
do i look like a snacc to you?



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-21-2023, 03:26 PM
word count: 327

Tachi had admittedly grown into a bit of a homebody, very much viewed the outside world as an us verse them situation. It didn't help that he came from two lineages, or types of wolves, that very much thought themselves better than others. Nihon and Torbine, two sides of the same coin. Different, yet with similarities noticeable under close enough scrutiny. Archer-Genji, he was a mishmash of a young man and hadn't quite decided what he felt like doing with himself just yet. Who knew for sure at this age? Aside from Rheum who was seemingly chomping at the bit to get out, for whatever reason in her pink-air head.

Either way he found himself going for a short wander, nowhere too far from home and the looming rocks of the Runestones came into view. The sun had yet to set, the world was cast in a fiery glow as twilight settled in for a brief while. Comfortable in its fleeting nature, as though always certain it would return the following evening. That was how Tachi felt about Tojo, he supposed, that even if he did venture off he'd always come back. Always. As an Archer, family always came first. Fuck everyone else, maybe literally.

Except the yearling was not alone in this place. Perhaps they'd spotted him from afar, noticed he was wandering about all alone, seemingly distracted by the thoughts ticking around in his mind. His senses were sharp enough to pick up on them though, they hadn't managed to get as close to him as they would have liked. Tachi turned, eying the pack of coyotes with narrowed orange eyes. His expression near the spitting image of an annoyed Morganna Archer. Bitch faces ran strong on that side of the family, though he'd also inherited the charm of his sires smiles. The best of both worlds.

"What?" He asked them dryly, but he didn't really expect a response. Not of words, but rather teeth.


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
03-23-2023, 07:01 AM

She happened to wander toward the Runestones for a spot to contemplate. Lately, it was all that she felt she had been doing. On her patrols, at night, during the day, whenever her brain was working, she was thinking. Really, Tenshi was growing rather tired of it. But to stop contemplating would mean she needed to come to a resolution in her thoughts. To stop the back and forth of her mind that ping-ponged off the walls.

Bringing herself to the present that surrounded her, she tried to shut her brain off. To feel the grass, to hear the wind, to taste the salty breeze. Everything around her was so real and yet, felt so fake. As if she were in a different world completely. If one were to ask what was wrong with her as the expression on her face was quite lackluster, she would blame it on the lack of sleep. Too busy patrolling the borders of the bamboo to get a full night's rest.

What was more real was the high-pitched group of snarls. Her left ear tilts in the direction of the commotion as her chin barely moves in the same direction. All four of her paws freeze in place as she feels the itch of fluttering grass against her ankles. Always prepared with her shoulder pads and shuriken strapped to her shoulder, she was prepared for a fight. Any time she left the confines of the bamboo, she dressed in protection and slung a small medic bag around her neck. Not a moment later, she spotted near the glowing stones a group of coyotes. They weren't often seen in this area as the open field left them quite unprotected, but she supposed it wasn't all too odd if they had found some prey.

Except, as her steel blue gaze shifted to their quandary, she quickly disagreed that their target was prey after all. Actually, the boy standing in front of them was a pack member, a Sedna pup, a young yearling by the name of Tachi. Unfortunately for those coyotes, they were in for a rude awakening. She would take no longer than a moment to start charging toward the pack of coyotes. Coming from behind, she would meet the boy's gaze for a moment before lowering her head until her muzzle nearly grazed the grass. Tilting her antlers so the sharp end was pointing at their butts, Tenshi began to bowl them over and hopefully fling one or two into the air.

word count: 745/1500



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-23-2023, 08:49 AM
Word count: 247
total: 992

[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

The coyotes had merely been sizing him up, eying him up from a safe distance and Tachi had been staring back, orange gaze afire. But it appeared as though conflict was inevitable, as it tended to be with coyotes, as Tenshi crashed onto the scene. Bowling a couple of canines over with a sweep of her antlers. He wasn't opposed to fighting, not at all, but he could have preferred a chance to spit some insults at them first, rile them up even more before taking them all down with ease. On his own, cause surely he could do that. Surely a guy like him didn't need any help. But Tenshi, in an attempt to help wasn't really helping, Not in Tachi's opinion anyway. Did she think he was too feeble to look after himself? Yeah he might be younger than a lot of the other pack warriors but that meant little in his mind, he'd prove his worth soon enough.

He huffed as he launched onto the offensive, sweeping a foot forward and wrenching it to the side to knock a coyote off its paws. It fell with a thud, near hitting its head against one of the runestones as Tachi snapped his jaws, chasing it as it floundered out of the way, rolling and dodging, screeching all the while. Another coyote approached from behind, grinning as though it thought it was all clever and devious, like it could take full advantage of the yearlings' distraction.


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
03-23-2023, 09:26 AM

As her head came flying upward with a coyote sailing into the air, she saw the look on Tachi's face. That annoyed teenager expression could only mean one thing. She had gone and "mom'd" a little too much. Her attempt at helping, basically saving the day, had really been her smashing Tachi's attempt at proving himself. Even the snort that escaped his nostrils was obvious to her now pinned ears. A frown creased her lips as her brows pulled downward. Feeling quite like a bull in a china shop, Tenshi stopped in her tracks and sat her butt on the grass.

Unlike Tachi, she was a behemoth of an adult and stood firm like a mountain. A couple of coyotes coming her way meant nothing. As she watched him begin to tangle with two of them, she would simply pick up her paw at any coming toward her and bat it out of the way. Clearly, she had ruined his fun and wouldn't allow it to continue. She was on the side of allowing younglings to prove themselves and have their own fun. If he needed help, he was capable of requesting it.

"Apologies Tachi, you let me know when you need assistance," her voice is plain and straightforward as she continues to keep the coyotes off of her. Watching intently in case he got in over his head, Tenshi sat there with an interested but apprehensive expression.

word count: 1230/1500



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-23-2023, 09:42 AM
Word count: 151
total: 1381

[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

Tachi made a noise in the back of his throat as she spoke, acknowledging her words and intermingling it with a growl to warn the coyote behind him that it was next. Tenshi. She was all big like a mountain, old like one too. Bamboo grew and flourished, changed with the times and adapted. Stone was constant, stuck in the past, never able to move on or grow. Sounded about right.

Giving the first coyote a solid kick to the stomach, and maybe grinding his paw a little, he swept around intending to smack his chin into the coyote's throat- only to realise well...coyotes were too short for that and he was too tall. Thus he made to grab its scruff, picking up as he lobbed it Tenshi's way. Yeah, he didn't want her help but it also pissed him off she was just hanging out here, like he needed supervising. 


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-09-2023, 09:52 AM
She would only have to sit and watch for a few moments. Right away, she was impressed with Tachi’s thoroughness but not surprised. His parents were valiant folks and she wouldn’t expect anything less from a nephew of Hattori’s. Enjoying the massacre of coyotes until Tachi threw one her way, Tenshi was quick to react.

Swiftly getting to her paws, she reached out and snagged the coyote by the leg as it came barreling at her. The poor thing appeared a tad knocked out by now, but she would participate nonetheless. Shaking it until its beady eyes rolled back, she spat it out as a few more took notice of her. Spearing one with her antlers in its ribs and shoving another with her shoulder, she stole a glance toward the boy.

“Having fun yet?” She calls out through gritted teeth before spitting a clump of hair out.

Word count: idk/1500