
I tried to fight it, but your so magnetic



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

02-18-2023, 10:22 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

ooc: please let Lucette post first, this is a continuation from their previous thread where he spoke to her about joining being a bad idea but was convinced to try, then anyone else can post <3

He had stayed in the cathedral all night with Luce just like he had promised her he would. If there was something Bae-Syl was good for it was for keeping his promises. He had waited for Lucy to wake up before even going hunting for the morning. He'd wanted to let her go talk to her parent's, and in that same instance her alphas, about him. they needed at least some kind of warning for what they might be in for. Though he knew she would likely refuse out of fear that he would likely disappear again. She probably wasn't wrong either.

The thought of him as a pack wolf was utterly preposterous. He wasn't cut out for it and he knew it, but for those big green eyes he would do anything. So here he was, sitting on the border like some obedient pup. Apprehension was welling up in his chest, as he sat there with Luce likely not far off. His ears were pressed back and he looked out into the lands that made up Ethne. He drew in a large breath, releasing it as he prepared himself.

He had waited there what felt like forever already, he knew he was cut from the same cloth as his cousins but also from the cloth that made his mom the sweet woman she was. Worst they could say was no and forbid Lucy from seeing him, right? Only one way to know what they would think or say. He tilted his head back and released a low howl, calling for the leaders. Lucy had made it clear the leaders were also her parents but he wasn't here for a friendly visit. he was here for something more business like. He sat himself up right and straightened his back and tucked his legs under him to appear as tall and soldier like as he could. the image he wanted them to see was of a strong man ready to fight for Lucy, not the pup from before playing soldier.

Now it was just a waiting game. He glanced to Lucy for the briefest of seconds, she was the one that probably needed to speak first, so he was more than content to let her.

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-12-2023, 09:26 PM

He hadn’t left her, just as he gave his word. Lucette’s sleep started uneasy, waking a couple times to ensure that Bae-Syl was indeed still there before she settled back down again. She finally managed to get through the night, the last few hours, reassured that he wouldn’t leave, being almost peaceful as she lay curled up to him. Luce had missed him, missed their time together terribly. It had felt like a huge part of herself was missing and now that Bae was back she felt a pressure relieved from her heart. When Lucy woke that morning she was a bit hesitant to even let Bae go hunting for them, a whine escaping her, and she watched him disappear with hopes and prayers that he would come back. That he wouldn’t suddenly break his word in an effort to try and protect her. She didn’t want protection, per sae… she wanted Bae-Syl…

It was then, and only then, that she’d slip away to find her mother. And… what a state Bellamy was in. Two of the most important wolves in her life and they were struggling with their minds. In different ways, sure, but was it really so different in the end? The fact that a tiger had almost made off with her sister had made Lucette’s stomach churn. She… she had been so detached that she hadn’t known about that. And her mom, rather than ask for help, had been trying to do everything on her own. Bellamy had stopped eating as much - it was clear by the weight she had lost. The woman looked exhausted, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. It was almost enough to make Lucette hesitant to reach out to her about Bae… but she also felt like it was necessary. If she could convince Bae that keeping an eye on things would protect her as well as the pack, then maybe his efforts could take some of the pressure off her mom. It’d be risky though… Dammit, what was the right move?

Lucette was torn, more torn than she’d ever been. A sigh left her as she made her way back toward Bae-Syl, where he’d likely be waiting at the borders… her mother promised to not be far behind. Worry gnawed at her. She had to be strong for them both. Drawing in a breath she did her best to draw from that confidence she had when she was younger, when she and Bae-Syl were traveling around just the two of them. It would be fine. Things were going to work out. They were strong, and she would hold them together. Somehow, some way.

Soon Bae would come into view and Lucette would quicken her step. The worry she had been feeling was masked, a small smile on her face. Her tail wagged behind her at the sight of the rainbow-marked man. She wouldn’t stop until she reached his side, snuggling up close to him. Then came Bae-Syl’s howl. He was ready, and she was too. “I met with mom briefly,” She told him. “She… looks a little rough right now… but I promise everything is going to be fine, Bae…” Words to reassure him as well as herself. She could fill him in on why Bells was in the state she was in later. Right now they just needed the meeting to happen.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-24-2023, 11:41 PM

Bellamy was tired. She was sure she had been up for maybe a day and a half, the better part of that on the move, and she was starting to move at a snails pace in her mind. She wanted to fall over, to curl up, to go to sleep, and hell, she might have considered going back to the cave at Lazuli Falls had she not been intercepted by her oldest child. Lucette had told her that Bae-Syl had been found, and whats more, wanted to speak with her at the borders of Cattail Creek. That was their secondary territory, less used, sure, and Bellamy had, for a brief moment, been hesitant to accept meeting with him at that moment. She didn’t hate the lad, no, in fact she felt she owed him a bit of a debt for his aid last time, as well as for him looking after Lucy and keeping her safe. She was just so worn out… Still, with a heavy sigh the Leader of Ethne changed course. Her sense of duty to her family and pack would outweigh whatever personal need she had. Even if it took her the point of collapse.

When she approached them Bellamy noticed that Lucette had already returned to the rainbow-marked male’s side. They were close, there was no denying that. Not to mention Lucy had seemed so lost when he first “disappeared”. She had tried to busy herself with keeping up with her lessons with Gavroche but she had a light back in her eyes now that the young male was around. Something Bellamy arched a brow at. With her daughter aging… and Bae-Syl too… would the two young adults start to realize their bond was more than just a close friendship? ...and… was she ready to become a grandmother if so?

Tossing that possibility out of her head for now Bellamy sat unceremoniously on the ground. Well, more like half dead weight dropped her rear onto the ground with a noisy thud. Her shoulders slumped and she tilted her head slightly to the side. “Bae-Syl...” She greeted. “It is good you returned...” Bellamy yawned. “So my boy, what brings you back to Ethne’s borders? Coming to steal my daughter for another grand adventure…?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-25-2023, 06:28 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

When lucette snuggled up to his side he gave a smile to her. A dip of his head as she said her mom looked rough, a curious glance to her. Bellamy looking rough meant either her mental state was slipping or that she was overdoing it on being an alpha. That or she just hadn't stopped recently to take care of herself. He was certain he would get an explanation in time though. He turned his eyes back to the area Lucy had come from, where he was sure Bellamy would appear from. He was not disappointed. She was there almost as soon as he had howled, meaning she was already on her way when he had done so.

He took in the sight of Bellamy as she sat, or rather flopped on the ground. She was underweight, looked somewhat unkempt, and looked exhausted. She looked like either she hadn't been asking her pack for help, or that her pack was so small that she just was doing everything herself. Knowing what he knew of the other headstrong warrior, it was likely she just hadn't sought out the help.

However he dipped his head in greeting to her to accept her own greeting of him but let out a chuckle at her question of his intent. "That would be highly inappropriate, asking to take her away to neglect her duties, don't you think? You make it sound like I'm nothing more than a Casanova Bellamy...." a smirk at his own joke of the situation. obviously he had never stolen Luce away but they could definitely make that joke over it. "Honestly though, I came to discuss joining Ethne, though with my recent mental state and issues I could understand being told no." He needed to be blunt and straight to the point. A glance towards Lucy was spared to make sure he was doing this right, if she really wanted him around he needed to do this right. hopefully she wouldn't be upset if Bellamy told him no though.

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-26-2023, 02:17 PM

Okay… maybe she hadn’t taken into consideration just how bad her mom looked right now. As a healer shouldn’t it have been part of her duty to make sure her mom took care of herself? Actually… what about her dad? Surely Gav was worried too? Or maybe they both just… didn’t feel comfortable trying to get the woman to do ask they asked. Lucy glanced at Bae-Syl as her ears fell a bit. She felt a bit guilty. She knew why her mom was pushing herself… and that was all the more reason why she wanted Bae to join. He could help. He was strong and Luce trusted him with her life. Blindly so. And her mom needed help, even if she wouldn’t admit it. She remained quiet for the moment, letting Bae answer the woman first.

Still, Lucette couldn’t help but smile a little. She certainly wouldn’t mind going on another trip with Bae sometime, but now wasn’t the time for that. At least not far beyond Ethne’s borders. Their previous adventures had been due to the hands of fate, after all. And while Lucy enjoyed their travels, it did feel nice to have a consistent place to lay her head down and be with her family again. He made his intentions known and Luce saw her mother arch a brow. She was quick to pipe up then. “I know that doesn’t sound good… but mom… you need help.” Lucy’s voice was quiet, a whine coming at the end of her words.

“Trying to be everywhere at once is killing you...” She glanced at Bae-Syl then. She… hadn’t told him. She sighed. “...we… had a predator come into Ethne. A tiger. It was starved and malnourished… and made a desperate attempt at taking one of my little sisters...” She heard Bells give a growl at the memory. “Mom has barely rested since then. Ethne has two territories, this one, and the main one at the Falls… I...” Lucette drew a breath and looked at her mom. “I will take responsibility for handling Bae’s mental health.” It seemed to be linked to being overprotective of her anyway so it should be fine, right? So long as he didn’t maul any of Ethne’s members cause they looked at her funny.

“Just… think about it. Leave Cattail Creek to Bae. He can prove himself that way. He’ll keep this territory safe, so you only need to be at the Falls… and stop spreading yourself so thin.” Lucette’s eyes flashed with worry. “You look ready to fall over… You need help!”

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-26-2023, 03:13 PM

Highly inappropriate, huh? Bellamy was a bit curious at Bae-Syl’s answer, though she certainly respected him for it. The woman managed a small, weary smile. “You are both adults now, Bae-Syl. You can’t blame a woman for having suspicions. Especially when you and Lucette enjoyed traveling so much together in the past.” Her tone might have been friendly over all, but her eyes would tell Bae-Syl more about her true thoughts than her words. She kept her green gaze focused on him. If he wanted to be with her daughter as more than a friend, he would need her approval. While the Leader welcomed the idea of her children finding love, she knew how naive some of them could be. Trusting. And she’d be damned if he got her pregnant or something and disappeared again for any reason. Bae-Syl hadn’t shown any intent to hurt or betray Luce yet, but his coming in and out of things did have her mom senses a bit worried.

That worry was easing a little at his next words, if only slightly. She arched a brow. He was finally considering joining them? The invitation had been there all along, unspoken, but the monochrome woman had become certain he was was wary of pack life. Besides, their first encounter probably didn’t exactly inspire confidence in having her as a leader. What was that about his recent mental state though? That did not sound good at all. Bellamy understood what it was like to wrestle with demons… but… would he be dangerous? Could she safely assume he wouldn’t lash out at their other members or even Lucette’s younger siblings? Her brow furrowed, considering her options, when Lucette spoke up.

Her daughter was anxious, worried, and her desire to have Bae with her was clear. She also brought up Bellamy’s recent activity and self neglect which earned a grunt from the woman. She was doing what she had to do. Hearing the mention of the tiger brought a snarl to Bellamy’s lip. “No beast, wolf or otherwise, will get away with harming any of my family.” That went for those of her blood, those who were adopted, and even those simply a member of the pack. Bellamy would protect them all, no matter the cost. Lucy’s next statement though caused Bellamy to frown, a bit of her own worry flickering in her eyes.

Lucette said she’d handle Bae-Syl’s mental health. Was… was it that bad? Her ears fell a little. She had never once seen him so much as move a single hair on her daughter out of place. Even if he went after others, she strongly believed he would hurt himself before he ever attacked her daughter. Bellamy closed her eyes with a sigh. Luce was right… spreading herself between two territories was way too much. Much of the pack was in the territory of the Falls too. That would give her daughter and Bae time to work on things. She flicked her eyes open, giving a small nod. “Very well… but I can’t say that your mention of your mental health wavering is a good sign...” Bells looked to Bae.

“Not that I’m… in a position to judge… am I?” She snorted. “I’m sure I look like shit. I feel it, too.” She yawned again. “I will accept you as a combatant of Ethne. You are to primarily still to Cattail Creek unless Lucette is with you as far as the lands go. If a month goes by without incident, you can start coming into the Falls and mingling more freely with the other members. You know yourself, and Luce knows you better, I’m sure.” Bellamy got to her paws. “I hate restricting any member… but if you are concerned… I should be just a little as well. Do what you can, Bae-Syl, and prove us both wrong. I’m sure you are capable.” The Leader yawned again.

“If there is nothing else… I want to nap… I’ll have Gavroche help Lucette bring her things out this way once you have two found a suitable place to den.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-27-2023, 08:42 PM

His ears pressed back and dropped as Luce spoke to her mother. Yeah it definitely didn't sound good did it? His eyes looked between the two women though. He needed to be clear and honest. That was the only way he was going to get anywhere with this though.

Then luce spoke more, and his stomach dropped and turned. A tiger? Trying to take a baby? If his face betrayed him and he was sure it did there was first horror and then outrage at the thought. He might not know the child but they were precious to Luce he was sure, and what was precious to her was meant to be his to protect.

He stayed silent though as a threat flew from Bellamy. Then Lucy said she would take responsibility for his mental state. A sigh fell from his lips. Of course she would pledge such things. After her words last night he should of expected as much. "Your mother needs to know Luce...." he looked back to Bellamy. She needed to know that it was something he wasn't certain of. "she got lucky last night when she found me Bellamy.... I'm not just seeing them anymore.... I hear them.... and I get so angry when things go towards Luce.... I mauled a coyote for it last night..... and I didn't feel like myself. I almost attacked Lucy when she found my densite last night." his eyes fell through his words. He was clearly ashamed to admit that he didn't have full control over it. But he had already connected that it had everything to do with his need to protect Lucy.

Then Luce continued. He had to agree with Lucy on that bit so he gave a single nod to her words. Bells looked ready to fall over and die. And then Bellamy accepted him but gave him limitations, but at the same time an entire area to patrol and keep safe. That would be no problem so he nodded, accepting her terms. He could deal with the restrictions, seeing as he wasn't being told he wasn't allowed to leave to explore and do other things.

"Go sleep, I'll help Lucy find a good den where she can still keep herbs and stuff, then ill go patrol and get myself familiar with the territory." he gave them a small smile. He would see about talking with Bellamy alone later after she had ate something and slept more. Give her a few days or weeks maybe.

"Talk, 'Think.'

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-10-2023, 09:55 PM

Ooc: Skipping Lucette to wrap this thread up. Assume she gets kind of quiet and just sticks near Bae-Syl.

Bae-Syl’s words gave her pause. As tired as she was, the warning he gave her caused the woman to turn back to him. She didn’t like the sound of that. Her gaze flicked to Lucette, seeing how her daughter was curled up to Bae-Syl. She furrowed her brow. Dangerous… she stared at them for a moment, the shadows dancing at the edge of her vision. She shook her head. Yes… he was dangerous. Could have attacked Luce… just like she could have attacked Gavroche on more than one occasion. A truth none but Gav knew. She drew in a breath. “Then let us pray that neither even has to act on the other for targeting the ones we love, Bae-Syl. Despite the danger… I’d be a bit of a hypocrite leading the pack in this state and turn you away, wouldn’t I?” She met his gaze. She knew that he would know what she meant by those words. It wasn’t just her exhaustion. Bellamy knew that she was dangerous under the surface. There was an unspoken promise and request in those words as well. Feeling Bae-Syl wound understand the Leader said no more, this time turning to leave her daughter and her best friend alone within the territory of the Creek.

-----------------------------------------End Thread-----------------------------------------

"Talk," 'Think.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.