
Yeah, you better run!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-10-2023, 06:31 PM
Kea was determined to prove himself, and earn his sword the moment he was old enough. It drove him to be a little reckless at times, but so far he was yet to hit any trouble he couldn't get out of again. It was late evening, and the boy was ambling through the Wildberry Grove. The maple trees were brightly tones, and there was a hint of mist in the air. It left him feeling damp, but at least it wasn’t overly hot. His companion - spud, who shuffled along beside him could not abide the heat.

He chased leaves for a while, killing time, and when Spud grabbed a leaf he was eyeing up, he tackled his companion. Wrestling beneath the trees as he struggled to overpower the brawny polar bear who stood at about the same height as the young pup.

Spud - an easy going creature, had just let him have the win when his Raven let out a warning caw above him. He paused, getting to his paws, and listening as Spud did the same. He strained his ears before he heard what the Raven was alerting him to. The baying of creatures in the distance, and they were getting closer.

He grabbed his leather armour that he left beneath the base of an oak tree and fumbled to push his nose through the right hole and shake it onto his shoulders. He had only just prepared himself when the creatures came shooting out of the trees. They were about the same height as his polar bear companion, but they were light to the point of being skinny. And looked polecat mean as the three creatures fanned out around him.

His raven dove in first. Letting out a shrill cry as he attempted to distract the coyotes. Spud took the opening first, diving for the coyote on their left. Kia went for the one on the right. “For the Hallows!!” He cried, like it was all a grand adventure. He dove in and managed to grab the coyote with his powerful jaws, ripping it off its paws. The third coyote would have gone for him then, but his raven dove again. Scouring its talons across its coat and keeping it distracted as it dove for cover.

Kea attempted to rip apart the coyote, but it fought back. Scratching at him and yanking its weight to and fro. It pulled itself from his jaws with a yip and danced back. And then his polar bear was at his side, blood in his white fur. He smelled death, and knew one of the coyotes was down. His raven dove again, the three of them putting on a united front. The coyote he had mangled danced on the spot, uncertain. His polar bear roared, and the fight left them. They turned, running. “Yeah, you better run!” He cried out at their fleeing backs.

WC: 486

"Ciaran Carpathius"