
When we feel free



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
01-22-2023, 08:26 AM
The week had been hard on him, though he really didn't know that at his age. Honestly, after he was warm and fed and he started looking around his home, well there was A LOT to see. The pup was staring at his reflection in the creek. A few ducks had found themselves floating along in his, his long tail raised up over his head. Dangling it in front of the water he laughed, "I bet I could catch fish with this." he tilted his head. If he put some sort of bait on the end of his tail then he could catch something surely. Riv didn't think about the implications of his tail being bitten. Carefully he lowered the large fluffy appendage.

Rivaxsaurus turned to look further down the creek. He felt the urge to talk to someone, this was his grandmother's homeland, right? His father had said they named him after her. Well, when he grew up he wanted to name a Son Allen. After the great Allen Walker. His paws tingled, once he had realized where he was he'd been excited. The stories that had been drilled into his head the day he was born all originated at some point in Boreas and Auster. Though the child was not aware yet how vast that actually was. "Hey does anyone want to show me how to fish with my tail?" the odd pup hung his tail over his front paws. Puffing out the end as the thick winter-coated appendage just flicked at the tip.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-24-2023, 11:03 PM

Bellamy had brought Riv back to Ethne after their fruitless search for his siblings. But Bellamy knew better than to give up. There was more to the tale certainly, a reason why his family was targeted… Bells just hoped she managed to find the other children before someone darker did. The last thing she wanted was to know some other child suffered a similar fate to her own childhood. Maybe that was why she was feeling protective of Riv. She had hopes he might get settled in the pack… and she would be here for him until he did. She just hoped her children, Saga included, wouldn’t start feeling worried about being replaced. She couldn’t just leave him alone… he needed someone.

Bellamy was returning from a patrol when she heard Riv’s call. A grin appeared on her lips and she came up beside the boy, her companions on either side of her. “Using your tail for fishing? Little one, you do realize that if you do that the fish will bite your tail?” Whiskers told the boy, coming up alongside him. Ears grinned beside Bellamy. “A tough kid like that? I bet he can take it!” The Devil said. Bellamy’s gaze softened as she looked at the brown-furred boy.

“If you think you can deal with the small bit of pain from the fish, however, we can come up with a plan to catch a fish with your tail. Nothing tastes as good as your own catch.” The Leader told him.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
01-27-2023, 01:46 PM
His thoughts were broken by the woman that was currently taking care of him. For a moment he considered the implication that she was his new mother. It wasn't like his mother didn't exist anymore, she died and her soul was wherever it was supposed to go. His father had told him once that sometimes we grow old, other times we were ended early by a predator or even a fellow wolf. Cautious. he would say, cautious with others and trust your gut instincts. Well! Bellamy had been kind, he didn't have a reason not to trust her. Father would be proud of him no doubt. Then his eyes traveled to the companions talking to him. His eyes lit up, tail raising above his head as he dangled out in front of Whiskers. Riv grinned at the companion, "Ummm yeah isn't that the point....?" to catch a fish you obviously had to get a bite, but like... how much would it actually hurt? His tail was odd enough as it was, maybe he had superpowers and just didn't even know it!? Carefully he rose a paw and playfully patted it toward Whiskers. Taking a quick glance at the other one and tilting his head.

"You know I've never seen anything like you guys before. What are you?" curiosity swept over him. "How'd you meet Bellamy, she saved me from some big water and that's how WE met....." he trailed off and looked to Bellamy. He hopped up and down excitedly. "Yesss! Of course, I can take it I'm a Walker, and a Walker is the toughest kind of knight around!" he tried to make himself look big fluffing out his chest. Maybe he was just a little excited to be dry. He realized how much that experience had made him HATE getting wet. His tail got heavy sometimes but when he was wet it almost felt like his back paws were going to fall off. Snapping his head to the creek his tail wiggled back and forth. "So do we gotta stick something on my tail to attract them? How do you catch a fish anyway? We mostly ate rabbits back home. Ma said it was just because they were plentiful and easy to catch. Fish are slippery and the scales would get stuck in her teeth allll the time." Riv rolled his eyes, he wanted to try a fish.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2023, 02:26 AM

Looking down at the boy, Bellamy realized just how much of a shine she had taken to him. Just like when she had rescued Saga, the woman had felt nothing but love for the child. He was innocent, and through the harsh experience he’d already endured at such a tender age, Bellamy felt a connection with him. It was different from the connection she had with her biological children, and even different from the one she had with Saga, but the woman knew she wanted to protect him and shelter him. Bellamy wanted Rivaxsaurus and the rest of the children to grow up safely and to thrive here in Ethne. One day they would become the future of the pack, and their stories would be the ones in the spotlight. She couldn’t help but chuckle at how the boy responded to her companions. Sure they were strange little critters, but they had been with her for so long now she was used to their oddities.

Whiskers chuckled at the boy as he reached out with a warm, motherly smile on her features. “You want to catch a fish, yes, but depending on the fish you’d be surprised at how hard they can bite back, little one.” The kid was energetic, with a shine of confidence in his kind eyes that the badger found promising. He seemed curious about herself and Ears, and at his question, the Devil puffed his chest out. “I’m a Tasmanian Devil and that old lady over there is a badger.” At his jab, Whiskers scoffed. “I’m not that much older than you, Ears. I suggest you show some respect.” She might have scolded him, but Ears didn’t seem to mind. He just grinned, listening to the boy’s next question, but before either really had a chance to answer on how they had met the maned wolf, he was focused on Bells.

“Toughest kind of knight around, huh? I don’t know, you might have to content with some Kedieo pups for that title.” The woman winked, a playful smile causing her lips to turn up. “But you do look pretty tough though, so I suppose Ears, Whiskers and I will have to put you to the test.” He had questions, and plenty of them, as children often did. The woman chuckled. “I’ve never personally fished with my tail before, but I’d imagine it’s the same as trying to catch fish with a line and some bait. You’re definitely going to want to find something appealing to have around your tail. Fish are enticed by food or things that look like food. Some fish can be fooled by things that resemble worms, like thin strips of leather, but others are more clever, so you could try berries or something.” Bellamy furrowed her brow.

“The question becomes what type of bait you want to use to lure them. That’s probably the fastest and easiest part. Positioning your line, or tail in this case, over the water would be the next step. You’d want to be mindful of your shadow too. If fish see your shadow, they’ll swim away and take longer to come back to bite, so you want to move slowly so you don’t startle them.” The woman explained. “First things first. I think berries are going to be the easiest thing to find and get to stick bits on your tail… Just enough to mash around the tip though. You don’t want to end up using your whole tail and getting it wet or it might be too heavy to pull out of the water fast enough. Shall we get the berries then?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.