

Medusa i


5 Years
10-11-2013, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 07:06 PM by Medusa i.)

Oh, Tortuga. She remembered Morphine had taken it, but she hadn?t seen the silver woman since. She remembered Stheno mentioning Newt?s scent about it, but there had been silence for a while, silence that the harlot could not accept. She could have sent her companion out once more, but alas the serpent decided that some things one needed to see for oneself. Long limbs carried her gracefully across the lands, moving with purpose as she arrived at the Tortugan border. Oh, she was prepared. She had no clue if the giantess still lived within these borders, but the siren was readying herself to find out. Jaws parted, a delicate song summoning forth the leader of the pack, and any others who might come. She had to know what was going on within the borders.


10-11-2013, 07:47 PM

Hajime was in no way classified for placing himself at the borders for members, but he happened to be here. The newly aged brute moved forward as his red eyes flickered to the sound. He happened to be nearby so he decided to inch towards the border. Maybe this would be experience for him, good experience rather than bad. His wounds from his spar were still lingering, but healing with no scars. So his light brown fur with muddy paws was perfect. His black ear pulled forward when he saw the lady. He dipped his head respectfully and made himself lower in the matter of which he was not the ruler. He was simply curious as to why this stranger was here.
"Hello miss, my name is Hajime. What brings you to Tortuga?" He asked curiously tilting his head to a side. He was polite, a gentleman in his own eyes. Seeing as he was still learning about the world, and with his uncle constantly calling him a king. Somehow he felt he needed to protect others and raise his rank until he could make something of himself. Or just, have a group to call his own. He didn't know, for now he would stay in Tortuga.



10-13-2013, 03:17 PM

Poison danced across the sky. Its venom had slunk towards the nose of the behemoth that wandered the boarders for joining wolves. She closed her eyes as it touched her, shivering with a hint of anger, what the fuck was she doing here? Her tail slashed back and forth behind her as she remembered the night they had shared. She had been broken then. Allowing the harpy to seduce her and inflict the pain she desired. She allowed her lips to curl up and a growl as she followed quickly towards the bitches aroma. Her gaze shifted towards her fellow pack mate already greeting her. She made her way beside Hajime. She allowed her fur to brush protectively against his in a show of claim and protection. They hadn?t had a chance to speak alone before but he belonged to Tortuga and thus belonged to her In her mind. He was hers to protect and she made a show of it.

Her violet gaze lingered over the bitch. Hostility was in her gaze. She was no longer broken. no longer drowning in her grief and she wouldn?t allow this wolf to manipulate her again. Her tail stood on end as she eyed the woman and growled. ?Yes I am interested to know why you call to us. Shouldn?t you be enjoying your spoils?? she growled but she could barley smell Amenti on her coat. Her tail slashed behind her as her dark lips curled into a smirk ?Or have you abandoned it to follow your masters strings again. How fitting.? She hissed, her body was struggling to not throw itself onto the wolf in front of her. To bite into her body and bleed her dry but her pack mate hadn?t a clue as to why she was so hostile towards this female and perhaps she had something worthwhile to hear. One way or another she would chase the bitch out if needed and send her limping on her way back to her master.



5 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 12:57 AM

Someone was his borders. A woman by the sound of her voice. He hadn't too many women at his borders as of late, so this one made the King uneasy. The last woman that hadn't come looking to be part of his pack had almost tried to take one of his own girls. Could this woman be from the Amenti pack that Ozz had come from? Was she here to try and take another one of his females? The titan would waste no time in making his way towards the border, his nose telling him that Newt and Hajime were already at the borders. It made sense that Newt was there, she was his duchessa after all, but Hajime? He appreciated that the young man was trying to help out, but it wasn't necessarily his job to be greeting strangers at the borders. Not bothering to make a scene about it, the cobalt King would move towards the trio, placing himself beside Newt, right shoulder gently bumping hers as his icy gaze fell across the smaller ebony dame on the other side. Her scent was faintly of Amenti, making the hackles against his nape bristle.

This is Newt and Hajime and I am Taurig, king of Tortuga. What has brought you here today? He could sense the tension coming from Newt, making him curious as to who exactly this dark woman was.

Talk like this

Medusa i


5 Years
10-16-2013, 06:31 PM

The first to arrive was not but a stranger, Hajime, an irrelevant flicker on Medusa?s sonar. No, she was looking for an alpha or a giantess, and this wolf was neither. Behind her Stheno arrived, the wolverine pressing to her mistress?s left heel, a promise of protection and devotion. Nonetheless, she was not kept with this stranger longer than a few moments, the giantess arriving in a protective display. Loud chuckles came forth from the serpent, words of amusement spewing from her lips. ?I am hardly the sort to harm the innocent, dear, they are far too boring,? she crooned towards Newt.
The woman inquired about Amenti, and Medusa saw no reason to tell the truth. Not when a weakened fool sat upon the throne, one easily deposed. Lying was as easy and natural to the Queen as breathing was. ?Amenti serves me well. Jupiter and I fuck beneath its stars so often; did you know the territory has several wonderful nests to rest in. I dare say we?ve found them all to spend the night in,? she said, hoping to piss Newt off. Now that she saw the silver woman, Medusa had a goal, a plan.
She was not kept alone much longer before a man stepped forwards, proclaiming to be the ruler of the territory. Ah, so the beast was not in power then? All the better. She gave a nod towards the leader, once again finding him irrelevant, despite how his position gave her a bit of a revelation about Newt?s status. ?I have come to see the lands of Tortuga, to discover if this woman resides within. You see, Newt and I are acquainted,? she explained, silver tongue flickering in the casings of her mouth. ?Her mate tried to rape mine once upon a time, and in response to that and several other threatening situations my mate, Jupiter, the alpha of Ludicael, killed him. During this I challenged our dear giantess here for her throne, and won,? she announced. Her gaze flickered to Newt?s, seeking to lock directly into the other woman?s gaze in a bold statement of disrespect.
?You see, dear King, the reason this is relevant to you is quite simple. I desire to see if Newt will come for my lover?s head, because if she will I will let her know that she has to go through me first. That is, unless she is afraid of me. It?d understandable if she?s too much of a coward to battle for her own head right now,? the serpent hissed, the death threat issued, the challenge put in place. It was up to Newt if it would become legitimate, but if she backed down Medusa would taunt her as nothing short of a coward, and she would display herself as such in front of her own King.


10-17-2013, 12:28 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Fate had brought the man across te land. Fate had led his paws which carried his bodice to the pretty vixen. Others, there was more than one soul here. Kind souls, wretched souls, evil souls, jealous souls, they were all the same. this then made him wonder...what kind of soul was he? Perhaps a lost soul...for a lost young man. He was lost in life honestly. His mother dead now, brothers gone...but there was one significant figure, one wolf who he had to live for. She was the dame that kept his soul to this Earth. Finally coming closer to her destination felt like a fantasy, a dream.

Coming forward, Kairos was finally able to catch what the others were saying. A voice reached his ears as they perked up. She would provoke Newt. She would talk of vengeance, Newt's revenge, her own self being a barricade in between. No, this couldn't go on any further , how foolish this conversation seemed. Kai could clearly see it was all a trap. To lure the pretty vixen in and to have her killed. Not to say that she couldn't win...but there was always a chance that she could.

Breaking through the bushes the male would appear, shake off the twigs and thorns from his fur did he do before he spoke. Looking up, his purple gaze settled on the four wolves that stood before him.

He didn't want to say anything that would embarrass the he would retaliate.

"So tell me...velvet dame, you came all this way just to lure this pretty vixen into a fight? You do not drop things from the past? You look backwards instead of forward..." he said in a sly tone

Walking forward to stand close enough to the grouping but just enough to give some space. His tail would flick casually behind him as the bastard's head would tilt slightly.

"You imply that she is a coward if she does not fight. And yet if she does not fight she ends up being the better dame in this situation. She would have the will to walk away from this. I bet this pretty vixen doesn't desire to waste her time in such skirmishes while she could be doing better things. And looking at you I suppose you should be back home fucking that orange dame. Your side already had your revenge..." he said as his voice deepened while he could only glare at the velvet dame.

"The first time I ever saw my father was the last as well. I watched him die by your mate's claws. Perhaps in some words he may have deserved it for some things he had done..but surely Hell would have eventually taken care of that. As you can see like me, I was just a product of his "fun times". as much as I hate being a product of rape I can surely point out that you have no business being here. You put salt in open wounds as you pry them open."

Turning towards NEwt he would speak again, words falling from his salmon tongue at a hurried pace.

"You're better than this, you're able to resist I'm sure. Don't let the devil tempt you...words can be deceiving when proposed in such a way. As I have said before you would be not a coward but the one with the stronger will. The one who would will walk away because you yourself know that you are no coward. You don't even deserve to get your paws dirty. You're done Newt. She can provoke you and plead all she wants but you're done with her and that orange bitch. As she has said before she desires to know if you will go...that is her desire, to give in would be feeding what she wants. You do not give others what they want, they give you what you are your own boss Newt, and that's why I admire you pretty vixen. So make the right decision that would benefit you." he would finally say.

Lips would close as Kairos would hope inside that she would make the right choice. He hoped that she would see that this impending skirmish was not worth it. Things were over and in the past, she was on her way forward. She would be foolish to let others such as this bitch and the other one pull her backwards. A casual sway of his tail was all that the bastard would do as he would wait for anyone to speak up. Looking over towards the large silver-like male Kairos would then look over at the other brown male. All seemed to be from Tortuga, this was good in case if something did happen. But even so if she would give in no one would be able to help her but herself.

If this was truly to be the end, and if god forbid this pretty vixen should lose Kairos would lose his ties to this world and float away into the universe. He would be nothing without her....all bt a bastard of a bastard. Kairos needed Newt...and maybe even...despite the fact that she may never admit it...she needed him...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



5 Years
Extra large
10-19-2013, 01:55 PM

Something was up. This woman was clearly here to start trouble; Taurig could feel it in the pit of his stomach. He would miss Newt's words to the dark woman, but would the ebony dame's in response to Newt's. I am hardly the sort to harm the innocent, dear, they are far too boring. Amenti serves me well. Jupiter and I fuck beneath its stars so often; did you know the territory has several wonderful nests to rest in. I dare say we?ve found them all to spend the night in. Steel like muscles would tense in response to her words, scarred ears flattening against his skull. So this was the woman that had sent Ozz after Poppy? The cobalt King was justified in his distrust of Amenti. They clearly were a band of no good low-life's like this woman here.

And then she would turn her attention to him, explaining her reason for having come to his borders. I have come to see the lands of Tortuga, to discover if this woman resides within. You see, Newt and I are acquainted. Her mate tried to rape mine once upon a time, and in response to that and several other threatening situations my mate, Jupiter, the alpha of Ludicael, killed him. During this I challenged our dear giantess here for her throne, and won. You see, dear King, the reason this is relevant to you is quite simple. I desire to see if Newt will come for my lover?s head, because if she will I will let her know that she has to go through me first. That is, unless she is afraid of me. It?d understandable if she?s too much of a coward to battle for her own head right now. Jupiter. Ludicael. That was the eastern pack near Tortuga that the healer Symphony had come from to seek an alliance. The Ludi queen had killed Newt's mate? And he had tried to rape the Ludi queen? Taurig now understood why Newt didn't want to hold an alliance with Ludicael. But he also understood why the queen had taken the actions that she did. But that didn't mean that this woman had any right to come and challenge Newt for her life.

The King would allow himself to raise to his full height, ebony tail curling dominantly over his hips, dark lips peeling back against ivory daggers, icy gaze narrowing as his protective instinct rose up inside of him. Newt was his packmate, his family and no one could march in and simply threaten her. He wouldn't stand for it. I don't know who you are and frankly, I don't believe a single word that slips from that silver tongue of yours. Clearly you have a past with my duchessa, but it's in the past. And that's that. You have no business coming here to challenge for her life. She is in my pack and therefore her well being is my responsibility and I won't allow some stranger march in here and try to take her life. Enough of your taunting words and lies, remove yourself from my borders or I will personally chase you out with all your body parts in tact if you're lucky. The last sentence was uttered as a growl, shoulders rolling with tension. Newt would not fight this woman. He wouldn't allow it. She was much to important to Tortuga to loose her to some silver tongued wench.

Talk like this


10-20-2013, 02:53 AM

The world was burning around her. Molten heat seething threw every once of her body. She would blink, once, twice, three times, but all she could see was red. Words, they clung to her. Begged her to come back to them. To them? Who is calling me? She was frozen in a moment. Frozen in a time where blood and war seemed oh so fitting. Just one snap and she would fall limp on the ground. What a sight it would be. She could drag her body back to Jupiter, bring her that bitches head, and laugh as the anger faded into nothing. Yet, someone was calling to her. She shook her head. She had been so close. Had they not been here. Had it just been the two of them. She would have fallen. Would have gone for the fight. Fought until that bitches life bleed into the ground around her and died or she would die trying.

Her ear twitched at the sound of his voice. She had mistaken him for Kaios. He had asked her to be his but he was too young to stake a claim on a mate. So she would claim him for herself. She had done so and here he was, calling to her, he was there when Zara should have been. The thoughts brought her home and brought her back. She shook her head and listened as her king demanded the bitch be gone. The past was past. That wasn?t true. She did have plans on taking her kingdom back and when she did, they would go for her. They would go to war with that queen. ?Your lover destroyed everything over what! An attempted rape?!? she all but snarled. The heat in her voice was almost acidic. ?It?s one thing to punish those who are wrong. Those who commit a crime. It?s another entirely to use that moment. To destroy an entire pack that was working just fine. To destroy a family!? she wanted so badly for them to hear this. For them to know the truth.

?Your lover took my mate and my home and my children?s structure. She destroyed so many lives over one wolves wrong doing. If you think I will ever forget that you are mistaken and your little threats mean nothing to me. My elder children will not rest until their father is avenged and my home is here for now but when I retrieve my kingdom, and I will, I will be coming for her. If not me then my children. What she did is unforgivable and she will pay with her life.? She said with finality. Her tail slashed behind her as she growled. She wanted this bitch out of their home. She did not belong here and what they had done to her kingdom was so heart wrenching. One way or another she would take it back and fix it. Bring it to the family it once was and she would find her wolves and bring them all home. ?Threaten me and you threaten Tortuga. If you want to start a war then by all means you are welcome to attempt to fight me but should you disregard my kings request to leave of your own doing then you will start something that I am sure your precious puppet master does not want. You wouldn?t want to upset her now would you?? she asked with a tilt of her head. She would have never challenged another wolf from another pack without Zaras consent when she was simply her possession. That was before she acquired her crown and gained a taste of what it was to protect her family.

?You are not welcome here again Medusa.? She said dismissively and pushed herself against Karios. Allowing his strength to seep into her mind. She had been so close to losing it and she was thankful that both he and her king had come. She would thank her king later but she needed to show her strength. Show she could handle the harassment and not lose her mind. Even if the fog was eating at the edges and violence was only a movement away.

Ooc: wasn?t sure if we were skipping Hajime so I assumed we were. Any issues let me know.


10-20-2013, 06:13 AM

ooc;; medusa needs back up, on it!! was going to post with Zara but decided Vi would be better...

It wasn't often that the red woman ignored the call of someone at the boarders but today she recognized the voice and she knew it could only be bad. Head would crane to look at her sister who lay near their den, curious to see if Zara would go check it out but the female simply grunted and went back to sorting her herbs. Vi knew that Newt and Zara had history but Vi wasn't exactly one to chat and neither was Zara it seemed so the whole story had never come out. But Vi knew the whole history of Newt and Kaios, Medusa and Jupiter. Her brother had pledged his allegiance to Jupiter upon her beheading of the once Amenti king and honestly Vi couldn't really blame him. Kaios had been a plague upon this land... Vi also knew of Keki and Crusade, had met with Crusade when the former Glaciem queen had left Amenti after asking Newt to send someone to kill the man who had raped her daughter, obviously that hasn't gone all that well. So with all this in mind she had never blamed Jupiter for killing Kaios, in fact thanked the woman seeing as if she hasn't done it then her brother would have tried and possibly failed.

A heavy sigh dropped from her lips as she tipped her nose to the sky, catching various scents from the now meeting place. "I'll be back dear, if you smell blood please come save me..." She didn't wait for her sister to answer before hopping off the tree and breaking into her easy lope towards the gathering. The raised voices caught her long before the sight of the wolves did and what she saw unnerved her. Taurig seemed to be the only sane one of the bunch and the little weakling she had found poisoned was there too. She slowed to a slow walk, her usual sly smile sliding into place as she made her way towards Taurig, moving to touch his shoulder in a hopefully calming manor before moving towards Medusa. She would try and put herself between the behemoth of a woman and the black temptress she had enjoyed the company of so long ago. Before pregnancy had ruined her body... "Attempted rape? Is that any better then rape? As well if memory serves correctly he did far worse things to lots of other people and many more people wanted him dead..." She kept her tone light even though she wanted to spit on Newt for defending Kaios. She knew the words would cost her but a that moment she couldn't keep the words from coming out... She would say nothing more, dredge up no more details as she slipped towards the black woman, moving to stand beside her.

More words would be spat from their beta's mouth, accusations but Vi stood beside Medusa, yellow eyes watching the massive woman over her shoulder as she waited for the rant to end. Was this how a leader should act? Taurig was handling things well, aggressive but he knew none of the history, now of the blood she and sorrow that accompanied these two. Vi agreed that Juliter had gone a step too far with sending Medusa after Amenti but at the same time Vi could understand it... "Dear, war won't solve anything, the king here has made peace with your queen. I trust in him to keep his word and to keep Newt in her place away from Jupiter. If he doesn't I will..." Her words were soft, for Medusa only, said near the tail end of Newt's rant to try and get her to not justify Newt with a response and simply leave. She needed to talk this woman down off the ledge she was currently on and Vi knew that this meeting wouldn't be the best for pack relations.

Vi didn't want to put her family in danger, if Taurig couldn't keep Newt from launching a one woman war on their ally then Vi would do anything in her power to do just that. Kylar lived in Ludicael now, he was loyal to Jupiter and Jupiter alone just as Medusa was. Hopefully the black woman would see as much. "Please leave... Your doing more harm then good here," her words were slightly louder now, a plea as she began to back up, now careful to put Taurig between herself and Newt. She had probably just made herself an enemy, had probably just pissed off Taurig but if that meant Medusa would leave without continuing to taunt and torment Newt then it would be worth it. Taurig was sensible, Vi had no issue explaining her history with Newt's mate to him later to try and get him to understand. She would stand with Taurig, lantern eyes focused in Medusa. "Just give the word..." Her words were for only Taurig now. She was ready to help him make Medusa leave if needed, knowing that if they released Newt on the task that it might get a bit out of hand...


Medusa i


5 Years
10-20-2013, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 04:46 PM by Medusa i.)
EDITED FOR POST COUNT CORRECTION. permission given by dark + lu <3

Oh, she expected the pack mates to get upset, but it did not change the harlot? intentions. The first to come was a black male with purple eyes, and he would speak up. ?I do not drop things from the past because she does not,? she informed the man. Stheno would press closer to her side, a silent oath of protection, but Medusa felt no fear. There were only two things on this earth that the harlot feared, and neither of them were present in this situation. ?This isn?t about revenge. This is about love,? she told him, and for she had no hatred towards Newt aside from the threat she posed towards Jupiter.
The King would speak, and Medusa would shake her head. ?You seem rather dull, lovely, as I have said this was not about the past. This is, in fact, about the future. She will come for my lover?s head, and I cannot allow that. The past does not matter; I will eliminate all threats to my love?s life. Do not tell me you would not do the same for the one you love; if you would not, you are undeserving of love,? she informed him. There was no bitterness in her voice, not spite, merely a dutiful note.
Newt would then find it her turn to speak, and her first words were enough to make Medusa snort. ?If someone were to rape your daughter, you would tear their head from their body,? she told the woman. ?You see, dear giantess, I do not care for morality. It matters little to me what you perceive as right and wrong, for the moral are always hypocrites, always fools,? she spoke so smoothly. And then Newt spoke the magic words, the words promising to come for Jupiter?s head. Medusa remained silent, allowing the foolish woman to speak.
?You call me the puppet, lovely, but that is not true. You see, I am the master. I am not controlled. Jupiter is mine, and she runs on my strings whether she knows it or not. If I threaten you again, it is not war with Amenti or Ludicael, it is war with me. Jupiter nor my pack knows not that I was even here,? she said. She knew that regardless of what happened here her children would be safe; no one here knew that Medusa had even been pregnant.

The scarlet dame Medusa remembered approached, and although she was reasonable, the harlot could not accept the words she offered in condolence. ?When I come to threaten one?s head, it is not done out of good feelings. I would leave Newt well enough alone, but she threatens the one thing I cherish in this world, the one thing that has ever made me happy. If she were to kill Jupiter I would be nothing,? she growled. No, she could not let this woman live.
Defenses set into place during her entire speech; legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Thus, at the end of her speech there was no pause, as she?d been readying herself throughout. She wanted a death match? She would certainly get one.
She rushed forwards, leaving Stheno behind if only for the moment. The wolverine was prepared should the need to attack arise, but her appearance was placid. None would be able to tell that she was anything more than a simple pet. The harlot sought to approach head on, unafraid of their size difference as she had once been. She attempted to step quickly to her right, and then to her left, leaping off her right front paw and lifting it up, hoping to slam it into the outside edge of Newt?s left elbow as Medusa?s body traveled to the left, seeking to trip the giantess up as she had once tripped Canttina up. Weight transferred to her left paw, but she was airborn for a moment, before her left paw kissed the ground and balance adjusted.
During the leap her hips pivoted to her own left, seeking to bring herself at an angle with Newt?s shoulder, with Medusa?s hips far away from Newt?s body, so that Medusa?s head was hopefully the only thing in reach of Newt?s contact. Her left shoulder sought to slam into the outside, fleshy part of the giantess?s right shoulder, her jaws snapping forwards and seeking to bite into Newt?s right side neck. Her bottom jaw wanted to press into the woman?s throat, her top seeking to bite into the side part of her neck, attack in general aim for the middle of the neck. Her intent was to obtain a grip and suffocate, but who knew if that would remotely meet success.

ATTACKS: attempted to slam her right paw into Newt?s front left elbow and move to her own left, so that Newt trips. Attempted to pivot and then slam her left shoulder into the outside edge of Newt?s right shoulder. Attempting to bite and grip Newt?s right side neck.


DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
OOC: Dark and I have both consented to this death match! Also, just a note for those watching, I do not believe that interference in a DM is allowed, although I?m not 100 percent sure~


10-20-2013, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 11:02 PM by Deteste.)

The man would follow her trail without question, without command. His long limbs fell heavily on the snow beneath him for the substance was compact and hard against the rocky ground beneath it. Each step would be followed by an echo of the force, the sound reminiscent of machinery. The cold was especially bitter here where even weeds struggled to root themselves among the black rock. The man found himself wondering what lives had willingly intertwined themselves among the lifeless stone. He would be a bit late to the delicate dance Medusa had seduced Newt into. As always he was aware but untold of the seductress' intentions yet it was a blameless pattern they had fallen into. The serpent had little need to inform the man when his sixth sense informed him well enough. She had indeed picked up on this cognitive link between them and learned to use it to any advantage.

Tortuga would fathom it's self before him in the form of crowded bodies and violence. The serpent's hiss would cut through the air. The muffled sound of colliding bodies would follow. He would seat himself within the scene yet outside of crowd, taking a moment to survey those that accompanied him before settling his gaze upon Medusa with the same analytical expression he had used when she dominated Canttina. He had nothing to say to the other observers thus he said nothing. He had learned from his daughter that silence was a rather significant tool and in this moment it was his. His only acknowledgement would be directed at Stheno. A curt dip of the crown for the wolverine when their eyes met one another.


10-21-2013, 07:42 AM

Hajime honestly had no clue what was going on, he was simply trying to be a good member to the pack, and now he was witnessing a quarrel over lovers. It was a surprise to his eyes, as his heart suddenly lurched when he realized he felt like he had fucked up. Tail swishing back and forth all he could do was watch and listen to the other two bicker, until more arrived showing nothing but hostility towards the girl in front of him. He felt protective, he felt a bit angry at that. Who in the world would want to threaten his pack mate, over something that could of could not happen. Hajime didn't understand love, nor did he understand while anyone would want to continue the circle of hate. But he didn't know the whole story, in fact, he had no say in the matter therefore didn't have the rights to an opinion. He simply had to blindly support newt because she was his beta, she was the one who protected him. The higher ups, even Taurig, even Hajime had grown a bit spoiled from his strife's of being called a king by his uncle. And yet he still had much to learn about the world around him.
The boy stood back, his ears pulled against his skull, as he tried not to show the worry and the terror that was in his eyes. Part of him wanted to recede back towards his king. Hajime had been the first here, and yet now he felt cornered and afraid. Lips curled into a deep growl at the bitch who had challenged Newt for her head. Newt was bigger, and stronger, she could win right? If she didn't Hajime would witness the first death in his life, besides the life of his brother that he took with his own paws. Oh yes, he had killed before, a quick blow to the back of the neck. And he was nearly two years of age, that was all. The masked man gave his heart out to Newt. She had to win, there was no other option to it.
"I cannot do anything, I feel utterly helpless, and foolishly inexperienced." He whispered in light tones, lowering his head as he watched Medusa dive for Newt. Hajime was taking in all the information he could, if he was to be a king one day like his uncle hoped him to be, he would need to learn. His heart would need to hurt, and he would need to grow stronger. Unlike his meek assumptions of when he needed to feel accepted. There were bitches who did crap like this, and whom there was little understanding towards it. His hope for a perfect world had been shattered at a young age already. But Hajime was afraid of losing a pack mate, of losing someone who just had the mind to press up against him just to say that he was her responsibility. If that was what a higher up was for, then Hajime would want to be that one day, for now all he could do was support.



10-21-2013, 12:35 PM

It was a call that was itching away at her bones, to move- to see what the commotion was really about. It worried her, just to see the scene from the distance that her mother could be killed upon the cold floor. In that moment Poppies heart would sink to the point that it'd feel as though it was no longer there. Slowly she neared closer to see a woman as dark as the night, challenging newt to the death. From the sidelines Poppy would watch, that's all she could possibly do. Like a ghost it would seem not many would acknowledge the dame, to caught up in the spit fire of it all. The tension would build and it was a sudden movement from the challenger that would start it all of. Starting of to her death or perhaps even her victory. Newt had the slight advantage, tall- more bulk. But that didn't stop medusa last time. This could be the ex Tortuga/amenti queens time to put it right, to end it all. The event raced before Poppies eyes- folding out bit by bit on how not only the youths life, but many more could be affected by. This was it.



10-21-2013, 02:56 PM

Words, they circled around the wolves like needless thing. What was set to occur would come to pass with or without anyone?s blessing. She had allowed her pack mates to sooth her rage. Take time to think things threw but she had promised to come for Juiter for what she had done and she had meant it. Perhaps if the viper had listened, gone as they had all asked to her, then her king could speak with her in private and talk her out of her vengeance. After all, Vi and said she was certain Taurig would ensure that newt wouldn?t go for the Ludicael. She wouldn?t so long as she belonged to Tortuga but if she reacquired her kingdom in Amenti, then she would be free to do as she pleased. It was so many what if?s to think of and still she and Zara had a life to build. They had plans. Her pups were still too young to lose her and she had too much to fight for to let this Viper kill her.

The snake had begun to battle. She had been at the ready, Her body tense and ready for a direct hit, Her legs evenly spread to distribute her weight evenly. Her toes were spread and claws gripping the ground. Her tail was low and tucked in to protect her vulnerable areas. Her lips were pulled back, exposing her teeth, Her ears were pinned to her skull, her head lowered and bent to protect her throat, and her eyes squinted. She was waiting for her to recoil and strike. She had been shoulder to shoulder with her comrades but she was sure they would move as the battle began.

Finally it happened, Medusa closed the distance between. It was a mere five feet but she watched the woman come rushing forward, and then change her direction at the last second, so she was air born for just a moment. In that same moment, Newt pushed her weight down while maintaining her balance. She kept her abdomen tight, splayed her toes and claws, and kept her tail tucked to her body. Her ears were pinned, her neck was scrunched up and her head was still low to protect her throat. Medusas original aim had been for Newts elbow, in an attempt to trip her. However, with her body lowered and balanced the woman?s paw managed to hit at her shoulder. The distance wasn?t enough to do anything more then give Medusa purchase on her shoulder. She hadn?t managed to trip her so rather then slam her opposing shoulder into Newts right shoulder she merely pushed into it as she reached for the place to bite.

During the time that Medusa had grabbed newts shoulder with her right paw newt had begun raising her body from its crouched position and began rotating her head towards the limb on newts shoulder. She kept her defenses set, them being: (her ears tight, eyes narrowed, jaws parted, lips curled, abdomen tight, tail slightly out to keep balance, toes still splayed and claws digging into the ground, she?s still maintaining her balance and fur bristled for better protection of her the side of her neck). As she moved this allowed medusa to strike at her upper right shoulder. While reaching with open jaws towards the underside of medusas right under leg she had protected her neck with her turned head. She maintained her balanced body by keeping her legs evenly spread and she moved on the tips of her toes pushing her forward her brute strength. Should she connect with the targeted area she would swing her head to the left. With Medusa's bite successful to her upper shoulder, and her paw holding onto her left shoulder, this had Medusa latched on while Newt rose her body upwards into a standing position, (that is, if she were to stay latched on for that second) her eight inch high height difference no doubt giving her an advantage.

She wanted the woman to grab her, to taste blood, and to be attached to her. With Medusa latched onto her shoulder Newt could only hope that she would not have enough react time to avoid her sudden attack to Medusas under arm/armpit area. She had moved in the same moment that Medusa had placed her paw on Newts shoulder in an attempt to grab the under armpit. If she were successful and Medusa didn?t release her bite then she would follow threw, grab and hold that area, pull her head towards the left, and push all of her 70-pound difference towards the left side in an attempt to put medusa on her side. While doing so this she is hoping to pull at the tender muscle and either sever the tendons while pulling or severely injure the underside of that limb. She would also sweep her left leg towards Medusas right ribcage, curling her claws into the side to help continue her attempt to push the woman over, and to have a better hold on Medusa to assist her balance. If her bite didn?t hit, and Medusa managed to avoid the attack all together, then she would move forward and try and bite at what ever she could grab ahold of and inflict as much damage as possible.

Round one of four
ATTACKS: While Medusas paw is on Newts left shoulder she is attempting to go for the underside (underarm/armpit area where the limb meets the chest) of that right leg that is resting on her left shoulder. If she is successful then she will bite to hold and severely wound (going for the artery in the armpit ( ). She will then rip her head towards the left in an attempt to pull Medusa to the ground. In that same moment she will sweep her paw towards her right rib cage, digging her claws in as deep as she can, to help with that pulling motion. Her intentions are to tear the tendons and cut the artery in the under arm area creating excruciating pain and causing her to bleed out while pulling Medusa to the ground.
At the same moment will use her left leg to pull and hold the right rib cage area to pull and give her a stronger hold by pushing her weight onto Medusa to hold her in place and maintain her balance. If Medusa manages to avoid being bitten then she will continue to move forward and will snap at what ever she can grab and hold/tear.

DEFENSES: In preparation for the battle: She stood at the ready, Her body tense, abdomen tight and ready for a direct hit, Her legs evenly spread to distribute her weight evenly. Her toes were spread and claws gripping the ground. Her tail was low and tucked in to protect her vulnerable areas. Her lips were pulled back, exposing her teeth, Her ears were pinned to her skull, her head lowered and bent to protect her throat, and her eyes squinted.

During her attack: She had lowered her body into a crouched position, keeping her legs parted, abdomen tight, to maintain balance. Her tail has now come out from beneath her rump but still low and level with her body to help with her balance. Her ears still remained pinned, her neck is tight before her reaction and as she moves her head towards the limb its turning, essentially blocking the side that medusa had originally aimed for and protecting it and her throat. She keeps her jaws open, eyes narrowed, Fur raised for better protection of the skin beneath it, toes splayed and claws holding the ground as she pushes forward (just a little push not a lung) with her strike.

INJURIES: Bite wound to the upper right shoulder where the shoulder and shoulder blade meet about a half an inch deep for a holding bite. I know Medusa was also trying to slam her shoulder into newt but since she didn?t trip her like her original goal and newt ducked downwards, since her paw landed on newts shoulder, Medusas opposite shoulder would have less momentum to slam but would be more pushed into newts shoulder, balancing out the force.

Medusa i


5 Years
10-24-2013, 08:12 PM

Her paw had connected, but not where intended. Nonetheless, the harlot was not so dumb as to leave a limb out and vulnerable. Newt?s jaws could cripple, and immediately she began to move. Her hips pivoted more to her own left, hoping to hop to her left a bit as well, right limb seeking to return to the ground to aide her movements. Her motions prevented Newt?s jaws from gripping where intended, but the managed to latch onto her right shoulder instead. Medusa?s movements kept the grip from being more than an instant, but Newt?s powerful head pulled a sizable chunk of skin and flesh from the region, although no muscles vital to function were taken, blood oozing out of the wound heavily. It hurt, but adrenaline was pumping through her veins, powerful and sweet. Her movements would keep her from any damage from Newt?s left leg. The giantess would also neglect to pull Medusa of balance because the woman had not obtained a grip solid enough for such actions.

The harlot sought to bring herself perpendicular, an almost capital L-shape being her goal (it would be more of an unsymmetrical, capital T that she was aiming for), seeking to preserve defenses. Her previously lifted paw sought to join the ground, hoping that her four limbs would balance equally, weight evenly distributing across all limbs that managed to be grounded, limbs bending, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil, center of gravity lowering with her lowered body, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her body, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted when they didn?t manage to grip flesh, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. All defenses were set, muscles tensed just enough to allow for preparation, but not too much as to hinder her flexibility.
Her defenses had all previously been secured, but her balance took no more than an instant to secure, upon three legs or upon four. Jaws released the area she?d managed to bite into, seeking to prepare for a different. Alas, the woman?s hind legs tensed and sought to propel her forwards. Her aim was to drive her left shoulder into the area behind Newt?s right shoulder, near the start of the woman?s ribs. She hoped that the sharp bone of her shoulder, which had lowered and pushed out, would crack ribs. After all, the harlot was pushing with the might of her hind legs, powerful limbs that were built for running and swiftness, muscles that were strong and compact. Jaws sought to twist to her own right, seeking to bite into the woman?s right side, near the first ribs ribs, and attempting so in a crushing motion. She desired to break ribs if possible, but bruises and bitemarks would also be acceptable to the harlot. Alas, her positioning would depend upon Newt?s potential forward motion (OOC: as Dark said she would move forward if not successful, but Newt was only partly successful, I wasn?t certain what Newt would do and felt it would be unfair to assume [:), but Newt had not turned towards the harlot. The serpent wanted to try prey upon the woman?s exposed side, to attempt to tear into her wherever possible.
Meanwhile, Stheno started to move, hoping to circle the fight and observe it from light feet. The wolverine would have faith in her mistress, still showing nothing more than interest in the battle, and nothing more than a quiet worry. None would know if she had any intentions of joining in for an attack or not, including the harlot herself.

ATTACKS: attempted to slam her left shoulder into Newt?s right side ribs with the power of her hind legs, attempting to bite into Newt?s right side ribs and crush them after twisting her own head to the right

INJURIES: missing chunk of flesh and skin on front of right shoulder (bleeding heavily)

DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
OOC: Dark and I would like all the judges to know that we have both agreed to be flexible regarding default times. <3


10-28-2013, 03:02 PM
user posted image

Thump, thump, thump, she could feel her heart beat drumming to the sound of war. Beating the fire into her veins, determination sharpening her focus, as she followed Medusas movements. Her violet gaze was steady as she felt her body move. Her teeth had found flesh. She had all the intentions of holding and pulling her head towards the left. However, she had managed to rip flesh from the woman?s shoulder instead. She was slightly unsure how she had managed to merely remove a small amount of flesh, but her determination would not cease. She would bring the woman down one way or another. Also, her paw, which had been curled to hold and push Medusas body, had done nothing but simply smack the woman. She had intended to push her weight difference into that bite and smack of her paw. Yet Medusa had managed to somehow evade losing her balance.

She had followed her body?s motion and continued to follow threw towards the left. Medusa had been attempting to gain a small amount of distance. She wouldn?t allow it and she would not simply stand where she was while the woman regrouped. This wasn?t a small spar. This was to the death and she would be on top of the woman more fiercely then she had in their previous battle. Her mind was screaming inside her. She had children to live for and a pack to continue to work with. As she followed her movement to the left she had tightened her abdomen once more. She curled her tail to the right side of her body to keep her balance as she turned. Her toes were still splayed and claws still dug into the ground as she followed after Medusa. Her neck was scrunched up, and her shoulders rolled forward. Her hair was upright to maintain protection of the skin beneath it. Her jaws were ajar, her eyes were narrowed and ears tucked tight against her head. As she was doing this Medusa had begun to push back on her hind legs for a strike to what she had hoped to be newt?s ribs. However, with Newt continuing to follow threw with her attack and moving towards the left as she had intended to pin Medusa there they were almost head on but more shoulder-to-shoulder.

In the same moment that she had continued to follow Medusa, she had pushed her body into a crouch and then shifted her weight on her own back legs. She was hoping the distance between them would be barley enough For Medusa to work with. They were perhaps a foot apart from one another if not a few inches. Newt had made sure to keep her body centered as she shifted her weight to her back end and allowed her body to spring forward. While her body was pushed in the forward movement her tail was slashing back and forth to help her body keep its balance as well as protect the achillied tendons or any lower area any lower area an outside attacker could grasp. She lowered her head, to protect her windpipe and throat, maintained her squinted eyes, pinned ears, and opened jaws. She released all that waiting muscle mass forward in an attempt to meet Medusa's slamming left shoulder with her right shoulder. She was hoping her 70-pound difference would equal out if not over power Medusas own assault as well as put strain on Medusa's already bleeding shoulder. As her body met with Medusas her paws would touch the earth again as she would go through with her slam attempt, claws gripping the earth below them with splayed toes She could feel her own shoulder bruising only slightly from Medusas attack, her bulk protecting her from heavier damage. She was also hoping that the lack of distance would help her counterbalance the attack.

As they two hit she felt medusa strike out once more. Originally Medusa had hoped to grab for Newts right ribs. However, due to their current placement her jaws found the area behind newt?s neck/back. She felt Medusas teeth score on her back just a few inches before her previous puncture wounds. She felt Medusas bite shift towards the right to rip her flesh more then a simple bite and hold. At the same time that Medusa had bit Newts shoulder she had rebalanced her body. She pushed her weight on her back legs just a bit to center herself and maintained her toes being splayed and nails curling into the ground. She turned her head to the left, keeping it bunched, towards the right side of Medusas neck. She would continue to sway her tail back and forth to help with her balance as well as continue to protect her heels. Her abdomen would remain tight. Her ears would stay pinned to protect them, her eyes half narrowed and yet still alert, and her lips curled and Jaws open as she was aiming for Medusa neck and jugular.

Following her shoulder attack, Newt was aiming to bite the middle of Medusa neck (she was not aiming to bite and hold) and sink her top teeth into arteries in the neck and her bottom teeth in the jugular on the side of the neck. She would also be pulling downwards in an attempt to shove Medusa body down towards the ground. She would tear into the flesh as if she were worrying into a bone. Her intentions were brutal and deadly. She was aiming to viciously bite into the middle of Medusa neck while Medusa scored Newts shoulder. She was hoping that Medusa injured shoulder would still be bleeding and would be slowing her down. During the same few seconds of her attack she was continuing to push her body forward in an attempt over power Medusa with her weight and off balance her. However, if she managed to grab something else then she would expand her bite and continue to viciously shake her head back and forth into the area, attempting to puncture any arteries, and to inflict as much damage as possible. She would also continue to still push her body forward in an attempt to off balance Medusa and pull downward towards the ground.

Round Two of four
ATTACKS: She is attempting to slam her left shoulder into Medusa Right shoulder in an attempt to counter balance the assault and possibly over power Medusa. Once they make contact she is turning her neck towards the left, aiming for the middle of Medusa right side neck in an attempt to injure arteries/her jugular and she is also pushing for body forward to attempt to push medusa off balance. Should the bite not score the intended area she is attempting to expand her bite and reach for any area around the neck/shoulder area and shake her head viciously back and forth to inflict as much damage as possible and still pushing her weight forward.

DEFENSES: Her body tenses as it begins to turn. She is using her tail to help maintain her balance as well as keeping her abdomen tight while turning to face Medusa. Her neck is scrunched, her shoulders were rolled forward, her hair was standing on end for better protection of her skin and her head is lowered to protect her windpipe and throat. Her eyes are narrowed, her ears are pinned, her lips are curled and jaws open. She is still moving on the pads of her paws, toes curled, and nails digging into the ground to maintain balance. While in her forward movement, she is slashing her tail back and forth to maintain balance as well as protect her achilles tendons. Her body has been lowered, centered, and she pushes her weight on her back legs to propel herself forward. Her shoulders are rolled forward with her forward movement, her hair is still raised, her head is lowered to protect her throat, and her lips are curled and jaws are ajar and actively seeking to score flesh. She is still moving on the tips of her pads, toes splayed, and nails digging into the ground more so with her back end then her front to maintain her core balance as she attempts to slam her body into Medusa. She has also maintained her squinted eyes and pinned ears. Once she contacts her paws retouch the ground and once again center her body and her claws grab at the ground beneath them. As she is attacking she is maintaining her swaying tail to continue to protect her heels from any other attacks. And maintaining her other defenses as previously stated.

INJURIES: First round: Bite wound to the upper right shoulder where the shoulder and shoulder blade meet about a half an inch deep.

Second round:Newt is attempting to slam her right shoulder into medusas left shoulder hoping to counter the weight and cause minimal bruising should it succeed. The second bite wound was a few inches away from the first and more vicious in nature. So she is left with a seeping pulled wound. Where the skin has been ripped into but no damage to the muscle has been done. It is a clean tear to the right so the skin would be slightly free and bleeding would be nothing life threatening but significantly seeping.

Medusa i


5 Years
11-01-2013, 04:21 PM

Newt?s paw hadn?t made contact with the harlot at all; thus why not even a claw scratch was taken. Medusa had been moving away from Newt?s attacks and had pulled out of range. The bite on her shoulder, however, was certainly heavier than the harlot would have desired. It would scar a big patch of rough flesh that would heal unsightly, should she live. The harlot was too focused in the moment to concern herself with vanity for now; all she allowed was a tactical plan, and thoughts of bloodlust and pain combined. Stheno continued to circle, a nervous creature above anything else. The wolverine was a good warrior, certainly no match for wolves, but she would know where to come in if the time ever came.
Right leg managed to touch the ground, as Newt did not offer any attack upon the limb and thus it was able to restore the harlot?s balance to full force. She checked that her defenses stayed in place; legs spread evenly apart, limbs bent, toes spread, claws biting into the soil, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, tail lashing out behind her for better balance, chin tucked, jaws parted whenever they did not manage to grasp onto flesh, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Her muscles were tense enough to prepare to fight, but loose enough to allow flexibility.
Newt turned towards her, and as Medusa had been pushing forwards with her legs at the time, she was unable to stop her forward momentum. Unfortunately for Newt, the harlot?s right shoulder was the one that was injured, not the left. Nonetheless, the collision left moderate bruising upon the midnight mistress?s left shoulder, bruising that would have been worse had there been more distance between them. The harlot would growl with the pain, but her adrenaline was protecting her from the worst of it for now. Alas, Medusa had never tried to distance herself from Newt; instead she?d merely pivoted, attempting to get a different side of her body. The collision was enough to send the woman sliding back a few inches, claws serving to catch her traction a bit. As soon as she?d felt the touch of pain her hips started to pivot to her own left once more, jaws releasing from Newt?s flesh, which they had managed to contact with the repositioning. Alas, she sought to withdraw, head moving back and up with her positioning.
She noticed Newt?s jaws coming for her neck, and immediately she would try to act. Medusa had been pivoting to her own left, and she hoped that at this point she would be at an angle (not close to perpendicular, but enough to move the right side of her neck away Newt?s jaws), jaws parting. Medusa was shorter than Newt, and thus for the woman to get access to her neck in the way she?d intended, Newt would have had to lower her head to Medusa?s height. As the harlot moved she sought to raised her neck, head adjusting in an attempt to bite around the woman?s top jaw. Her teeth wanted to dig into the leathery nose, hoping that her jaws would stop the woman?s powerful attempt (COUNTER, DAMAGE PENDING). She wanted to hook her teeth into the leathery button, to grip into it, for immediately following her jaw attempt she stepped back abruptly. Regardless of if Newt moved forwards or back (once more uncertain what to specify as Newt?s jaws didn?t land at all in this post, but they might in the next so xD), Medusa would not be in a position where she?d be easily tugged to the ground. Her balance defenses had been secured.

Her left paw would raise, weight redistributing evenly upon the remaining three limbs as if to compensate for any remaining off points in her balance, and turn so that the claws were to Medusa?s right, hoping to strike the back of Newt?s lower right front leg. Her intention being to knock the woman off balance. Her body stepped back at the same time, jaws hoping to have obtained a grip on Newt?s nose, hoping that she?d be able to rip the leathery button right off. It was then that Stheno would see fit to join in, the wolverine attempting to rush at Newt?s front left. The creature sought to grasp the giantess?s lower front left limb from behind, her body striking forward, powerful jaws parting and hoping to crush into bone and vein and tendon, seeking to crush what she could. Immediately the creature stepped backwards, hoping that it would be able to pull Newt?s left paw backwards as Medusa tried to knock the giantess?s right paw forwards, hopefully putting the woman in a vulnerable position.
Her wounds ached, but this fight was taking place in a matter of moments. So far it had not been very long; Medusa would tire eventually, that was certain, but for now she was alert. For now she had energy. She?d meet fatigue eventually, undoubtedly, but the harlot would not even dare to feel its whisper against it skin now, when adrenaline coursed through her veins and made her feel as if she was truly invincible. Oh, she knew she was not, but the feeling was intoxicating.

ATTACKS: attempted to counter Newt?s jaw attack by gripping into the top of her snout (the nose particularly), and seeking to step backwards so as to rip the black button off. Attempting to knock her left paw into Newt?s front right paw. Stheno is attempting to bite into Newt?s lower left front leg and pull back, both attacks attempting to make Newt fall over.

INJURIES: missing chunk of flesh and skin on front of right shoulder (bleeding heavily), moderate bruising to left shoulder, damage pending to neck (or whatever area Newt?s jaws do land on)

DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
OOC: I believe there was some confusion with lefts and rights. Medusa was to Newt?s right, so if Newt moved to her own left, she?d move away from Medusa. Nonetheless, I just assumed it was a typo and went on as if Newt turned right, so I hope this is okay! [: I also wasn?t 100 percent clear on Newt?s attacks, but I decided to go ahead and get this post up anyways because it had been waiting for so long, but I did my best with it!


11-04-2013, 01:31 PM

Situational awareness was something she had been trained with since as young as she could remember. She had been aware of Medusas pet, subtly, keeping in mind the fight with her deceased mate and Jupitor. She had known the pet had helped in bringing her love down to his death and she would not allow the same fate to become her. She would fight, and try to live, to avenge him as she had promised. She had everything to live for. Pups to care for, her relationship with Zara to progress and strengthen, and her goal to retrieve Amenti. Death simply was just not an option.

The seconds seemed to go by so slowly. Each breathe of pain was electrifying to her system. She remembered the aggressive night they had spent together. Medusa had taken advantage of her weakness for pain. It was so difficult for her not to roll in the feeling of it and yet she was sadly disappointed with the ferocity that the viper was showing. She knew this was a fight to the death, knew one had to fall for the other to prevail, yet she had hoped that in the end they would both be brutally bloody and almost merged together with their wounds. Perhaps in a sense they were both sets of wounds each had received for the time being were minor scars, minor tearing, and nothing that screamed deadly and she wondered which would be victorious in the end.

Medusa had dung her fangs into Newts right shoulder. Newt had been anticipating a vicious bite. However, Medusa had removed her bite as soon as it had hit only leaving a small tear and another set of half an inch deep puncture wounds. Newt had braced herself for the shaking motion that never came. Her abdomen had been tight. Her weight had been evenly distributed through out her legs. Her claws still clung at the earth waiting for the backwards movement but instead she felt Medusa push backwards with her own forward momentum. She had thought the difference in weight between medusa and herself would have overpowered the viper. However, it seemed Medusa was unwilling to yield. As medusa had been pushed backwards she had turned her head towards newts left side. Newt had missed, snapping at air, and left her jaws open and lips still curled back in a snarl. Her ears still remained pinned to her head. Her eyes still slanted but still very much alert. Her tail was still swaying to protect her back end. Her shoulders were rolled forward and her head still tucked downwards to protect her throat. The hair around her body had stood to attention to protect her as best as it could. Her paws still griping the earth and her toes were still splayed.

Newt shifted her weight to her back end, crouched and shoved her body forwards to meet Medusa face to face. Her back toes pushed into the ground to help center her body. Her tail had pushed outwards to also help with her balance. Her front paws curled into her chest (as the moved forward) and then she pushed them out in an attempt to push them into Meduas chest/shoulder area (while she was attempting to attack and keeping the height difference in mind). She allowed her muscles to relax while in her forward motion. She also maintained her shoulder rolled forward and the hair around her body was still upright in an attempt to protect the skin beneath it. At the same time that Medusa was aiming to grab newts nose, newt had turned her head on a slight angle, kept her head level with her body, and opened her jaws (lips curled backwards, eyes narrowed, ears tight to her head) in an attempt to grasp medusas bottom jaw. At such a close proximity she saw no other quick attack option. She would need to go for Medusa's face. With jaws splayed open and her head on a slight angle she would strike quickly and fiercely (while maintaining a lowered head to protect her throat) towards Medusas bottom jaw. She would attempt to grasp the top portion of medusas bottom jaw (Tongue and fleshy area beneath the tongue) with her upper fangs and her bottom jaws would aim to dig into the fleshy bottom portion of medusa jaw. Her head was at a slight angle while her bottom jaws would be attempting to hook into the soft bottom portion of Medusas jaw and her teeth would be attempting to hook into Medusas jawbone for a better hold. If her attack succeeded she would close her jaws immediately upon contact in a bone crushing motion. She would then attempt to shake her head violently to the left and then to the right in an attempt to sprain medusas neck and possibly break or dislocate her jawbone. She had hoped this would also deflect any further attacks from Medusa fangs. If her attack were not successful then she would still be attempting to do as much damage as possible to medusa jaws and area around her cheek.

Medusa had also desired to hit the back of Newt?s right leg once again, mimicking her first assault in an attempt to trip her. However, Newt had pushed her front legs up, curling her paws towards her body in an attempt to have her forelimb hit Meduas while standing crouched on her back legs and pushing her body forwards towards Medusa. Then she would pushed her legs out at the same moment she was attempting to bite her jaw. The movement would be one quick swooping motion of her legs. If they landed then she would push her paws out in a shoving motion to push her weight into Medusa chest/shoulders to keep Newts body upright for a moment and push her weight difference onto the Medusa in an attempt to push Medusa off balance.

While Medusa was attacking her pet had made its way towards Newt. It was intending to bite the back of Newts left front leg. Newt had been attempting to remain aware of the wolverine as best as she could. While the wolverine was attempting to bite newts left leg. Due to Newt springing off her back legs and tucking her front legs against her body she had managed to avoid the wolverines attack all together. Perhaps Cerberus was protecting her, seeing that Newt hadn't been aware of Stheno coming, but because of her determination to meet Medusa head on she had caused the wolverine to miss. If she was successful in meeting Medusa head on and pushing her paws into medusa body she would slam her legs back down on the ground to center her body and recover her balance again. While doing this, she was hoping to stomp down her left paw on the wolverine?s body to attempt to cause some serious harm and send the creature running.

Round three of four
ATTACKS: She is attempting to bite Medusas bottom jaws and hold at the same time that medusa is attempting to bite her nose. If she is successful in grabbing the bottom jaw she will immediately close her jaws shut and shake her head left to right in an attempt to dislocate or fracture medusas bottom jawbone. If she does not grab the jaws she is attempting to bite anything on the bottom portion of Medusas face, cheek, side of the jaws, muzzle, ect as viciously as she can muster. She is also attempting to push her front legs into her chest and then shove them out and into Medusas chest/shoulder area to attempt to push Medusas backward. She is then attempting to stomp her feet back down to the ground to maintain center body balance and to attempt to stomp on onto wolverines head/body.

DEFENSES: In her attempt to bite she had missed and kept her jaws open and lips still curled back in a snarl. Her ears still remained pinned to her head. Her eyes still slanted but still very much alert. Her tail was still swaying to protect her back end. Her shoulders were rolled forward and her head still tucked downwards to protect her throat. The hair around her body had stood to attention to protect her as best as it could. She kept her abdomen tight. Her weight had been evenly distributed through out her legs. Her claws still clung at the earth.

While she was attacking she shifted her weight onto her back legs to keep her balance in her body. Her back toes pushed into the ground and her tail swung outwards to help center her body and maintain balance. While newt is aiming to bite medusas jaws she has her head on a slight angle, level with her body, and lowered to protect her throat. Her lips are curled backwards, her jaws are parted, her eyes are narrowed and her ears were tight to her head. She allows her muscles to relax while in her forward motion. She also maintains her shoulders rolled forward and the hair around her body was still upright in an attempt to protect the skin beneath it.

First round: Bite wound to the upper right shoulder where the shoulder and shoulder blade meet about a half an inch deep.

Second round: Newt is attempting to slam her right shoulder into medusas left shoulder hoping to counter the weight and cause minimal bruising should it succeed. The second bite wound was a few inches away from the first and more vicious in nature. So she is left with a seeping pulled wound. Where the skin has been ripped into but no damage to the muscle has been done. It is a clean tear to the right so the skin would be slightly free and bleeding would be nothing life threatening but significantly seeping.

Third round: Medusa bit newt?s right shoulder but released immediately. In my previous round I had said Medusa had grabbed and tore to the right, making the wound a seeping wound. But the way Medusa reacting in this round means that wound needs to be changed into a half an inch deep rather then the tearing wound I had expected because Medusa in her post had wanted to tear to the right. However in this round she had said that she had bit and released immediately. So now Newt has two sets of half inch puncture wounds in her right shoulder a few inches apart from each other. The bite to her nose is pending due to Medusas reaction in the next round to Newt attempting to bite her bottom jaw. She has also avoided the wolverine?s attack by raising her body up off the ground, curling her legs into her body, and attacking Medusa head on.

Ooc: The section with the wolverine confused me. I was unsure if it was assumed that the wolverine hit newt due to the sentence ?Immediately the creature stepped backwards, hoping that it would be able to pull Newt?s left paw backwards? this is assuming it scored its intended area however, with newt rearing up to meet Medusa head on and slam her paws into her chest/shoulders she is avoiding the attack and I am unsure of any alternate attacks that the wolverine would have had. So I am considering it is still forward from missing the bite and when newt slams her paws down it will be directly beneath her paws. This isn?t to say that it cannot avoid this attack I am still giving reaction time.

Medusa i


5 Years
11-07-2013, 07:55 PM

The fight was progressing, coming closer and closer to closing. Medusa was not going to relent, not until one of them had to give in, and the harlot was determined. Newt made no move to turn with the harlot, and thus an angle was established. Her attack had been an attempt to bite forward and pull back, taking place within a second or so of each other. It had been an attempt to grasp flesh and pull back. Alas, Newt came back with a different attack of her own, timed in a way that the harlot would be unable to full defend herself from such attacks. Alas, Medusa had been at an angle by that time (given Newt had not moved to turn towards Medusa at all), and she had been pulling backwards. It was strange that Newt could switch her attacks so quickly, as Medusa?s nose attack had been aimed to hit at the exact same time that the giantess was seeking to hit her attack on the black woman?s neck, but the snake would not reflect on this.

Because of Medusa?s movement backwards, the attack?s success was changed. Teeth scraped along the harlot?s inner gums on her own left side, leaving moderate scrapes, but they clamped down on her bottom left lip and the bottom of her chin. As Medusa ripped back the flesh ripped, her bottom left lip torn and bleeding. The pain was severe, blood oozing down her chin, but the woman would not give up. She had enough left in her for one round, between the blood on her shoulder wound and the blood on her lip, and she would not be one to give up. A part of flesh was missing from her lips, but for now the siren would not mourn the loss of her pretty appearance. For now, she was concerned with death.
She?d moved back enough to avoid Newt?s charge previously, and thus without the giantess moving to face her, not much damage was possible to the harlot. The giantess reared and kicked out with her front legs, but only her right managed to brush along Medusa?s chest, delivering only the slightest bruising and no lacerations due to the fur that padded the area. This was all due to previous movement, and the harlot was going to seek to take advantage now. The harlot pivoted slightly more left during her initial moments of rearing up, hoping to bring them perpendicular. Hind legs tensed and then released, springing the dark mistress forwards. Her body sought to close any distance, hoping to, upon being close enough, transfer weight into her hind limbs. Her left paw had met air when she?d attempted to off balance Newt (similarly, Steno?s attacks had also met air, but the wolverine had been committing a backward retreat regardless. Thus, she?d be safe from Newt?s weight, as she?d never been trying to be directly under the woman?s paw anyways, and she?d been pulling back much like her mistress had), and her weight had already adjusted to three legs. Now it was seeking to adjust to the hind two.
She wanted to barrel into Newt?s right front side, hopefully in the shoulder area, the timing of her attack likely around a time when the giantess would be coming down so that the woman would be closer to Medusa?s height, as the harlot was seeking to rise when she hoped the giant would be falling towards the ground. Left leg and right leg sought to wrap around Newt?s neck, hoping she would still be airborne, and thus potentially off balance. She was bigger, yes, but Medusa had a great amount of forward momentum in her attack, and she hoped that by colliding with a strong force and with the woman on two legs, it might knock her off balance. Her legs wanted to hold onto the woman?s neck, to keep her latched on so that she might be on top of the giantess should she fall, and to hopefully keep her from wriggling away.
Jaws sought to bite into the lower part of Newt?s throat, head shaking while she tried to go in, hoping to collide and rip into the woman?s wind pipe, arteries, or both. The harlot wanted to put an end to this; her shoulder and chest ached fiercely from the position she?d put them in to attempt her attacks, and she didn?t want the battle to linger on. Hind legs were spread equally and bent as much as possible, weight evenly distributed upon those limbs, although about half her weight was attempting to shove into a potentially vulnerable Newt. Toes spread, claws bit into the soil, tail wagged out behind her to aide her balance, hackles raised, shoulder rolled as best as possible, head seeking to keep as close to aligned with her spine as possible, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted as best they could when not receiving the gift of flesh, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

ATTACKS: raising up off her front legs and attempting to slam her chest into Newt?s right shoulder, hoping to wrap her arms around Newt?s neck and cling to her whilst seeking to topple her with her forward momentum, seeking to bite into her throat with a tearing motion

INJURIES: missing chunk of flesh and skin on front of right shoulder (bleeding heavily), moderate bruising to left shoulder, torn bottom left lip, slight bruising to chest

DEFENSES: Hind legs were spread equally and bent as much as possible, weight evenly distributed upon those limbs, although about half her weight was attempting to shove into a potentially vulnerable Newt. Toes spread, claws bit into the soil, tail wagged out behind her to aide her balance, hackles raised, shoulder rolled as best as possible, head seeking to keep as close to aligned with her spine as possible, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted as best they could when not receiving the gift of flesh, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
OOC: That section meant that regardless of success Stheno was pulling backwards; so it was a forward surge and then a backward retreat [: At any rate, good fight, Dark! Good luck in judging :D If you end up being the one posting the link in the board remember to specify who we agreed would not be judging <3


11-08-2013, 02:53 PM

Her heart was thrumming with her desire. She could feel the hunger for it all building up inside her. She had lost the last time they had clashed fangs. Blinded by her rage and her desire to finish as quickly as she could to get to Kaios. This time she had no such distractions. She had everything to live for. Her children still needed her, Zara still needed her, and Tortuga above all. She had drawn in on those around her watching the battle. Prayed to Cerberus that she would win so Zara would not find her dead and gone. She was certain her daughter and son would avenge her if she did die but she hoped it wouldn?t come to that.

The movements she had made were simple. She had pushed her body just a little bit up, out and forward. She had done this to bite at Medusas bottom jaw and push her weight forward in order to shove Medusa towards the ground. Medusa had managed to bite the edge of her nose (Pulling from nose to lip causing a gash) as Newts fangs scored Medusas lip and she felt her right paw hit medusas chest simultaneously. Her ears had remained pinned, eyes squinted, and jaws had snapped quickly shut when she felt them touch flesh. Medusa had pulled her head back and Newts teeth had pulled straight threw medusas lip. Newt had shifted her head when she had gone to bite, so she had thought her teeth would have scored the skin between the jaws rather then the bottom lip. She was also unsure as to how her pushing paw had delivered little to no damage. She had a good 70 pounds on medusa and she had been attempting through out the battle.

Newts left paw hit Medusas chest when she kicked out her legs. Once her paw pushed off Medusas chest it would return to the ground. Her body would become balanced once more as she pushed her weight down to help dispensed the recoil from her push. She kept her legs parted and even with the ground. Her tail had curled upright to also help retain her balance. Once her teeth had ripped threw Medusas lip she had tucked her head down to protect her neck. Her toes were splayed and her claws dug into the ground once again. Her shoulders had rolled forward again and her hair still remained upright. She would then pivot her own backend towards the left to give Medusa less of an angle to hit her right side directly.

At the same time she had seen Medusa coming forward, (from the distance Newts push had done?) Newt had pivoted her backend and pushed her body down and outwards. Medusa was rearing and gearing up to slam her body into Newts shoulder area. Newt had propelled herself forward using her back legs as medusa had reared. She kept her tail out to help with her balance, and pushing towards the middle of Medusas body. This had put her beneath Medusa due to her rearing. Medusas body would fall over her left side due to her still being on an angle. With Medusas impact it would cause some bruising along her left shoulder where her blades protected her spine. Medusas claws had been aiming to hold Newts neck. They were now digging into the left side of Newts ribs and the edge of her right side where her ribs met her back. Medusas jaws had intended to bite Newts throat. They were now digging into the meaty area just above her previous bite wounds and into the thicker coat where her scruff met her back and tore a deep gash into it.

Newt?s hair was still raised and her shoulders were still rolled forward to give her extra protection. Her abdomen was still tight and her legs were still evenly parted to maintain her balance. She had opened her jaws and pushed her body forward at the same time that medusa had reared. Medusa was still on an angle, not the angle she had intended for but still closer to Newts left side. As medusa had lunged forward, Newt had pushed beneath Medusas body. Her ears were tucked close to her head and her eyes were squinted. She kept her body evenly balanced as she aimed for the lower stomach area. Her tail had tucked beneath her legs to protect her groin. Her toes were splayed and her claws dug into the ground. She would attempt to grasp the soft fleshy part of Medusa stomach to rip it open. If her jaws could hook into the soft fleshy stomach she would rip her head towards the left and shove her body towards the left to flip Medusa off her back and continue to rip into her stomach and end the vipers life. If medusa happened to hope forward and try and climb on Newts face, she would then aim her attempt at medusas left inner thigh and attempt to puncture the main artery and bleed her out.


Round Four of Four

ATTACKS: She is attempting to duck and lung towards the middle of Medusas stomach. Medusa is still on an angle so she is aiming to grip the bottom portion of medusas stomach. She is attempting to rip her teeth into the fleshy area and tear. If medusa attempts to climb over Newts body then she is attempting to grasp medusas left thigh and dig her teeth into it to hit the artery and bleed her out.

DEFENSES: Once Newt hits medusas chest she touches the ground immediately due to the short amount of distance from ground and her paws. Upon touching the ground she would rebalanced her body once more and pushed her weight down to help dissipate the recoil from her push. She kept her legs parted and even with the ground. Her tail had curled upright to also help retain her balance. Once her teeth had ripped threw Medusas lip she had tucked her head down to protect her neck. Her toes were splayed and her claws dug into the ground once again. Her shoulders had rolled forward again and her hair still remained upright.

When Lunging forwards her hair was still raised to protect her skin beneath it and her shoulders were still rolled forward. Her tail had been out and level with her body. Her abdomen was still tight and her legs were still spread apart and evenly balanced. Once she lunged beneath Medusa she She kept her ears tucked close to her head and her eyes squinted. Her tail was now tucked beneath her legs to protect her groin area. Her toes were splayed and claws dug into the ground.


First round: Bite wound to the upper right shoulder where the shoulder and shoulder blade meet about a half an inch deep.

Second round: Newt is attempting to slam her right shoulder into medusas left shoulder hoping to counter the weight and cause minimal bruising should it succeed. The second bite wound was a few inches away from the first and more vicious in nature. So she is left with a seeping pulled wound. Where the skin has been ripped into but no damage to the muscle has been done. It is a clean tear to the right so the skin would be slightly free and bleeding would be nothing life threatening but significantly seeping.

Third round: Medusa bit newt?s right shoulder but released immediately. In my previous round I had said Medusa had grabbed and tore to the right, making the wound a seeping wound. But the way Medusa reacting in this round means that wound needs to be changed into a half an inch deep rather then the tearing wound I had expected because Medusa in her post had wanted to tear to the right. However in this round she had said that she had bit and released immediately. So now Newt has two sets of half inch puncture wounds in her right shoulder a few inches apart from each other. The bite to her nose is pending due to Medusas reaction in the next round to Newt attempting to bite her bottom jaw. She has also avoided the wolverine?s attack by raising her body up off the ground, curling her legs into her body, and attacking Medusa head on.
Fourth Round: Medusa had scored Newts nose this round, just at the edge so she had a gash from her nose to her lip. Medusa had also shoved her shoulder attack onto newts back as newt lunged beneath her causing bruising along her upper shoulder. Medusas claws had dug into newt?s side/rids causing some minor scraps pending on the outcome. Medusas fangs scored the area above necks neck/shoulder blade where the scruff is the thickest and tore into its creating a deep gash.

Ooc: I just want to make a note of Newt and Medusas stats. Newt is 43 inches tall and 200 pounds. Medusa is 35 inches tall and 120 pounds.

Note: Also Thank you muse for the fight. It was fun and relaxed and I am glad we both agreed to it this time. So no hard feelings and I am anxious to see the results. Thank you and good luck :) I will also make the note of who we requested not to judge the fight when I post in maintenance.