
Some homecoming this was...




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
02-19-2023, 07:55 PM
With their father having been ill for so long, many of Revenant's limited memories of Boreas and Auster had begun to fade. After all, half of the adolescent wolf's life had been spent away from the lands he and his siblings had been born in. But as their father's recovery began to steadily grow day by day and talks of returning to the lands they had once called home changed from rumor to plan, the Klein lad found himself eager to get his paws back on familiar grounds. Revenant was older now, having reached just shy of his sire's full dire height and with more of his mother's lean build to his body, but he was athletic and healthy and ready to return to his family's old stomping grounds. So imagine his enthusiasm when Aliana had asked him and Morendo to head back to Boreas ahead of the others to scout out what had changed in the lands since their departure! It was a task Revenant was excited to undertake; he and Morendo would be one of the first of their family to make their return to Boreas known!

And so off the two brothers had set from the distant exotic lands the Kleins had wound up in during their search for a cure for Chimera's ailments. Having been used to the tropical climate of their first home on the Austral island, returning to Boreas only to find cold winds, gray clouds, and snow and ice everywhere felt a bit like a slap in the face. Their mother had failed to mention that it would be winter back in their homelands... Still, they had been given a mission and Revenant was intent on seeing it through. Or at least he was, until the brothers arrived at the lands that Aliana and Chimera had claimed their mother pack of Ashen was supposed to be. Except there was nothing here. No wolves, no scent markers, no boundaries or guards... Just empty wild lands.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." muttered a dejected Revenant as he crunched his way through fresh powdered snow. The wind was strong today, with cold gales cutting through the trees of the forests and along the coast to rip through his fur. He squinted against the cold, sniffing at the wind, but there were no traces of scent anywhere on them. They had hit a dead end. It was late afternoon; the sun would be going down soon. They needed to find shelter and warmth for the night. With a sigh, Revenant turned back to his slightly larger brother with a shrug. "Guess we're camping here for tonight. We'll need to find shelter and things for a fire." Truth be told, Revenant had never made a campfire before, nor did he know if Morendo had ever made one either. But now their little recon trip had turned into a survival simulator, and Revenant refused to succumb to the elements.

WC: 492
Total: 492 / 1500




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
02-22-2023, 08:58 PM

Morendo had been a bit more hesitant to leave their family in order to scout ahead through Auster and Boreas as they all made their plans to return to their home land, a bit concerned about leaving his mother to make the trip without him despite the other more than capable fighters she would be with, but when she insisted and mentioned that Revenant would be going with him he eventually agreed. In the end he would always follow his mother's wishes so he knew he'd be going to Boreas as soon as she asked even with his initial concerns... but at least it was Revenant he was sent off with. Out of all of his brothers he was the one he'd rather be stuck alone with if for no other reason than he would have someone attractive to look at for all of these hours of travel. It did make him wonder if his mother had paired them up like this on purpose, but he had never said specifically who he was interested in and he doubted that his sweet mother would purposefully encourage those kinds of interests.

The trip to Boreas was fairly uneventful, even as they found themselves among the ice and snow of the wintery land, but as they approached the spot where they had been told they would be able to find their aunt's pack it was noticeably barren. A frown crossed his lips as Revenant echoed his thoughts. After such a trip he had been looking forward to finding some warmth and a meal, but clearly those things were not going to just be handed to them today. It was getting too late into the day to just keep looking for their relatives or figure out where they had gone, as his brother pointed out when he mentioned staying here tonight and finding shelter and a fire. Morendo nodded, replying, "Well, at least there's plenty of trees around for wood. You start looking for shelter, I'll take the dogs and start gathering firewood." He whistled for Mezzo and Forte, the black and cream mastiffs stepping out of the trees to join him as he began to walk around and pick up fallen branches until he had enough to make a fire and start making his way back to wherever Revenant decided they should settle for the night.

WC: 393
Total: 885 / 1500

"Morendo Klein"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
02-23-2023, 05:55 PM
Morendo echoed his thought process and volunteered to go find wood and supplies to make a campfire for them, so Revenant would be tasked with finding their shelter for the night. The day was quickly slipping away from them and turning to night; they would need to work fast before it got too dark to see. Revenant nodded and turned to go search the old lands of Ashen for suitable shelter for them to use. Given that the pack had been here for generations, it was safe to assume that there should be a number of old dens the brothers could utilize for one night. It would just be a matter of finding them. Pushing through the cold wind and snow, the Klein prince sniffed about for any traces of any lingering scents that might help lead him to what once had been a home, but there was none to be found. Frowning to himself, Revenant continued to search around the coast of the archipelago until he stumbled across a cave opening set near the shore, expansive in its opening and dark inside.

With a curious tilt to his head, Revenant stepped into the dark cave. It was dry and warm, and inside was cavernous and spacious. Several discarded furs lay strewn about the entryway, and though they were old and worn, they were still soft and plush to the touch, clearly of high quality. He didn't know at the time, but he had just stumbled upon the old Ashen palace. Outside, Rev heard the wind howling getting louder. He looked back to the entrance, a frown tugging on his lips. He hoped Morendo was okay out there. Though his baby brother was obnoxious, he was still his brother. After gathering together a few of the furs to collect into two decent sized beds for the dire wolves, Revenant continued to sniff about until he came across a few stashed pieces of flint. The shiny rock glistened in the dim light as he picked it up and inspected it. He had never used flint before, but he did recall the lessons their mother and father had taught them. If he could find a piece of metal, they could use the flint and steel to start a fire.

Fortunately, it seemed the Ashen wolves had left behind quite a bit of discarded scrap. Finding a single solid piece of metal wasn't difficult, and after scrounging through a pile of refuse for a bit, he found an acceptable chunk of old armor he pried a metal plate from. This would do nicely. Dusk had fallen over Boreas by now, and as nightfall hit the land, Revenant poked his head out of the palace entrance and gave a short howl for his brother to follow to find him. Hopefully Morendo hadn't been totally useless and had managed to collect a few decent logs to make a fire. Then they could think about getting some food in their bellies and getting some much needed rest.

WC: 501
Total: 1386 / 1500
