
Free to do anything



Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
03-18-2023, 01:25 AM

The boy wasn't even sure where he had caught wind of it, maybe it was the other yearlings whispering in the background, or maybe his masked lapwing had caught the words on the wind and bought them to him. Regardless, he was pretty certain Deluge would roll her eyes if he asked her to check it out with him, so he had gone to Scald instead. They'd both travelled the southern continent with Patience and they were both a year old now. Not that Sakana was a fighter, but hey, maybe there'd be some healing practice for him if they tracked down where this 'fight club' was supposed to be. Not only that, but he wasn't opposed to being a spectator to other's stupidity.

To his way of thinking, the north-eastern end of the dunes made sense. They were central, without being on anyone's doorstep, and the closer you got to the barren hills, even grass took root. Walled in on three sides by the glowshroom cavern, the river to the north and the aforementioned hills, there was minimal chance of anyone coming in to bust them up without being spotted a mile off too. But, it had its disadvantages too. As the sun beat down on his earthen coat, he looked to his darker companion apologetically. There wasn't a source of shade in sight. "Uh, doesn't look like this is the place, does it?"


the rougher the seas the smoother we sail



Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
03-24-2023, 08:10 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2023, 08:12 AM by Scald. Edited 2 times in total.)

When Tate from Tojo-Kai had approached him (in more than just a friendly fashion) about starting a fight club, Scald jumped at the chance. As lazy and nonchalant as the boy was, he was eager to see others duke it out for funsies. But it was supposed to be hush-hush for now. They didn't exactly want word getting out to all of the higher-ups because there was to be gambling and all sorts of shady business involved. While his own lips had been sealed, others' lips were as loose as well... a whore's to put it nicely. So when Sakana approached him to seek out this "fight club," Scald didn't want to give everything away. Nothing against Sakana, the kid was quiet and rather cool anyway, but the first rule about fight club was you weren't supposed to fucking talk about fight club. Therefore Scald agreed to entertain Sakana's search for this mysterious fight club in an absolutely not correct direction.

Instead of heading out east toward the real location, Scald happily agreed they venture west. Sakana's musings about the dunes being a good location for a fight club weren't far off. It was open so they could see anyone coming from far away and there were plenty of good areas to set up fight rings. The one downside that had Scald cursing under his breath was the unbearable sun beating down on his black pelt. He felt as if his skin would melt off as he narrowed his eyes toward his brown-colored friend. "Oh, you don't say," he sneered with curled lips toward Sakana. Really, it wasn't the boy's fault, Scald was just grumpy and was wishing he had brought along some water or booze at least. Huffing out a breath, Scald glanced around the dunes. Whoever had named it barren was on the money with that one.

"Ain't your fault, Kan. Whoever pointed you in this direction was an idiot," Scald tried to smile as he reached out to bump Sakana's shoulder with a playful paw. Kicking out at a rock that stuck up from the sand, he glanced around while wondering if he should just be honest. Or maybe they could make a day trip out of it. "Ya know, maybe they meant somewhere just north of here. I've heard of this valley that is always green and full of flowers and deer if you can make it through this ocean desert," his bi-colored gaze moved from the granules of sand to Sakana with an encouraging smile. "Up to you though. We can always head back if you don't think this fight club business will be here," he lifts a paw as if to shoo off the idea that it would even be possible.
