
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide



6 Years
10-21-2013, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2013, 12:11 PM by Iorwerth.)

This upcoming war was not Seracia's. Whilst some of the members offered to help the allies, Iorwerth had been unable to do his part, he was too new to the pack. Sure he could stay behind and help protect the visiting wolves from Valhalla, but it felt like a bit of a consolation prize. It was the correct choice of course, the pack knew nothing really about him and in all honestly he of course had only just heard of the alliance as he heard about the war itself. To stay here was the King's decision for him, and he had no choice really but to respect that. A part of him was slightly relieved, he would keep out of the politics he knew so little about, though it surely would have been a wonderful opportunity to prove himself.

He would simply have to wait, he would have plenty of opportunities to develop within the pack, and it was surely better for him to learn more before attempting to rise through the ranks at all. It was all common sense, he knew it and yet still couldn't help that small amount of disappointment, fortunately hidden by his stony exterior though, he certainly didn't want to be stuck at the bottom of the pack for too long, somewhere with a little bit of power, proof that he was a success was what he longed for.

To start he really ought to head back and actually start socialising with his new pack, get to know others and hopefully as more than acquaintances. And yet a little after the others had left, he had found himself tracing their very same path, halting as he grew closer to the borders. To leave would perhaps seem like he was disobeying, about to go and help anyway but he couldn't bring himself to head back just yet. He could do a patrol of sorts, even if it wasn't his job to do so.



10-21-2013, 08:25 PM

Once again, the young girl was far from her home. Why? Oh never because she disliked the place. No, Resnera just loved adventure. She loved the excitement and the uncertainty. The freedom of exploring writhed beneath her skin, itching to be let out and set free, and Resnera happily obliged. She wanted to see the world and to know it, not be stuck in some lovely little bubble for the rest of her life. To experience new things was to truly live, and she would not be denied the opportunity.

Breathing in she picked up the scent of a new boarder. It was not one she had been to before and so she had no idea whether the place was friendly or not. Standing there she looked down at it, that imaginary line that mustn't be crossed without permission. A smirk placed itself on her face. Rules had never been her thing. Hopping over it, she began to trot along the border. She would not venture too far in with war brewing, but she was dare devil enough to be inside of it.

Her black form moved with grace, and she was rather quiet for one so young. Another's scent wafted to her nostrils. He was from this place, but barely. There was still something else lingered on his skin. Stepping around some bushes, she caught a glimpse of him. The little minx put a smile on her face and walked towards him. Everything about her screamed non-confrontational, so there was no reason for him to be upset, so she thought. "Hello." Resnera nodded to him as she came forward. "What is this place called? I have never been here before." To emphasis this statement she looked around and admired the place. It was beautiful to be sure.

When she turned her gaze back to the wolf before him she noticed that he was quite young, about her age perhaps. 'Oh good,' she thought, 'I have not run into someone of much importance. That may have been bad...' Her bright blue eyes would sparkle as always when there was risk involved. The youngster loved the excitement of it and the thrill of not knowing."My name is Resnera by the way. It is nice to meet you..." Her voice drifted off, giving him ample time to give his name.




6 Years
10-22-2013, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2013, 07:46 AM by Iorwerth.)

Whilst peace and quiet may have done others some good, the same circle of thoughts kept swirling around Iorwerth's mind. Still that longing to do some good and yet his sensible side continually reminding him it was better for all involved that he had remained here. Beyond the name of the pack and that Epiphron had come from there, he knew nothing about Valhalla, how on earth was he supposed to separate them from enemy if it came to it. He just needed something to shift the topic from his mind, if only for a little while and perhaps later he would arrive at a single viewpoint and be able to deal with his thoughts. Realising that, he was about to turn and head further back into the pack lands when he caught sight of someone moving around the borders. It seemed his distraction had arrived earlier than expected.

Not that either wolf was actually aware of the link, though their packs were allied. Whilst the young girl probably still shouldn't have been there, she was in far less trouble than if she had crossed into Glaciem's territory for example. All Iorwerth was aware of as he covered the distance to meet the stranger at the edges, was that her scent, whilst belonging to a pack, was not Seracia. His own scent only weakly bore that of his pack, all the more reason he ought to begin socialising properly with them. For now though this intruder held his attention.

She was younger than he, a similar age to his half siblings he guessed. The difference may not have been so important now between the two wolves here, though the age gap certainly had been when those siblings had been born. He tried never to focus on memories of them, a task made rather easy by the complete lack of a connection, they probably didn't even remember him and he doubted any in the pack made a habit of informing them of his existence.

"This is the Kingdom of Seracia." He informed her as she spoke, almost completely oblivious it seemed to the fact she was currently trespassing. "You ought to be more careful where you walk." He warned, he certainly had no power to punish her, though he supposed he would have to call upon someone superior if she didn't simply leave. "Why are you here?"



10-22-2013, 08:28 AM

So this was Seracia? It was nice to be sure, but she was only on the outskirts so she could not give a definite opinion on this place. Carefully, the young man had alluded her sort of question about her name and had asked her another question instead. She harrumphed and rolled her eyes. The young wolfess could play that game too. "Oh but I think it's much more interesting as to why you are here." Her big blue eyes scanned his face, "For surely you are young and not from this pack originally. What convinced you to live here?"

Her curiosity sparkled in her eyes and showered over her face. She just couldn't hide it! Anything new, anything exciting was a source of interest to her. Why had the young wolf moved? Yes, he had come here recently, but he was still quite young, or at least she thought he was. Did something happen to his family? Perhaps they all moved here. What happened to their former home then? A million questions popped up in her mind and she was on a slight high from the intellectual inquiring.

Plopping her behind into the newly fallen leaves, she curled her tail around her feet to wait for his answer. A warm smile was placed upon her lips. "As for your question, I'm just exploring, and I mean no offense by coming here. I am from Valhalla and, to be honest, it is quite boring when everyone is sent off to war and you are too young." Her face formed a pout, but not for long. A smile graced her lips once more as she continued and a spark formed in her turquoise eyes,"So I have been exploring! No one notices a young girl like me when there is a war afoot. There is a whole world outside of my home that no one else my age seems to know about!" Resnera shook her head sadly. "It's depressing really. I've been steering clear of the war though. Nothing good can come if I go that direction." It had been tempting to follow her father and brother in their training and expeditions, but there was no reason to be that stupid. A girl could get hurt that way.

After her little excited ramble, she began to focus on the wolf before her again. Her ears perked and she cocked her head. "Now what is your story?" The young girl was always a bundle of happy. However, it was never that girly happy that some females had. No, that would never be Resnera. Her happiness was that of intellect and a need to know about the world rather than just pretty little butterflies. Realizing then, that she may have overstepped her bounds, she dipped her head, "If you don't mind telling me that is." Her bright blue eyes settled on him and they pleaded to hear a story. Who could deny this pretty little face?




6 Years
10-22-2013, 08:56 AM

Iorwerth was a little rough around the edges you could say, to ignore someone asking for his name was perhaps a rather mellow example on his list. Of course he had behaved far better when he had been stepping upon these lands for the first time or speaking to Maverick a while ago, though they had to be respected. He had more of a right to be here than Resnera, he certainly didn't need to treat her in the same way he had the King or Queen. Truth be told it wasn't even something that had happened entirely on purpose, his name was hardly important information here, whereas finding out why Resnera was here was required.

She continued to talk anyway, a rather chatty little thing who certainly had more to say than the serious male before her. The detail about Vahalla was enough to make him calm slightly, although there was no visible change to him at all. She was an ally at least, a young girl who had wandered from her pack, surely it was better for her to be here then than anywhere else. Even if she had the sense to steer clear of the fight, there was no ensuring her safety, especially not when she didn't even know that this pack was safe and in allegiance with her own.

Perhaps it'd be better then to keep her talking for now, if Epiphron or even someone else came along perhaps they would actually even know Resnera and have a better idea of what to actually do with her, only calling them now could potentially make her clear off again, out of wanting to continue 'exploring'. It had never been a desire of his at all until it had become painfully obvious that he no longer had a place in his pack, nor could he live with his mother in her pack. Only then had he travelled and now settled here. Those details were his own however, and whilst he had shared them with the Queen, he saw no reason as to why Resnera needed to know about them.

He had to say something though if he planned on keeping her out of trouble. "I had to leave my previous pack and after travelling decided to join another. I have so far found Seracia to be pleasing." He of course hadn't been here long at all, though that was besides the point. He didn't feel like sharing too much more, and fell quiet once more, assuming it wouldn't be long before the little chatterbox started up again.



10-22-2013, 11:46 AM

Though the wolf was listening to her, it was by no means attentive. He didn't seem to care much at all about what she said, and Resnera's spirits dampened just a little bit. She was her daddy's little girl and used be being the center of attention. It was odd for her to have someone that just didn't care at all. Though it wasn't overly noticeable in her features, an observant wolf would have been able to tell. Her shoulders relaxed a little from their hyper state, and her eyes sparkled just a bit less as she continued to look at his disinterested face.

When she finished speaking she was still highly interested in his story, and so her eyes and body perked up again. It was in her nature to be curious, and even a little set back couldn't stop that. "I had to leave my previous pack and after travelling decided to join another. I have so far found Seracia to be pleasing." His speech wasn't long, but the fact that he had said had instead of wished to made her feel for him. It would be awful to have to leave Valhalla because she was no longer wanted or that it was too dangerous for her to be there.

Young Resnera's feelings showed through her eyes as if they were projected at you. With age she will come to learn how to control this, very well actually, but for right now her eyes bled with a sadness for him and a bit of depression at being ignored. "Oh," Her voice was soft unlike than the excited gabble of words that usually poured out of her mouth,"I'm sorry." She hesitated a minute. It was probably inappropriate to give the other wolf a hug...probably...very....more than likely... but if one knew Resnera they knew that she really didn't care. She would always do what she thought was right or what the other needed, and right now she felt that this poor boy needed a hug. Stepping forward, she would stop and bite her lip a bit and cock her head at him. That would be as much of a 'Can I hug you?' as the young man would get. Then she'd quickly close the distance and place a hug around his neck.

It would be short lived of course, but she would give him a quick squeeze before back pedaling like the naive little girl she was. Looking anywhere but at him she would say, "I should probably be going now... I hate to be a bother." Resnera would stand there, not exactly sure where she wanted to go. She knew where home was, but this was such a short field trip she didn't know if she wanted to go elsewhere. Again it was obvious that the wheels were turning in her head. To be honest she really didn't want to go, but she didn't want to be a burden either. This is where her hesitation came from. Indecisive for once, there was a long enough break, and a quick enough look in the direction of the war where her eyes brightened again, to perhaps cause the male to want to make her stay so as she didn't do something stupid.




6 Years
10-22-2013, 12:38 PM

Resnera seemed to grow a little calmer for a moment, perhaps, Iorwerth thought hopefully, the burst of energy simply came from meeting a new wolf. Foolish behaviour really, especially given the war, she shouldn't have been so immediately trusting and yet if her typical personality didn't always run the risk of presenting the listener with a headache, well he thought that was certainly the better option. Especially given that he wasn't sure whether she was meant to be one of the refugees that King Maverick had mentioned earlier, perhaps one who had simply gotten here ahead of the rest of her pack, albeit by accident it seemed.

At his words however she calmed even more, growing even a little upset it seemed. The mood swing was entirely confusing for the male, Iorwerth himself wasn't even saddened by the path his life had taken. He'd been annoyed for a while, felt rather lonely and lost though he hopefully would find himself having a good fresh start here in Seracia. Sympathy certainly wasn't wanted nor required, a fact he had hopefully made clear to his family, certainly had to Epiphron though had clearly failed to do so here with Resnera.

"Don't be." He began to inform her of this error, her apologising wasn't about to change anything after all and the words were utterly useless. Her quick approach however prevented him from saying anything else as suddenly all distance had been closed and she was... what was she doing? "What are you doing?" He enquired taking a step back as she then did the same.

Her eyes looked down now, as she muttered about leaving, something that Iorwerth still wasn't sure whether it was a good idea or not. "Are you meant to be visiting Seracia with other members of your pack? To get away from the war?" He questioned, certainly not beating around the bush any longer. "If so perhaps it would be best for you to stay and speak to the King or Queen. It'd be useless to return now you are here."



10-22-2013, 05:06 PM

"What are you doing?"

She looked at him funny, "Haven't you ever had a hug?" In Resnera's family she always gave hugs to her brothers when they were feeling down, maybe it was just something that his family hadn't done. His quick retreat was depressing. Usually wolves liked hugs where she came from. It wasn't like she meant anything by it, so what was his problem?

When he mentioned her being here as a sort of refugee, she raised an eyebrow at him. No, she was not here as a refugee. She hadn't even known that Valhalla was sending refugees... However, she thought she had made it abundantly clear that she was just hear exploring. There was no rhyme or reason to her actions and it seemed as if he was confused about her most obvious statements. Well, obvious to her at least. ", I'm not a refugee. I told you. I'm just exploring."

Before she could elaborate he started up again. This time he suggested talking to the king or queen of this land. Her eyes went wide. He wouldn't get her in trouble would he? Oh please no! She had just spoken with Chrysanthe and everything was going well. He would not mess this up for her. No, she wouldn't let him. Her eyes narrowed at him before she started to question him."Are you going to tell them I'm here?" Normally a quite playful wolf, Resnera was now all business."Please don't get me in trouble. I didn't do anything wrong. I mean unless you count the hug as wrong, but that was just friendly I swear!" She clamped her mouth shut. She was rambling again. "Sorry, sometimes I think out loud." Her mood had obviously darkened, thinking about being in trouble.

She wasn't mad at him, no just slightly irked. He was doing what he thought was best for his kingdom. But if he called for them, she would high tail it back to Valhalla for sure. She hadn't thought that he was that against adventure and having fun. Boy he really needs to lighten up some.

ooc; Sorry crap post is crap.




6 Years
10-22-2013, 05:19 PM

Iorwerth's father hadn't been the most affectionate of parents. Whilst he had been the only child the man had been a decent father, though such soft signs of kindness most certainly had not been shared between the pair. Perhaps his mother had once treated him in such a loving manner, if only suggested by the ridiculous nickname of Iolo she had given him until he had corrected her on the matter. After that it had likely become painstakingly obvious to the woman that he was not under any circumstances her little boy and therefore not to be treated as such. His life had certainly toughened him, a rather emotionless being at times.

He didn't answer her question, certainly not fond of the contact from a stranger and wishing to move away from the topic at the risk of possibly receiving another of these hugs. Instead the possibility of Resnera being a refugee was to be the new subject, a far more important and useful one than discussing hugs, at least Iorwerth certainly thought so anyway though it seemed that the young girl had little idea about the plan.

"I know what you said. You're not fighting in the war though are you and so I imagine your pack will be sending you here anyway." He informed her, fully explaining just what he had meant by the question. So young and rather innocent he supposed, he highly doubted that Valhalla would be allowing her to fight. On she rambled though about the possibility of getting into trouble until an apology tumbled from her mouth. "If I am correct and you are meant to be here at some point I highly doubt you'll get into any trouble." He clarified, glad that she had stopped speaking again, giving him a chance to instead.



10-22-2013, 07:02 PM

"Oh but I don't think you understand." Resnera wasn't at all worried about being in trouble with the king or queen. She was young and adorable and she had done nothing wrong. If they took offense to her being here she would simply apologize and leave. No, the problem came from the king and queen telling Chrysanthe who would tell her father. Now that was a problem. "No one knows I left to begin with."

She sat there and played with the leaves by her feet, drawing pictures in the dirt. Her eyes would be down cast. The young girl really did feel guilty about leaving the pack so much, but it was so boring and she just wanted to see the world. No one could fault her in that....could they? Probably. She shook her head. So many rules. Maybe one day she would break them all. A slight grin formed on her face at that.

The refugee program was new to her, but then again she had missed the meeting. Her eyes rolled as she thought. that was so stupid of her. Really, she should have known who that call was from and what it was about. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh well, at least Chrysanthe is a forgiving wolf. Looking up at the other wolf, who's name she still did not know, she knew she had to find a way to make him not tell his alphas that she was here. "Please, just don't tell them." She wasn't one for begging and so internally this turned her stomach. Of course, she had no problem with asking for help, but this was just disgusting. Unfortunately, she really didn't have another choice unless she wanted to fight him, and with no experience she'd most definitely lose. "I'll leave, I promise. Just don't tell them." Crystal blue eyes pleaded her case.




6 Years
10-26-2013, 02:54 PM

"That was foolish of you." Iorwerth retorted as she explained her absence from the pack was unknown to them all. Surely family or someone else would have noticed her disappearance by now, and it was most definitely a way to bring worry to them. Iorwerth didn't think he had ever personally been worried, nor had he brought any worry to others, he had witness the odd frantic mother in his time though, wandering where on earth their child had gone when the curious little pup had simply secretly followed an adult off somewhere else to try explore and learn new things.

It certainly wasn't his place to be worried or angry about that girl, and whilst his words may have suggested some concern for the situation, his tone nor anything else would present that idea, not even as Resnera dropped her head, silent now for a moment worried about herself. He cared little whether she got into trouble or not, all he knew was that if she wasn't going to stay here and speak to the King or Queen then she had better get back home, he wasn't going to hide her anywhere.

Funnily enough she was rather open to leaving anyway. Iorwerth was silent for a moment, thinking details over though there was no inkling as to what he thought of her pleading or willingness to leave. "Fine." He stated simply. "Leave now and hurry. Three wolves have just left from Seracia to aid your pack. Follow them and go home." His own plan now was to head back to the main area of the Kingdom, though he didn't shift until Resnera made her move.