A derisive bubble of laughter erupted from him, as he meant to ridicule her and get under her skin. No skill? No accuracy?” He found humor in her words; it was a rather bold statement coming from a female he could easily break in two. “Should I show you what skill and accuracy are?” He paused for a moment, to study her. He wanted his words to slice into her skin, to make her feel inferior. That was her place, after all.

And when she questioned him, he found himself starting to become irritated. In his mind, there would never be a logical explanation, as he did not believe the act was wrong. It was quite the opposite for him, as he found it to be pleasurable, euphoric even. He never understood how others didn’t feel the same rush he always did. “The same reason you do anything.” He felt his hackles starting to rise again. “Because I wanted to.” He went to take another step towards her, wanting to close most of what separated them, but a sudden outburst of noise behind him caught his attention. A turkey vulture had already descended upon the fox and was plucking out one of its eyeballs, cawing an annoying tune that drew other vultures to it. He whipped around, lunging back towards the shore, snarling and snapping his jaws as he drove the bird away. Even though he had lost interest in the fox, he would never allow a scavenger to take what was rightfully his. He would bury it in the sand before he let that happen.


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-08-2023, 10:11 PM

Maybe the way he offered her an unsettling grin was supposed to be a scare tactic- but she wouldn't allow it to shake her. However, the roll of laughter that she knew was a device meant to make her angrier, did exactly that. He offered to show her an example of something that was a little more skillful, but truthfully she didn't think it was possible for him. He explained that he did it because he enjoyed it- something that she didn't comprehend or even begin to understand. In a moment of lull, her eyes quickly shifted to the fox carcass with a sudden flash of movement. A scavenger landed on it, threatening to steal pieces from it in the absence of the hunter. The boy noticed too and was quick to defend his kill. "No! Allow me." Talyssa answered, stomping after him. Even if he didn't care. Even if he made fun of her. She was going to force a lesson of honorable fighting etiquette on him.

Once she got close enough to inspect the extent of the damage that had been done, she shuddered. For the first time in her interaction with him, she hesitated. However, that was quickly brushed away. Her pale blue gaze hardened once more as she looked up to meet his mocking expression. "While you may have been able to brute force a smaller opponent-" The Carpathius girl started, indicating to the mound of fur, bone, and tissue on the sand. "You wouldn't have been able to do that to someone or something larger." It was wild and reckless, and lacked any kind of tactical strategy.

Talyssa analyzed the body, recalling in her mind what the series of events had been to lead to this outcome. "That first bite to its hock, should have landed on its neck- subduing it that way." She said, gesturing to what used to be the fox's throat, neck, and carotid arteries. "By breaking its leg and flipping it over like that, you opened yourself up for a counterattack." While again, wasn't that big of a deal with a smaller opponent, could have meant injury from someone his size or larger.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-09-2023, 12:18 AM
Perhaps it had been the sudden rush of a large body hurtling towards it, or the guttural snarl that had echoed across the beach. Or, perhaps it was the sense of danger that emanated from the teenage Saxe. Whatever it was, the vulture who had been picking at his prey erupted from the ground with a fast flap of its wings, trying to avoid its attacker. It managed to escape his grasp with only seconds to spare, but not unscathed. Sephiran had grabbed a mouthful of tail feathers, and he was spitting on the ground as the girl came up beside him. He didn’t care to look at her as she spoke, his eyes narrowing towards the sky as his mind conjured up nearly every nasty word he had ever learned. Sephiran hated letting his opponents escape.

Once the vulture had vanished into the horizon, he turned his attention back to the girl who was talking beside him, though he honestly had missed most of what she said. His head twisted upon his shoulders, turning towards her with narrowed eyes that continued to study her body language. He had to admit, she wasn’t bad to look at. But nothing particularly stood out about her either. She kept motioning towards the fox, explaining some sort of strategy she would have taken if she had killed it. And her words went in one ear and out the other. At least, until she stated he had opened himself up for a counterattack.

He couldn’t help but laugh again. A counterattack from a fox? How foolish she was, to think something so insignificant would even dare to cause any real damage. Of course, this thought was formed because of his arrogance and naivety. In reality, the girl was right. But Sephiran would never see it that way unless it had been his father who taught him that. “You talk a lot… for a girl.” He nearly hissed, tongue sliding across his fangs as the smell of the carcass started to make his mouth water. “And you make assumptions.” He crept back towards the fox, not hesitating to shove his way past her if she was in the way. “If I wanted to kill it quickly,” His jaws opened and he grabbed the remnants of what used to be the neck, and placed one of his paws on the shoulder to hold it down. “I would have done so.” His voice was muffled through the flesh in his mouth. With a few, powerful tugs, the last few tendons separated from the bones, splattering dark, metallic-smelling blood onto the sand. His eyes shifted towards her, holding the head in his jaws by the base, as the fox’s tongue fell from its gaping mouth. There was a darkness in the boy’s eyes as he looked at her. He was starting to wonder how loud she would scream if he did the same thing to her.


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-09-2023, 05:34 PM

It brought her a sense of satisfaction that the vulture was able to escape his grasp- leaving the boy with a mouthful of feathers in its wake. As she went on in her lecture of a lesson, she could plainly see that he was tuning her out for the most part. But if any of it stuck with him, she would chalk it up as a win. Though, when he seemed to find the idea of a counter attack funny, all his laughter did was fan her flame. He made a comment about her talking too much, but she was quick to answer him. "And you have no sense of self-preservation for someone who just goes around killing things to kill things." She spat back. She wanted to call him a stupid boy and be done with it, but she also refused to allow herself to be lowered to his level.

He argued that she made assumptions, but she was quick to interject as he shoved his way past her. "I make observations." She quickly seethed the correction, not entirely sure as to where he was going. Talyssa watched as he took the Fox carcass in his jaw, only to begin dismembering it. She couldn't help but look away in disgust. "You're impossible!" She said, taking a few steps backwards to avoid any droplets of his mess getting on her fur.

The enjoyment that the peculiar boy from playing with the dead animal was quite disturbing. She wrinkled her nose at the display before continuing on. "There is always going to be an opponent that is bigger, meaner, and tougher. In a real fight, that kind of carelessness will get you in trouble." She warned, gesturing to what was left of the fox in his jaws."You should practice like it's the real thing. Not some cruel game." She finished. But then a realization dawned on her. Why did she care? Why did she care what happened to him. Maybe he needed to be beaten up by a larger predator. She dared a lingering glance to the carcass, completely disappointed with what had become of it. Talyssa narrowed her eyes, she offered a final scoff before dashing across the sand to return to the castle. But just before she left earshot, she offered one more glance over her shoulder to call out to him once more. "And clean up my beach when you're done!" Monster! Not waiting for a response, she continued on, coming to the conclusion she needed something to cleanse her mind of the grizzly scene she was leaving behind.

-exit Talyssa-


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-09-2023, 05:46 PM
As the girl took a few steps back, likely to avoid being sprayed with flesh and blood from the dismemberment, Sephiran said nothing. He just stood there holding his prize, watching her with an unwavering gaze. A bicolored, unempathetic gaze that shone with the type of bloodlust that could only accompany the face of a monster. He was silent even, up until the moment she claimed there would be something bigger, meaner, and tougher than him. A low, guttural warning started to rumble inside his chest, resonating from depths only anger could bring to the surface. Though she may have meant it as a warning, there was truth to it. Sephiran only saw it as a challenge. A stab to his ego that made his stomach churn in disgust at the mere thought of something being better than him.

He went to take a step towards her, his head lowering to align with his shoulders, just as she scoffed and took off into the dunes. Part of him wanted to chase after her, as watching her run away, stirring up a small cloud of sand in her wake, beckoned to the predatorial instincts within him. The urge to hunt her down bubbled inside him and increased when she stopped to make a command. His muscles tensed, the fox head falling from his mouth as he contemplated chasing her one last time. But she suddenly vanished into the horizon, leaving him alone on the beach with the fox, the seal, and the vulture lurking nearby.

Sephiran would spend the next couple of hours succumbing to his anger before finally departing from the beach. The next wolf to visit, which he hoped would be the girl, would be met with a disgusting scene of dismembered carcasses littered across the beach. Only clusters of vultures picking away at what was left behind would remain with time.



Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.