
Show Me The Future



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10-10-2013, 09:44 AM

he yearned to know about that of which was his blood. Those who he had not yet met, and those that he had gone near a year without seeing. His sweetest Epiphron made that list and the behemoth would not hesitate to move towards Seracia. It had been long since the decisions to prepare for war had been made, and perhaps the circumstances came with more levity, but he shrugged away the thought of her being scared war had come. He only came wanting to meet his nieces and nephews. The proclaimed princes and princesses. How intriguing it would all be. The new Valhallan King watched carefully over the borders, for while he did not care, he did respect. A smile daunted his features as he envisioned Epiphron's boy king. He would hopefully recall the days Syrinx had tormented him in an attempt to bar him from his sister. It was all a failure that had resulted in Syrinx watching him have her anyways. Cairo would surely rely on him to kick his ass. How he would relish in the feat.

His head swung back and his vocals rang out for the king and queen to come. He yearned to hear what they had to say, and found himself most curious for the things that should have been of his blood. Were they given the Matthias name or the Adravendi? Were they worthy of the name he so proudly wore? Syrinx had a minorly misinterpreted version of it, and he was scarcly sane, but he made sure that those that deserved his care (those that had earned his father's) were looked after. And with the impending war, they would all see the colors of the man. They would see that though he were several different shades of a color, he was still vivid and easily communicated with. Perhaps he wasn't as tyrannical as he needed to be with the Valhallans, but he gave them a dose of something they had seemed to have forgotten --their ferocity.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-10-2013, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 02:54 PM by Epiphron.)

It was far from surprising that Syrinx would come eventually. Epiphron had heard rumor that Eos had given birth to their children; and though she loved her brother with all her heart and soul, despite everything ... the presence of Eos always left her feeling unsettled. Something was off about her sister, and while she did not fully despise her, she was content with hardly knowing the woman at all. And so when his call rang out across her rightfully-owned territory, her first thought was of how badly she hoped Eos was not with him. There was little hesitation as her ears perked upright, and her attention shifted toward the border.

The walk was short, and a slightly smug smile enveloped her features as the russet form of her only brother by blood came into view. Finally her physique had returned to normal -- she was now fully grow, and her once distended abdomen had shrunk and had returned to normal following nursing. A beauty, if there ever was one ... but no Adravendi child would be anything less. And she hadn't been concerned about her own children, since the Mathias line seemed to create equally as beautiful wolves. Her tail curled proudly above her back as she padded forth, moving to greet her brother with an embrace that did not withhold affection. Only her family -- her siblings, her children, her husband, and her adopted family -- ever received such open and warrantless affection.

This was so different than the last time he had seen her with Maverick. Surely he would arrive soon. Here, Syrinx had no grounds to threaten her husband, and she would not let him. But the thought was amusing in retrospect, though it had been anything but at the time. A delicate laugh fell from her lips, and she pulled back to fully examine him. "About time," she commented conversationally, though they had much to catch up on. She'd also heard rumor that Eos had briefly held the throne to Glaciem, but certainly did not now...



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10-13-2013, 07:17 PM


the heathen waited for quite a momnt for his sister to come, and as she arrivd, he would carefully look her over --there were no signs that she bore children, but time had a wondrous effect on the female body; clearly. tongue slowly slid across inky lips as he remained planted and watched her draw near. There was something more free about her here, at the same time, he felt as though a queen would be and feel constrained to something her people would need. it disgusted him to think she were widdled down into something less than what she was, but if she were happy, and oh gosh with Maverick -gag- then so be it. Oh disgust he had a heart. he would rip that problem out later.

"I suppose it is," the boy would let out the low words and allow her to touch him taking warmth in the touch of his little sister. She was a sweet thing and he had every intention to savor the feel of his sistr beside him, and yet, it was something that he enjoyed only semi as much as he should have. "I heard that you've had children? Eos and I have had our own children aswell. They are near nine months," granted they hadn't come to Valhalla until about 3 months ago, still, Epihron hadn't really come out to see them. The same could be said about him, however. He wondered, for a moment, if Epiphron knew of his children? Even wondered if she realized the children were not his, but his and Eos's. More than one had looked at him oddly for such a thing.

"I have come to meet your family. I have also come to ask a favor," he was not good at transitioning in typical conversations. He was even worse at sugar coating things; which would be quickly found out. The man rolled his shoulders and pulled back from her a bit, looking at the mild distance that parted them. It would be fair enough for him to say that he needed to figure out how to ask and get a yes, though, he prayed that she, as his sister, could come to stand up to what he would need of her.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 06:13 AM

She wished she'd had more time to discuss more important matters when she had visited Valhalla last, when she'd been burdened with unborn children, but one of Collision and Soleil's newborns had been around, and such talk was not necessary for children so young. Epiphron knew that she might not see her brother for some time from now, and so she would make the most of the meeting while she could.

The embrace was broken too soon; she couldn't deny she longed to feel the touch of her brother once again. "We have four children," she started, grinning slightly. Even despite the rumors that were confirmed by the beast himself -- he had sired children with Eos. "Three by blood, born this past summer," she continued. "And one girl that we took in. Arian Elisabeth Adravendi-Mathias." A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned to press her nose into Syrinx's shoulder. They held the Adravendi surname, but the Mathias one as well -- it truly did tie Seracia and Valhalla together, perhaps for eternity. A bound that would be nearly impossible to break. "As well as Cassius Leif, Amalia Jayne, and Quintus Nero." She wondered what his own children were like, and hoped desperately they would meet her own soon. It was important they recognize one another as family. "Chrysanthe told me about yours. I visited shortly after you arrived in Valhalla, but couldn't stay long." Erani had been intent on getting her back home before she went into labor.

So Syrinx had not just come to meet her family ... but also to ask a favor. What kind of favor could he possibly need? She would come to recline on her haunches, rather close to her brother, waiting for his question. "What do you need, Syrinx?" Hopefully Maverick would arrive soon.


10-14-2013, 05:16 PM

A summons rang out. Immediately his head would snap toward the direction of the call, bodice shifting into line only moments after. Tail would flicker behind him as he picked up a generous trot toward the caller. Epiphron's scent lingered ahead of him, letting him know that she was already present on the scene. For a moment he thought of letting her handle it herself, but it was always nice when they worked as a team. As he came into view, the russet king noted Epiphron and Syrinx. Ah, so her brother had finally come. The king would dip his head respectfully, brushing against Epiphron's side and coming to a halt. His rusty figure stood out in stark contrast to her ivory as his emerald gaze drifted to his brother-in-law. "Syrinx," he would greet the man, as generous a greeting as he could offer. This was perhaps the only man that had once stood in the way of he and Epiphron's union - and he hardly felt that Syrinx approved of them now. Epiphron finished off by asking her brother what he needed. Maverick's ear twitched slightly, wondering what the man could possibly wish to ask of them.




Extra small
10-16-2013, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 09:31 AM by Syrinx.)


he would listen to the story she would tell him about her life in Seracia, and about the children she had. She had four, like himself, and he found that it was interesting enough. Would Chrysanthe have four when she and Gideon decided it was time for children? The man found it curious that every Adravendi bore for. Even he, Chrysanthe, Epiphron, and Eos--they were four. Still, the thought would be interrupted as she told him one of them were adopted. Syrinx had lost his belief in taking children into the family with the way Neo had turned out. the child had sworn to reign downfall and horror on them, and he had come might close.

"Vyvienne, Cynder, Meinx, and Sevan are my children," he found that, given her lack of closeness with Eos, she deserved to know, "The children will make grand warriors...but they are all incarnations of Eos...I don't see them being the kind children Adravendi's typically are," or typically were. He had lost most of what tied him to Epiphron and chrysanthe, and yet something in him admitted this, he would never be able to turn back to who he was. it was a cold hard fact.

Maverick would finally come and Syrinx actually had to fight the urge to snarl at the man. No longer due to the fact he was with his sister, no, but namely due to the fact that he had beaten him at who would have her at their side. Still, it was fair to admit Syrinx was not the most capably sane. Perhaps Epiphron was better of in Seracia--sitting high as a Queen. He shook his head to him and gave him a firm nod of notification, and since his royal highness had arrived, Syrinx would jump right in, "You know we plan on going to war very soon. I came to request soldiers from you. Just a handfull. You know I plan on sending all children and those that can't fight here when it happens, but for the sake of defending who we are, we need a few to put in high ranks, and also one or two to run back here and alert you of the advancements," It was direct and to the point, Syrinx just prayed Seracia had more willing warriors than Valhalla did at the moment.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-16-2013, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 09:36 PM by Epiphron.)

"I would ask to meet them, but I expect they will be coming here with the rest of the children if need be?" Epiphron would care for them, and ensure they met her own children and become acquainted with one another. Who knew -- maybe they'd even make some friends here. "It doesn't matter to me what they are or are not. They are family and will be treated as such." Even if they were cold and detached like Eos, forever estranged from the rest of the family -- that would not stop her from trying to befriend them.

Maverick appeared as expected, greeting Maverick in a manner she was unaccustomed to seeing him speak in. It was not secret that her brother and husband weren't the biggest fans of one another, but they would simply have to deal with it. Quietly she pressed her side against his own. One of the hardest things for her to do would be to choose between her husband her her family, and it was a decision she desperately hoped she would never be forced to make.

Syrinx then confirmed what she already knew. Of course he would be pushing for war. It was uncalled for to threaten an Adravendi and expect nothing in return. And yet his request surprised her. He wanted some of their warriors to fight for them. Of course, Seracia had gained a lot by her coming here ... at least in Syrinx's eyes. Perhaps he felt they owed Valhalla something? Hesitantly she turned to watch Maverick, unsure of his own reaction.

Was this what their relationship had been boiled down to, she and Syrinx -- meeting merely to ask for favors and exchange political news? It made her smirk ever so slightly. They both had good excuses, but she wondered if he would see it in him to visit for no reason at all. Times had changed, certainly. "We do not boast many warriors," she said surely, still waiting on Maverick's response. He knew the wolves of Seracia much better than she. "But perhaps we can work something out."



Extra small
10-17-2013, 09:55 AM


was it too much to ask? He wasn't sure and didn't want to pretend as though it was a minor thing, for while he was caught in his own ambitions and wants--he had to admit that he would not lie to his sister for anything. The demon's head nodded and he rolled his shoulder, "If anything, I want them to at least hold loyalty dear. Perhaps you can show them what I fear I can't," It was no secret what he was speaking of for he had never been the emotional one, but Syrinx was well aware he was no figure to caudle and shower his children in adoration. While he wanted to and yearned to do so; he could find no such ability to do it. Not without it being awkward and cheapened. His personality had long ago been spoken. He could not change it now.

"If it sways you at all, Maverick, Epiphron, when the time comes...I'll be challenging to take his throne from him," all he needed were the mercenaries to hold off his legion. When the title was his, he would act out on the things he sought necessary. No child would be permitted breeding rights--for he would take them all. Above this--Isardis would forever lose what put him so far ahead of his brood.


10-17-2013, 10:54 AM

The current state of the union seemed to be weighing heavily on Syrinx's mind, that or something else was darkening his countenance. Whatever it may be, it unsettled the King of Seracia ever so slightly. It was childish to be swayed in this way, he knew it, but there was no helping it. His conscience ripped at his innards, reminding him that he was a King and ought to act like it. Through all of this his face remained placid, unwavering - leaving no sign of the turmoil within. Syrinx was in need of soldiers, warriors for Valhalla's cause. The russet man had known this was coming, though he had resisted offering them when the messengers had come. His mind reeled, calling forward names and faces of those he might send - those he trusted to do their job and behave honorably. There was Bronze, Dragon, Rivaxorus, Destruction.. there were more but how many could he afford to send? Valhalla would be harbored here - those that didn't fight - and it wasn't wise to send off all of his defense to battle when he had precious lives to protect. Lives that weren't his to risk. Epiphron spoke first, vaguely letting on that they would help in whatever way they could. Maverick nodded, voiceless as he contemplated. Syrinx interjected then, noting that he merely needed footsoldiers while a larger task was attempted. Syrinx sought to dethrone Isardis. When he was through Maverick would speak his piece. ?We have three, perhaps more I can offer. I would send everyone capable but we will need to hold back some for the sake of safety. When the call goes up I will see to it they attend.? He paused, remembering something - a tie to Glaciem. ?I have a request of you, if it can be managed. There is a woman of Glaciem.. Keita. She sought safety here but one of the Glaciem dogs came and fetched her. Her memory haunts me. Should you take Glaciem, I would request she be allowed to live here - if she still wishes.? Of course it might be a lofty request to ask of a woman from a recently conquered pack, but Maverick truly wished he could have helped her sooner. Perhaps this would be a way to make up for not being able to protect her then.




Extra small
10-17-2013, 03:32 PM


Syrinx was, actually, particularly easy to barter with. Of course, he expected no less than the read king to issue terms of his own when it came to the war at hand, and he was quick to nod and configure everything relain to him. The trade was fair and Syrinx found himself nodding with a fair grunt exuding his lungs, "I'll do you one better, I'll have my heir to challenge for her," The lord rolled his shoulders and gestured with his skull towards Seracia, "I would like to take in the three wolves to Valhalla. It would be wise warriors know the terrain, and each will hold a prestigious rank--enough to challenge for his women--enough to do their worst," and doing their worst was all the russet king asked of them. He wanted to watch Isardis's nation bleed.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-18-2013, 07:16 AM

It was a big favor for Syrinx to ask, but what Maverick might not know was that she would deny her brother nothing. Even if it made her uncomfortable. She watched her husband expectantly, acutely aware of the loud thudding of her heartbeat ringing in her ears. Epiphron knew if they were in a similar position, she would want to know Syrinx would offer some warriors to aid them.

She watched as Maverick mulled over the information and the possibilities. Syrinx did not merely want to win this war, but to go one step further -- the dethrone the King of Glaciem. Once again, would the four Adravendi children be thrust into power, on opposite corners of the lands? The thought almost made her smile, for she knew Cairo had raised them for this, but there were many other things not worth smiling about. Ears flicked in curiosity as Maverick put up another request; to rescue a woman that had tried to escape Glaciem into Seracia. To bring her to safety, here. A reasonable offer, and she was not surprised when Syrinx obliged.

And yet he wanted three wolves now, to bring to Valhalla to prepare them. part of her realized Maverick had not yet made up his mind about who would go. Hopefully there would be willing volunteers. It would not be fun to have to force members from comfort ... and it would be even more unsettling if no one was willing to fight for Seracia's honor and for their allies. The wolves taken to Valhalla would be given temporary high ranks, and allowed to challenge for Isardis' women or .. whatever they saw fit. She was unsure if any of the wolves would want to cause any unnecessary suffering, but silently she bowed her head in gratitude. "Then let us call those who wish to join you and figure this out." Epiphron glanced at Maverick from the side, wondering if it was time for them to go conduct this conversation with whatever volunteers came, likely away from Syrinx.



Extra small
10-21-2013, 06:00 PM

it was important that things be done in a manner that was quick and yet delicate. the warriors that were chosen would be representing vallhala and the alliance that seracia had forged with them. they would become each others' strength in a final moment where all would be needed and nothing could be lost. the king nodded and offered a grunt of approval to maverick. were the two pals? not in the slightest; but at least Syrinx found he could count on him. turning his eyes to Epiphron he watched her for but a long momet before her words gave off an even toned agreement, "Perhaps you should show me your kingdom, Pip," when was the last time she had been called that? Did Maverick hold pet names for her? syrinx didn't know, he wasn't interested, and already his stomach churned with wonderment.

Coding by Lu


10-22-2013, 11:37 AM

Syrinx took it a step further and offered to have the heir challenge for Keita. A faint smile crossed his lips and the russet king dipped his head gently. Syrinx wanted three soldiers from Seracia to go with him to Valhalla, to take on high ranks so they could challenge for Glaciem wolves. Maverick was worried in losing three of his soldiers, but he knew it was necessary to help Valhalla. Epiphron spoke up, requesting to call those who wished to help. Syrinx then asked to see the Kingdom. With a nod Maverick would interject. ?Yes, show him around, love. I'll call the soldiers and prepare them to leave with you this evening, Syrinx.? With that, the russet being would go and call his knights and prepare them to march.

Exit Maverick




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-22-2013, 01:48 PM

Despite the rather sobering occasion, she couldn't help but feel happy that her brother was visiting. Though it was obvious he was asking for a favor, it seemed he genuinely was interested in seeing her, as well. Maverick would accept the terms, even if not with great excitement. Turning to make his exit, she would lightly nuzzle into his neck and bid him farewell. There was much to worry about -- but for now she would simply be grateful her brother was here.

"Come, see my home," she offered, slipping closer to him now that her husband had made his swift departure. "Perhaps you can even meet your nieces and nephews." A moment of consideration, though, told her it shouldn't be a perhaps, but rather a definite. Tilting her head to the sky, she let out a short call for them, if they lingered nearby. It would do them good to meet their Uncle. Epiphron knew he would protect him, if anything ever happened to Seracia -- though she hated the mere thought of that.