
How Much It Matters




4 Years
Chrono I

02-17-2023, 07:32 PM
The travel back to the mainlands had gone smoothly. Reila, as she had for their time away from past Fenmyrian lands, had kept the kids in check on the journey. Though they weren't much children anymore. Most of them at least. She was hoping Chimera's older children would come to visit him soon. She knew he'd like that.

Chimera had always been a busy man even through his recovery. He had all of his queens to tend to him and still children to give attention to on his better days. Not that Reila was keeping her distance or anything but she had fallen into a routine of care and left any of the more personal affections to the other women. She didn't care really, and even while Chimera wasn't feeling much up for the physical she didn't ask. Either way and sadly she'd find herself under the others. She'd always put them between her and Chimera at least when given the choice.

She had made her way back into Chimera's main den area with some freshly washed and dried pelts that needed a clean from the travels. Even with the winter, the rocks and the west let them dry pretty quickly. It seemed at that moment in time everyone had been out of the den but him when she came in. She was sure Siren and Dalila were getting an herb location settled in somewhere and Aliana may have been spending time with the kids. Reila didn't say anything when she entered, only dropping and laying out the pelts around the den. She'd roll one up to take back to her own cave den nearby but she wouldn't leave so quickly. After getting all of that out of her paws she looked over to Chimera with a gentle smile, walking over to him to put a paw on his shoulder, "How are you feeling?" She hoped the journey didn't affect his recovery. It seemed like it had been long enough since they left Fenmyre, but she'd still be worried about him.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-18-2023, 06:12 PM

Much was being done to turn their new dwelling into a home. The women were hard at work, flitting back and forth, preparing this and that. Chimera left the organizing and personalization up to them. He wasn't good at that sort of thing. Once a bit more of his strength returned, he would make a trip to the island to gather what he could and bring it back. All of the old luxuries, if they hadn't been pirated.

The giant lay on a pile of pelts but wasn't asleep. One foreleg was extended out over the edge of the bed and Chimera had his chin resting upon it. His gaze was directed towards the doorway, so he saw Reila the moment that she came into view. The black and white man watched the earthen fae hungrily. Yes, he'd been sick, but when had Chimera ever suffered a loss of libido?

Reila dropped off a load of furs, then sauntered across the redstone cave to stand before him. He sat up as she neared. One delicate paw rose up to touch his shoulder as she questioned his health. Chimera chuckled, flashing teeth for a moment before extending his foreleg outwards to snare the woman, pulling her closer to him. Not back to full strength he may have been, but the women that he'd chosen were all dainty things. Easy to toss around.

Time away had allowed the women to get used to one another. Reila was a permanent fixture and they all accepted it. There was no longer any hiding for fear of hurt feelings. The pair could treat one another as they wished. Holding her close, the man buried his nose in her chest, making a sound of pleasure as he absorbed her scent. "I'm fine. Just tired from the journey." He then pulled back and his gaze met hers. "Are you settling in okay?"

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



4 Years
Chrono I

02-20-2023, 11:17 AM
Reila didn't resist as Chimera grabbed her and pulled her in. Not for reasons that may have been before. She was trained to be giving and obedient, but with Chimera it was different. She could enjoy and accept the quality of life he gave her. It wasn't just a transaction anymore. It never was with him, but that's how she felt for a long time. Wondering if it was all he wanted from her. She was okay with that, but he showed her more.

She smiled as she found her place beside him, relaxing into his bed with much ease and looking back up at him when he spoke. His affections would always be welcomed by her. A gentle paw caressed down his shoulder where she could reach, honestly not anything intended to be intimate. Just her comfortability around him. He seemed just fine to her, she wouldn't need to ask again. She hummed a little in thought before answering him, "I'm doing great. I'm very adaptable, you should know." Was that her quiet attempt at flirting? Maybe. At least the near humorous grin back at him should have told him that.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-28-2023, 09:54 PM

The bob-tailed woman didn't put up a fight as Chimera pulled her down into his nest of furs. He didn't expect her to. In the time since she'd washed up on his island, the pair had grown quite close. The man wouldn't wish to part with her just as he wouldn't wish to part with any of his women. Reila brought a freshness into his life that Chimera very much needed.

A pale paw ran down his shoulder and the brute rumbled appreciatively in response. One big paw slid down to grip the fae's hip and he chuckled as she assured him that she was adaptable. The man's pink speckled nose buried in the thicker fur of her neck where he proceeded to give her a gentle nibble. "I'm well aware that you're adaptable, love." It was no secret that Reila had chosen a den separate from his own spacious chambers that were being shared with the rest of his family. He respected the woman's decision to keep herself apart. If she didn't feel comfortable, then he wouldn't force her.

"Things will be better here," he assured her. "If I... if anything happens to me, my sister will care for all of you." He wasn't sure if he'd beat the illness or if it would return in the future just as it had recently. Chimera didn't want to chance it though. That was why he had joined Ashen rather than reforge Fenmyre. He hoped that Reila wouldn't look down on him for his decision, but he was pretty good at projecting his own self-disappointment.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



4 Years
Chrono I

03-02-2023, 08:58 PM
It had been a while since they were intimate, and the way she felt as Chimera nuzzled across her neck was almost something she had never experienced before. She had times on the ship where she did have physical pleasure with men, but this was completely different. The way Chimera grew on her was something she had never thought she could know, even in freedom.

She fully opened up to him, which may not have been new for them but felt completely different in the time apart from being physical. Reila may have put herself below Chimera’s women, but she had no qualms of him holding her down in his bed even with the possibility of one of the others walking in. There was that tiny little flit in the back of her mind to say she cared, but almost entirely she’d show that wasn’t a worry on her mind. She’d give Chimera what he wanted, if he wanted. Regardless if she felt bothered or not.

The mood shifted though, and only for a split second as Chimera had assured her that Venom would take care of her and them that usual turned up lip went nearly flat to the thought. She picked it back up again as may have been expected of her because she was never a down or worried girl. "You’re going to be fine." She insisted back, raising a paw to brush gently over his cheek and behind his ear, "And I will be too." She didn’t like the idea or talk about something happening to Chimera, but she did put her own little interference in there as if that could reassure him in the case. Not that she expected the other queens to be all fine and dandy, but Siren and Dalila had each other and Aliana had their children. Sometimes it could just feel like him and her and that she was some sort of piece that hadn’t been placed into the puzzle yet.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-04-2023, 04:52 PM

The pair stayed curled up with one another and Chimera was totally at ease. It had been a weight off of the mans shoulders when the women had finally accepted that Reila wasn't going anywhere. There was no longer the risk of stepping on toes or upsetting one of them. Reila no longer had to feel as though she was an outsider. In accepting the bob-tailed woman, they had once again become a cohesive group. It was one less thing for the ailing man to worry about.

Again he nuzzled into the woman in his arms, listening to her reassurances that he would be okay. That they both would be okay. For all of his size and ego, the brute still enjoyed being babied and Reila's reassurances did just that. Her gentle touch brough a catlike purr from the giant's wide chest and his eyes closed in comfort.

"Thank you," he rumbled, "For staying with me." Chimera nestled the woman against him, curling his neck downward and placing his chin between her ears. "You're very important to me, Reila." The man's tongue pulled over the back of the fae's skull, slowly and gently grooming her. Mismatched ears perked as he hesitantly asked something that he'd been thinking about. "I've been thinking about this for a while... Would you like to take my name and become a Klein?" He wouldn't be offended either way, but he'd very much like to make her a permanent fixture in all ways.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



4 Years
Chrono I

03-08-2023, 04:13 PM
The way she laid with Chimera made her feel like they had been in their relationship for ages. She was completely and wholeheartedly trusting in him. She had always been generally very happy and there was never any reason for her to hold grudges. His lifestyle didn't bother her. Maybe it was the freedom blinding her, or maybe it was her real feelings. She felt like it was genuine in these moments. She truly believed that she was where she belonged when they were wrapped together like this.

With the more serious tone their conversation had turned to, she was attentive but not worried. He shouldn't have been either, "You've given me more than I could imagine," She could feel the same way. He was important to her. But she was also smart enough to consider if it was just the harsh life she had before. Was she doing everything only in a debt that she felt she owed, or was she truly here for herself. There was a part of her that thought she'd never know for sure, and a part of her that didn't want to find out.

It was what he brought up next that really changed her expressions and emotions. Not necessarily in a bad way but she wouldn't have expected to be an equal to Chimera's other queens. She was a little hesitant, partially because it was something that she would have rather kept to herself, "I want to be your mate Chimera, but I don't feel like I can measure up to the one's you already love." It wasn't him, it was her. Because he had made her feel loved in all ways. Reila did tend to show a lot of strength and confidence, but she did still feel like and outsider compared to them. She had nothing against any of the women, she just had a hard time seeing herself as Chimera's Klein alongside them.
